Is it being kept in a marina? Most of the punny names you'll come up with are likely already taken. You can still use them of course, but you might grimmace everyday when you see the same name on another boat.
It's Aboat Time
Hangin' Aboat
What Aboat Me?
There's Something Aboat Mary
Much Ado Aboat Nothing
Das Boot
Blood Vessel
Mr. Boat
Boaty McBoaterville
Ship Head
Deep Ship
Eat Ship And Die
Water Arts and Crafts
Watercraft Macaroni
The Boat That Killed Your Father And Raped Your Mother
Peter Principle on
"A man is likely to mind his own business when it is worth minding. When it is not, he takes his mind off his own meaningless affairs by minding other people's business." - Eric Hoffer, _The True Believer_
It's Aboat Time
Hangin' Aboat
What Aboat Me?
There's Something Aboat Mary
Much Ado Aboat Nothing
Das Boot
Blood Vessel
Mr. Boat
Boaty McBoaterville
Ship Head
Deep Ship
Eat Ship And Die
Water Arts and Crafts
Watercraft Macaroni The Boat That Killed Your Father And Raped Your Mother
Limed for the massive amounts of win.
Chocolate Ships Ahoy
Don Knots
All for Naut
Nautical Dude
I'm a boat, not a doctor (Dammit Jim! I'm a boat not a doctor!)
It's aboat time
Don't Fucking Look at Me
The rarely appreciated X series of games by Egosoft (X2, X3, X3:Terran Conflict).
Ships in the game, by default, are named %playername%'s %manufacturer_species% %modelname%
So if you have aquire Buster class ship, which is made by the Argon, and your name is the default Player, it would, by default, be called "Player's Argon Buster"
[edit] it was mostly a joke suggestion, as only about 1/1000 people would get it, and only if all those 1,000 people happened to be geeks.
Just tied the knot?
You are KNOT the father?
Knot in my name?
Wake me up before you go go? <
best one
Wakin' Bacon?
I'm going to the office...
Spent the weekend at the office...
I guess it isn't that bad
a few others were aqua related too for some reason
like Aquadesiac
But I'm big on puns.
Check out my new blog:
Also check out my old game design blog:
Hangin' Aboat
What Aboat Me?
There's Something Aboat Mary
Much Ado Aboat Nothing
Das Boot
Blood Vessel
Mr. Boat
Boaty McBoaterville
Ship Head
Deep Ship
Eat Ship And Die
Water Arts and Crafts
Watercraft Macaroni
The Boat That Killed Your Father And Raped Your Mother
Oh god I hope everyone else gets this one.
Pretty much the best option.
Limed for the massive amounts of win.
Chocolate Ships Ahoy
Don Knots
All for Naut
Nautical Dude
I'm a boat, not a doctor (Dammit Jim! I'm a boat not a doctor!)
It's aboat time
Don't Fucking Look at Me
Eh, I'll be wittier later.
Watch Arrested Development.
But I'll ruin it and take it out of context. The Seaward.
The C-Word.
Clipper Neat
Kobayashi Maru
Wave As We Pass
What you talkin' aboat, Willis?
or alternatively;
Fuck Land
Fuck Trees
I Climb Bouys
1. Margarita With Salt
2. Perfect Storm Survivor
3. I Like Little Buoys
(ps this is my first post)
I vote for this one.
Unless, of course, you want The Seaward. Because that's clearly the best.
Gilligan's Bitch
The Cabin Boy
Insolent Minx (boat in The Jackal)
Chief Brody's Bigger Boat
though i have to put in my votes towards 'the seaward' 'the office' and 'im on a boat'
i think if i saw a boat go past that had "IM ON A BOAT" written across it, whether i knew the song or not, i'd fall overboard laughing
What is this a reference to?
The rarely appreciated X series of games by Egosoft (X2, X3, X3:Terran Conflict).
Ships in the game, by default, are named %playername%'s %manufacturer_species% %modelname%
So if you have aquire Buster class ship, which is made by the Argon, and your name is the default Player, it would, by default, be called "Player's Argon Buster"
[edit] it was mostly a joke suggestion, as only about 1/1000 people would get it, and only if all those 1,000 people happened to be geeks.
It's probably going to be something really obvious, but I don't get this. Please explain.