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Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
For reference, look at the Cat and ViolentChemistry.
I absolutely cannot stand that woman.
So I heard Obama has a huge fucking penis you guys.
i have yet to receive any bailout money
everyone knows this
She's the love child of Skeletor and the Straw Man from the Wizard of Oz
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
Pretty ugly dude.
I hear that Congress is writing up a law stating that before giving the State of the Union address Obama must first pause and say "Pardon me while I whip this thing out"
They should have re-enacted that scene for the inauguration
Nah I got infracted for mouthing off to her.
That's because the Cat is a tremendous asshole.
I mean, only like 15% of it is slated for spending this year, so break that part out and take your time with the rest.... Christ.
How many American and other lives will be lost if the Economic bill passes?
None anymore now that they took out the funding for family planning.
Vaginas should be clown cars. Women are nothing but broodmares for the state.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
Marathon for most loaded statement of the decade
edit: also, Deacon, this bill doesn't come with as high a pricetag as Afghanistan + Iraq put together. So there's that.
edit again: also, the risks associated with this bill are known: it may not work and we know exactly how much it will cost. The risks associated with the Iraq war were unknown: it might not work, we didn't know how much it would cost, and the security ramifications are hugely varied and possibly significantly negative. For instance, we managed to revive Al-Quaeda from near death.
I hope it's clear to anyone that I was joking and that post shouldn't be taken seriously.
9-11 and direct links to terrorism
oh wait
Uh, WMD's pointed at the Mall of America and Disneyland ready to fire. Mushroom clouds over major cities.
oh wait.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
WMD's, sort of like according to Obama, not passing this bill will cause "permanent economic damage" - which is a ludicrous concept.
Like, instead of mushroom clouds the new scare tactic is breadlines and soup kitchens.. FOREVER!
If God wanted women to have rights he would have given them a penis.
wrong as usual
Didn't your guy say "the fundamentals of the economy are sound" during the election? Man, was he out of touch...err, to old to lead...err, a member of the Keating 5...err, oh shits BOMB BOMB BOMB, BOMB BOMB Iran.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
Yeah, the idea that we're in a severe economic crisis is totally as insane as Iraq possessing WMDs
Republicans had no problem passing Bush's stimulus plan back in the 2001 recession, despite the fact that it was actually larger than the one Obama is pushing!
And Bush's plan was almost all tax cuts which have the added bonus of contributing less to GDP than government spending, and all research showing that tax cuts designed to counter economic movement (i.e. to pull one out of a recession, as opposed to tax cuts made "spontaneously" during good economic times, which are fairly useful) are all but useless, and also reducing the government's ability to gather revenue! Oh and the vast majority went to the rich who of course were/are more likely to save instead of spend (and thereby contribute to GDP growth).
Yup. No duplicity on the part of Republicans ever ever ever.
We need soldiers and consumers. Start pumping out babies for jesus or some shit.
Secret Satan 2013 Wishlist
I can't find that quote with Google. Link?
That's not Obama's position. Permanent, unrecoverable, economic damage. It's fearmongering, straight out of the rove playbook.
together they can make a horrible mutant manbaby composed of pure obtuseness