
[NBC][Heroes] - Officially Cancelled. This thread is about Summer Glau now.



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    ImprovoloneImprovolone Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Quid wrote: »
    or for him to act like a dumbass.

    Well it's not like that's going to stop in any case.

    The high speed knife fight was bad.

    I only caught the last 45 minutes and it all felt like a mistake.

    If it looked like a kung-fu movie, everyone would be clamoring about "omg, how does he know how to do that!!??!"

    Improvolone on
    Voice actor for hire. My time is free if your project is!
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    QuidQuid Definitely not a banana Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Oh. I don't expect great changes, but he's already acted more intelligently than originally. By, you know, actually using his powers.

    Dear lord my standards are low for this show.

    Quid on
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    ImprovoloneImprovolone Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Quid wrote: »
    Oh. I don't expect great changes, but he's already acted more intelligently than originally. By, you know, actually using his powers.

    Dear lord my standards are low for this show.

    It (acting stupid) worked in the first season when he had no fucking clue what was going on or how to control it. It made him a really unstable increasingly dangerous variable.
    But then he learned how to prevent everything that was negative about his condition. Boo. I really hope they keep him nerfed.

    Improvolone on
    Voice actor for hire. My time is free if your project is!
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    ZourtackZourtack Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    They said 3.

    They lied

    Zourtack on
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    AsiinaAsiina ... WaterlooRegistered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Sylar makes this show watchable. His scenes with Matt were easily the best parts.

    They should just make The Sylar Show where he can be a smarmy asshole to everyone, and then kill them all.

    Asiina on
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    DacDac Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Matt is easily, easily, easily corruptible.

    Either that, or a little too high strung. Sylar's commentary wasn't exactly -that- biting...

    Dac on
    Steam: catseye543
    PSN: ShogunGunshow
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    QuidQuid Definitely not a banana Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Quid wrote: »
    Oh. I don't expect great changes, but he's already acted more intelligently than originally. By, you know, actually using his powers.

    Dear lord my standards are low for this show.

    It (acting stupid) worked in the first season when he had no fucking clue what was going on or how to control it. It made him a really unstable increasingly dangerous variable.
    But then he learned how to prevent everything that was negative about his condition. Boo. I really hope they keep him nerfed.

    They managed to for the rest of the last volume so I'd imagine so.
    Dac wrote: »
    Matt is easily, easily, easily corruptible.

    Either that, or a little too high strung. Sylar's commentary wasn't exactly -that- biting...

    The guy has been seeing this stuff for weeks. Weeks of Sylar screwing with him. More so, he has one of the most easily and justifiably abused powers and honest to goodness human flaws.

    Quid on
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    ImprovoloneImprovolone Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Yea, I can't imagine how much that mind swap thing fucked his head up.

    Improvolone on
    Voice actor for hire. My time is free if your project is!
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    QuidQuid Definitely not a banana Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    And let's be honest, who the Hell wouldn't abuse that power to some degree?

    Quid on
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    ImprovoloneImprovolone Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Heroes is becoming the show that reminds me of other shows.
    Claire's school friend fucked Mulder (but not Mulder)
    Matt is going to some sort of group just like Dexter
    Sylar is super snarky just like House!

    Improvolone on
    Voice actor for hire. My time is free if your project is!
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    QuidQuid Definitely not a banana Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Fuck me it reminded me of Dexter too.

    Quid on
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    flamebroiledchickenflamebroiledchicken Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Definitely an interesting premiere, but to be fair every season looked okay at first. That's before all the plot threads go to ridiculous places and everything stops making sense. So I'm not optimistic or anything. The new characters are pretty awesome, though.

    flamebroiledchicken on
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    AroducAroduc regular
    edited September 2009
    Definitely an interesting premiere, but to be fair every season looked okay at first. That's before all the plot threads go to ridiculous places and everything stops making sense. So I'm not optimistic or anything. The new characters are pretty awesome, though.

    I dunno. "Alternate future Peter did it" wasn't exactly the high point of the series.

