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No SoCal party?

turkeymerkinturkeymerkin Registered User regular
edited January 2009 in PAX Archive
Sgt. Tribble here;
So August told me there was going to be sort of get together while I was in California for my sister's wedding, but that was about all I heard. I need some info. I'm beginning to believe that this is, at best, Schrodinger's party.

turkeymerkin on


  • Rogue_hunterRogue_hunter Breaks Through Brick Walls Los AngelesRegistered User regular
    edited January 2009
    What part of SoCal would this be at? And when would it be?

    For me, it has to be Los Angeles + weekend for me to be able to attend.

    Rogue_hunter on
    PlayStation Network: Rogue_hunter
    Steam: Rogue_hunter
    Games for Windows Live: Roguality
  • turkeymerkinturkeymerkin Registered User regular
    edited January 2009
    O.C. and sometime in the next few days, as the wedding is tomorrow and we are leaving on Tuesday.

    turkeymerkin on
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