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[MISC] PAXers losing weight for PAX

dskaitlyndskaitlyn Registered User regular
edited August 2009 in PAX Archive
Hello everyone. I'm wondering how many of us larger PAXers are planning on losing weight for/before PAX.

I currently have to fill 'large' in on my character sheet and I'm working hard to be a medium sized character by PAX. I just wanted to give my support and respect to any of my other forum members who are trying to do the same. What I'm hoping is that this thread will become a constructive place to reach out to other people and take advantage of the really great community we have here.

My name is DSKaitlyn, I've lost 15 pounds since March 15th. I have 58 pounds to go for my goal before PAX.

Who is with me?

"You know, you're a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain."
dskaitlyn on


  • CaptainTapoleCaptainTapole Awesome in the Possum - Yee-Haw! Northern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Congrats on doing this!

    Us big people--or just the people who want to get in shape in general--need all the moral support they could get!

    I don't do goals--too much of a procrastinator--but I do have high hopes. And if I cannot make my high hope; I REALLY DO hope that folks like DSKaitlyn and many others reach their goal!

    CaptainTapole on
    The Girl Who Gave Everyone the Shortest Jenga Game Ever.
  • Frightfully EnglishFrightfully English Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I'm going to be trying to lose a few pounds as well. Having spent four years at University studying really, really hard (certainly not drinking excessive amounts of alcohol) I've developed a sizable beer-gut through the many hours I spent reading books at my desk (certainly not comatose on the pub floor). It used to be that it was grudgingly viewed as a mark of honour among my peers, but recently my Dad has taken to saying "Why James, aren't you a fat bastard now?", to which I reply "No Dad, you are". Good comeback, that.

    Sadly he's right, side-on I look kinda like a python that's swallowed a wild boar. So, my name is Frightfully English, and I aim to lose my beer belly by PAX!

    Wish me luck :D

    Frightfully English on
  • CRCelfCRCelf Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    My weight gain is college related too! I started stress eating as a way of coping with tight deadlines and heavy work loads. The end result was a much rounder me than had started out the school year. Hopefully the dog i'm getting this summer will help me exercise more and get it back under control!

    CRCelf on
  • mentok1982mentok1982 I could never leave you PAX baby. BaltimoreRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I need to lose about 15 lbs.

    I am 6'2" and 215 right now.

    mentok1982 on
    Penny Arcade TV makes my life complete!
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  • treyh37treyh37 Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    about a month or so ago i lost 10lb over 2-4 weeks been trying to figure out what i was doing then so i can lose more weight

    treyh37 on
  • mentok1982mentok1982 I could never leave you PAX baby. BaltimoreRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    treyh37 wrote: »
    about a month or so ago i lost 10lb over 2-4 weeks been trying to figure out what i was doing then so i can lose more weight

    Tape worm or other parasite?

    Did you eat an egg salad sandwhich out of a truck stop bathroom vending machine?

    mentok1982 on
    Penny Arcade TV makes my life complete!
    PS3: Mentok || Steam: mentok1982 || Diablo 3: mentok1982#1212
    Links: My IGN activity My IGN Blog [H]ard|Forum
  • RavengerRavenger Trolololo Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I was hella skinny, so i started gaining weight... am i included? some people are blessed/cursed with a much too fast metabolism >.>

    Ravenger on
    <@heels&gt; Ravenger: i do not talk to anyone
    <+Ravenger> you are talking to me
    <@heels&gt; oh god, what am i doing
  • AzazelAzazel Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I need to gain weight for PAX too. Im pretty sure i weigh less than Rav.

    Azazel on
  • RavengerRavenger Trolololo Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Azazel wrote: »
    I need to gain weight for PAX too. Im pretty sure i weigh less than Rav.

    now maybe, i was pretty light a couple months ago before i started trying to gain weight though :p

    Ravenger on
    <@heels&gt; Ravenger: i do not talk to anyone
    <+Ravenger> you are talking to me
    <@heels&gt; oh god, what am i doing
  • CaptainTapoleCaptainTapole Awesome in the Possum - Yee-Haw! Northern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Feeling too skinny or feeling too fat, it doesn't matter! Lose/gain the weight you want without go overboard or start doing any disorders. We will all heart each other just the same no matter what!

