
[D&D 4E] Shackled City (Game Thread)



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    GrimmyTOAGrimmyTOA Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Alead speaks slowly, quietly.

    "I trust all was quiet last night, Sir Alek? You kept a close watch on the orphanage, after all..."
    Insight into Alek's late appearance and general trustworthiness: 1d20 +9 = 18

    GrimmyTOA on
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    simonwolfsimonwolf i can feel a difference today, a differenceRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    "Last night was relatively uneventful, Deva. Although..." He pauses to think for a moment. "Come to think of it," he slowly says, "Something unusual did happen. Just when I rode up to the hitching post after I left you all last night, I could have sworn I saw some hooded figures moving away from the entranceway to the orphanage. Some were halfling sized, the others elf-sized. But they disappeared into the night so quickly after I rode up, I assumed it was either a figment of my imagination, or perhaps some people heading home from the tavern."

    He's telling the truth. Judging by the way he's picking his teeth with his tongue and wiping crumbs from his tunic, it seems his late appearance was mostly caused by a delayed breakfast.

    simonwolf on
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    StygianSmileyFaceStygianSmileyFace Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Kreel merely grins at Alek.

    "Of course, how silly of me to think otherwise."

    StygianSmileyFace on
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    GrimmyTOAGrimmyTOA Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    "Hmm." Alead turns to regard the woman at the orphanage door.

    "Was anyone allowed into or out of the Orphanage last night? Is all well inside?"
    Insight: Is she being truthful? Is she hiding anything? 1d20 + 9 = 16

    GrimmyTOA on
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    simonwolfsimonwolf i can feel a difference today, a differenceRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Gretchyn shakes her head firmly. "I have a rule here, mister. Once the children are locked up for the night, this whole orphanage goes into lockdown. The staff don't have to stay overnight, of course, but if anyone leaves before lockdown, they don't get back in until morning. These are my children more than anyone else's, and..."

    You can see tears starting to well in her old eyes.

    "It's more than I can bear to think that some of them have been taken away from here. The children are scared and hurtin' for their lost friends, but we all hope and pray to Pelor that they'll be safely returned."

    She's being sincere.

    simonwolf on
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    GrimmyTOAGrimmyTOA Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Alead reaches a hand out toward the woman, concern writ large across his face.

    "We will do what we can. Have no doubt about that. In the meantime, perhaps we could see the rooms that the children disappeared from. We might be able to glean some information."

    GrimmyTOA on
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    AlectharAlecthar Alan Shore We're not territorial about that sort of thing, are we?Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Kellus looks around, but sees his companions already hard at work investigating the scene.

    "When you fellows are done, I suggest we find this locksmith's shop. It's possible he's been robbed, or perhaps he's being held by our kidnappers. If they'd steal 4 children, I doubt they'd bat an eye at holding an old keymaker hostage to aid their villainy."

    Alecthar on
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    simonwolfsimonwolf i can feel a difference today, a differenceRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Gretchyn wipes a few tears from her eyes. Looking up at Alead, she straightens herself up and says, "Right, so you'll be wantin' the grand tour, then. I know you're all looking for clues for the investigation, so feel free to wander off and check the rest of the place while I lead the tour. But I'll take my time, answer any questions that may come up."

    Alek shifts his position on Avenger, then says with some regret in his voice, "I'll have to leave you all here, gentlemen. Today is the day I train some of the young Cauldron nobles in the art of battle. Perhaps I'll see you later? Avenger, away!"

    He rides off as quickly as he came, not leaving enough time between his goodbye and his departure for anyone to get a word in. An odd man, indeed.

    With Alek gone, Gretchyn steps back and over to the door side of the entrace. "If you'd care to follow me, I'll show you around the place. The children are havin' their morning recess, so you can talk to them, if'n you so wish. Otherwise, all my staff are available to be asked about the recent events. Shall we go?"

    The tour begins slowly as you're given a brief introduction to the floorplan and general construction of the orphanage. The ground floor is dimly lit and contains the main entrance hall (with a staircase leading up to the second floor), a kitchen (with stairs leading down to a cellar pantry), a dining hall, a playroom for the children (currently quite full of scampering younglings), a schoolroom, a small bathroom, and the staff quarters.

