There's an iPhone app called Loopt that has some very interesting GPS features. They asked about GPS streaming over in the CCST thread and someone suggested it. Apparently it does streaming GPS updates accurate enough to where, if you were headed to my house, I could walk out the front door when I saw you pull into the driveway on Loopt.
Dunno if it's quite that amazing, but still. Anybody with an iPhone should try it, and we should friend each other in Loopt to see how it works.
Watching 100 people gradually hook up into a little snake on the west coast and then descend on Seattle would be pretty cool.
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
I can. I've got a friend at Comic-Con trying to get some face time with the guys to see how we can work out permission.
People at Xbox Addict are having a meet-up this year at PAX and they want to make PAX/XBA plates, plus I run Faceplate Addict and I'd like to make some PAX/FPA plates. But I can't really do any of it without permission. Thing is, 1) I don't know who to talk to and 2) It takes time to get them made, and time is short.
Hello all,
I'm new to the forums, but I've been a gamer all my life. I'm really considering throwing caution to the wind and taking the train to PAX this year. I've never been to PAX, but it sounds like a blast. Any idea how many people are doing the train trip?
Hello everyone. Chances are you don't know me, seeing as how this is my first post on these forums, but know that I come to you in supplication.
I need a ride to PAX. I live in Sacramento, California, and there is absolutely no way that I can afford to pay $170 to get there and back. To put it another way: When I did a price check and saw the price was over $80, I began to seriously doubt my ability to make this happen. Then I realised that this price was NOT round trip.
Thus, the train is out for me this year. And so I come to you, on my very knees, asking for this PAXtime miracle. If anybody is driving up and will pass anywhere even remotely close to Sacramento, or knows anybody who is, please let me know.
After all these years, this is finally my first PAX. I'm an Enforcer. I have my admission and rooming situations covered (for the most part.) But if I can't get up there and home again, it's all moot. If any of you can help me make this happen, I will be extremely greatful.
I guess I should include some information about myself. I'm a 26 year old male (just...just ignore the avatar. My first choice was unreadable.) I don't smoke, I drink relatively little, and I don't do drugs. I'll be packing fairly light for this con; a bag for clothes, a bag for stuff (DS, D&D books, novels, etc), and a bag for any swag I might be lucky enough to get my hands on (empty going up...hopefully full coming down?) I'm not exactly "neat" but I wash, smell good, won't trash your vehicle or mess with your crap. I'm cool with all ages, races, genders, sexualities, creeds, whatever. I'm a pretty easygoing guy and I can get along with most people. As long as you're not a "Burn in hell!" bible-thumper, we should get along swimmingly.
SuperKawaiiNeko on
Hi I'm Vee!Formerly VH; She/Her; Is an E X P E R I E N C ERegistered Userregular
Hello everyone. Chances are you don't know me, seeing as how this is my first post on these forums, but know that I come to you in supplication.
I need a ride to PAX. I live in Sacramento, California, and there is absolutely no way that I can afford to pay $170 to get there and back. To put it another way: When I did a price check and saw the price was over $80, I began to seriously doubt my ability to make this happen. Then I realised that this price was NOT round trip.
Thus, the train is out for me this year. And so I come to you, on my very knees, asking for this PAXtime miracle. If anybody is driving up and will pass anywhere even remotely close to Sacramento, or knows anybody who is, please let me know.
After all these years, this is finally my first PAX. I'm an Enforcer. I have my admission and rooming situations covered (for the most part.) But if I can't get up there and home again, it's all moot. If any of you can help me make this happen, I will be extremely greatful.
I guess I should include some information about myself. I'm a 26 year old male (just...just ignore the avatar. My first choice was unreadable.) I don't smoke, I drink relatively little, and I don't do drugs. I'll be packing fairly light for this con; a bag for clothes, a bag for stuff (DS, D&D books, novels, etc), and a bag for any swag I might be lucky enough to get my hands on (empty going up...hopefully full coming down?) I'm not exactly "neat" but I wash, smell good, won't trash your vehicle or mess with your crap. I'm cool with all ages, races, genders, sexualities, creeds, whatever. I'm a pretty easygoing guy and I can get along with most people. As long as you're not a "Burn in hell!" bible-thumper, we should get along swimmingly.
