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Ultimate Dungeon Delve LFG thread

TJPTJP Registered User regular
edited September 2009 in PAX Archive
So, it looks like Wizards will be runing the Ultimate Dungeon Delve at PAX. Since I don't have 4 friends going to PAX, and those wanting to 'win' should probably do some planning and/or practice beforehand, I figured I'd start a thread for those of us looking for others to fill out our party.

TJP on


  • TJPTJP Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    edit: Looking for 0 more - we're full!

    I, my wife, and a good friend of ours are looking for two more players to fill out our Dungeon Delve party. We're all 30-something and are looking for reliable, fun types who are looking to seriously compete in the Delve (we're all for having fun but if we miss our 45-minute time limit because you are too busy air-humping while yelling "Say hello to my li'l friend!" every time your hawt, naked barbarian-chick character uses her 10-foot-long greatsword, we will find out if it is possible to hate you to death).

    Looking forward to planning our ultimate party and coming up with some tactics. Bonus points if you are a DnD-playing couple that wants to join in!

    PM on board or email tack.n.gybe (at) gmail if you are interested.

    TJP on
  • DragondevonDragondevon Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    hi, well this topic was brought up in the tabletop thread but not as an offical thread but my freind tom and I will be attending the delve. as of right now tom is undecided between a warforged paladin or fighter, a drow ranger or a dragonborn cleric. I, myself, have 5 1/2 to choose from i have an eladrin wizard or swordmage, a halfling rogue, an elf ranger two blade (1/2 is same elf ranger only archer build) and a dragonborn sorceror

    Dragondevon on
    "The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
    "Dude, I think he's a zombie."
    "No he's not, he's dead."
    "But he's still walking around."
    "Which makes him one of the walking dead."
    "So, he's dead."
    "No, that makes him a zombie."

    "You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
  • RiusRius Globex CEO Nobody ever says ItalyRegistered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Hey, TJP, I emailed you about this. Sounds great!

    Rius on
  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Thanks for posting this, it sounds like a lot of fun, I might have to get my group to participate.

    Coldbrew on
  • S2000GanS2000Gan Spartan-Rogue Class, Red Squad Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    edited July 2009
    4 of my friends and I will be doing this. :)

    S2000Gan on
  • AliasunknownAliasunknown Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    It's pretty easy to find people for the delve. Just walk into the room and look for other 'singles'. I did that last year, and had a blast. One of my party members lit me on fire, though. No bueno.

    Aliasunknown on
  • EmodEmod Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    I started a thread on this a while back trying to find an organized group and it ended up getting moved to the tabletop games where it promptly got lost in the flotsam of other tabletop crap. There were only a couple responses. As far as players I have myself and my little brother. I'm 35 and he's 23, but we definitely know the rules and generally do not airhump... generally. I'm not promising anything. So we are looking for three players and would prefer to get groups set ahead of time rather than right before we play.

    It looks like there are a number of people interested as well, but I'm not sure the best way to setup groups really. TJP, it's your thread, I'll let you figure it out. :)

    /geekery on
    In our quick talks (between my brother and I) our ideal group would be something like this: Swordmage, Warden (yes two defenders), Barbarian, Bard, and then possibly even another leader with a Warlord, though really another Striker would work. The intent is that between both the swordmage and warden you can keep most everything marked, pushing attacks to themselves but having the high AC to keep hit rate now. The swordmage has the added benefit of being able to quickly dispatch minions (via Greenflame Blade), which almost eliminates the need for a controller in the group. For striker our personal favorite is the barbarian who is less dependent on setup to deal damage, unlike the rogue. But really any other striker should do and a ranged would potentially work better.
    /geekery off

    Emod on
  • DragondevonDragondevon Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    in order of my strongest (that i know and play better)
    1 eladrin wizard (Played many times)
    2 eladrin swordmage (he is an expert at teles)
    3 halfling rogue (My very first dnd character was a 3.0 E halfling rogue)
    4 elf ranger(twoblade then second would be archer)
    5 dragonborn sorceror (have not played)

    i will most likly be playing my eladrin wizard and my friend tom is playing a warforged fighter,so any comers are more then welcome. i would really like to have a team before pax so we could discuss tactics, options, and general group topics.

    my ideal team up would be:

    controller (wizard) (war)
    striker (rogue or ranger) (trickster or archer)
    Defender (fighter preferably) (great weapon)
    leader (cleric for obvious reasons) (devoted)
    striker/defender (swordmage) (assualt)

    Dragondevon on
    "The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
    "Dude, I think he's a zombie."
    "No he's not, he's dead."
    "But he's still walking around."
    "Which makes him one of the walking dead."
    "So, he's dead."
    "No, that makes him a zombie."