    The second floor is divided into three sections - a rather spacious bathroom with two large tubs, and two large communal bedrooms, each filled cots. You'd estimate there were around eighty beds in total, split between the two rooms. "We've got twenty-one girls and thirty-nine boys, currently," she explains, and after a pause adds, "That includes the missin' four. I ain't giving up on them yet."

    You also meet several of the staff who work at the orphanage. Jaromir Copperbeard, the middle-aged dwarven gardener; Marianne Seacole, the young nurse; Maximus Rockatansky, the cook; and Chan Marshall, the middle-aged schoolteacher. "There's also Patch, the half-orc janitor," Gretchyn explains, "But he's out runnin' errands at the moment."
    If you guys want to ask any questions or interact with the people inside of the orphanage, now would be the time. If you guys want to move on to somewhere else, give me a vote of where to go and a !ready. Too easy!

    simonwolf on
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    AlectharAlecthar Alan Shore We're not territorial about that sort of thing, are we?Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I doubt we're missing anything, but then again, I'm not as observant as my companions. I'll let them look for clues for the moment.

    Kellus steps back, giving his companions room to work if they wish.

    "I'm ready to go, I'm thinking to Ghelve's, but if there's anything my fellows wish to look for, I'm content to wait until they're prepared."

    Alecthar on
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    Mike DangerMike Danger "Diane..." a place both wonderful and strangeRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    "I'm feelin' a bit peakish," Quinn says. "Think I'll go and see the cook."

    He nods to the matron and heads off towards the kitchen.

    Mike Danger on
    Steam: Mike Danger | PSN/NNID: remadeking | 3DS: 2079-9204-4075
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    GrimmyTOAGrimmyTOA Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Alead corners Copperbeard the gardener.

    "Mr. Copperbeard, have there been people moving around the grounds at odd hours? Surely you'd have noticed disturbances in the gardens when you arrive in the morning... and are there any other ways into the Orphanage, besides the front gate?"
    Diplomacy: 1d20 = 9. That's unlikely to help much.

    GrimmyTOA on
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    AlectharAlecthar Alan Shore We're not territorial about that sort of thing, are we?Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Seeing Alead's difficulties in speaking with the gardener, Kellus walks over.

    "I hope he didn't offend you, Mr. Copperbeard. Alead can seem curt, and his questions odd, but he has the best interests of the children at heart. Any assistance you could give us would be helpful."
    Diplomacy to give Alead a hand talking to the gardener:
    1d20+9 → [13,9] = (22)

    Alecthar on
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    simonwolfsimonwolf i can feel a difference today, a differenceRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    "Ach, no, there aren't been any disturbances to the gardens," says Jaromir, "And there aren't no other entrances beyond the front doors. Even I have to walk around from the front to reach the back garden! But no, no disturbances lately, which gives me the chills. It jes don't make any sense..."

    He puts on his wide-brimmed hat and starts to move towards the door. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have much work to do on the garden. Spring's just around the corner, aye!"

    But just after he leaves, he pokes his head around the corner. "I overheard you speaking of my friendm, Keygan Ghelve," he says with warmth, "Now, he ain't a jolly fellow, but he ain't evil neither. Tell him I hope Jzadirune finds him well, aye?"

    And he's gone.

    simonwolf on
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    AlectharAlecthar Alan Shore We're not territorial about that sort of thing, are we?Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Kellus turns to Alead.

    "Good to know someone in the orphanage trusts Ghelve. If he is involved, it doesn't sound as though he's a willing participant."

    Alecthar on
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    GrimmyTOAGrimmyTOA Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    "Thank you for your help, Kellus." Alead turns to regard the sorcerer. "Especially after last night. I know I must have seemed callous. I hope that we can be effective together and, eventually perhaps, friends. I'm not sure who else to talk to. Do you have any ideas, or should we just continue on to Ghelve's shop?"

    GrimmyTOA on
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    simonwolfsimonwolf i can feel a difference today, a differenceRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Meanwhile, in the kitchen...

    Maximus thinks over Quinn's inquiry over the children. "No," he finally says, "Nothing too odd about the four who got taken. Leonard's parents died when he was young in the flood, not ten years back. Marianne and Suzanne, those two are abandoned ones - left on the doorstep of the orphanage. Terrem... I think his parents were adventurers, who got killed during one of their many delves into dangerous dungeons."

