Ramius: that just happens on any of the indexes to me. It's probablyjust the css not loading. It isn't a bomb of any type. Happens maybe once out of 200 posts.
Grayman222 on
RamiusJoined: July 19, 2000Administrator, ClubPAadmin
Raijin, you're a great guy, but he's right, that teal shit has got to go.
Edit: And what's up with that screen shot? It's beating the shit out of my h-scroll, but it seems to be horizonally squished. The properties screen says that it's 1024 wide, but it certainly doesn't look like it. Is there some sort of limit imposed on the board that compresses images over a certain width?
minor incident on
Hell, New Jersey, it said on the letter. Delivered without comment. So be it!
Raijin QuickfootI'm your Huckleberry YOU'RE NO DAISYRegistered User, ClubPAregular
edited December 2003
Hey now, the teal was my wifes decision. She uses the comp too, so I let her make some decision on the desktop.
She uses the comp too, so I let her make some decision on the desktop.
Either you should stop letting her make decisions on the desktop, or, you should set her up a profile too. I mean, you can make multiple user profiles!
M2tM on
"We can be richer than industry as long as we know that there are things that we don't really need." -Willy Mason
just hit reload again
I dunno. I think I saw something like that once, but I may be confusing it with the quote-bombing layout bug
Did someone say quote-bomb?
Did someone say quote-bomb?[/quote:188af79339]
That said, I get that too. Quite positive it's just the CSS not loading due to one of those oh-so-rare internet hiccups, as has been said already.
I'm not. Discrimintation lawsuit++
I am suing for such a bad desktop colour theme.
Raijin, you're a great guy, but he's right, that teal shit has got to go.
Edit: And what's up with that screen shot? It's beating the shit out of my h-scroll, but it seems to be horizonally squished. The properties screen says that it's 1024 wide, but it certainly doesn't look like it. Is there some sort of limit imposed on the board that compresses images over a certain width?
You're telling that to the self-appointed G&T Bendover Princess, you know.
Either you should stop letting her make decisions on the desktop, or, you should set her up a profile too. I mean, you can make multiple user profiles!
Did someone say quote-bomb?[/quote:c949c10aa3][/quote:c949c10aa3]
I've been trying to reach you, but your extension cord doesn't reach that far.
Did someone say quote-bomb?[/quote:95e38844f7][/quote:95e38844f7]
someone deserves a ban...
"If you're going to play tiddly winks, play it with man hole covers."
- John McCallum