Keep an eye out for any new strange layout bugs since the addition of the mod/admin "badges". While I was in there, I also corrected something which has bugged me for a long time, which is, if you make a post with just a short bit of text, your signature creeps up right underneath your post.
Now, hopefully, that signature should stick to the bottom of the post-area. But I only have IE6 and mozilla to test on. So especially you safari ppl, let me know if everything is kosher.
chut pu
:?: :?:
sorry, I will explain. So... in a thread that I was posting in, I noticed that in the topic review window (the little preview window below submit) that there was a post that way broke the h-scroll. But then when I hit post, the h-scroll breaking text was one squareish block of text and not a long h-scroll breaking line. Now either the doing of which is done by your software or some commendably lightningfast mod action. I just thought you should know.
and sorry for not being clear and also (at least in my tired mind) sounding flippant in this post.
The only H-Scroll protecting code that I have put in is for jailed people. So if the person was jailed, then would see their post without scroll protection in the preview window, but WITH scroll protection in the topic.
I've also seen large images NOT break the scroll from time to time, but never consistently, and I've never been able to figure out how it works when it does. I've just noticed in some situations that I don't get a horizontal scrollbar, and if I want to see the right-side of the image, I need to stretch out my browser window.
PS: I'm sorry for horrible sentance structure.