I've been a lurker on these boards for years now and i find myself in need of a second opinion of the situation i'm currently in. I need an outsiders perspective to know if im being irationale or not.
Today i found MSN chat logs on my girlfriend laptop which go into great detail with some guy about how they will meet up for sex and he will pay her for this. The conversations are pretty clear cut and probably evidence enough.
Finding these logs has slotted alot of things into place, such as he requested in the log that she wear a corset. A couple of months ago she brought a corset of ebay which wasn't weird at the time but in retrospect just further prooves this.
Finally I found some pictures on the PC which she said were for me when i go on holiday to remember her. In the chat log it details one of these pictures (in the corset no less) being sent to this man.
Am i being unreasonable or does this all scream, get the hell out of there!?
Thankyou very much for your opinion i'm abit shocked atm so excuse any spelling mistakes.
Secondly, get out of that relationship. Neither one of you likely trusts the other. you can try talking to her about it if you want, but this is unlikely to change core issues like the mistrust and the cheating.
Thirdly, if she's likely getting paid for sex, you might want to get yourself checked out. Just being practical here.
Good: At least you weren't paying.
Bad: She's a cheating whore. You have every right to be mad.
That is clearly a lie. If the text logs actually match up with real-world events, I really don't see how it could be anything to do with hacking. Why would that even happen?
That seems like it would be a very, very elaborate hack. So much so that I'd wonder if her pimp is actually Lex Luthor.
Seriously man - run.
Time to bounce on out of there, pal.
Cut your losses, take an STD test and throw her out. She's cheating on you.
The most bold-faced lie I've ever seen.
But it seems you've already confronted her, and she's denying it, so you're second-guessing your own anger?
You should be pissed. You were utterly betrayed, and you may have earned a nice STD to boot.
I'd think about living arrangements? Do you guys share anything?
Its time to ignore Fox News and cut and run
That STD test is some good thinking.
And get the fuck outta there, homey. It's not you, it's her, etc etc.
No need for an argument.
Just a simple statement of facts. She was sharing these things with another man, it appears she has offered herself up for prostitution, etc.. The next set of facts are that you will no longer be with her and she is no longer welcome in your home.
While painful and annoying, it's simple.
There is really no need for an argument. Let her yell and let her scream. Stand solid in your convictions, there isn't a whole lot to discuss unless you are considering staying with her.
And definitely get an STD test.
Conversely, dump her because that's all the advice that really applies to you.
And let's all be clear here, DO NOT DO THIS.
That little tidbit comes from personal experience.
I came out of it clean, but hey, you never know.
Your girlfriend is literally prostituting herself behind your back. The only irrational response would be if you stayed with her.
Break it off now and get yourself to an STD clinic.
Dude, even if, through the remotest manipulations of the universe, she is not cheating on you, and those chat logs are fake, there are serious trust issues here that are not conducive to a relationship. As it is, just stand absolutely sure that the shit on her computer is the genuine article. Do not even let there be a dialog in this. This is you leaving her, not you discussing your problems with her.
The worst thing is, i rent a flat with her and the renewal isn't up til November...
I agree.
Get tested while you are at it.
Dirty cheating sluts.
3DS FC: 5343-7720-0490
Run, Sugar, run.
(and yes, get checked out)
You now know me. So... now you know someone who has had something very similiar happen.
Look, you two have trust issues. I promise you it's not going to get any easier or better. You will second guess yourself, you will wonder if it was true or false and you will always just be curious as to if she is still doing it.
Now, there is no way that you can be absolutely sure of anything (short of being sent a video like what happened to me).
End this because she is lying to you. Hacked? Really? You post here and you're willing to believe that shit?
Move on.
Live a happy life.
Alternately, if you're not interested in the high road:
Don't look back or think twice about it.
C) Get yourself checked for STDs.
Also, bravo on snooping and finding that your GF was doing something she shouldn't have been doing. A lot of people have and will give you crap for "invading her privacy" and such. I, personally, do the same thing when I'm in a relationship. While I understand that everyone should expect a certainly level of privacy in any given situation, I also expect that they understand that I am simply protecting my investment by performing such activities. Funny thing is, in every case where I felt it warranted to snoop, and did so, I found bad things.
If you can't support her choice than break up with her, but realize you are using an outdated moral system that is based in the 50s era of sexual slavery.
Yeh i'm most worried about living, we're both students and rent a flat, there are two bedrooms so i'm thinking worst case we can stay in different rooms. Or even worse she does a runner and doesn't pay half the rent
exactly what I was thinking. Support her and find more clients. You get the bonus title of pimp officially, get some cash. win win....win...win
but don't touch her anymore. you must keep things professional, well to keep yourself clean at least.
Don't be dumb.
You can't live together.
The fact i found stuff on her laptop completely justifies me looking in my opinion but thats just me. If i looked and found nothing then I'd feel bad.
He said before that there had been suspicious texts.
Wow, I say she should break up with you because of that justifaction alone. Maybe you should tell her you feel its fine to invade her privacy as long as you find something to justify your paranoia. At this point I wonder if you didn't put that information there yourself so you can break up with her guilt free.