So I've trawled the archives back to front, and I can't find a strip that dances at the edge of memory; Anne (I think) was sitting on a bed, talking about something at length, and Gabe (I think) leapt over and hugged her, and a heart appeared. Does anyone remember this? I'm not crazy, right?
However, I've tried about a kajillion searches on all kinds of even only mildly related topics, and I cannot unearth what I'm after. I would dismiss myself as crazy, but I am not the only one to have seen this strip, and I am determined to unearth it.
Does anyone else remember the one I'm talking about? Do strips sometimes just disappear? What recourse have I?
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
When did this appear? It's like PennyPacker without the fuss.
Also, to the OP, I think you're making it up.
I'm sure I've seen this strip, circa 2003-2004, and it came up in conversation from another person that's seen it -- and the only webcomic I've ever really followed is right here.
So. Girl talks on bed, silent listener, sudden hug, heart (hey, I'm not the one that brought this up) -- has anyone seen anything like this anywhere? Just how crazy am I, lol?
I'm pretty sure that this comic does not exist, unless it was made by someone else than Gabe and Tycho.
Yeah I was gonna say.
There was a spate of "rule34" comics a couple of years ago. You might be thinking of one of those. I doubt it, but hey.
That's creepy knowledge I could have done without knowing.
that is the kind of mental scarring you get from browsing 4chan, while bored senseless.
I'm sure this strip exists! But I can't find it, anywhere. If it were just me I'd write it off as some kind of dementia. But it's not just me.
Anyone? Anything? Anywhere?
The cookies may even have been dickerdoodles.
GM: Rusty Chains (DH Ongoing)
Warframe: TheBaconDwarf
EDIT: GAARH, Hewn. You beat me by 20 minutes, and idiot me didn't refresh the page before posting.
So, um, yeah. Nothing to see here.
Chugging (panel 3) contains the word hugging in it. The search for "body" picks up words that are made up of your entry. Hug brings up a comic where Gabe mentions making "Huge amounts of money."