    "You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
  • MoreGreaseMoreGrease Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    This sounds incredible. Do they run it at specific times, or can groups form and play throughout the whole weekend?

    MoreGrease on
    Steam and PSN: FreelancePolice
  • DragondevonDragondevon Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    im not to sure about that but i do know thats its 45 minute cap per encounter with 6 encounters so thats 4 and 1/2 hours so i would assume there will be set times that way everyone who wants to play can. if you want more details here is the page

    what are you planning to play?

    Dragondevon on
    "The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
    "Dude, I think he's a zombie."
    "No he's not, he's dead."
    "But he's still walking around."
    "Which makes him one of the walking dead."
    "So, he's dead."
    "No, that makes him a zombie."

    "You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    I... I think I want to do this...

    On the linked page though, I don't see which day/time in particular this occurs on during PAX. Can you do it at anytime (even at night), or is there going to be one set time where everyone and their Mom who wants to do it does it?

    VThornheart on
    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • Brex123Brex123 Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    I have always used a half-elf warlord, with a warlock encounter spell. So far, it has worked very well for me, and it should do well in this delve if anyone will let me join their group.

    Brex123 on
  • TJPTJP Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Thanks for the responses for my group - feel free to continue the thread to get together your own group or discuss the event (hopefully we'll get a PAX schedule of events soon).

    I know that it is probably easy enough to get a group together on the spur of the moment, but I think groups that plan ahead and come prepared will last longer - plus the planning is fun for the power-gamer in me!

    Good luck to everyone in the Delve.

    TJP on
  • StupidStupid Newcastle, NSWRegistered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Thanks for posting this! I think our group of five might enter this too.

    Stupid on

  • DMmagicDMmagic PAX East Enforcer Springfield, MO, USARegistered User regular
    edited July 2009
    I'd really like to do this, but I don't know that I like the idea of being out of the conference for 4.5 hours to play D&D...

    There's already so much going on, getting to play D&D seems a lot less exciting than seeing awesome games, or once-in-a-lifetime panels, etc.

    DMmagic on
  • DragondevonDragondevon Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    yeah but its only 4.5 hours out of 3 days, plus if you survive you get your chatracter name in the hall of fame

    Dragondevon on
    "The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
    "Dude, I think he's a zombie."
    "No he's not, he's dead."
    "But he's still walking around."
    "Which makes him one of the walking dead."
    "So, he's dead."
    "No, that makes him a zombie."

    "You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited July 2009
    Four and a half hours is a lot of PAX though. More happens in 4 hours of PAX than in a week in the rest of the world.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • DragondevonDragondevon Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    hmmm good point. i suppose your right i guess it just depends on how much you like dnd. this is my first pax trip so im unsure about exactly what goes on. i know that im going to do the dnd thing because it was the first reason im going to pax then the rest just got better and better. (i had heard about pax 08 but i didnt really know much about it, then about a month and a half ago or so i saw the UDD and saw that it was in seattle where i saw the word pax, and i said "that looks familier" so i looked it up and decided that im so going and i tell you so far its the best decision i have made in years)

    P.S. for a thread thats about LFG there doesntg seem to be much of looking so much as saying you want to join lol.

    Dragondevon on
    "The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
    "Dude, I think he's a zombie."
    "No he's not, he's dead."
    "But he's still walking around."
    "Which makes him one of the walking dead."
    "So, he's dead."
    "No, that makes him a zombie."

    "You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
  • TJPTJP Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Moe Fwacky wrote: »
    Four and a half hours is a lot of PAX though. More happens in 4 hours of PAX than in a week in the rest of the world.

