


  • JinkaJinka Registered User regular
    edited July 2010

    As long as you're not a bot I'll add you :3

    Jinka on
  • zaxytarazaxytara Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I started an "unofficial" Pax Party twitter aptly named @PaxParties. Anyone who has an event going on during the week/weekend of PAX Prime can tweet at me, and I'll tweet out the info. It'll be updated from now to all the way throughout the con to give people info on when and where all the parties and meet-ups are!

    zaxytara on
  • MatevMatev Cero Miedo Registered User regular
    edited August 2010

    geekery and oddness abounds

    Matev on
    "Go down, kick ass, and set yourselves up as gods, that's our Prime Directive!"
    Hail Hydra
  • SolelronSolelron Wandering Gamer Cornelius, ORRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010

    Mostly work rants and replies, but I do post SJ game news and local con information

    Solelron on
  • basicallygeekbasicallygeek Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    ukiyo e wrote: »
    I added this to the OP, but I figured that I should post it here as well.
    The PAX Tweetup
    Every year at PAX we have a tweetup on Sunday night. Essentially we pick a bar close to the convention center, blast out the time and place on twitter all weekend, and then see who shows up. This is a great way to put names to faces and meet new friends. The tweetup will run from around 8pm until last call, so feel free to stop by before or after any other sunday night events that you might be attending!

    Cool! I'm going to the party at the Taphouse Sunday night but I'll stop by the tweetup as well.

    @zaxytara: following @paxparties, can't wait.

    basicallygeek on
  • monkeyholemonkeyhole Registered User regular
    edited August 2010

    I've mostly been tweeting about Dragon Quest IX for the last 2 weeks. But I'll be looking forward to ramping up the #PAX tweets as we get closer and closer.

    monkeyhole on
  • lemongrenadeslemongrenades Registered User regular
    edited August 2010

    First PAX ever for me, so I definitely wouldn't mind having some twitter friends going into this thing.

    lemongrenades on
  • thetelevisi0nthetelevisi0n Registered User regular
    edited August 2010

    It's mostly stuff from my tumblr.

    thetelevisi0n on
  • psychopezpsychopez Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    @mhasko is my personal one
    @psychopez is the one I use for talking about 4eDnD


    psychopez on
    “Myth is the hidden part of every story, the buried part, the region that is still unexplored because there are as yet no words to enable us to get there."

    -Italo Calvino
  • CovetCovet Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Covet on
  • itashaitasha Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    ok you guys talked me into getting the twitter app on my phone my twitter account is @itasha1

    itasha on
  • nintendoXOnintendoXO Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    nintendoXO on
  • Crispy262Crispy262 HuffleDRUNK @Hogwarts Castle BasementRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Crispy262 on
    Retired [E]
    HUFFLEPUFF 2011-18

  • BoomShakeBoomShake The Engineer Columbia, MDRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    zaxytara wrote: »
    I started an "unofficial" Pax Party twitter aptly named @PaxParties. Anyone who has an event going on during the week/weekend of PAX Prime can tweet at me, and I'll tweet out the info. It'll be updated from now to all the way throughout the con to give people info on when and where all the parties and meet-ups are!

    Thanks a lot for this! I sadly don't have a data plan and therefore have to funnel twitter through SMS. This makes it SO much easier to keep up with gatherings.

    BoomShake on
  • IamelkIamelk Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    @flyingelk here :)

    Iamelk on
  • lemongrenadeslemongrenades Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    BoomShake, PLEASE tell me you will be sporting the beard hat from your avatar while walking around at PAX.

    lemongrenades on
  • BoomShakeBoomShake The Engineer Columbia, MDRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    BoomShake, PLEASE tell me you will be sporting the beard hat from your avatar while walking around at PAX.

    I'll toss it in my luggage and might wear it depending on weather, etc. I wore it all through PAX East, and while it was AMAZING in the frigid outdoors of Boston, it starts to get hot real fast inside. And totally musses up my hair wearing it hours, haha.

    BoomShake on
  • honestDhonestD Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    honestD on
    In Vancouver? Want to meet up and play some Games?

    Now with Twitter! @HonestoDoragon

    Pokemon Black: 4555 9510 3686
  • @_mantis_@_mantis_ Registered User new member
    edited August 2010

    Mostly stuff about Halo:Reach. And lunch.

    @_mantis_ on
  • LiberaltugboatLiberaltugboat Registered User regular
    edited August 2010


    Liberaltugboat on
  • ainilomeainilome Registered User regular
    edited August 2010


    ainilome on
  • tentaclesextentaclesex Registered User regular
    edited August 2010

    I'll be covering the show for, so if you care about PS3 crap, give me a follow. I'm currently ass-deep in the process of making appointments with publishers and developers.