    He also mentions that, like all the others, he hasn't seen or heard anything suspicious - and that's what troubles him most.

    simonwolf on
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    GrimmyTOAGrimmyTOA Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Alead takes a look around the grounds, his brow furrowed in aggravation.

    How did they get in? How did they get out?
    Arcana to detect any lingering magical residue. Maybe they teleported in and out or something. d20 + 9 = 14. Sigh.

    Also: !Ready

    GrimmyTOA on
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    AlectharAlecthar Alan Shore We're not territorial about that sort of thing, are we?Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    "At first I doubted that clues still remained to be found, but perhaps there is still something to find. I'm sure our companions are investigating things as we speak."

    Kellus extends his hand toward Alead in a conciliatory gesture.

    "And as for last night, I'm more than willing to let bygones be bygones. The remaining orphans appear to be safe, and our Paladin friend, for all his eccentricity, appears to be reasonably competent. I can hardly blame you for being eager to find the kidnappers, and there is no doubt in my mind I spoke too harshly. Perhaps your desire to arrive early at the orphanage would have risked our lives, but I'm not certain it wouldn't be a risk worth taking. Fortunately, it appears our decision was of little consequence."

    Alecthar on
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    Mike DangerMike Danger "Diane..." a place both wonderful and strangeRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Quinn returns to the group, polishing off the last of a heel of bread and wiping what crumbs have collected in his 5 o'clock shadow.

    "Nothin'," he says. "At least I know the little ones' names now, I suppose."

    Mike Danger on
    Steam: Mike Danger | PSN/NNID: remadeking | 3DS: 2079-9204-4075
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    GrimmyTOAGrimmyTOA Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Alead nods at Quinn and shakes Kellus' hand warmly.

    "Then let us speak no more of it. Is it worth checking the cellars for passageways? The childrens' rooms? What do you all think?"

    GrimmyTOA on
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    UtsanomikoUtsanomiko Bros before Does Rollin' in the thlayRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Blublo walks through each bedroom, taking particular note of the doors and latches on any of the windows.
    Perception on any locks: 1d20-1 → [7,-1] = (6)

    I'll assume there's windows, openable from at least the inside; awfully large sleeping space to not be utilizing sunlight.

    Giving the windows a quick glance, the gnoble gnight pushes them open and props himself against the sill, checking out any possible means of even reaching this height.
    Perception: 1d20-1 → [11,-1] = (10)
    . More than a passive check, so I've got that going for me.

    "Hrmmm..." Blublo wrinkles his round little nose and wrankles his mustache.
    I think I'm !ready after that.

    Utsanomiko on
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    simonwolfsimonwolf i can feel a difference today, a differenceRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Blublo notices several things - the first being that while the shutters over the windows are openable, they open into the room. When they're opened, you can see that there is a grid of iron bars that are firmly set into the stonework of the building. Each open section of the grid could barely fit a child's head through.

    There's no means of accessing this level, either, except from the inside.

    simonwolf on
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    AlectharAlecthar Alan Shore We're not territorial about that sort of thing, are we?Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    "Well from what we can see, there were no signs of entry, our inspection of the locks indicated no attempts at breaking or picking the locks, and the entire orphanage is accessible only from the main door. The windows are out too. If it's the Last Laugh Guild, I'm inclined to believe that they lack the magical knowledge to open a portal into the orphanage."

    Kellus ponders the problem for a moment.

    "Any reasonably adept thief can sneak in undetected if he's in possession of a key. I still think Ghelve's locksmithy should be our next stop."

    Alecthar on
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    StygianSmileyFaceStygianSmileyFace Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Kreel, uncomfortable around the orphanage for some unspoken reason, keeps mainly silent as the rest of the group searches. Hearing talk of the cellar however, he pipes up.

    "I agree we should search below. If there is no way in from the windows and no magic, then it leaves only a few choices. Below..." He cocks his head to the side. "Or above? Is there an attic?"

    StygianSmileyFace on
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    simonwolfsimonwolf i can feel a difference today, a differenceRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Unfortunately for your wild imaginations, everything appears to be quite secure here at the Lantern Street orphanage. The cellar doesn't appear to have any secret tunnels or entrances, and the attic's sole occupant was a relatively large bat. The children have affectionately named her 'Sprinkles'.