    CaptainTapole on
    The Girl Who Gave Everyone the Shortest Jenga Game Ever.
  • dskaitlyndskaitlyn Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Ravenger wrote: »
    I was hella skinny, so i started gaining weight... am i included? some people are blessed/cursed with a much too fast metabolism >.>

    You're included! I'm personally more interested in doing whatever needs to be done to be more healthy. I have a sister who was a size zero for years and I can't begin to tell you how much more attractive she looks now that she's gained a few pounds.

    Also, thank you everyone who has responded to my post. We really do have a great community here.

    I forgot to include in my last post that I've given up caffeine (crazy, huh?) I'm having a really hard time staying up past 10pm but I feel a lot better!

    dskaitlyn on
    "You know, you're a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain."
  • GoogalashGoogalash Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    You'll get used to the no caffiene thing. I gave it up as well couple years back and it was awsome. I have since started drinking it again but I limit it to 1 cup of coffe in the morning and ocasional soda or tea.

    Googalash on
  • BenjaminzeBenjaminze Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I actually just purchased a treadmill and I am trying to make its use a habit I may not lose weight but at least I will get used to hauling my fat a@$ around

    Benjaminze on
    Mother Fuc$#@ loved cats
  • RavengerRavenger Trolololo Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Benjaminze wrote: »
    I actually just purchased a treadmill and I am trying to make its use a habit I may not lose weight but at least I will get used to hauling my fat a@$ around

    If you use it regularly, start slow and do some distance, youll lose some mass, promise =)

    Ravenger on
    <@heels&gt; Ravenger: i do not talk to anyone
    <+Ravenger> you are talking to me
    <@heels&gt; oh god, what am i doing
  • DirtyDirtyVagrantDirtyDirtyVagrant Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I would like to lose about 120-130 lbs by PAX 2010.

    DirtyDirtyVagrant on
  • chibidanichibidani Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I just had a baby 5 weeks ago, so I've got those last 10 baby pounds to lose. Though really I think I would like to lose 20-ish by PAX. I've got my Wii Fit (though I sure need to use it more) and now that the weather is nice (ish), I can go for walks too. I'd like to fit into an American Apparel women's large some day...

    Lets do this :)

    chibidani on
    We are now gluten, dairy and corn free gamers!
  • BenjaminzeBenjaminze Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Whoo go every one! yeah do it!

    Benjaminze on
    Mother Fuc$#@ loved cats
  • RavengerRavenger Trolololo Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    chibidani wrote: »
    I just had a baby 5 weeks ago, so I've got those last 10 baby pounds to lose. Though really I think I would like to lose 20-ish by PAX. I've got my Wii Fit (though I sure need to use it more) and now that the weather is nice (ish), I can go for walks too. I'd like to fit into an American Apparel women's large some day...

    Lets do this :)

    the title under your name wouldnt have anything to do with BJs would it?

    Ravenger on
    <@heels&gt; Ravenger: i do not talk to anyone
    <+Ravenger> you are talking to me
    <@heels&gt; oh god, what am i doing
  • John_FN_SeilerJohn_FN_Seiler Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I'm going to try and lose some weight during the summer

    I'm going to work out 3 times a week and Ive been going to Pro Wrestling classes and that's mostly cardio.

    Also, I'll be working outside so maybe I'll get some color.