I dunno, man, you're going to have a hard time finding someone who's not a "Burn in hell!" bible-thumper in this crowd.
In all seriousness, though, good luck, hope you find somebody. Have you checked the Cross-Country Supertrip thread? They don't currently have anybody passing through Sacramento, but if you bring it up you might be able to find someone who's willing to throw a group together.
Hi I'm Vee! on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited July 2009
Yeah, dude, Sacramento is so far out of the way that it doesn't even come close to touching the CCST.
Moe Fwacky on
Hi I'm Vee!Formerly VH; She/Her; Is an E X P E R I E N C ERegistered Userregular
edited July 2009
Yeah, I didn't really check the map before making that post.
Do we have a separate ride-share thread somewhere? I feel like he's not going to get a lot of responses posting in the train trip thread.
Well, I'm back on the train. Halfway at least. Flying up, and taking the train back since there is no school on Labor Day, I don't have to rush back for the monday/wednesday classes I will be taking that I would have missed a day of taking the train up.
I dunno how stout of heart you are, but Greyhound has a 21 day advance purchase price of $48 round trip if you buy online. Can't guarantee you won't be sitting next to a bible-thumper either, but that's what headphones and death metal are for:
I dunno how stout of heart you are, but Greyhound has a 21 day advance purchase price of $48 round trip if you buy online. Can't guarantee you won't be sitting next to a bible-thumper either, but that's what headphones and death metal are for:
Thanks for the tip, and I'll keep it in mind, but it's showing as $48 one way and $96 round trip at the 21 day advance price. Not only that, you weren't kidding about needing a stout heart. I've ridden greyhound from Fresno to Sacramento (about 4 hours, as opposed to 17.) "Harrowing" is an appropriate adjective.
Also, visiblehowl, I want to have nasty sex with your signature. Just sayin'
I dunno how stout of heart you are, but Greyhound has a 21 day advance purchase price of $48 round trip if you buy online. Can't guarantee you won't be sitting next to a bible-thumper either, but that's what headphones and death metal are for:
Thanks for the tip, and I'll keep it in mind, but it's showing as $48 one way and $96 round trip at the 21 day advance price. Not only that, you weren't kidding about needing a stout heart. I've ridden greyhound from Fresno to Sacramento (about 4 hours, as opposed to 17.) "Harrowing" is an appropriate adjective.
Also, visiblehowl, I want to have nasty sex with your signature. Just sayin'
I did the Sacramento-to-Fresno trip on Greyhound once. My family went to Sac to the State Fair and I took this girl I liked, and then she and I went back to Fresno on the bus.
I dunno how stout of heart you are, but Greyhound has a 21 day advance purchase price of $48 round trip if you buy online. Can't guarantee you won't be sitting next to a bible-thumper either, but that's what headphones and death metal are for:
Thanks for the tip, and I'll keep it in mind, but it's showing as $48 one way and $96 round trip at the 21 day advance price. Not only that, you weren't kidding about needing a stout heart. I've ridden greyhound from Fresno to Sacramento (about 4 hours, as opposed to 17.) "Harrowing" is an appropriate adjective.
Ooops, sorry about that. I'm usually much better at math. Sadly, it's still much cheaper than the train, but you get what you pay for. I took Greyhound from Ohio-DC once and that was a cumulative day and a half's worth of- well, let's just call it learning experience. I think you'd be looking at about the same.
I decided to take the plunge and do something completely bonkers! I'm joining the WCTT! Sounds like tons of fun! I really don't know what to expect, I've never done anything like this...
After flirting with the idea of driving 2200 miles, my friend and I have decided to take the train, first PAX for both of us, can't wait! Anyone gonna be bringing their Magic cards? The XBL game has got me interested in buying a deck.
After flirting with the idea of driving 2200 miles, my friend and I have decided to take the train, first PAX for both of us, can't wait! Anyone gonna be bringing their Magic cards? The XBL game has got me interested in buying a deck.
I'd love to, but all I've got is a starter that is impossible to win with. I had an okay deck years ago, but gave up the game and the cards when it dawned on me just how much time and money it would cost me to get a legitimately good one.
Maybe the Wizards booth will prove too tempting, however, and I will have something actually playable on the return trip? We shall have to see.