    With no further questions, and no other places to look, you decide to leave and head over to Ghelve's Locks in order to investigate if he's had any robberies or missing items in recent days. If not, perhaps he could advise you on where to go next - it isn't like there are an adundance of leads to follow.

    You are beginning to see why the guard haven't been able to do much to solve or stop the kidnappings - aside from the missing people, there's simply no evidence that any wrongdoing has happened.

    It's around two o'clock by the time you reach the locksmithy. A small turret dominates the facade of the two storey black stone building. Iron bars, like at the orphanage, are embedded into the thick window frames. Beyond the turret's ground floor windows, you can see a lovely display of locks, from large to small, simple to complex. To the left of the turret, above a heavy oak door, swings a simple sign that reads GHELVE'S LOCKS.

    Opening the door, your sense of smell is immediately flooded with the odour of wood and pipe smoke. Two padded chairs flank a hearth containing a small yet lively fire. The fireplace's carved mantle bears a tinderbox, a small vase of dried smoking leaves, and a finely wrought collection of pipes. Evidently, Ghelve is a dwarf who knows how to treat his customers.

    A burgundy strip of carpet leads from the entrance to the wall across from it, where you can see dozens - perhaps hundreds - of keys hanging from tiny hooks. The keys come in all shapes and sizes.

    A handsomely engraved mahogany counter stretches along one wall. Behind it hangs a deep red curtain that neatly hides the rest of the store. Also behind the counter is a brown haired dwarf, who is presently occupied with tinkering around the inside of a large padlock. He's sitting on a tall stool, high enough that he's almost at your eye level.

    Hearing the do, he looks up and places the lock gently on the counter. With a wide and welcoming smile, he speaks in a deep voice, "Welcome to Ghelve's Locks, friends! How may I be of service today?"

    simonwolf on
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    StygianSmileyFaceStygianSmileyFace Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Kreel enters the room, muttering a uncomfortable greeting in Dwarven to Ghelve and then stepping to the side while stopping to not hit the ceiling. He would rather leave the discussion to the more friendly of the group, so he busies himself with inspection of locks to see if they bear the same sigil as those at the orphanage as well as trying to peek behind the curtain.

    Wrinkling his nose at the pipe smoke, Kreel idly toys with his axe as the others enter.

    StygianSmileyFace on
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    simonwolfsimonwolf i can feel a difference today, a differenceRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Unfortunately for prying eyes, the curtain extends from the wall to another wall, the two halves overlapping in the middle to completely conceal whatever is behind it. The dwarf sitting directly in front of it doesn't help matters, either.

    The sample locks you find on the counter have an identical symbol on them - the cogged gear and the dwarven letters K and G.

    simonwolf on
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    GrimmyTOAGrimmyTOA Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    "You, good dwarf, can help us with our most important investigation. Children are missing! Your locks may be to blame! If you know... at the orphanage, by the way. I'm speaking of the orphanage. With the children. Without some of them, actually, as they've been vanishing... If you know anything will you please tell us?"

    Alead stops talking, mortification on his face as he realizes what an ass he's made of himself.
    Well, I tried the Diplomacy check anyway. Guess what I rolled? That's right, a 1! I figured it was worth RPing Alead totally screwing it up, so that's what I've done.

    GrimmyTOA on
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    Mike DangerMike Danger "Diane..." a place both wonderful and strangeRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    "Apologies, apologies, master dwarf," Quinn quickly says. "Alead forgets himself sometimes...this humble servant of the Lady begs your forgiveness." He holds up his coin, kissing it and then holding it out in his hand, flat.
    Trying to smooth things over. Why, oh why, didn't I take Dwarven for my other language?
    Boom. 19+7=26

    Mike Danger on
    Steam: Mike Danger | PSN/NNID: remadeking | 3DS: 2079-9204-4075
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    AlectharAlecthar Alan Shore We're not territorial about that sort of thing, are we?Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Beyond the curtain, eh? Perhaps there is something to the riddle after all.

    Kellus looks at the dwarf, attempting to discern if anything is amiss.
    Kellus can discern nothing about the dwarf. Certain that Alead will have more success in reading Ghelve, Kellus turns slightly toward the Deva and lowers his voice.

    "See if you can't get some idea if our lock-making friend here is under duress or something. This curtain business is making me a little nervous."

    Turning back toward the dwarf, Kellus breaks out into a wide smile speaks in his most open, personable tones.

