Hey all! I'm HOPING to be able to get to PAX this year with my podcast's cohost. I know there are media badges available for PAX, but as far as I understand it, they're only for licensed media organizations...which we are decidedly not, although we're not exactly rank amateurs either.
Since we'd really like to provide some sweet content for our listeners, what have other podcasters done in the past to score interviews and the like? There's one guy in particular who knows about the show, and I figured I could just start with him and work my way back...anything we, for sure, should NOT do other than rank harassment?
Oh, and where's a good place in Seattle to rent a digital video camera?
Since we'd really like to provide some sweet content for our listeners, what have other podcasters done in the past to score interviews and the like?
I think the best thing to do is just explain who you are, ask for an interview, and hope for the best. Until you become known enough by the gaming industry, that may be your only option. Telltale Games like to talk to indie game reviewers, since NooBTooB was able to get reviewer's copies of both Sam And Max seasons, even though they publicly said that they hated the first season when they tried it. I believe they got an interview with them as well at PAX last year, I'll have to check though.
Most if not all of the people in the Expo hall are really nice and very open to talking with anyone, it would be pretty fair to say most of them would be happy to spend 5 minutes talking with you at their booth if it is quiet. You just have to put up with the noise of the Expo Hall.
You're not alone in the podcaster stakes, let us know where you are at during PAX and we can get some other indie podcasters together for a chat, trade notes etc. Last year this resulted in the joint super-podcast with Qs23 and LordThanda from Random Access Podcast, JonnyNero and ClickPicTony from Epic Default and me from Leetbix. It was epic and so much fun.
There are many, many podcasters going to PAX. I, along my co-hosts on the Superhappyfuntimeshow will again be walking around the booths of the exhibit hall, just like last year.
The challenge we found was when to record our weekly show. We did a PAX special last year in a hotel room. It worked fine as we used an omni-directional condensor microphone that picked everyone up. This year we're going to be something different and a little more social! This is thanks to our increased audience figures over the last year, which have sky-rocketed since the Podcast-pocalypse at the beginning of the year when 1Up imploded. After that happened all us independents felt like vultures picking off a rotting corpse!
For interviews we really didn't have much success with that due to the number of people on the show floor and how busy everyone was. I understand however that this year numbers will be limited thanks to the crush from PAX '08.
Best of luck to you, if you need any more tips feel free to PM me.
let us know where you are at during PAX and we can get some other indie podcasters together for a chat, trade notes etc. Last year this resulted in the joint super-podcast with Qs23 and LordThanda from Random Access Podcast, JonnyNero and ClickPicTony from Epic Default and me from Leetbix. It was epic and so much fun.
That sounds neat! Yeah, if we make it, my co-host Kevin and I will be there shamelessly plugging Made Of Fail. We're a general-geekery podcast. Check us out - fan fave episodes have thus far been #3 (Why the Angry Video Game Nerd Is Awesome), #10 (we MURDER Twilight), #12 (comic book rants w/Linkara of Atop the Fourth Wall) and #14 (the epic Watchmen review ep).
That sounds neat! Yeah, if we make it, my co-host Kevin and I will be there shamelessly plugging Made Of Fail. We're a general-geekery podcast. Check us out - fan fave episodes have thus far been #3 (Why the Angry Video Game Nerd Is Awesome), #10 (we MURDER Twilight), #12 (comic book rants w/Linkara of Atop the Fourth Wall) and #14 (the epic Watchmen review ep).
That sounds a lot like ours...
btw Cuzza, we're doing it again this year...you know that right?
Dave and I tried that the last year we were on the road. It sounded like we were ready about to bite each other's heads off in the cast. (and it never made the air.)
Qs23 on
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited May 2009
Haha, well we'll have a larger crew, so it may be more doable.
Also I am testing recording on the road soon with a Blue Snowball omni-directional mic, we've used it a few times for our party-podcasts with good results, I'm gonna test it for some highway driving recording to see how much of the road it picks up and how well you can hear the passengers in front/back. Will get back to you. May even record the next Leetbix like that to try it out.