    I'll probably put out the call at least once to find fellow drinkers in the middle of the night.

    tentaclesex on
  • killtripkilltrip Registered User regular
    edited August 2010

    been getting into using it a lot more lately.. kinda cool. already met some real cool people on the pax list :D

    killtrip on
    twitter: @killtrip
  • tehshadowtehshadow Registered User regular
    edited August 2010

    Just created the account a few days ago but i'm gonna start using it more :D

    tehshadow on
  • StarDancinStarDancin Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    I"m @stardancin.

    If you want to follow me, please send a message that you are from here....

    StarDancin on
  • PDX PaulPDX Paul Portland ORRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Go ahead and destroy my twitter wall.

    PDX Paul on
    Climb to the top of the world. And as you stand tall, you will see...
    That when you fall... You will fall from a height most men will never reach.
  • DarkZeroPTDarkZeroPT Registered User new member
    edited August 2010

    I should chane my background. D:

    DarkZeroPT on
  • DivebommahDivebommah Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Hey guys, Erik here posting on behalf of Intel (they are my client, I work for a Portland-based marketing agency named CMD). We're doing Game On again at PAX and, like before, we'll be using Twitter to tell everyone where to find our prize patrol.

    Question is: Do you guys mind if I post our Twitter account here? I don't want to be a dick and just post it 'cause, you know, corporations and all ;)

    Divebommah on
  • Masquerade78Masquerade78 Registered User regular
    edited August 2010

    This is my first attempt to use this whole twitter gadget, so please forgive me if I @ or # in the wrong places.

    Masquerade78 on
  • Brian4120Brian4120 Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Brian4120 on
  • edgeofbladeedgeofblade Warlock Houston, TXRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010

    I'll be the intelligence gathering crazy guy for the Assassins game. If you want an edge, follow edgeofblade. I can make useful data on targets available for you, if you can bring payment in intel codes.

    edgeofblade on
  • Mystral721Mystral721 Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Divebommah wrote: »
    Hey guys, Erik here posting on behalf of Intel (they are my client, I work for a Portland-based marketing agency named CMD). We're doing Game On again at PAX and, like before, we'll be using Twitter to tell everyone where to find our prize patrol.

    Question is: Do you guys mind if I post our Twitter account here? I don't want to be a dick and just post it 'cause, you know, corporations and all ;)

    Do you mean @IntelGameOn?
    I've always had fun following them during PAX and even between PAXes! Good info on where the prize patrol guys are during the con.

    Mystral721 on
    "Little baby Cthulhu hopping through the forest, picking up the field mice and Sucking Out Their Souls"
  • tomkatomka Registered User new member
    edited August 2010


    Game dev's from Melbourne Australia.

    "Train Conductor", "Train Conductor 2: USA", and a new game to be announced at PAX.

    tomka on
  • ryan2180ryan2180 Registered User new member
    edited August 2010

    id love to join the fun ;o)

    ryan2180 on
  • ukiyo eukiyo e Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Divebommah wrote: »
    Hey guys, Erik here posting on behalf of Intel (they are my client, I work for a Portland-based marketing agency named CMD). We're doing Game On again at PAX and, like before, we'll be using Twitter to tell everyone where to find our prize patrol.

    Question is: Do you guys mind if I post our Twitter account here? I don't want to be a dick and just post it 'cause, you know, corporations and all ;)

    I don't mind if people post their business social media accounts here as long as that business will be at PAX in an official capacity. However, I won't be adding those accounts to the twitter master list.

    ukiyo e on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited August 2010
    Maybe a second list is in order for those types of accounts?

    Moe Fwacky on

  • EtaoinEtaoin South Barcrawl Lead, Omeganaut S16 TexasRegistered User regular
    edited August 2010


    Etaoin on
  • DivebommahDivebommah Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    ukiyo e wrote: »
    Divebommah wrote: »
    Hey guys, Erik here posting on behalf of Intel (they are my client, I work for a Portland-based marketing agency named CMD). We're doing Game On again at PAX and, like before, we'll be using Twitter to tell everyone where to find our prize patrol.

    Question is: Do you guys mind if I post our Twitter account here? I don't want to be a dick and just post it 'cause, you know, corporations and all ;)

    I don't mind if people post their business social media accounts here as long as that business will be at PAX in an official capacity. However, I won't be adding those accounts to the twitter master list.

    Thank you sir. Yes, we are there in an official capacity. A post from us with all the details of what's happening this year will be forthcoming but I wanted to get us on this list early. ;)

    As Mystral721 mentioned earlier, yes, this is for @IntelGameOn. We're going to start posting about PAX in earnest early next week along with a quick contest to win some schwag. ;)

    Divebommah on
  • ndotondoto Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    May as well jump in here since I apparently haven't already, especially since it's up in the DQIX thread but not here.

    @ndoto (yeah I'm pretty much ndoto everywhere)

    ndoto on
    3DS: 4038-6001-4289
  • GoosecheckaGoosechecka Registered User regular
    edited August 2010
    Goosechecka on
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