    4.5 hours assumes you don't die, or take 45 and a half minutes in the first encounter ;)

    TJP on
  • orbdeporbdep Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    I would love to look into this with a striker, possibly Bugbear two weapon ranger, all Spiked chain style or a razorclaw shifter Avenger. these are what I know best anyway. anyone interested in putting together a group before we get there? I would love to know who I'm showing up to game with.

    orbdep on
    Nursery Rhymes are Creepy
  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    edited July 2009
    orbdep wrote: »
    I would love to look into this with a striker, possibly Bugbear two weapon ranger, all Spiked chain style or a razorclaw shifter Avenger. these are what I know best anyway. anyone interested in putting together a group before we get there? I would love to know who I'm showing up to game with.

    lol somebody in my group just came in with a Bugbear two-weapon ranger with a spiked chain. :P

    It's working pretty well, so maybe it's not a bad idea for this.

    Coldbrew on
  • DragondevonDragondevon Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    you guys might end up hating me now but you will thank me cant play a bugbear anything in this game. if you load up the character builder then select the "manage" tab at the top and then select "campaine settings" tab then select "load settings" and select "RPGA_GeneralCampaigns"
    it will automatically take away all "illegal" parts and allow you to make a fully acceptable charactor. i know it sucks but there has to be a few restrictions right?

    ----im still looking for 3 other people to join my group (eladrin wizard and a warforged fighter)----

    Dragondevon on
    "The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
    "Dude, I think he's a zombie."
    "No he's not, he's dead."
    "But he's still walking around."
    "Which makes him one of the walking dead."
    "So, he's dead."
    "No, that makes him a zombie."

    "You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
  • Brex123Brex123 Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    you guys might end up hating me now but you will thank me cant play a bugbear anything in this game. if you load up the character builder then select the "manage" tab at the top and then select "campaine settings" tab then select "load settings" and select "RPGA_GeneralCampaigns"
    it will automatically take away all "illegal" parts and allow you to make a fully acceptable charactor. i know it sucks but there has to be a few restrictions right?

    Good Find! luckily mine is perfectly legal, but I will make sure my dad has this setting on when he makes his character.

    Brex123 on
  • DragondevonDragondevon Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    i just dont want people to make a really awesome character and then get told its not legal.

    Dragondevon on
    "The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
    "Dude, I think he's a zombie."
    "No he's not, he's dead."
    "But he's still walking around."
    "Which makes him one of the walking dead."
    "So, he's dead."
    "No, that makes him a zombie."

    "You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
  • orbdeporbdep Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Stink! oh well you can get similar stat bonuses elsewhere, that's just kind of pooey, especially since you're supposed to be able to make anythign that doesn't show up as [H] for houseruled in the character builder. Oh well back to the drawing board :)

    orbdep on
    Nursery Rhymes are Creepy
  • DragondevonDragondevon Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    basically all "houserulled" means is out of book context like when you play with a dm who likes to have all your characters have 20 in all stats at level 1 or wants to give you 100000 gp worth of equipment at level 5 rolling your ability scores is considered houserulled etc etc, a bugbear is not considered houseruled because it does have its own statistics block and rullings for it. there were a few things i wanted to do to but they would have been "illegal". but your right you usually can remake your character almost to perfect specifications with other races/class/skills etc. all it is is finding the right combo. i have made quite a few characters myself so i know alot about the inner secret combos you let me know what kind of character you want and i can cook one up for you. i dont blame you if you say no make a new character is rather fun huh. :P

    Dragondevon on
    "The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
    "Dude, I think he's a zombie."
    "No he's not, he's dead."
    "But he's still walking around."
    "Which makes him one of the walking dead."
    "So, he's dead."
    "No, that makes him a zombie."

    "You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
  • MoreGreaseMoreGrease Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Is there any way to access the RPGA settings without paying for a month's subscription to Insider? I haven't downloaded the app yet as I'm on my Mac, but it looks like the demo version only lets you make up to a level 3 character, and I can't find any kind of trial subscription option.

    MoreGrease on
    Steam and PSN: FreelancePolice
  • DragondevonDragondevon Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    unfortunetly th CB doesnt work on the mac (not 100% sure but out of numorous people saying otherwise its hard to discredit) the trial does only go up to 3 so you would need a subscription anyway because the game level is 6, they will have a limited amount of CB stations at pax but you would most likely have to wait awhile to use it. or you can have someone else make it to your liking of course. and if you end up with a subscription the settings already come with it.