Besides attending PAX for pleasure, I am also covering the activities for the Radio station I work for and specifically my Geeky Pleasures show.
My show airs Friday night and was going to cancel my broadcast and have someone fill for me while I am at PAX.
But after reading some of the posts, I was wondering if any of the podcasters would like to do some joint thing? I really have no concrete ideas surrounding this but it was just a thought *shrugs*
Besides attending PAX for pleasure, I am also covering the activities for the Radio station I work for and specifically my Geeky Pleasures show.
My show airs Friday night and was going to cancel my broadcast and have someone fill for me while I am at PAX.
But after reading some of the posts, I was wondering if any of the podcasters would like to do some joint thing? I really have no concrete ideas surrounding this but it was just a thought *shrugs*
Besides attending PAX for pleasure, I am also covering the activities for the Radio station I work for and specifically my Geeky Pleasures show.
My show airs Friday night and was going to cancel my broadcast and have someone fill for me while I am at PAX.
But after reading some of the posts, I was wondering if any of the podcasters would like to do some joint thing? I really have no concrete ideas surrounding this but it was just a thought *shrugs*
I'd be up for it
Excellent! Now just to come up with ideas but maybe we should save that until others have a chance to speak up.
I'd be up for anything... as long as it isn't 3 HOURS LONG AND IN MY HOTEL ROOM!
My show is a 2 hour live show (well the Geeky Pleasures part of it anyway) and it airs from 9 - 11 PT.
My one idea is that we use someone's computer that has BYOC access, we sit together at the computer, take turns talking about PAX and pulling in passerby's to do live on air stuff, give feedback, geek out whatever.
Mind you that is just a rough idea. I am more than open to suggestions.
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited May 2009
The problem with that plan is that everybody involved would have to have a BYOC pass, because guests aren't permitted in BYOC. This also cuts down on the number of passers by, however you could try and pull some people off their computers to join in.
The problem with that plan is that everybody involved would have to have a BYOC pass, because guests aren't permitted in BYOC. This also cuts down on the number of passers by, however you could try and pull some people off their computers to join in.
Didn't think about that.
It would be nice to do this in an area where these is internet connection and have the ability to pull in random people to put on air.
Like I said, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
There's always hotels...and coffee shops or something...hell if anything, I can tether off of a laptop if we need it, so I can get us internet access at any time. It's cell phone access, so no guarantees, but we can figure something out
There's always hotels...and coffee shops or something...hell if anything, I can tether off of a laptop if we need it, so I can get us internet access at any time. It's cell phone access, so no guarantees, but we can figure something out
The issue with coffee shop or hotel is that it is not in Prime PAX action. So if we wanted to pull random people in and throw them on air to give a play by play commentary, that makes it difficult.
As for phone access, I need to have access to at least a 500 kps upload. The minimum I could get away with is 250-300 as we stream our online feed at 128.
But having said that, we still have 3 months and I am sure between all of us we can come up with something very fun and easily run.
Moe FwackyRight Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModeratorMod Emeritus
edited May 2009
The closer you are to the convention center, the more PAX action you'll find. PAX may be in the WSCTC, but the spirit of PAX is all over downtown. Plus, you could always tweet out that you guys are going to record, and people will probably hunt you down.
The closer you are to the convention center, the more PAX action you'll find. PAX may be in the WSCTC, but the spirit of PAX is all over downtown. Plus, you could always tweet out that you guys are going to record, and people will probably hunt you down.
By the time Pax rolls around we'll probably have the SavyGamer Podcast up and running again. Lewie seems to be rather talented at picking up decent interviews, too. Unfortunately he's not going to be there this year.
I might wedge myself in to some of yours if there's room.
Willeth on
@vgreminders - Don't miss out on timed events in gaming! @gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!
..hey Moe, remember The Beatle's Magical Mystery Tour?(not when it came out, but in general..I am not even that old...) The point was you had the world's best rock band, a bunch of cool, weird and famous people on a bus(CCST esq) and not much of value was added....and I say this being a Huge fan or theirs...just thought I would throw that out there.....
