When you click the note to go to the last post read, it'll take you to a post farther back in the thread. Except I've already read the thread. It seems to be quite far behind.
I can go to my User Panel and click threads I've replied in, but it'll still take me to 2 pages back.
I already know this is stored server side, so no, browser caches won't help me here.
edit: for example, the RB2 thread "last read post" link continually brings me back to this post:
even though I've refreshed the page a bajillion times.
and this post in the tbk thread:
even though i've read the rest (and replied to the thread after that)
stuck here in the GoW2 thread for me:
So it seems like the marking of threads read is still working, just not the last post.
It doesn't matter what browser you use. The last read post is stored server-side.
because google chrome does this a lot
as much as you might say "it has nothing to do with the browser"
I've had this happen at least 20 seperate times on google chrome yet never had it happen with firefox
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