    Dragondevon on
    "The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
    "Dude, I think he's a zombie."
    "No he's not, he's dead."
    "But he's still walking around."
    "Which makes him one of the walking dead."
    "So, he's dead."
    "No, that makes him a zombie."

    "You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
  • EmodEmod Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    I'm still looking for 3 other players. I've got a DDi subscription (as does my brother) and I'm willing to put in the time to build the character files. Feel free to PM me if you're interested in putting in the potential 5 hrs and exchanging emails to build the party.

    Emod on
  • DragondevonDragondevon Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    emod what are your two PC's going to be, my friend tom and i are running eladrin wizard and warforged fighter

    Dragondevon on
    "The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
    "Dude, I think he's a zombie."
    "No he's not, he's dead."
    "But he's still walking around."
    "Which makes him one of the walking dead."
    "So, he's dead."
    "No, that makes him a zombie."

    "You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
  • MoreGreaseMoreGrease Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Does anyone know when we can expect more concrete info on the PAX event schedule and when Wizards will be running this? I'd love to play, but I'd hate to commit and find out that it conflicts with other, equally awesome things.

    MoreGrease on
    Steam and PSN: FreelancePolice
  • TJPTJP Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    MoreGrease wrote: »
    Does anyone know when we can expect more concrete info on the PAX event schedule and when Wizards will be running this? I'd love to play, but I'd hate to commit and find out that it conflicts with other, equally awesome things.

    If it's like the previous runnings, it'll be available pretty much the entire time - just find an open station and play.

    TJP on
  • orbdeporbdep Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Wow, in that case Emod, your two, DragonDevon's two, and me would make a full up group. That could be truly excellent.

    orbdep on
    Nursery Rhymes are Creepy
  • DragondevonDragondevon Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    orbdep, that sounds good to me. did you think of a new character yet? or still playing with ideas?

    Dragondevon on
    "The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
    "Dude, I think he's a zombie."
    "No he's not, he's dead."
    "But he's still walking around."
    "Which makes him one of the walking dead."
    "So, he's dead."
    "No, that makes him a zombie."

    "You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
  • orbdeporbdep Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Same concept, only insert half orc instead of bugbear, the chainfighting ranger seems like an excellent fit to me. two weapon fighting with light blades that deal 2d4 damage, add quick hit bracers, hunters prey, and a couple of feats and I call that a death machine.

    Edit: Hmmm looks like we need a leader pretty badly, healing makes a BIG difference. I wonder if Emod or his brother are thinking of playing one.

    orbdep on
    Nursery Rhymes are Creepy
  • DragondevonDragondevon Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    a controller, striker and a defender, now all we need is a leader as you said and preferably another striker or defender

    Dragondevon on
    "The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
    "Dude, I think he's a zombie."
    "No he's not, he's dead."
    "But he's still walking around."
    "Which makes him one of the walking dead."
    "So, he's dead."
    "No, that makes him a zombie."

    "You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
  • orbdeporbdep Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    a controller, striker and a defender, now all we need is a leader as you said and preferably another striker or defender

    yes, excellent! I can see the headlines now, "PAX crew clears the dungeon delve in record time!"

    orbdep on
    Nursery Rhymes are Creepy
  • Brex123Brex123 Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    a controller, striker and a defender, now all we need is a leader as you said and preferably another striker or defender

    I have a good warlord, and my dad still needs to make a character. I can send you my sheet, if you want, and see if I would be a good fit.

    Brex123 on
  • DragondevonDragondevon Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    yeah that would be great you can send it to my email (ill pm it to you im not sure if we are allowed to post email address or not)

    Dragondevon on
    "The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
    "Dude, I think he's a zombie."
    "No he's not, he's dead."
    "But he's still walking around."
    "Which makes him one of the walking dead."
    "So, he's dead."
    "No, that makes him a zombie."

    "You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
  • EmodEmod Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Sure, we're game. I'll PM my email to you two (Dragon and orbdep) so we can discuss more. My plan is to wait until schedules are announced and then try to find a time that would accommodate everyone with regards to not missing... stuff. But we can go over that in email.

    Emod on
This discussion has been closed.