This was a pretty big week.
Anyway, MA #23 was very good, we had this nice exchange:
And at the very end we got this wicked awesome scene:
I like this twist, as Wanda should only appear again to be killed off for being a psycho 'hose beast.
Also, Oracle #1 had some insane cheesecake, not to mention the cover. Decent read, but DC has telegraphed this way too much, you know where it's ending up. But hey, wheelchair cheesecake works too it seems:
Ending to mighty avengers was interesting as well... When do we find out what the other Dark Illumnati are up to? We've covered Frost, Loki and The Hood...
So, am I to guess that she
And naturally, Daredevil was good. Its always good.
I wouldn't worry about after, Murdock. . . I wasn't planning to survive . . ."
It was Batman "my parents are deaaaaad!!!" excessive
Namor is helping Osborn track Iron Man, Doom is busy fighting Morgana La Fey in Dark Avengers.
Hood is
in a "this is bad writing" sense
All I've read so far.
And Pym didn't really do anything though, it was Cho who saved the day. That's why it felt stupid with that part. Tony being a dick though, I endorse. Especially to Pym
Also, I eagerly await an opportunity to find out what Phyla is now so he can punch her in the heart like he did with Thanos.
You can write a story that's without end (or at least really long) extremely well. It's just that you need to know basic plot points somewhat ahead of time so you can hit them within the existing narrative frame.
It was in Thunderbolts when Paladin responds to a comment by Black Widow II.
... an' he turned it into a weapon?"
Anyway, going back to NA for a sec. Do you think this is going to affect his date with Carol?
EDIT: Fixed the quote.
The only thing of complaint is Guedes is using Tom Welling for his face for Mon-El
I really thought about dropping the Superman books when they decided to kick the man out of his own books, but all 4 titles have impressed me since Superman left.
Who has a date with Carol?
Me, I'm hittin' the big-tittied blonde who owes me one and is suffering some sort of depression.
And if the game involves broken ribs, its worth it. Doubt Cage could catch Spider-Man anyway.
Sez u.
No argument there. Ms. Marvel? Yes please.
Surprisingly big week this week. I ran out of cash and have to go back tomorrow to get Mighty and Cap.
This really is a strong weak week. Im keeping it that way just for you, Yak. Yakkity Yak
Paradox implosion.
Still, my moment of the week was when the Hood confronted Strange.
I will fucking laugh if, by editorial fiat, she gets thrown onto the Exiles or something.
And I can only assume the writer read Snow Crash.
Smug? Hank 'inferiority complex' Pym? Is he actually smug, or is this just the regular Pym bashing that goes on here?
And considering how the summary of recent events since he was gone was 'Stark helped cause the civil war, Stark helped cause the hulk attack, Stark helped cause the skrull invasion', and is then BEGGED to lead the avengers by saying that he's the ONLY ONE who can lead them, after not wanting to - I can see how he'd be pissed that they all run to stark.
He wasn't smug, it's just Pym hate. He was mostly just going "Come on guys, seriously I can do this this time" while Tony is treating him like shit the entire time.
Edit: Force, I meant Force.