Hey, I'm trying to start getting into drawing. Here are a couple variations on the same general picture. I'd appreciate it if you could tell me what (if anything) you like about it and what I could do to improve it and my drawing technique in general. Also, if you have any tutorials, guides or other resources you would like to recommend, I would really appreciate it.
No, I do not care that you have a 'style'. All styles pull from the core human anatomy, and warp it. If you can draw realistic, you'll be able to do your 'style' better, because you will KNOW what goes into it.
This is the single most core element I can offer. When you can make a good realistic image and understand how to get to that final point, everything else flows from that.
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oh, and the first page of the 'Questions, Discussions and Tutorials' thread will help for links to good theory stuff...