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A few PAX pictures.

john_zoidbergjohn_zoidberg Registered User regular
edited February 2007 in PAX Archive
So, PAX has come and gone, but I'm still thinking about it. Awhile ago, I uploaded a bunch of PAX pictures to Flickr, but I forgot to post them here. These aren't too good(and I have more, unbad ones), but I'm sure it'll bring back some memories. Anyways, here's a few pictures I took:
Even though that line wrapped around the Meydenbauer, it was still a great oppurtunity to strike up conversations with like-minded people. At PAX, no one was a stranger. The later pictures were taken at around 1AM (which was personally my favorite time of day at PAX, it was so calm). Anyways, enjoy what's there.

"Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads"
john_zoidberg on


  • QuizMasterQuizMaster Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    First instinct: Look for myself.
    Yay, you win. I think that's me in the orange in the 2nd.
    Thanks for sharing. It'll be nice to add to my scrapbook.
    I still haven't developped my pictures. Thanks for the reminder.

    QuizMaster on
  • wenchkillawenchkilla Registered User regular
    edited December 2006
    If I am very VERY lucky my parents will let me borrow their Nikon D80 for PAX '07. Pictures galore!

    wenchkilla on
    PSN/XBL: dragoniemx
  • RelativioxRelativiox Halo Nerd Forerunner shield world OnyxRegistered User regular
    edited December 2006
    wenchkilla wrote:
    If I am very VERY lucky my parents will let me borrow their Nikon D80 for PAX '07. Pictures galore!

    I don't want to bring my SLR to PAX, but I will bring my little point and shoot. It still takes good pics.

    Relativiox on
  • StifinStifin Registered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Relativiox, I brought my DSLR to PAX last year. It was very worth it. I even brought it to the concerts and got some great shots. Its worth it as long as you don't mind carrying it, or have a backpack/swag bag to carry it in.

    Just a thought.

    Stifin on
    "The most aesthetically pleasing kick in the balls in the history of modern cinema" -William Goldman

  • RelativioxRelativiox Halo Nerd Forerunner shield world OnyxRegistered User regular
    edited January 2007
    Yeah I don't doubt that it is worth it, but I don't know if I would want to lug it around.

    Relativiox on
  • QuizMasterQuizMaster Registered User regular
    edited February 2007
    I brought disposable cameras that came from a box of Molson Canadian. Now all my pictures say "Rockstar" on the bottom. And they're really poor quality. Most pictures say 1,000 words. I have to explain what is going on in mine.

    A friend felt sorry for me and gave me an actual camera for this year.

    QuizMaster on
  • ctishmanctishman Registered User regular
    edited February 2007
    Here's a bit of nostalgia for you: The final round of the PAX '04 Omegathon. This is really where it all began...

    ctishman on
    Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
  • dyaballikldyaballikl PAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community Cartographer Gold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited February 2007
    ctishman wrote:
    Here's a bit of nostalgia for you: The final round of the PAX '04 Omegathon. This is really where it all began...
    damn, that brings back some memories.

    dyaballikl on
    a.k.a. dya
    "Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
  • LuqLuq Registered User regular
    edited February 2007
    Ha, sweet. I'm playing GH in that last pic. It was much easier getting a spot at around 1am. I'm the one that really needs a haircut. Well there are a few of those, but I'm the one that is in most dire need of a haircut.

    Luq on
    FFRK:jWwH RW:Onion Knight's Sage USB
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