I think the best thing to do is just explain who you are, ask for an interview, and hope for the best. Until you become known enough by the gaming industry, that may be your only option. Telltale Games like to talk to indie game reviewers, since NooBTooB was able to get reviewer's copies of both Sam And Max seasons, even though they publicly said that they hated the first season when they tried it. I believe they got an interview with them as well at PAX last year, I'll have to check though.
You're not alone in the podcaster stakes, let us know where you are at during PAX and we can get some other indie podcasters together for a chat, trade notes etc. Last year this resulted in the joint super-podcast with Qs23 and LordThanda from Random Access Podcast, JonnyNero and ClickPicTony from Epic Default and me from Leetbix. It was epic and so much fun.
The challenge we found was when to record our weekly show. We did a PAX special last year in a hotel room. It worked fine as we used an omni-directional condensor microphone that picked everyone up. This year we're going to be something different and a little more social! This is thanks to our increased audience figures over the last year, which have sky-rocketed since the Podcast-pocalypse at the beginning of the year when 1Up imploded. After that happened all us independents felt like vultures picking off a rotting corpse!
For interviews we really didn't have much success with that due to the number of people on the show floor and how busy everyone was. I understand however that this year numbers will be limited thanks to the crush from PAX '08.
Best of luck to you, if you need any more tips feel free to PM me.
That sounds neat! Yeah, if we make it, my co-host Kevin and I will be there shamelessly plugging Made Of Fail. We're a general-geekery podcast. Check us out - fan fave episodes have thus far been #3 (Why the Angry Video Game Nerd Is Awesome), #10 (we MURDER Twilight), #12 (comic book rants w/Linkara of Atop the Fourth Wall) and #14 (the epic Watchmen review ep).
btw Cuzza, we're doing it again this year...you know that right?
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
Of course! It was assumed. I was going to do some recording there either way man.
Dave and I tried that the last year we were on the road. It sounded like we were ready about to bite each other's heads off in the cast. (and it never made the air.)
... How about no. Lets do that.
Also I am testing recording on the road soon with a Blue Snowball omni-directional mic, we've used it a few times for our party-podcasts with good results, I'm gonna test it for some highway driving recording to see how much of the road it picks up and how well you can hear the passengers in front/back. Will get back to you. May even record the next Leetbix like that to try it out.
Besides attending PAX for pleasure, I am also covering the activities for the Radio station I work for and specifically my Geeky Pleasures show.
My show airs Friday night and was going to cancel my broadcast and have someone fill for me while I am at PAX.
But after reading some of the posts, I was wondering if any of the podcasters would like to do some joint thing? I really have no concrete ideas surrounding this but it was just a thought *shrugs*
I'd be up for it
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
Excellent! Now just to come up with ideas but maybe we should save that until others have a chance to speak up.
My show is a 2 hour live show (well the Geeky Pleasures part of it anyway) and it airs from 9 - 11 PT.
My one idea is that we use someone's computer that has BYOC access, we sit together at the computer, take turns talking about PAX and pulling in passerby's to do live on air stuff, give feedback, geek out whatever.
Mind you that is just a rough idea. I am more than open to suggestions.
Didn't think about that.
It would be nice to do this in an area where these is internet connection and have the ability to pull in random people to put on air.
Like I said, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
NEW ALBUM OUT, NOW WITH 100% MORE SHEEP!, have a listen will ya
The issue with coffee shop or hotel is that it is not in Prime PAX action. So if we wanted to pull random people in and throw them on air to give a play by play commentary, that makes it difficult.
As for phone access, I need to have access to at least a 500 kps upload. The minimum I could get away with is 250-300 as we stream our online feed at 128.
But having said that, we still have 3 months and I am sure between all of us we can come up with something very fun and easily run.
I might wedge myself in to some of yours if there's room.
@gamefacts - Totally and utterly true gaming facts on the regular!