See I've never played the physical game, so Ill be buying one of the color starter decks and maybe a booster or two. I don't wanna end up spending hundreds of bucks for tournaments and whatnot, just a nice little deck to play against my friends.
If that's the case, I'll bring my usual decks again. Wizards was at PAX last time giving away tournament packs for sticking around and playing a everyone vs the dealer Magic game (everyone using pre-made decks they provided). I haven't had a chance to improve my Onslaught era decks with whatever series of cards they were from. Lemme check the name...ah it was Time Spiral.
See I've never played the physical game, so Ill be buying one of the color starter decks and maybe a booster or two. I don't wanna end up spending hundreds of bucks for tournaments and whatnot, just a nice little deck to play against my friends.
Oh, fun. Bring it and I'd love to play a few games, then, as our decks would probably be on about the same level (I just have a white/black starter deck and three boosters).
Edit: Jesus. With the RPGA DnD and the promise of free Magic swag, I'll have to be very careful in making sure I don't spend all weekend at the Wizards booth.
MoreGrease on
Steam and PSN: FreelancePolice
TimeCruiserMikePast Organizer of the West Coast Train TripSan Fernando ValleyRegistered Userregular
I dunno how stout of heart you are, but Greyhound has a 21 day advance purchase price of $48 round trip if you buy online. Can't guarantee you won't be sitting next to a bible-thumper either, but that's what headphones and death metal are for:
Thanks for the tip, and I'll keep it in mind, but it's showing as $48 one way and $96 round trip at the 21 day advance price. Not only that, you weren't kidding about needing a stout heart. I've ridden greyhound from Fresno to Sacramento (about 4 hours, as opposed to 17.) "Harrowing" is an appropriate adjective.
I once took a greyhound from Los Angeles, CA to Vancouver B.C. Was not my first choice. but there was this rock slide in oregon . .. and Amtrak called me to let me know they were refunding my ticket. Construction due to this very rock slide was to blame for PAXTrain's overly long delay last year
Tickets bought! Look forward to an extra power strip or two, Spaced DVDs, be-my-friend snack bribes, and whatever else I can think of hauling on the train.
Well, actually bad news. RCars2 (and his fancy internets) and me (and my LCD TV) will not be on the train this year. The poverty that afflicted RCars2 has caught up to me. He's my roommate, and we just had our third roommate move out and stiff us with a bunch of unexpected bills. It's bad enough we can't afford our house (don't worry, I've got my next place lined up and Rob can stay with his parents). Qapf has been generous enough to make sure we have transportation to PAX, but it's not on PAXtrain.
Sorry I can't participate in the awesomeness this year. To those that donated to the hotel fund: thanks a ton. It's now helping both me and Rob make it this year. QAPF said he'll up the goal to $400, but I'm very grateful for the help you guys have offered already.
Sorry to hear that Transparent, but at least you still get to go to PAX. Missing the train sucks, but missing the convention entirely is always worse. Qapf is awesome for making PAX still happen for you two.
Also, anyone here got space in their hotel room that I can crash in on the cheap? I've got my transportation figured out finally as I posted yesterday and already paid for my PAX ticket a while back, so the last thing I need is to find a place to sleep and shower. I was going to stay at the Green Tortoise like I did a couple years ago but as far as I know they are all booked up.
So I was planning on driving to L.A. with Transparent but I can greyhound it for less then cost of driving by myself. Anyone want to pick me up and let me crash at their place for the night?
Are you planning on handing over the organization of the thread and gear to someone else?
I'm passing the torch for the thread and gear to TimeCruiserMike and TNTrooper. I'll still actively post, but won't be offended if one of them takes the OP.
Awww. We'll miss you on the train, Transparent. But at least you'll be the at PAX. We should all meet up.
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
chaosisorderCupcake Princess and Pinny WhoreOregonRegistered Userregular
edited August 2009
The boy and I are driving from Phoenix to LA. We were hoping to hop in with someone else since we are flying back, but worst case scenario is we rent a car in which case we'd have extra room going over.
Glad our AZ peeps will still be representin' at PAX even if they aren't on zee train.
I'm gonna be so loaded up on anti-drowsy Dramamine that I might not be able to get off the train at PAX, considering it's bat country.
First time going to PAX, but long time E3 Attendee.. This should be interesting, as for the last long train trip I took, a large camelbak of gin & tonic was convinced to come along. Turned out to be a awesome trip, just had to add some ice from time to time..
