Yeesh. Leaning more towards good thing than not.
September 22nd draws closer, so check out some character updates and such.
^Arguably PSPersona's best song.
Also, a nifty guide to the original Persona characters that's bound to come in handy for the remake, c/o Blackjack.
Guess that settles that. Devil Survivor set off a little trend.
New Atlus teaser
The image behind the blocks
What could it be?
"Earth is irrevocably destined to perish.
To ensure the future of mankind, we must persevere!"
Rest of the text is pretty cryptic. Something about an investigation unit sent to the South Pole.
Only time well tell, but let's positive... you know.
Ah, greetings! You must be new to the region.
I understand that the locals have been somewhat panicked as of late, what with all the demons running about. Quite a mess.
Oh, I see you have the newest Devil Summoning device.
Well, that will make your education much easier.
Never fear, I have been assigned to cordially walk you through the process of-
How odd, do you hear chanting?
Ah, dreadfully sorry about that. The ritual needs work.
A Professor? Odd, I did not see anyone. Hm, where did all this blood come from?
No matter, you must be the new visitor.
You are surely wondering what that device is capable of.
First, I suggest you acquire the following program.
It will be your best available method to cleanse the region of the demonic intrusion.
As I believe it is internet-ready, you could also access this outside program which will offer data on alternate means of study.
For now, let us focus with the basics.
We have recently established a, shall we say, network-ready variant of the Cathedral's services.
All you need to do is provide us with two unsuspecting creatures.
Ah, these two will do nicely.
Sickeningly cute, are they not? You are facing demons, summoner, not overzealous children hell bent on collecting medals. These won't do at all.
Now, if we put this here, that there, and throw this switch over here...
Victor, if you would?
It went smashingly! E he he he...
You'll have to forgive my assistant, he can be somewhat eccentric.
And what is our result?
Much better. I believe you have the basic idea. Godspeed, as the saying goes.
You seem unsatisfied with my lecture. Well, the best means of tutorial is through fire.
If you die, you simply did not learn fast enough. Survive and prosper.
As per usual, this is your one stop shop for all things Nocturnal, devil summoning, sagas, surviving, and occasionally Personaing(?).
You can find more info on other games in the series in this bit of archival data:
And as always:
this thread is in no way associated with Nintendo, Pokemon, or any affilations thereof,
please don't kill me, Pokemaniacs - I have a Leanan Sidhe.
DS is in the post, will be able to moan about it soon.
I played up to [Day 6 - 18:00] in Devil Survivor last night...
I unfortunately fused my demons down to a slim team of 9 usable demons, so I might need to grind a bit for backups. I have two Mitamas waiting for the endgame, which is rather exciting. The game got a little bit easy in the middle days, but Day 6 brought the challenge back. The endgame should be exciting with all these options coming together... I wonder which path I will take in the end?
They won't even send out a replacement until after the seventh.
3DS: 1607-3034-6970
If the day 6 battle gave you trouble, the day 7 battles may well sodomize you depending in which path you take. I'm surviving the story battles usually with only one or two squad leaders left standing on the middle of the road difficulty path. Demons tend to be deathbound happy and able to one or two shot your demons before you have a chance to act if they attack you and get the initiative boost for doing so.
One of the bosses I fought has the game's version of eight ship hop. While it's only one hit to each enemy instead of the 8 hit crit machine, it also does more damage if the user has more hp and bosses have A LOT of hp. Wound up making it through that by putting reflect physical on Atsuro. Other bosses have basically relied on kamikaze runs.
Steam Profile
3DS: 3454-0268-5595 SteelAngel#1772
i want devil survivor =[
In DDS1, I'm finding myself in some tunnels. In these tunnels, Pixies are found. Vaguely remembering hearing something about a "pixie strategy", I figured it out pretty quick. How the hell can I leave these tunnels when every time I run into a pixie, I must deplete all my MP? It's like the developers put in an elaborate cheat code.
If you ever need to talk to someone, feel free to message me. Yes, that includes you.
The pixies summon a high pixie, and the high pixies summon queen mab. Once a pixie summons a high pixie, kill the pixie. Wait for the high pixie to summon a queen mab and consume the queen mab. Rinse, wash, repeat. Also, make sure you have AP divide equipped, or you'll only have one character getting the AP.
This is how I grinded mantras for the Beelzebub fight. Just toss on an audiobook or a podcast and zone out for a few hours.
I do want something new for the DS though.