    John_FN_Seiler on
    Listen to Spoiler Alert on KSUA 91.5FM at Every Tuesday 8 PM-10PM (9-11 PM Pacific). It's a Talk show about games, movies, comics, wrestling, TV and everything in between.
  • ArcoArco Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    About a year ago I quit my job to go to school full time, and the unforeseen side effect of doing nothing but reading and gaming for the past year has added up to about thirty pounds. This is on top of my already overweight weight. So I've switched over to being (mostly) vegetarian and I'm hitting the gym three times a week. I lost about 30 pounds a few years ago doing those two things in tandem, so hopefully in the six months before PAX I can at least get back to the weight I was at a year ago.

    I support this thread!

    Arco on
    Like this, not like the gas station.
    Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
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  • dskaitlyndskaitlyn Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    chibidani wrote: »
    I just had a baby 5 weeks ago, so I've got those last 10 baby pounds to lose. Though really I think I would like to lose 20-ish by PAX. I've got my Wii Fit (though I sure need to use it more) and now that the weather is nice (ish), I can go for walks too. I'd like to fit into an American Apparel women's large some day...

    Lets do this :)

    I use my wiifit every day (if not for exercise at least as my scale) and I was really surprised to find that at my recent physical my doctor's scale matched the wiifit scale. Good to know it's accurate.

    Also, anyone looking to lose a really big amount of weight: Please see your doctor first.

    They definitely won't tell you that you can't do it but they may have some input as to what exercise you should avoid. If you're someone at risk for high blood pressure especially.

    dskaitlyn on
    "You know, you're a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain."
  • sum10fishysum10fishy Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I lost abut 80 lbs between PAX 2007 and PAX 2008. 2007 was my first one so no one remembered me at 2008 because I'd lost so much (or because I'm forgetable). I'd still like to lose about 20 more but being 180 instead of 260 is fine by me. I have an excel spread sheet and some things I made that helped me lose weight, if anyone wants them PM me.

    sum10fishy on
  • MushroomsMushrooms Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I'm trying to loose about 15 pounds before my wedding, and subsequently PAX honeymoon - do I qualify to be in this thread?

    I would love to look great in the costume I plan on rocking at PAX, but unfortunately video game heroines are all about a size -2 so I've gotta drop some weight before I can look good dressing as them.

    Mushrooms on
    All shalt feel the wrath of the all-mighty POINTY KITTY OF DOOOOOM!!
  • crackgoblincrackgoblin Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    dskaitlyn wrote: »

    Also, anyone looking to lose a really big amount of weight: Please see your doctor first.

    They definitely won't tell you that you can't do it but they may have some input as to what exercise you should avoid. If you're someone at risk for high blood pressure especially.

    there really isnt any excesize that you should avoid outside of trying to run 20 miles on your first day or not stretching. Running/walking (while great for cardio) as your sole source of workout isnt the best for losing weight. You would be better off warming up for 10 minutes doing cardio and then mixing it up between weights to strengthen muscles and an eliptical for caloric burn.

    med student disclaimer- if you happen to have asthma/respiratory problems or issues with clotting, do talk to your doctor as your tolerance or meds that youre taking might effect your workout.

    i guess sitting on my ass and studying isnt helping with the weight loss. it would be nice to lose 5-10 pounds. sigh

    crackgoblin on
    its a secret to everyone
  • dskaitlyndskaitlyn Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    med student disclaimer- if you happen to have asthma/respiratory problems or issues with clotting, do talk to your doctor as your tolerance or meds that youre taking might effect your workout.

    Exactly what I was thinking. Or, like for my sister, if you are really in trouble athletically don't be afraid to do little bits of exercise throughout the day rather than a huge block of exercise all at once. It's still moving around, still better than doing nothing, and it's easier to fit in when you have a really busy schedule.

    dskaitlyn on
    "You know, you're a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain."
  • dskaitlyndskaitlyn Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Mushrooms wrote: »
    I'm trying to loose about 15 pounds before my wedding, and subsequently PAX honeymoon - do I qualify to be in this thread?

    I would love to look great in the costume I plan on rocking at PAX, but unfortunately video game heroines are all about a size -2 so I've gotta drop some weight before I can look good dressing as them.

