
Friend's and the awesome things you do with them.

RyadicRyadic Registered User regular
I'm not talking about typical things like watching movies and going out and getting drunk. I wanna know what unique things you do to keep yourselves entertained.

So this is inspired by the awesome weekend I just had with my friends. One of my friends came up with the idea of a photo scavenger hunt. To make it interesting, the winning team got a prize. Not just any prize, but an awesome prize.


That's right. You get a belt that tells you just how much of a champion you are. And yes that fucker spins. We have now decided to keep that belt in a constant rotation. We're gonna come up with other awesome competitions for everyone else in our group of friends to have a chance of being a champion.

So what do you guys do for fun? Or are you just boring and play video games every night? And suggestions as to our next competition for the belt are welcome.

Ryadic on


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    Richard_DastardlyRichard_Dastardly Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    What's so boring about playing video games every night?

    Richard_Dastardly on
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    DarkPrimusDarkPrimus Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    I play pen and paper RPGs because I'm old-school.

    DarkPrimus on
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    Rhesus PositiveRhesus Positive GNU Terry Pratchett Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    A friend created a Monopoly board based around our university course, which was pretty awesome.

    I'm also going on a road trip around the north of Britain in the summer - a sort of Northumbria pilgrimage, going to places like Wearmouth-Jarrow, Iona and Lindisfarne.

    Rhesus Positive on
    [Muffled sounds of gorilla violence]
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    RyadicRyadic Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    What's so boring about playing video games every night?

    Nothing really. It's pretty much expected that if you're on these boards, you play video games. No surprise there.

    Ryadic on
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    CherrnCherrn Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    The spinner belt should be a symbol of mocking and derision. It's fucking John Cena's belt! It's also ugly as sin!

    Cherrn on
    All creature will die and all the things will be broken. That's the law of samurai.
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    urahonkyurahonky Cynical Old Man Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    A friend and I bust out Contra for the NES every time he comes over for "Game Night". When we beat it, it's officially Game Night and we all drink and play video games until about 6am. It's awesome.

    urahonky on
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    ElkiElki get busy Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2009
    We have [X Food] parties.

    On random weekend days we might have a French Toast party, a baked potatoes night, a chili night, etc. Everyone brings a bit of the ingredients, and we spend the night making the most ridiculous versions of whatever we picked for that day while having a good time. The end.

    Elki on
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    KalkinoKalkino Buttons Londres Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    We've started going to obscure heavy metal concerts. We've all been friends for a decade or so and didn't know we all liked this kind of stuff:/

    Kalkino on
    Freedom for the Northern Isles!
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    THEPAIN73THEPAIN73 Shiny. Real shiny.Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Cherrn wrote: »
    The spinner belt should be a symbol of mocking and derision. It's fucking John Cena's belt! It's also ugly as sin!

    Truth spews from this man's fingertips.

    THEPAIN73 on
    Facebook | Amazon | Twitter | Youtube | PSN: ThePain73 | Steam: ThePain73
    3DS FC: 5343-7720-0490
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    Richard_DastardlyRichard_Dastardly Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    I have a tabletop grill, so last weekend we had a meat party. It was BYOM, so we got some good stuff.

    But, fuck. We've gotten ourselves into a bit of a rut... especially since one retard is dating a 19 year old, so we can't hit the bars or go to the comedy club. Plus he's broke.

    I need new friends. But finding and maintaining relationships takes way too much effort. This is where robots will eventually come in.

    Richard_Dastardly on
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    OrganichuOrganichu poops peesRegistered User, Moderator mod
    edited February 2009
    My friends and I fuck violently in cleverly orchestrated orgies. We do this probably three, four nights a week.
    actually I went away to school for one year (in which time my other friends went to other schools), and then I left school... so my HS friends are gone and so are my college friends. I hang out with my BJJ buddies that's pretty much just for recreational working out- a run after the gym or whatever. I need more friends.

    Organichu on
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    RyadicRyadic Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Elki wrote: »
    We have [X Food] parties.

    On random weekend days we might have a French Toast party, a baked potatoes night, a chili night, etc. Everyone brings a bit of the ingredients, and we spend the night making the most ridiculous versions of whatever we picked for that day while having a good time. The end.

    Actually, this sounds pretty fucking awesome. I'll suggest this to my friends.

    Ryadic on
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    enderwiggin13enderwiggin13 Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    My friends and I make ridiculous little games out of whatever we happen to be doing. One day we painted the inside of one friend's house and we tried to see who could make the heaviest blue masking tape ball.

    A couple weekends ago it was "who can fit the most cheez-its into their mouth at once". I came in 2nd with 25. First place was 26 but he ended up with some nasty cuts on the roof of his mouth. :P

    enderwiggin13 on
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    mystikspyralmystikspyral Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    All I can say is I live in a small town and we get bored really easily.

    My friends and I invented a rather weird game. We used to roll around in a gold Buick on the regular. We’d take turns wearing a giant purple velvet pimp hat with a cheetah print band and some giant white sunglasses. When it was your turn you had to lean out the window and yell at some random people, the closer they were to the vehicle the better. “Crunk juice!”, “Yeah!” and “What’s up, bitches!” were fairly common. One time we were out some dirt road and saw a hiker. My buddy was smoking a cigar and driving the car. He slowed down, leaned out and yelled “Hey baby! You lookin' mighty fine! You wanna come work for me?!!!” and then wolf howled and sped off. He won that day.

    mystikspyral on
    "When life gives you lemons, just say 'Fuck the lemons,' and bail" :rotate:
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    Jason ToddJason Todd Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    DarkPrimus wrote: »
    I play pen and paper RPGs because I'm old-school.