    Aroduc on
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    JutranjoJutranjo Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I wish they would've just cut the last 2 minutes of Claire out. It was horrible enough earlier.

    Edit: I wish they would just cut Claire out.

    Jutranjo on
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    XeddicusXeddicus Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    So Traci isn't a killer yet she killed 4 guys before that? Riiiight. She's a killer with damn good reason. Then just because Noah says otherwise, she lets knife-guy go with just a broken toy.
    As has been pointed out- Knife Guy went from "I don't kill people." to *SLICE!* real fast. Guess he left Noah alive, though.

    Claire is stupid. That Fall, Jump, Push thing may be real, but there has to be a dozen ways to also make the results invalid. What if you're pushed and then trip out the window, etc etc. Not sure if the whole thing was just a setup to reveal her power to her new lesbian lover or not, but either way, pretty lame. When it turns out the (not quite so) dead roommate is behind everything in the finale maybe this will matter.

    I forgot- what is their lame reason for keeping Sylar around yet again? KILL HIM FOR CHRIST'S SAKE. He's the Scorpius of Heroes. A villain that has far outlasted his usefulness in all ways but apparently Writers Plot Device and a small fan following. Sylar had no mind powers, did he? Yet now we have 2 of the damn things. Zachary Quinto needs to go play Spock forever.

    Matt comparing his power to a drug is as retarded as anything Claire and Peter has ever done. Boo.

    Peter actually using his powers was nice, though. I agree he's going to end up in some situation and saved by the Plot, though. It would have been nice if they could have figured out how to keep him Powered Up to some degree and still interesting. They've failed to do so with Sylar, but keep him around. No reason they couldn't keep trying with both of them...

    Xeddicus on
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    QuidQuid Definitely not a banana Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Sylar was kept around to impersonate Nathan so that supers didn't get cracked down on when it would be discovered one killed a senator. Yes it was dumb.

    Matt's power is easily compared to a drug. It's a virtually undetectable way to bend people to his will and it's hardly foolish to look for help from somewhere to keep himself from abusing it.

    Quid on
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    DarkWarriorDarkWarrior __BANNED USERS regular
    edited September 2009
    Quid wrote: »
    Sylar was kept around to impersonate Nathan so that supers didn't get cracked down on when it would be discovered one killed a senator. Yes it was dumb.

    Matt's power is easily compared to a drug. It's a virtually undetectable way to bend people to his will and it's hardly foolish to look for help from somewhere to keep himself from abusing it.

    I was gonna say that they could've just healed him then, but then I saw you already said it was dumb and thus I came to love you.


    DarkWarrior on
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    SatanIsMyMotorSatanIsMyMotor Fuck Warren Ellis Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I watched it and although it seemed to flow a bit better it was still mostly terrible. The Hiro thing is just completely ridiculous and seems like it should just be a spin-off sitcom or something. Claire is still uninteresting and the Nathan/Sylar/Parkman thing is so predictable that I just don't care.

    Carnies too? Come on. I like most of the actors involved in the troupe but the whole thing seems a touch cliched.
    NBC should also cut it out with the stupid internet games. Nobody wants to take part in some inconsequential story with boring characters.

    SatanIsMyMotor on
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    QuidQuid Definitely not a banana Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    No, no we do not talk about magic healy blood.

    Quid on
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    Robos A Go GoRobos A Go Go Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I think the AV Club nailed it when they said the biggest problem with the show is that each of its subplots takes a different direction when the show itself needs a single, cohesive purpose.

    Robos A Go Go on
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    Robos A Go GoRobos A Go Go Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Ugh, blatant Guitar Hero product placement.

    Robos A Go Go on
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    Dr. FaceDr. Face King of Pants Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Quid wrote: »
    No, no we do not talk about magic healy blood.

    Since we know Sylar will take back his body, magic healy blood will have to raise the dead so that Nathan can come back for like the 4th time.

    I'm waiting for the lost Irish girl to re-appear - or for Peter to remember he was in love with her and, you know, feel bad about ditching her in a time paradox.

    Dr. Face on
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    CowSharkCowShark Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    This is the show's fourth year on.