    Awwww, yay for getting married!! Double yay for a PAX honeymoon!! You're definitely qualified, fifteen pounds isn't too shabby.

    dskaitlyn on
    "You know, you're a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain."
  • dskaitlyndskaitlyn Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    sum10fishy wrote: »
    I lost abut 80 lbs between PAX 2007 and PAX 2008. 2007 was my first one so no one remembered me at 2008 because I'd lost so much (or because I'm forgetable). I'd still like to lose about 20 more but being 180 instead of 260 is fine by me. I have an excel spread sheet and some things I made that helped me lose weight, if anyone wants them PM me.

    You should be proud of yourself for those pounds! That's a really good job. I'm pretty sure if I lost 80 pounds I'd look really different too (in a good way).

    dskaitlyn on
    "You know, you're a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain."
  • chibidanichibidani Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Mushrooms wrote: »
    I'm trying to loose about 15 pounds before my wedding, and subsequently PAX honeymoon - do I qualify to be in this thread?

    I would love to look great in the costume I plan on rocking at PAX, but unfortunately video game heroines are all about a size -2 so I've gotta drop some weight before I can look good dressing as them.

    That's so awesome. I got married in 2005, and went to Anime North in Toronto for my honeymoon. While we were there, a girl tried to pick my husband up while in the elevator! ;)

    And really, ALL cosplay is hard to pull off, cuz video game chars are almost always so unrealistic in proportion. Who you planning on being?

    And immediately after I say "I'm gonna do this", my entire family of 4 comes down with colds!

    chibidani on
    We are now gluten, dairy and corn free gamers!
  • Labrack2401Labrack2401 Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Im definitely up for some weight loss. I hope we can all keep each other going and be constructive... I want to attend as many PAXs as possible so here is for kicking heart disease in the ass!!!

    Labrack2401 on
  • AsiinaAsiina ... WaterlooRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Pretty much the entire reason I didn't go to PAX last year because I was worried about my weight. This year I decided screw it, I may not have the disposable income again, and I want to have fun.

    If I stick on my plan, I should be roughly 60 lbs lighter than I am right now, but it's still a long way to go after that too.

    Asiina on
  • MushroomsMushrooms Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Asiina wrote: »
    Pretty much the entire reason I didn't go to PAX last year because I was worried about my weight. This year I decided screw it, I may not have the disposable income again, and I want to have fun.

    If I stick on my plan, I should be roughly 60 lbs lighter than I am right now, but it's still a long way to go after that too.

    It may be a long way to go after that.... BUT think about how every little bit is going to feel, and how every big bit is going to encourage you to keep going. It might seem daunting but once you get going looking back at all you have done will feel so great!

    Mushrooms on
    All shalt feel the wrath of the all-mighty POINTY KITTY OF DOOOOOM!!
  • sum10fishysum10fishy Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    dskaitlyn wrote: »
    You should be proud of yourself for those pounds! That's a really good job. I'm pretty sure if I lost 80 pounds I'd look really different too (in a good way).

    Aww, thanks! :)
    Asiina wrote: »
    Pretty much the entire reason I didn't go to PAX last year because I was worried about my weight. This year I decided screw it, I may not have the disposable income again, and I want to have fun.

    If I stick on my plan, I should be roughly 60 lbs lighter than I am right now, but it's still a long way to go after that too.

    That's really awesome that you have that goal!

    Just something to take into consideration though. To keep from losing muscle, weight loss should be less than 2-3 lbs per week MAX and only 1-2 lbs per week if you are close to your target weight. With only 19.5714 weeks left to PAX 60, lbs is REALLY pushing hard. Don't over do it, and don't be discouraged if it takes longer.

    sum10fishy on
  • ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword User regular
    edited April 2009
    Well, I think it shouldn't just be losing weight but getting fit. I need to get back into shape after being away from the gym far too long. Oh how I miss those 2hr workout sessions.