Aside from the all puzzles in Coordinate 136, I've really been loving DDS.
Edit: Minion, you really should play DDS. Go on, give it a fair shot.
If you ever need to talk to someone, feel free to message me. Yes, that includes you.
It reminds me of Nocturne + TWEWY in terms of story.
God damn it. I'm trying to save for a psp but that sounds awesome...
The Pipe Vault|Twitter|Steam|Backloggery|3DS:1332-7703-1083
When your auction rating and level get high enough, you will be asked to upgrade your auction account to access more powerful demons. Usually, the barrier to entry is encountering demons of sufficient level, so in general it really isn't something you need to be concerned with. Your upgrades will come when they are needed.
I've just completed the [Day 6 - 18:00] battle with great success!
I don't think you can crack Dia because Yuzu starts with it, doesn't she?
You can crack any skill that you don't already have in your list. It doesn't matter if the person marking the skill can equip it or not.
Dances. I think Ice Dance is the first one you can get. Any of the single target elements if you don't have them. I can't think of any outstanding passive skills.
(You can get some skills in other ways. There's an extra battle you can do where you can get an extra skill from some floating card. And those cards show up some times in free battles. I didn't see one until Day 3.)
As a followup to the above posts, all your cracked skills go into one shared pool so it doesn't matter who cracks it. It's all communal.
Steam Profile
3DS: 3454-0268-5595 SteelAngel#1772
Sweet Fuck, this is gonna get a lot better!
Only three slots for base skills was drivibg me insane, I remember reading about those poor bastards who permanently borked their Nocturne setups by overwritting the wrong skills.
I probably won't bother until I can track down the second one.
Yeah, you use the Y button on the team setup screen to alter a leader's skills.
Someone on the GameFAQs board apparently managed to go through the game once without realizing this
Steam Profile
3DS: 3454-0268-5595 SteelAngel#1772 my friend. I bought the first one there for 40 dollars new and just bought the second. (not the 140 dollar one though, one of the others for like...I think was 50 dollars altogether with the fastest shipping.)
I know this is the sort of thing I should find out for myself but that kind of decision gives me fits
Magic is the best for damage output, and I don't think it's really even a close race. Agility is good for extra turn management. Vitality is general added survivability, and you also need some for a lot of good passive skills. Strength is also used in some passive skills, and there's a battle where you have to physically attack with your main character (not a huge deal, but it exists).
On Day 4 right now, I'm somewhere around 20 Magic, 15 Agility, 7 Vitality, 5 Strength. And I'm starting to find skills where 7 Vitality doesn't cut it.
Also, 18:00 for Day 4-
Kind of wish I just had the option for "Yeaaah... Kaido and Keisuke can kill each other, if they really want."
Why do you guys hate Aigis so much? So far she's been an extremely well written character who also provides a lot of comic relief. If anything it's the main character that's an annoying Mary Sue (seriously, everything in this game can be described as your quest to become the most Mary Sue-ish main character ever, especially if you're going for a perfect social link playthrough). Or does it only become bad in "The Answer"?
3DS: 1607-3034-6970
You have a god damn superdog on your team and you're shooting yourself in the head to summon demons. Robots make more than enough sense in this context.
3DS: 1607-3034-6970
The only part of the game I didn't like was the Hot Springs event, which I skipped.
NNID: Glenn565
Day 7...
It was around the time the dog showed up that I stopped trying to dislike the game for what it wasn't (grimdark RPG in the vein of the other SMT games) and just enjoyed it for what it was (a sorta silly, sorta serious romp). It was just too silly to hate on the game after that, I've been having a lot more fun with it since then.
3DS: 1607-3034-6970
I'm confused by the "well written" statement. Exactly what is it about her that's well written to you? For me, I saw her as a very cliche robot character. If she only had a heart to understand these "Hyumann Eemoshuns" and all that. Also, she goes to school and nobody fucking notices that she has no feet? That's bullshit and not well written at all. I feel the opposite about it becoming about her with the story though, because that didn't happen until the end. What I saw was they introduced her, had nothing happen that needed her to be there in any way, and then all of a sudden she became the focus of everything.
Also maybe this is just me, but I really don't like female robots. They're so cliche because they're almost always the same type of character. Yet Japan fucking loves them so much it's insane. The Answer only exists because of the Aigis fanbase. Kos-Mos from Xenosaga is a better robot than her, and she's also not really anything special. Japan went crazy for her too.
@Gilder: Mindtwin