    Hiro should be future Hiro by now.

    CowShark on
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    Dr. FaceDr. Face King of Pants Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    CowShark wrote: »
    This is the show's fourth year on.

    Hiro be future Hiro by now.

    If Hiro was future Hiro, and not the cartoony manchild they've made him into, I would watch the show. All the characters I liked in the beginning have either been ruined by hack writers or killed off.

    Dr. Face on
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    Robos A Go GoRobos A Go Go Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Just finished watching the premiere, and it was actually pretty good for Heroes.

    Robos A Go Go on
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    see317see317 Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Quid wrote: »
    Sylar was kept around to impersonate Nathan so that supers didn't get cracked down on when it would be discovered one killed a senator. Yes it was dumb.

    Matt's power is easily compared to a drug. It's a virtually undetectable way to bend people to his will and it's hardly foolish to look for help from somewhere to keep himself from abusing it.

    I was gonna say that they could've just healed him then, but then I saw you already said it was dumb and thus I came to love you.


    What's with this platonic crap?
    You know that's not the way we do things around here.

    see317 on
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    Robos A Go GoRobos A Go Go Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Heroes lost the ratings battle pretty hard.

    Is it directly competing against House next week as well?

    Robos A Go Go on
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    YarYar Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I think it was almost guarnateed to lose the ratings war out of the gate this year. Almost everyone I talked to, even former big fans, had completely lost interest, taken it out of their DVRs, unsubscribed on hulu, etc. You can only be terrible for so long before you're left with just habituals like us.

    Yar on
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    ImprovoloneImprovolone Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    4th place is still a successful loss.

    Improvolone on
    Voice actor for hire. My time is free if your project is!
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    YarYar Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Yeah but it was beating Lost at one point.

    Yar on
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    CanadianWolverineCanadianWolverine Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    The 2 hours was both good and bad for me.

    - Peter as a paramedic and a almost spartan apartment. Note: The clothing changes are consistent with what I know from my dad who is a paramedic - they often have to replace clothing because of blood, vomit, puss, dirt, etc.
    - Noah with an empty fridge and cereal for supper. His also questioning why he should give a shit and realizing The Company version 3.0 was a stupid idea.
    - Matt actually trying to deal with his depression / suicidal tendencies regarding his power abusing others will.
    - Claire remembering 'the war' like a vet in the middle of a stressful situation.
    - Lack of Mohinder. While I miss having characters that weren't all white, they made his character one of the least likeable next to whiney Claire and stupid Peter.

    - A circus full of powered people that The Company somehow missed and I must have missed them saying that they are glad The Company versions 1 and 2 are toast now so they are no longer being hunted... *sigh*
    - Oh shit. Hiro is time traveling again? Haven't we been over how bad this is for the show? He only really needs time slow/stop, teleport, and his sword to be bad ass. All that money he spent on Hero-For-Hire and he couldn't afford a decent Hero Training Facility? That other poster was right, 4 years / future Hiro should be here by now.
    - Claire. Why is our Heroes version of James Howlett (see: Wolverine) so boring most of the time? And I don't mean because the character is a woman. A super healing character could be so much more than what we are getting.
    - Complete lack of non-white characters. Unless you consider the Japanese as colorful. Bring back Micah and Monica already. And while we are at it, have Mohinder pump some Claire/Adam blood into DL as well.
    - Peter still stuck on "One power at a time only" - he seriously needs to learn to retain more than one power already but keep that he has to touch to get them.

    Overall, I thought the 2 hours was alright, enjoyable but not fantastic. The show really needs to consistently hit fantastic level to regain viewers, they were so close with the last Volume 4 after the disaster that was Volume 3 (I actually liked Volume 2 despite another end of the world type scenario, even with the strike breaking it) then just about completely ruined the season finale with us just watching a big fight by watching Claire watch it through a crack in the door - I would have taken the lack luster end fight of Volume 1 over that. They've gotta know we still want to watch a Peter vs Sylar fight.