    "Ghelve, correct? We've been asked by the Temple of Pelor to look into that nasty kidnapping that happened at their orphanage. Odd business, that, no apparent entry into the building. We figured that the locksmith who built the locks would have the best idea how someone would pick the locks and leave no sign."
    Trying to stop him from being too suspicious of us.

    Diplomacy: 1d20+9 → [20,9] = (29)

    Alecthar on
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    simonwolfsimonwolf i can feel a difference today, a differenceRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    The dwarf's smiling face fades as soon as the missing children are mentioned. He adjusts himself in his seat, coughs a few times, and says, "Missing... missing children, you say? From the orphanage? I had no idea... well, of course I had an idea, but... no, I don't think I can help you with that. I'm just a humble locksmith. I recall selling locks to Mrs Tashykk many years ago, but it was such a long time ago."

    When the paladin tries to smooth over the bumbling Deva, Keygan coughs again. "Well, I might have something in the back that could help you out - just some records and such of who I've sold locks to in the past few years. I could also tell you about any enemies I've made, trying to frame me for something dastardly..."
    Someone roll me another Insight check.

    simonwolf on
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    Mike DangerMike Danger "Diane..." a place both wonderful and strangeRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Quinn watches the dwarf intently.
    Insight: 16+7=23

    Mike Danger on
    Steam: Mike Danger | PSN/NNID: remadeking | 3DS: 2079-9204-4075
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    StygianSmileyFaceStygianSmileyFace Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Kreel looks at the Dwarf oddly, the coughing making him somewhat nervous.
    Insight: 1d20+3 → [16,3] = (19)

    And here, I begin to wonder if Kreel should take out the Axe...

    StygianSmileyFace on
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    simonwolfsimonwolf i can feel a difference today, a differenceRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Kreel and Quinn:
    He's lying, but it isn't meant to be malicious - he's trying to tell you something. You can tell he's emphasising certain words, like "enemies" and "back room". He's using some very subtle gestures, as well - arching his eyebrows, nodding his head slightly towards the room beyond the curtain.

    simonwolf on
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    StygianSmileyFaceStygianSmileyFace Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Keeping his voice calm, Kreel unsheathes his Greataxe and motions to the rest of the group, indicating the curtain. Keeping his voice level, he answers the Dwarf.

    "So, nothing going on here then?"

    StygianSmileyFace on
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    Mike DangerMike Danger "Diane..." a place both wonderful and strangeRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Quinn glances at Kreel, nodding his head towards the curtain and drumming his fingers on the hilt of his sword.

    Mike Danger on
    Steam: Mike Danger | PSN/NNID: remadeking | 3DS: 2079-9204-4075
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    AlectharAlecthar Alan Shore We're not territorial about that sort of thing, are we?Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Kellus sees the actions of his insightful comrades, and gestures for Ghelve to move away from the counter. Managing to sound nonchalant, Kellus speaks to the dwarf.

    "My, that's a fine collection of pipes you have, mind joining me for a smoke?"
    Bluff: 1d20+9 → [12,9] = (21)
    Trying to get Ghelve out of the line of fire here.

    Alecthar on
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    AlectharAlecthar Alan Shore We're not territorial about that sort of thing, are we?Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Moving slowly and quietly toward the curtain, Kellus continues to gesture for Ghelve to move out of the way.

    Alecthar on
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    GrimmyTOAGrimmyTOA Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Alead grips his staff more tightly, peering intently at the curtain and waiting to see the slightest twitch that might indicate the location of danger.
    Perception: Myth-weavers is acting up, so I'm guessing Alead has a +4. 12

    GrimmyTOA on
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    simonwolfsimonwolf i can feel a difference today, a differenceRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Ghelve tries his best to play along with the drow's plan. "Um, er, of course, good fellow customer fellow son. I would be happy to, uh, smoke with you." He trips getting off of his stool, but walks around the counter and closer to the fire without any further mistakes. You don't hear any noises elsewhere in the house that respond to his actions.

    With the dwarf out of the way, Kellus makes his way over to the curtain and, ever so carefully, lifts one of the halves slightly in order to see what's on the other side. He's prepared for the worst - a horde of bugbears trained in the mystic art of ninjitsu.

    For better or worse, however, he can't see anything in the next room. It's a nice room, certainly, but nobody living in there at the moment.

    simonwolf on
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