So, kids... my "chupathingy" crazy ass will probably not be on the AwesomeTrain® this year. I plan on moving to Washington right before PAX. Also, that train is bad for my physical and mental health; even though it is a ton of fun.
Don't cry too much...
neuroslice on
Hotel bound on PAX Saturday,
I exclaimed "Khoo is my Sensei!"
So if memes make great shirts,
And Pod Six is Jerks,
Then Moe, Khoo and I had our day.
The rock band room (and those who emerge from it after hours on drums) is a bit... funky. Other than that it's pretty rosy, main compartments and the obs deck aren't cramped enough for it to be a problem.
This year I want to take the train up with you gents, but I'm worried about what time we'll arrive. Has the train been late before in the last few years, or is it sort-of reliable? I also want to hit up the pub crawl, since it was such a blast last year, but if I took the train I'd like to know if that plan is doable (time wise).
Don't count on it being on time. There were extraneous circumstances last year that delayed it 4 hours, and all signs point to that not being the case this year, but it's a 35 hour trip and many things can happen in 35 hours that make the trip longer than expected.
If i get on at a stop that does not do "check baggage service", do I just shove all my crap on the train into the seat with me? Is there enough room?
Each train car is 2 levels with passengers generally on the top level. The bottom level usually has a cargo space area for larger luggage. You shouldn't have a problem just storing it there.
I just booked my ticket (one way), so I'll see everyone on the train! I should be bringing my World of Warcraft Minis, and possibly the WoW TCG, if anyone wants to learn how to play either one.
Along the same lines, I'd like to remind everybody that I plan to bring the Red Dwarf RPG. I just need to find someone willing to GM as GMing is not my forte.
Along the same lines, I'd like to remind everybody that I plan to bring the Red Dwarf RPG. I just need to find someone willing to GM as GMing is not my forte.
I don't know about Red Dwarf, but I could always DM a D&D 4th edition game. In fact, I could even bring the "d&d day" adventures that were meant for beginners and won't last more than 7 hours. Yay!
I actually enjoyed the trip down more - I knew people on the way back, so that was good. I suppose that's less true if you're only coming down, but I met a few people at the con that I didn't even know were on the train coming up, so there's that possibility.
Also, per your name: YanYan is delicious. Fuck Pocky.
SlickShughes on
TimeCruiserMikePast Organizer of the West Coast Train TripSan Fernando ValleyRegistered Userregular
edited May 2009
I have a project for my fellow PAX train goers . . . I'd like to get some video of the Coast Starlight Traveling through our way point cities. If you or some one you know has a decent video camera and you're not too far from the train, could you set up a tripod near the tracks and capture the train as it goes by (both ways if you can manage), and then send it to me? Shots of the train arriving at the seattle station from the street would be great too. Its something that I've felt my previous PAX train videos have been lacking.
I don't know about Red Dwarf, but I could always DM a D&D 4th edition game. In fact, I could even bring the "d&d day" adventures that were meant for beginners and won't last more than 7 hours. Yay!
I've never played D&D and I'm keen to learn before PAX so I can join in.
I have a project for my fellow PAX train goers . . . I'd like to get some video of the Coast Starlight Traveling through our way point cities...
Is it safe to assume you know someone who's able to film the train as it pulls away from the platform? Because if so :^:
well not exactly . . . i'm going to goto union station (sometime next month perhaps) and film the train leaving and then through the magic of editing it can look like our train leaving in September.
Hey folks. I haven't put in anything into the new thread so i thought i would poke my head in. Though sadly i have bad news.
Unfortunately it seems i wont be able to partake in the WCTT or PAX this year. I lost my job last month and I'm still jobless at this time. While the unemployment check is helping me barely keep my head above water the money i saved for PAX will be depleted before the event. Even if i got a job now I'm not certain i could get enough money saved in time. Additionally its going to be a stretch to get time off if I'm at a new employer.
It really sux because i was looking forward to seeing you all again this year and just having a grand old time. I mean when else do i get a chance to get the hell out of Phoenix to hang out and drink with a bunch of fellow gamers in one of the best cities on the planet?
So pretty much unless someone can smuggle me in their carry on and let me sleep on the floor of their hotel room (thankfully i bought my PAX pass before I lost my job so i wont need to bum money for that) I wont be able to make it. If anything magically changes, of course I'll keep ya all posted.
I was on the train last year and I had a blast. This year though I think that (if at all possible) I will be flying down to LA so I can experience the entirety of the awesomeness that is WCTT. I have found a one way plane ticket for $31, but I will have to get there two days early . If any of you guys know of a cheap place to stay in LA that would kick major ass.
If I get my own room (witch it is looking like I probably will) I know I wouldn't mind you crashing there. as for train ticket I dont think that I can help out much.
Like, actual bot-spam, posted by a keyword-searching bot, and horrifically mistargeted.
