ill try to be as breef as possable and please forgive my spelling
my mrs had a cat, and was told she could no longer have it
i took it on and he stayd at my houe
then my landlord said i had to get rid of him
so then he when to my brothers wilsm me and my mrs found a new place
we got one and got the cat back.
the above events where over the space of 7 or 8 months
unfortunatle the cat has to now be and indoor cat. hes fine with this he never realy liked going out anyway. but he does love having people around.
so anyway there is a party comming up and the chose is to eather leave the cat locked up in the house or leave him at my brothers where we will also be staying. my brothers and the party is 40 miles from where wher live.
i was up for taking him. so he could be with my bro for the evaning and then we'd sleep there and all come home in the morning.
but my mrs thinks it would be bad for the cat moving him on an 80 mile round trip and then he would get confused weather he was being left at my bros.
anyone got any advice?
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As long as you leave a full bowl of food and water, and make sure his litterbox is accessible, your cat should be just fine (if a bit lonely) staying overnight by himself.
It's much less traumatic for a cat to be locked up in a familiar space than for it to be moved to a new space, especially if it's only for an evening.
This. Cats aren't like puppies; they are fine being alone for a day or two if need be. Just make sure there's plenty of food and water, and clean the litterbox.
TL DR on
ceresWhen the last moon is cast over the last star of morningAnd the future has past without even a last desperate warningRegistered User, ModeratorMod Emeritus
edited April 2009
You shouldn't even need to lock him up. Leave him enough food and water for about two days, and fresh litter, and he'll be just fine. If you leave enough provisions, you can leave a cat alone for a couple days with no problem.. they really aren't like dogs in that respect. I wouldn't leave along for longer than that, but I've had to leave my cat for ~48 hours once or twice. When I got back she was still alive and healthy and the apartment wasn't even torn up.
ceres on
And it seems like all is dying, and would leave the world to mourn
one problem is. he always eats all his food in 1 go. if i put food out to leave him he will year it all there and then. and not have any left
Conroy Bumpas on
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You can buy food dispensers that dispense the dry food at time intervals. It might be a weird solution for a one night thing but you can use it regularly after that.
Though expect him to exact some sort of revenge, because cats just do that kind of thing. Mine likes to scatter mail, and has on a few occasions chewed up socks and beanies worse than a 4 week old puppy would.
And then he's fine when I come home.
MetroidZoid on
3DS FC: 4699-5714-8940 Playing Pokemon, add me! Ho, SATAN!
I agree for just leaving him at home unless he is a very calm cat. I've have one that is fine riding in the car, running around outside or in new places and is generally "doesn't afraid of anything" as far as internet slang goes. I have another that freaks out if I even think of taking her outside, and is really nervous in the car or new places or animals.
The 'fraidy cat also gets really lonely without people. I've been away for about 3 days before and left her food, and had a friend drop by and refill it/check on her. When I came home she was really whiny and vocal...but only a little more than usual. Your cat will be okay, it doesn't traumatize them to be alone. Just leave some toys out for it.
This. Preferably a bedroom or a bathroom instead of a closet.
This. Cats aren't like puppies; they are fine being alone for a day or two if need be. Just make sure there's plenty of food and water, and clean the litterbox.
Though expect him to exact some sort of revenge, because cats just do that kind of thing. Mine likes to scatter mail, and has on a few occasions chewed up socks and beanies worse than a 4 week old puppy would.
And then he's fine when I come home.
3DS FC: 4699-5714-8940 Playing Pokemon, add me! Ho, SATAN!
The 'fraidy cat also gets really lonely without people. I've been away for about 3 days before and left her food, and had a friend drop by and refill it/check on her. When I came home she was really whiny and vocal...but only a little more than usual. Your cat will be okay, it doesn't traumatize them to be alone. Just leave some toys out for it.