    Jason Todd on
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    SoggychickenSoggychicken Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    All I can say is I live in a small town and we get bored really easily.

    My friends and I invented a rather weird game. We used to roll around in a gold Buick on the regular. We’d take turns wearing a giant purple velvet pimp hat with a cheetah print band and some giant white sunglasses. When it was your turn you had to lean out the window and yell at some random people, the closer they were to the vehicle the better. “Crunk juice!”, “Yeah!” and “What’s up, bitches!” were fairly common. One time we were out some dirt road and saw a hiker. My buddy was smoking a cigar and driving the car. He slowed down, leaned out and yelled “Hey baby! You lookin' mighty fine! You wanna come work for me?!!!” and then wolf howled and sped off. He won that day.

    You guys are jerks.

    Soggychicken on
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    Dr SnofeldDr Snofeld Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    My friends and I collect running jokes. Shouting them out, or even saying them casually, gets a laugh.

    The current running joke is "Don't believe Ondore's lies!" And associated phrases. What's nice is that it works in several situations.

    Friend: I'm telling you this is the best show! (or something like that)
    Me: Pfft, don't believe Ondore's lies.

    Classic ones between me and one particular friend are the Ocelot Hand Gesture and the Mechanical Frog of Mockery.

    Dr Snofeld on
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    CherrnCherrn Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    By the way


    I'm sorry :(

    Cherrn on
    All creature will die and all the things will be broken. That's the law of samurai.
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    DocDoc Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited February 2009
    My friends and I get sears photos; I post them somewhat regularly.


    Doc on
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    OtarOtar Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Me and my buddy make horrible youtube videos often at the expense of my well being or our personal pride. And sometimes we go drifting weather permitting.

    Otar on
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    ElkiElki get busy Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2009
    Doc wrote: »
    My friends and I get sears photos; I post them somewhat regularly.


    I love you.

    Elki on
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    Element BrianElement Brian Peanut Butter Shill Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    Just thought I'd say, this thread reminded me of the 2nd episode of Flight of the Conchords this season, and their great song


    Element Brian on
    Switch FC code:SW-2130-4285-0059

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    NocrenNocren Lt Futz, Back in Action North CarolinaRegistered User regular
    edited February 2009
    I used to have awesome friends/roommates. We played Halo together, Rainbow 6, Ghost Recon, and even did a lot of airsoft. All this was when I was stationed on Guam. Through luck of the duty rotation we all wound up on the security detail. Needless to say, the master at arms was surprised at how in sync we were without any training. And learning how to propely "breech and clear" was fuckawesome.

    Shame I had to leave.

    Nocren on
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    DocDoc Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited February 2009
    Worth noting is that I'm not wearing any white makeup in that photo.

    Doc on
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    areaarea Registered User regular
    edited February 2009
    A friend of mine and his brother each pick a team of their peers three times a year to compete in Football, Cricket and Pub Sports in a yearly best-of-three competition titled The Evans Challenge. It's in its fourth year, and still going strong. We've got scorecards, teamsheets and photos for most of the events, but the website (still) isn't constructed.

    We take it pretty seriously. Cricket is a properly umpired Twenty20 game, and the Football is 11-a-side, 90 minutes, then 30 minutes extra time, and penalties if necessary. Two years ago the penalties went to 13 kicks D:.

    We've never won, but this year it's impossible for us to lose (though we might draw the series, for the first time ever).

    area on
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    Edith UpwardsEdith Upwards Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Jason Todd wrote: »
    DarkPrimus wrote: »
    I attempt to play pen and paper RPGs because I'm old-school.

    Edith Upwards on
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    DarkPrimusDarkPrimus Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Erich Zahn wrote: »
    Jason Todd wrote: »
    DarkPrimus wrote: »
    I attempt to play pen and paper RPGs because I'm old-school.

    All it takes is a little initiative (no pun intended) to go out and find a local gaming store or just to ask around on campus to find interested parties (again, none intended) who'd like to play. Start by asking if they want to play a more well-known system, and then after a while maybe ask about your preferred but more obscure game.

    DarkPrimus on
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    JacobkoshJacobkosh Gamble a stamp. I can show you how to be a real man!Moderator mod
    edited May 2009
    I've had really good luck meeting roleplayers on meetup.com.

    As for my friends and I, it's all sorts of shit. Wine-and-cheese gallery openings, trips to the local amusement park, bowling, barbecue, D&D, whatever. We're a fairly diverse group with a lot of different interests so we switch it up a lot; the only real consistent element is videogames and D&D.

    Jacobkosh on
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    Rhesus PositiveRhesus Positive GNU Terry Pratchett Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Now it's exam term, me and my friends meet up in pubs of an evening to revise. It might not seem like much, but I get far more work done because I'm with other people who are working rather than trying to do stuff alone in my room with the Internet a click away. There's something wonderful about meeting in a cosy room, spreading our notes out on the table and studying with a pint and a pub meal.

    Rhesus Positive on
    [Muffled sounds of gorilla violence]
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    KageraKagera Imitating the worst people. Since 2004Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    I don't have friends.

    This is a very good thing for people who would be my friends because I'm a succubus of sorts.

    I suck JOY out of people.

    Kagera on
    My neck, my back, my FUPA and my crack.
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