I don't think it's truly possible to deeply regret a purchase of physical media: If you're smart and look after your games you can re-sell them on ebay and recoup much of your costs. You have no such recourse with digital downloads because there is no re-sell option, if you don't like a game it can just rot on your HDD or you can delete it and pretend it never happened.
So what misguided digital downloads have you wasted money on? Here are some of mine:
Lumines (XBLA), I didn't like playing Lumines on the big screen as much as I thought I would, it fits better on the PSP and the Xbox d-pad is horrendous. Also no Shinin'.
Sin and Punishment (Wii VC), When I had my N64 this was one of my favourite games but without the ol' three prong controller and that lovely Z trigger it simply controls awfully.
Ragdoll Kung Fu (PSN), What could have been a decent Smash Brothers clone is ruined by waggle controls. To add insult to injury it appeared on the US PSN a few weeks later for free as part of a promotion.
Turtles for the NES (Wii VC), Whyyyyyyyy did I let nostalgia cloud my judgement. This was never a good game!
Then AVG began deleting essential files so yeah, if i get my desktop working again, I will have to uninstall and reinstall the game every 2 days.
Still worth it.
We should create a support group
Eternity's Child is a piece of shit. I think I paid $2.50 for it, but it bugs me still.
And I'm mad at OddWorld: Abe's Oddysee for not having a Windowed mode and forced 640x480. It's pretty much a netbook only game at this point.
PSN: super_emu
Xbox360 Gamertag: Emuchop
So dissapointing.
Lucky stardock gave me a refund ^^
Yet I bought one of the on-disc Track Packs and felt really good about it.
This one.
Also, the Ghost Recon pack on Steam. The first couple of games really didn't age well.
the GRAW games don't start for me in Windows 7, period.
I only buy physical copies. I will never, ever buy a DD copy of a game if I can buy a physical copy of it, even if it costs more and takes a week to ship to me.
Now, having said that, when Magic Online started, I spent a couple dollars on the cards. And by a couple, we're talking hundreds and hundreds. Enough to make complete sets and turn them in for the actual cards.
What started as the coolest thing ever turned into the most retarded thing ever (the RNG was completely borked from the get-go, and wasn't changed from beta where many, many beta testers quit due to the retarded RNG), and you either immediately won or immediately lost. I eventually sold all the cards and unopened packs I had (and tix, sweet sweet tix) online for quite a bit of money, and never looked back.
I came out ahead in the long run, but considering how much I initially spent in invisible, nonexistent game cards, the odds were great that I could have had a HUGE "What was I thinking!??!" moment.
STALKER: SoC. Again on Steam for sale. Amazing game that sucks you into its atmosphere...and then dumps you into a crash to desktop. And then corrupts your autosave. And the manual save you made because you thought this might happen 10 minutes before that. And then crashes when you try quicksaving. And lags when you move around. Etc. Bugs and glitches I can live with, stuff that makes the game literally unplayable, not so much. How can you design such an amazing game and ship it with such a shitty engine? Especially if it takes you SIX YEARS to make the game?
Basically I've learned that if it doesn't have a demo, I need to wait for a major sale before I buy a game on steam in case it's not as good as I thought it was....STALKER was 5 bucks wasted. Rockstar was 40.
STALKER is a strange beast. It seems to have two modes: either it runs flawlessly, or not at all.
Hm, I didn't hear anything about it. But that's a good price all the same, I hope it comes out.
Despite being a big consumer of digital downloads I have that attitude too. I bought physical copies of both Ratchet and Clank QFB and Siren and would have done for WipEout HD too if that was an option.
I have high hopes for that. Hopefully all the buttons will map correctly and there is no input lag.
I'll only get a DD game if its on a stupid dirt cheap sale, like steam does on occasion where 20-30 dollar games get dropped to 5 dollars.
Otherwise its retail box for me.
Oh how wrong I was.
Bomberman - Bought this game and then the superior XBLA version came out which made me feel pretty silly.
Wonderboy in Monster World - I let some forumers hype me up on the game. I was not impressed. Guess it's one of those nostalgia things that you just had to play when it was new.
Beyond Oasis - I liked the Saturn sequel. Didn't care for this, the Genesis original.
Bionic Commando Rearmed - Wasn't really sold on the demo, but bought it anyway due to the hype expecting I'd like the later levels more. I didn't. I can see how some people like it, but it's not really for me.
Pac-Man - The vastly superior Pac-Man: Championship Edition rendered this purchase almost completely pointless.
Rocketmen: Axis of Evil - I liked some aspects of the game (the story panels, the leveling up, some of the power-ups), but the game has a reverse difficulty curve (the first two levels are the hardest & then goes straight downhill from there) and it's pretty repetitive. Played through it once because I owned it and have never touched it since.
E.X.I.T. - The concept appealed to me, but the clunky gameplay just wasn't that fun.
Steam ID : rwb36, Twitter : Werezompire,
Don't get me wrong, it's a good game, but I'm so bad at it and everyone else is so much better that it's plain not fun for me to play. All I do is plant mines everywhere and try to get cheap sniper kills because any time I jump into a vehicle I die.
Do... Re... Mi... So... Fa.... Do... Re.... Do...
Forget it...
Although not quite the same thing I've had decent success selling Mac games on ebay. No sellers have contacted me post-sale about issues with serial numbers and what not.
Also, Smash TV. And Small Arms.
Not knocking the games themselves, but that was a spectacular waste of money from my standpoint.
Its a fun game. Multiplayer is so-so if memory serves
It's weird, because I played the hell out of Enemy Territory. For some reason the game itself just didn't grab me.
I will concede that the developers were gracious enough to force the player to develop a strategy to each map, but I think their intended player strategy was always pretty obvious from the beginning of the map, save perhaps a few toward the end of the game. What really irked me, though, was the complete lack of unique leveling. If I recall, all of your crew levels up by one level at the end of each mission, right? That just didn't sit right with the stat whore in me, purely for the fact that I couldn't choose to level some units up more than others. So, I guess it's a taste thing.
I'll also admit to appreciating some of the more tongue-in-cheek humor they sprinkled into the game.
But! I still feel remorse. You can't take that away from me.
Happened with Fallout, Gothic, Postal 2... Heaps If I had more time I guess I'd give them more of a chance but as it stands now I was probably better off keeping the money.
I stand buy both Duke Nukem purchases though, they're still freak'n sweet!
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
He prevents you from making bad purchases like ragdoll kungfu, even when they are digital downloads!
Also teeman, you are a horrible human being for only playing fallout for an hour.
You can see the quality in Fallout, but jesus christ is it hard to get into if you weren't big on old-school CRPGs. Even moving around and shooting things properly wasn't intuitive to me at first, and the complexity stopped me from getting too far. This is the Deus Ex\System Shock 2 generation talking!
And yeah - reiterating what some people have said, I never get buyer's remorse on PC games because 1) you can't resell them easily anyway, 2) demos are plentiful, 3) 90% of the time I'm buying them at £5-10. Non-transferable, non-previewable overpriced DLC for consoles, though? I can see that.
Well I lied a little bit. I finished F1-2-T all back in the day, just the trip down memory lane landed me in the middle of a quagmire.
After my experiences with both oblivion and fallout I''ve learned to never ever buy Bethesda's products again no matter how much people hype it