So yeah, when mole hunters catch a mole (and I'm talking about the little blind mammals here, not CIA plants) they string them up on the nearest fence as a deterent to other moles. Possibly. Or maybe its so that the seagulls and crows can eat the bodies. But then you'd just be substituting one pest for another which'd be stupid.
Anyway, what I was trying to say was, when people make things like "Hi, I'm new" threads, lock it and sticky it -- not all of them obviously, just a few to act as deterents to other new people.
If nothing else, it'd let the mods bask in their glorious kills like heads skewered to pikes on London Bridge.
This man is, of course, a genius in his own right.
A Duck! would, of course, disagree with you but I cling to my 134 like a pirate to a piece of rum soaked driftwood -- its all I have in this stormy sea of intellectual brine.
How about ramius makes it part of the activation email.. ya know.. something like, if you click this link you agree to lurk and not make an ass out of yourself by creating a "Hi, I'm new thread", and then threaten banishment or someshit if the law is broken..
that way they can't say they ever missed the warning.
Slungsolow on
fuck your forums, fuck your administrator and fuck dynagrip for getting away with the long troll.
This is a bad idea. If they're sutpid enough not to read the rules they'll be stupid enough to not read a stickied thread up there.
And while we're here, do you want to bet that maybe a few of them do it.....ON PURPOSE?
*dramatic music*
*assorted gasps from the audience*
Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
You're not supposed to say that out loud!
Paladin on
Marty: The future, it's where you're going? Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
I think the general consensus(I love using words I can't spell) on this is that there will always be stupid people and no matter what we do they are still morons. There is no salvation. The unwelcome ones must be purged from our memory with fires of hate and bandom.
Personally I am all for a waiting period for Noobs. Like they can not make a new thread until they have made X numbers of posts to show they are not just trolls and/or ban baiters.
Artoria on
minor incidentpublicly subsidized!privately profitable!Registered User, Transition Teamregular
Personally I am all for a waiting period for Noobs. Like they can not make a new thread until they have made X numbers of posts to show they are not just trolls and/or ban baiters.
Good point, but it's harder for mods to catch their asshattery if it's tucked away on page 12 of some random thread. Much easier if they make their presence known with a stupid thread so they can get the dirty work done and have them banned.
minor incident on
Hell, New Jersey, it said on the letter. Delivered without comment. So be it!
Personally I am all for a waiting period for Noobs. Like they can not make a new thread until they have made X numbers of posts to show they are not just trolls and/or ban baiters.
Good point, but it's harder for mods to catch their asshattery if it's tucked away on page 12 of some random thread. Much easier if they make their presence known with a stupid thread so they can get the dirty work done and have them banned.
If nobody notices, then we don't really care anyway and this action is within acceptable terms.
Paladin on
Marty: The future, it's where you're going? Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
denihilistAncient and MightyRegistered User, ModeratorMod Emeritus
edited December 2003
Cardboard Tube would wet himself over any new stickies. he's the sticky stopper.
A Duck! would, of course, disagree with you but I cling to my 134 like a pirate to a piece of rum soaked driftwood -- its all I have in this stormy sea of intellectual brine.
And while we're here, do you want to bet that maybe a few of them do it.....ON PURPOSE?
*dramatic music*
*assorted gasps from the audience*
that way they can't say they ever missed the warning.
Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
You so cwazy!
Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
Good point, but it's harder for mods to catch their asshattery if it's tucked away on page 12 of some random thread. Much easier if they make their presence known with a stupid thread so they can get the dirty work done and have them banned.
Except with PA specific rules.
Most people that don't read the rules anyway would just click past a rules page
That'd be hela cool.
Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
Like the one the Leisure Suit Larry games used, to make sure you were 18.