First time going to PAX, but long time E3 Attendee.. This should be interesting, as for the last long train trip I took, a large camelbak of gin & tonic was convinced to come along. Turned out to be a awesome trip, just had to add some ice from time to time..
Nice, but the traditional use of a camelbak is to keep you from becoming dehydrated. :P
I'm also joining the train from Union Station. Yay, 34 hours of being on a train.
Hey everyone, I'll be catching this train at LA on my way up to PAX. I've never been on such a long train trip before so I've got a few questions.
1. How do I find the rest of you on the train?
2. How difficult is it to get any rest?
I wouldn't worry about finding the PAXtrain crew. We stand out pretty well. When you walk into the car full of televisions, xboxes, wireless routers, a mountain of wires, card games, D&D, and people shouting "WHAT THE FUCK! I MELEE'D THAT DUDE! THAT IS FUCKING BULLSHIT!"
... you're probably in the right place.
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
I wouldn't worry about finding the PAXtrain crew. We stand out pretty well. When you walk into the car full of televisions, xboxes, wireless routers, a mountain of wires, card games, D&D, and people shouting "WHAT THE FUCK! I MELEE'D THAT DUDE! THAT IS FUCKING BULLSHIT!"
... you're probably in the right place.
LOL alright I'll find my way to the rest of you then! I cant wait!
If the hostel is that close to the train station, it's in the international district. Now that the link light rail is up and running, staying in that part of town is doable this year.
If you're referring to the Green Tortoise Hostel, last time anybody checked, they were booked solid for PAX.
Nope.. Hostel International - Seattle... GT only has bed's on Thurs and Sun night,, Fri and Sat are totally booked. HI-Seattle was apparently closed, moved, and just re-opened a couple days ago.. I posted details in the Hotel Poll thread.
There's an iPhone app called Loopt that has some very interesting GPS features. They asked about GPS streaming over in the CCST thread and someone suggested it. Apparently it does streaming GPS updates accurate enough to where, if you were headed to my house, I could walk out the front door when I saw you pull into the driveway on Loopt.
Dunno if it's quite that amazing, but still. Anybody with an iPhone should try it, and we should friend each other in Loopt to see how it works.
Watching 100 people gradually hook up into a little snake on the west coast and then descend on Seattle would be pretty cool.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
People at Xbox Addict are having a meet-up this year at PAX and they want to make PAX/XBA plates, plus I run Faceplate Addict and I'd like to make some PAX/FPA plates. But I can't really do any of it without permission. Thing is, 1) I don't know who to talk to and 2) It takes time to get them made, and time is short.
I'm new to the forums, but I've been a gamer all my life. I'm really considering throwing caution to the wind and taking the train to PAX this year. I've never been to PAX, but it sounds like a blast. Any idea how many people are doing the train trip?
I need a ride to PAX. I live in Sacramento, California, and there is absolutely no way that I can afford to pay $170 to get there and back. To put it another way: When I did a price check and saw the price was over $80, I began to seriously doubt my ability to make this happen. Then I realised that this price was NOT round trip.
Thus, the train is out for me this year. And so I come to you, on my very knees, asking for this PAXtime miracle. If anybody is driving up and will pass anywhere even remotely close to Sacramento, or knows anybody who is, please let me know.
After all these years, this is finally my first PAX. I'm an Enforcer. I have my admission and rooming situations covered (for the most part.) But if I can't get up there and home again, it's all moot. If any of you can help me make this happen, I will be extremely greatful.
I guess I should include some information about myself. I'm a 26 year old male (just...just ignore the avatar. My first choice was unreadable.) I don't smoke, I drink relatively little, and I don't do drugs. I'll be packing fairly light for this con; a bag for clothes, a bag for stuff (DS, D&D books, novels, etc), and a bag for any swag I might be lucky enough to get my hands on (empty going up...hopefully full coming down?) I'm not exactly "neat" but I wash, smell good, won't trash your vehicle or mess with your crap. I'm cool with all ages, races, genders, sexualities, creeds, whatever. I'm a pretty easygoing guy and I can get along with most people. As long as you're not a "Burn in hell!" bible-thumper, we should get along swimmingly.