    No. I'm not being sarcastic either.

    Viscountalpha on
  • SergeantAuberieSergeantAuberie Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I support this thread, and I want to participate - more in the doing more activity way and less in the losing weight way. I'm already below my low-end weight/height proportion, but I need to do things that are not sitting in my apartment all day working on school work.

    It'd also be nice to be able to lift heavy objects.

    SergeantAuberie on
  • AzazelAzazel Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Cookies, you should work out with Rav.

    Azazel on
  • proXimityproXimity Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I've started exercising and eating better to lose weight, but I can't say it's really for PAX, though I suppose it could be >.>

    proXimity on
  • dskaitlyndskaitlyn Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I've decided I'm going to try to exercise about two and a half hours a week, just to see what kind of a routine I can fit in around my work schedule. Yay for planet fitness being only $9.99 a month. Oh, and yay for wiifit.

    I'm really just using PAX as an excuse to pick a goal date. Well, that and I have to fly to PAX and I don't want to be one of the people using a seat belt extender. Paying for two seats because of my weight == not cool.

    dskaitlyn on
    "You know, you're a classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain."
  • InterjectionInterjection Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I am really just going to lay out my plans for before PAX...none of which are really numerically measurable since I am what is supposedly call a 'skinny fat person'.

    So, anyway, I had no muscle at all...and weighed about 180 lbs. Now this wasn't overweight...but since I had no muscles anywhere practically...I felt like, and maybe even looked like I was overweight. It's hard to tell if I actually looked overweight since how I felt skewed that a bit.

    But anyway, IDEALLY I would like to lose about 20 lbs. by PAX. I have been going about a month now with my workout plan. And I am still at about 180...which I am actually really happy with because I can tell I have put on a lot of muscle...especially in my abdominal region (planks YAY!) I can also visually tell the difference...especially in the pectoral (man boob) area.

    So my plan is to make sure I do at LEAST 3 days a week doing tabata intervals in the morning. I will do as much cardio as I can after that...but the point of these intervals is high intensity I don't know how much cardio I can do with my hands since I will usually be running.

    On off days I will be doing some free weight lifting because that is all I really can do right now (really wish I could join a gym by PAX).

    So, my muscle mass right now isn't so bad, so really my only goal by PAX is to lose 20 lbs. Hopefully some people in this thread can meet up and see our results at PAX!

    The second thing I want to do by PAX is become more social. I went to PAX last year...and like most nerds I am not a social butterfly (other than drawing penises in pictochat) ...even in such a familiar environment I barely made any decent connections with anybody. So, I am going to be going to bars and stuff...and hopefully get better at talking to strangers. And hopefully I will meet cool people at PAX, hopefully even a few people from the forums. : )

    Maybe I can participate in the pub crawl...since I turned 21 this year. I don't like to drink maybe I will just make sure nobody walks into traffic.

    So just now I thought, this is a stupid post...I don't think I will post it, and nearly hit the back button...I am looking at it right now...but I don't think I will do it...maybe this is why I am not very social...self doubt.

    Interjection on
    aka kcMasterpiece
  • CaptainTapoleCaptainTapole Awesome in the Possum - Yee-Haw! Northern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    We've all been there...the self-doubt bit. We are here to support eachother. And whatever you wish to do, we will go "Yay!" for you.

    Moral-Support Lyea is at anyone's service!

    CaptainTapole on
    The Girl Who Gave Everyone the Shortest Jenga Game Ever.
  • nemaihnenemaihne Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Hi! ::waves shyly::

    Count me in. I'm not exactly trying to lose weight. I'm trying to rearrange it, because I'm trying to get my muscle tone back to where it was in my more athletic days and muscle weighs more.
    Is there any sort of multiplayer thing we could all use on the wiifit across the net? I'd love to get together with anyone out there since I have motivation issues. 8-)

    nemaihne on
    I *think* that's what I meant to say...
This discussion has been closed.