for odd people from the internet to contact.
HealthyCoho: Hey.
dysleeper: Um... hi?
dysleeper: Do I know you?
HealthyCoho: hey
dysleeper: hay?
HealthyCoho: i'd say more than "hey" if i knew for sure who i was talking to.
dysleeper: dysleeper/daysleeper/adam/richard m. nixon/who're you
HealthyCoho: Chip Brazell / Belzarak Bladedancer
dysleeper: well alright then
dysleeper: how goes your tuesday
HealthyCoho: it could be worse
dysleeper: is this
the chip brazell
dysleeper: from georgia?
HealthyCoho: yup, thats me
dysleeper: big fan of your work
I haven't the foggiest notion of who this droog is. I don't think I've left AIM on "free for chat"
Anybody know this guy or have any idea why he'd message me? Here's what comes up from Google:
you should have asked for tits
PARKER, YOU'RE FIRED! <-- My comic book podcast! Satan look here!
Wait no I don't. <- All my blogs (Shepard, Wasted, J'onn, DCAU) are here now!
I'm workign up to it. You gotta romance Georgians. Just ask kovak.
t stationary: i know, seriously
Turns out he's losing his job due to recession. Maybe I can convince him to blow it up or something. More updates as conversation progresses.
pfft kovak whips 'em out at the drop of a dime
he's big into social networking. livejournal, myspace, facebook, linkedin, classmates and plaxo
and he looks like some kind of freak, too
I think he just wants to make friends.
He's probably lonely.
You should be his friend.
he's posted his home address in his livejournal. i'm thinking we should get together and send him some dickerdoodles
link is in the sig
i talked to her late last week
t centi: i tried but you are apparently not online
Secret Satan
Sadly, I turned sigs off about three months ago. Rarely do I miss them.
well in that case
there is an rss feed waaaay at the bottom:
Oh god, this is fantastic. I know what I'm reading while I goof of at work this week
Oh my God
apparently there is a bot by something called project upstream
it's related to twitter posts
here are some things about it:
go go gadget spam bots
edit; upon further reflection, it's kind of a neat way to randomly connect with people and now that i know what it is, i'll probably enjoy it more