In all seriousness, though, good luck, hope you find somebody. Have you checked the Cross-Country Supertrip thread? They don't currently have anybody passing through Sacramento, but if you bring it up you might be able to find someone who's willing to throw a group together.
Do we have a separate ride-share thread somewhere? I feel like he's not going to get a lot of responses posting in the train trip thread.
Thanks for the tip, and I'll keep it in mind, but it's showing as $48 one way and $96 round trip at the 21 day advance price. Not only that, you weren't kidding about needing a stout heart. I've ridden greyhound from Fresno to Sacramento (about 4 hours, as opposed to 17.) "Harrowing" is an appropriate adjective.
Also, visiblehowl, I want to have nasty sex with your signature. Just sayin'
I did the Sacramento-to-Fresno trip on Greyhound once. My family went to Sac to the State Fair and I took this girl I liked, and then she and I went back to Fresno on the bus.
Ooops, sorry about that. I'm usually much better at math. Sadly, it's still much cheaper than the train, but you get what you pay for. I took Greyhound from Ohio-DC once and that was a cumulative day and a half's worth of- well, let's just call it learning experience. I think you'd be looking at about the same.
Visiblehowl - I'd check the map thread and see if anyone is driving from Sacramento. Contact them, maybe?
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
I'd love to, but all I've got is a starter that is impossible to win with. I had an okay deck years ago, but gave up the game and the cards when it dawned on me just how much time and money it would cost me to get a legitimately good one.
Maybe the Wizards booth will prove too tempting, however, and I will have something actually playable on the return trip? We shall have to see.
Oh, fun. Bring it and I'd love to play a few games, then, as our decks would probably be on about the same level (I just have a white/black starter deck and three boosters).
Edit: Jesus. With the RPGA DnD and the promise of free Magic swag, I'll have to be very careful in making sure I don't spend all weekend at the Wizards booth.
I once took a greyhound from Los Angeles, CA to Vancouver B.C. Was not my first choice. but there was this rock slide in oregon . .. and Amtrak called me to let me know they were refunding my ticket. Construction due to this very rock slide was to blame for PAXTrain's overly long delay last year
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
Well, actually bad news. RCars2 (and his fancy internets) and me (and my LCD TV) will not be on the train this year. The poverty that afflicted RCars2 has caught up to me. He's my roommate, and we just had our third roommate move out and stiff us with a bunch of unexpected bills. It's bad enough we can't afford our house (don't worry, I've got my next place lined up and Rob can stay with his parents). Qapf has been generous enough to make sure we have transportation to PAX, but it's not on PAXtrain.
Sorry I can't participate in the awesomeness this year. To those that donated to the hotel fund: thanks a ton. It's now helping both me and Rob make it this year. QAPF said he'll up the goal to $400, but I'm very grateful for the help you guys have offered already.
Also, anyone here got space in their hotel room that I can crash in on the cheap? I've got my transportation figured out finally as I posted yesterday and already paid for my PAX ticket a while back, so the last thing I need is to find a place to sleep and shower. I was going to stay at the Green Tortoise like I did a couple years ago but as far as I know they are all booked up.
Glad you can still make it to the con, Transparent. Are you planning on handing over the organization of the thread and gear to someone else?
I'm passing the torch for the thread and gear to TimeCruiserMike and TNTrooper. I'll still actively post, but won't be offended if one of them takes the OP.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Glad our AZ peeps will still be representin' at PAX even if they aren't on zee train.
I'm gonna be so loaded up on anti-drowsy Dramamine that I might not be able to get off the train at PAX, considering it's bat country.
LA Union to PAX
First time going to PAX, but long time E3 Attendee.. This should be interesting, as for the last long train trip I took, a large camelbak of gin & tonic was convinced to come along. Turned out to be a awesome trip, just had to add some ice from time to time..
1. How do I find the rest of you on the train?
2. How difficult is it to get any rest?
Nice, but the traditional use of a camelbak is to keep you from becoming dehydrated. :P
I'm also joining the train from Union Station. Yay, 34 hours of being on a train.
... you're probably in the right place.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Nope.. Hostel International - Seattle... GT only has bed's on Thurs and Sun night,, Fri and Sat are totally booked. HI-Seattle was apparently closed, moved, and just re-opened a couple days ago.. I posted details in the Hotel Poll thread.