So, have you heard of this social networking thing called Twitter? It's kind of a big deal. Lots of PAXers are on Twitter. We call ourselves the
Twitter Shitters. I'll use a list to keep track of everyone's Twitter names. That way when new people join they can start following everyone. So if you're on Twitter, reply to this thread with your name (
@name) and I will add you to
the list! If you're not on Twitter,
sign up!
How to get started on Twitter:
Populating your friend list
Once you have registered on twitter, simply
go to this list and click on "follow list". If you don't want to follow the PAX community (anti-social!) then bookmark
the list itself and check on it when you need a dose of nerdy PAX goodness (yes, I just said that. Deal with it).
Using Twitter at your desk
Twitter is accessible from just about any device that has an internet connection. While it has a decent web interface, the real power of twitter comes from the third party applications that access it using the API. It's best to consider Twitter to be the "pipes" and these applications to be the "faucets". The simplest way to get your PC or Mac connected to twitter is
Using Twitter on the go
Twitter is designed to work with SMS (hence the 140 character limit). You can link your cellphone to your twitter username and begin texting tweets by clicking
here. If you have a smartphone, then I suggest that you refer to the "Recommended Twitter Apps" list below and find a suitable application for your device. This will provide you with a better interface, the ability to quickly attach pictures to your tweets, and a cheaper monthly phone bill.
Common Twitter Verbiage
Purpose: Good for quick responses and continuing a discussion.
@username - comment (Example: "
@rulesaremyenemy emergency dance party?!?!")
Direct Message
Purpose: Used for sending private information or any conversation that you don't want to share with the general community
Format: D username - comment (Example: "D chelseabot why won't your mom return my calls?")
Purpose: Used for sharing something another person has said
Format: RT
@username - comment (Example: "RT
@TimDisaster: If Google buys twitter, would that mean that twitter would instantly go back to a beta status?")
Note: only use the original authors name, a re-tweet should not look like "RT
@rulesaremyenemy RT
@TimDisaster: If Google buys twitter, would that mean that twitter would instantly go back to a beta status?"
That's it, your on Twitter! Send out funny jokes, anecdotes from your life, link to articles, share pictures, do whatever you want with your new connection to the human race.
Recommended Twitter Apps
Tweetie (Mac OS X only),
Seesmic Desktop,
Destroy Twitter
iPhone/Touch: Tweetie (rebranded as the official Twitter app), Tweetdeck, Twinkle, Twitterific, TwitterFon
Android: Tweetdeck, Twicca, The Official twitter App,
Nintendo DS:
DSTwitterHash Tags
Hashtags are a community-driven convention for adding additional context and metadata to your tweets. Add these hash tags to the end of any tweets related to the subject.
BYOC - Bring Your Own Computer LAN
CCST10 -
Cross-Country Supertrip 2011
General PAX Prime related tweets
PAXeast -
General PAX East related tweets
paxtrain -
West Coast Train Trip 2011
PPD11 - Pre-PAX Dinner 2011
TWDT11 - Tri-Wizard Drinking Tournament 2011
PAXUK - Hashtag for UK PAXers to discuss weekly meetups, dark beers, and how they are generally better then americans in every way. Well, maybe not that last one.
The Official Twitter Shitter T-Shirt
The official Twitter Shitter T-Shirt for PAX Prime 2010 is here!

Look at how sexy that is. I know that you
want one for yourself.
The PAX Tweetup
Every year at PAX we have a tweetup on Sunday night. Essentially we pick a bar close to the convention center, blast out the time and place on twitter all weekend, and then see who shows up. This is a great way to put names to faces and meet new friends. The tweetup will run from around 8pm until last call, so feel free to stop by before or after any other sunday night events that you might be attending!
And this starts again. Who's maintaining the list here? Or are we just going to use http://twitterpax.ning.com/ ?
I'll be maintaining the list here. I'm working on a proper OP right now with links and everything, I just wanted to get this started.
although I read more tweets than I write
<j0z1e> ummmm, all three? at once?
@cwknight in the house!
For those of you not on it, the PAX TS'ers have been awesome and twitter has proved to be an incredible way to keep in touch in the cold, dark, vacuums between PAXes.
Yea, remember that twitter party I organized last year (with the help of some good friends)? We'll do that again, only better.
And I'm getting a smart phone next week!!!
PAX East Trading Card Organizer | Twitter | Google+
What can I say? I'm uncreative. XD
I just got an iPhone and I'm new to twitter. Please be gentle. :[
The Sixth Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament Part 1 |
Pokecrawl Episode 4: The Power Of One!
Pokemon X: Atlus | 3539-8807-3813
I believe I'm going to make PAX this year - but let's see what plane ticket prices do first.
I can't say enough wonderful things about the Twitter Shitter crew, btw. They have become a crack-like addiction, and good friends.
I imagine this could be pretty active during PAX.
I have almost all of you already from last year, yay! We definitely need another twitter shitter meetup, that was sooooo much fun. Ah, the memories...
haha, ah yes, that was a good party. Like so good.
Hella good.
Aww yeah, look at all that hotness.
And the guy twittering in the back!
I'm a little scared to add everyone! I already get about 200 twitters a day from my friends, I'm worried the twitter shitters may kill my poor phone
the 'teh' is silent: eljay ~ * ~ twitter ~ * ~ ravelry ~ * ~ last.fm
also, stay tuned for a super secret special twitter name for the PAX Prank as we get closer to PAX time...and no...it's not @PAXPrank (I don't even think that's an actual name)
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
Though, I never really updated all that much last year because I don't update from my phone, and couldn't get a reliable wifi connection for p-twit (PSP twitter app). Hopefully I'll have a netbook for this year.
Steam: Rogue_hunter
Games for Windows Live: Roguality
Easy, i know. :P
I added everyone above me who wasn't already on there. I never used twitter before PAX last year, now I'm an addict. This year I'm going to do things correctly and show up for the meetup (assuming there is one again this year).
Somehow ill have to finally go about putting Twitter on my phone.
One favor - could you edit my twitter handle in the OP from @mattmontgomery to @matmontgomery? I only have one T in Mat. I've hidden the other "t".
For you to discover
Updated to non-traditional spelling. Since I don't like leaving characters unemployed I've given him a job in this smiley T_T
You sold out, hidden T.
Twinkie here: Lead Vocalist and Chef in Command of the disbanded House of Gaming, Dicktochat Master, Booty Shaker, Classy Lady.