Edit: not horrifically mistargeted, just disguised so the unwitting admin wouldn't detect their SEO bullshit for a while.
ctishman on
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited June 2009
Yeah, I thought the same thing, but he hasn't actually spammed anything yet, just made a nonsensical post. I thought I'd respond on the off-chance that it wasn't spam (especially since he filled in the spammer-trap with "I am not a spammer or robot"). Decisions, decisions.
What time has the train arrived in previous years? I'm trying to work out how much sleep I'll actually get the night before PAX, to when I'll have to wake up the morning of (assuming it starts at 10am.)
It was past 10 - more like midnight. I didn't get into my hotel room until 1am.
Also, I'm pretty sure doors don't open until 1 on friday, but I can't find anything to back that up on a quick search. 10am is probably a good time to get in line though :P.
SlickShughes on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited June 2009
The hous have changed. PAX opens doors at the same time on friday as on saturday and sunday.
It was near midnight when we arrived last year- but there was a built in two hour delay while they were fixing tracks along the route. Year before last, we got in about ten.
I know there was already a decent amount of people in line at around 9AM last year to get in at noon. I can't imagine how early people will line up with the opening at 10. Depending on how eager you are to get in first, you might be in for a very short night sleep Thursday. But hey, that's just training for Friday and Saturday nights, right? :P
Train ticket has been purchased. I have yet to miss two years of PAX in a row, and I'm not about to start now. The train was awesome in 2007 so I'm riding the rails you with you fine gents again.
looks like one year im going to have to fly from my home here in alberta, canada to california just so i can get on the pax train (because it sounds so awesome)
What time has the train arrived in previous years? I'm trying to work out how much sleep I'll actually get the night before PAX, to when I'll have to wake up the morning of (assuming it starts at 10am.)
Don't plan on getting a lot of sleep, although I can say from experience that it actually doesn't matter that much. Last year I got very, very little sleep, and it didn't really hit me at all. When you have so much to do, I think your body just copes.
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
TimeCruiserMikePast Organizer of the West Coast Train TripSan Fernando ValleyRegistered Userregular
Statement: Just a simple droid, here, ma'am. Nothing to see. Move along.
Don't cry too much...
I exclaimed "Khoo is my Sensei!"
So if memes make great shirts,
And Pod Six is Jerks,
Then Moe, Khoo and I had our day.
I guess we can't take showers, so that'll suck towards the end of the trip.
Each train car is 2 levels with passengers generally on the top level. The bottom level usually has a cargo space area for larger luggage. You shouldn't have a problem just storing it there.
Lemon Jelly - "Slow Train"
I don't know about Red Dwarf, but I could always DM a D&D 4th edition game. In fact, I could even bring the "d&d day" adventures that were meant for beginners and won't last more than 7 hours. Yay!
Also, per your name: YanYan is delicious. Fuck Pocky.
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
Is it safe to assume you know someone who's able to film the train as it pulls away from the platform? Because if so :^:
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
Unfortunately it seems i wont be able to partake in the WCTT or PAX this year. I lost my job last month and I'm still jobless at this time. While the unemployment check is helping me barely keep my head above water the money i saved for PAX will be depleted before the event. Even if i got a job now I'm not certain i could get enough money saved in time. Additionally its going to be a stretch to get time off if I'm at a new employer.
It really sux because i was looking forward to seeing you all again this year and just having a grand old time. I mean when else do i get a chance to get the hell out of Phoenix to hang out and drink with a bunch of fellow gamers in one of the best cities on the planet?
So pretty much unless someone can smuggle me in their carry on and let me sleep on the floor of their hotel room (thankfully i bought my PAX pass before I lost my job so i wont need to bum money for that) I wont be able to make it. If anything magically changes, of course I'll keep ya all posted.
Thanks man. I hope so too.
If I get my own room (witch it is looking like I probably will) I know I wouldn't mind you crashing there. as for train ticket I dont think that I can help out much.
It is kind of a slow train. Where's the bullet trains California voted to fund when they took away gay marriage? :P
It takes a while. Honestly that 10 billion will probably get a train from LAX to Disneyland and that's it.
Like, actual bot-spam, posted by a keyword-searching bot, and horrifically mistargeted.
Edit: not horrifically mistargeted, just disguised so the unwitting admin wouldn't detect their SEO bullshit for a while.
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
Also, I'm pretty sure doors don't open until 1 on friday, but I can't find anything to back that up on a quick search. 10am is probably a good time to get in line though :P.
I know there was already a decent amount of people in line at around 9AM last year to get in at noon. I can't imagine how early people will line up with the opening at 10. Depending on how eager you are to get in first, you might be in for a very short night sleep Thursday. But hey, that's just training for Friday and Saturday nights, right? :P
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
Show it to everyone!
{Fondly remembers the PAXTrain}
Great work.