I want to make sure everyone, who needs to know, knows: barring some act of god or a complete failure of my career, I'll be in training for 8 months, starting in August. This is completely unavoidable, and I can't miss any weekdays. Obviously this puts the kibosh on PAX 09 or the first PAX-E. I already ordered a 3-day pass for PAX 09, so we'll see what happens with that. Maybe I'll find someone who really needs it and just pass it on. Anyway, I already posted in the threads for events I'd signed up for, so consider this my general "don't look for me" notice. Sorry, guys, but that's the way it goes sometimes.
=( =( We're going to miss you a lot Sake! =( I look forward to seeing you at PAX '10 (the non-East Coast variety) unless there's some way we can kidnap you though. It won't be the same without you there amigo. =( =(
[X] Train tix
[_] Finish Vivi costume
[X] Anxiously wait
Dunno yet. Maybe I'll just give it away after they're all sold out.
Awesome Ideas With No Inititive
IRC - radeon.slashdot.net #n37 key=topic
Even though I've seen you and maybe almost kicked it with you at PAX... We've hardly even talked.
Now I have to wait a fucking year and a half.
But, alas, at least you have a steady job... unlike me...
Hopefully I'll at least be able to afford PAX, by PAX...
I exclaimed "Khoo is my Sensei!"
So if memes make great shirts,
And Pod Six is Jerks,
Then Moe, Khoo and I had our day.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
How can you just leave me like that, Sake?
I support Mission #9: Hauling ass to Alabama and rescuing Sake from the confines of the secret military compound!
That is all.