    *sigh* I think the real tip off that this show is not going to make is it in the writers not realizing they needed to steer clear of time travel, yet here we are again.

    CanadianWolverine on
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    Robos A Go GoRobos A Go Go Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Since when does anyone believe Japanese people count as white? Also, Monica was terrible.

    I also think Peter is better off not having more than one power. All that did was make us complain about his wasted potential.

    Robos A Go Go on
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    kdrudykdrudy Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    My sense of the carnival people was that they knew how to use their powers well but were generally an insular group, not causing issues for others. I would guess The Company probably knew about them and decided it wasn't a fight they needed to get into for the time being.

    Also Peter with one power is better if they want to keep him a main character, I don't think "Superman" main character would work for this show well, especially given Peter's personality.

    kdrudy on
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    DarkWarriorDarkWarrior __BANNED USERS regular
    edited September 2009
    The government, Company and Papa SUresh were able to find people who can breathe for a long time underwater.

    I'd say theres no way this Carnival went undetected except that their DNA probably isnt on file.

    DarkWarrior on
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    CanadianWolverineCanadianWolverine Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Since when does anyone believe Japanese people count as white? Also, Monica was terrible.

    I also think Peter is better off not having more than one power. All that did was make us complain about his wasted potential.

    Since white as in reference to a lighter tone of skin rather than a ethnically WASP group of people. It all looks the same to me other than some people don't need to spend time in the sun/tanning salon to look like they have one. Yes, I am saying the cast of Heroes looks pale.

    As for the character and/or actress of Monica being terrible and Peter being better off at a limit of one power at a time, you are entitled to your opinion and I respectfully disagree as to how entertaining that was.

    Yes, achieving god-like level of powers was bad on this show ... for his character, yet somehow Sylar's character has managed to have the same trajectory and not come off as mind numbingly stupid. It all comes down to the writing, directing, and produce influence there, IMHO. Heck, we've been shown that one power can be enough for us to complain about wasted potential with some characters, so I don't really see how this is a decent argument against more than one power in a character. *shrug*

    CanadianWolverine on
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    LucascraftLucascraft Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I thought Monica was great in theory. They just needed a better actress. Muscle Mimicry is a really cool power, and when Bennett gave her a fully loaded ipod with instructional videos on how to do cool shit, they should have used that to the max. But instead we get a lame hostage situation and then she mysteriously disappears forever. Just like Claude.

    I miss Claude.

    Lucascraft on
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    CanadianWolverineCanadianWolverine Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Lucascraft wrote: »
    I thought Monica was great in theory. They just needed a better actress. Muscle Mimicry is a really cool power, and when Bennett gave her a fully loaded ipod with instructional videos on how to do cool shit, they should have used that to the max. But instead we get a lame hostage situation and then she mysteriously disappears forever. Just like Claude.

    I miss Claude.

    I miss Claude too. :cry:

    CanadianWolverine on
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    QuidQuid Definitely not a banana Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    kdrudy wrote: »
    My sense of the carnival people was that they knew how to use their powers well but were generally an insular group, not causing issues for others. I would guess The Company probably knew about them and decided it wasn't a fight they needed to get into for the time being.

    That and it seems The Company wasn't actually that large so if they did know about them, it likely would not have been an easy task to take on a group of organized supers.

    Quid on
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    see317see317 Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Quid wrote: »
    kdrudy wrote: »
    My sense of the carnival people was that they knew how to use their powers well but were generally an insular group, not causing issues for others. I would guess The Company probably knew about them and decided it wasn't a fight they needed to get into for the time being.

    That and it seems The Company wasn't actually that large so if they did know about them, it likely would not have been an easy task to take on a group of organized supers.

    Yeah, the whole "one of us, one of them" thing might work out well when you're hunting out single targets. Trying to take on a super-powered carnie family though? Likely get yourself a shallow hole in a lonely desert that way.

    Also, was it ever said where the Carnival was located?

    see317 on
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    Robos A Go GoRobos A Go Go Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    It's a traveling carnival, hence them being in Japan that one time.

    Robos A Go Go on
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