Im a first year pax goer and i know there are a ton of you out there who this will be there first, so I thought it might be good (fun) to make somewhat of a list as to what you should bring to pax.
here is my list that i can think of so far:
basic stuff (cloths, hygene products, money etc etc.)
my nintendo DS w/games
PSP w/games
dnd stuff
magic the gathering
mana potions/health potions
show us all your list, give us ideas.
we dont want to get to pax and see everyone with a certian item and say to ourselves "oh i wish i brought mine/ bought one"
"The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
"Dude, I think he's a zombie."
"No he's not, he's dead."
"But he's still walking around."
"Which makes him one of the walking dead."
"So, he's dead."
"No, that makes him a zombie."
"You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
I better get this in just so everyone is kinda prepared and in the know of what to bring to PAX or any con that may come their way. (I'm sorry for the huge post, but a lot of people don't know what to bring.)
The Top Twenty Items Forgotten by Convention Attendees Checklist
1. Personal Towel (We know the hotel provides them, but if you're sharing a room with several people, this guarantees you your very own towel. Also, if you plan on using a lot of makeup for a costume or dying your hair *and* use hotel towels, you will be charged a hefty fee for damaging hotel property. Please bring your own towels if you plan to do this.) You may also dip the ends in liquid vitamins and suck on the corners when needed.
* A pretty cool tip involving this is bringing a small clothespin with your name on it to attach to your towel so people can differentiate between yours and theirs. In fact, bring a couple, so you can share with people.
2. Shampoo and Conditioner (Again, the hotel provides these, but the bottles are quite small. Bringing your own ensures you will have some, especially if you use a lot of shampoo or have long hair.)
3. Toothbrush and Toothpaste (You'd be amazed at what going three days without brushing tastes like. Gross.)
4. Deodorant (If you don't bring and use this, don't be surprised when people start edging away from you in packed rooms and theaters. Don't forget the strange looks and cringed noses you'll begin to see.)
5. Razor and Shaving Cream/Gel
6. Comb and/or Hairbrush (some people do use both. You'd be surprised.)
7. One shirt for each day of the convention, plus an extra. (3 days = 4 shirts)
8. Pants (Same number as shirts.)
9. Underwear (3 sets, plus an extra.)
10. Socks (One pair per day plus an extra pair.)
11. Swimsuit (You never know.)
12. Jacket or warm sweater
13. Shoes (If you plan on spending a lot of time dancing or on your feet, make sure you have comfortable shoes with you. Your feet will hurt if you don't have comfy shoes to at least change into.)
14. Any prescribed medication (Make sure to tell your traveling companions/roommates about any medical needs you may have.)
15. Tylenol/Aspirin/etc
16. Photo ID / Driver's License / Checkbook / Car keys
17. A phone card (Not only is this cheaper than having calls charged to your hotel room, but having several people using one phone can lead to billing confusion with long distance calls. Bring a phone card so you can let your parents/significant other know you made it to the con safely.)
18. An extra pillow and blanket if several people are staying in your room.
19. Some non-perishable food from a supermarket (Like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chips, pretzels and bottled water or juice. While there are a lot of restaurants close by, this is an easy way to save money. In addition, you'll be able to have your midnight snack without leaving your room.)
20. Your best public manners. (You'd be surprised how many people forget to bring these along.)
The exhibition hall is full of awesome. There are upcoming games, and hardware showcased as well as things for sale from games, to guides, to t-shirts, to dice. Prices are comparable with standard retail pricing, or a little cheaper, even. Also, there's tons of free shirts and other swag being handed out by various companies *cough*nVidia*cough*
the spoiler is for the REALLY well prepared
A List For The Well Prepared
* Small tube of super glue
* 3 straight pins
* 3 safety pins: 1 small and 2 medium
* Hair pins: 3 medium and 3 heavy
* Small sewing kit (small enough to fit into the palm of your hand)
* Safety matches (1 pack)
* Disposable plastic razor
* Small emery board
* Tylenol/Aspirin (travel sized contaiThe exhibition hall is full of awesome. There are upcoming games, and hardware showcased as well as things for sale from games, to guides, to t-shirts, to dice. Prices are comparable with standard retail pricing, or a little cheaper, even. Also, there's tons of free shirts and other swag being handed out by various companies *cough*nVidia*cough*ner)
* 6 chewable Vitamin C tablets (at least 500 mg each)
* 2 Vitamin B complex tabs, stress formula
* 1 pack Tums/Rolaids
* 6 bandaids (or a travel sized pack)
* 6 antihistamine tablets
* 1 travel pack of tissues
* Tube of chapstick or other lip balm
* 6 cough drops or throat lozenges
* Smallest size of tiger balm or camphophenique oil
* Travel size tube of spot remover
* Spare car and house keys
* Breath freshener
* 6 moist towelettes (for cleaning hands)
* Small pencil sharpener
* Small pen
* 1 small pack of post-it-notes (the square ones work fine)
* Clear nail polish
* Small amount of masking tape wrapped around a short pencil
* 6 rubber bands
* 3 unlubricated condoms
* Small penknife
* Small tube of neosporin
* 3 garbage bag twist ties
* Mustache scissors (small pair of scissors will work as well)
* Styptic pencil or qwik stop
* Hand lotion (travel size)
* Aloe vera gel (travel size)
* 3 nail polish remover pad
* Tampons or pads if you are the type to bleed occasionally
oops. sorry sorry guys, didnt realize this was already up.
Dragondevon on
"The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
"Dude, I think he's a zombie."
"No he's not, he's dead."
"But he's still walking around."
"Which makes him one of the walking dead."
"So, he's dead."
"No, that makes him a zombie."
"You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
I didn't see this on the list, but it would be great to bring some sort of bag to carry all of your stuff in at the Convention Center. Something like a man-purse (or regular purse)should work very well, and keep everything within reach.
Make sure it is big enough though, to carry any picked up swag. I know I will be using the cloth-ish bag that you can buy from Hot Topic (Music = Life bag, my sister bought it for me a while back). It's big enough to carry my DS, PSP, two decks of cards (Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh (just found them, wanted to use them, DON'T JUDGE ME)), my DnD and Dark Heresy sheets and not even be a quarter full. It is also small enough to not knock people over when I pass. (will post pics and dimensions after, once I can).
Yah, I'm kinda torn on what kind of bag to bring. My purse absolutely will not hold everything, but I don't know if I want to carry around a backpack. I could always just throw everything into my BYOC spot when I'm not using it. I hate having my hands full though.
i also wouldnt recomend a backpack anyway the idea of having to constantly take it off to put stuff in and take it off when you want something out doesnt sound like a great idea at a place like PAX
Dragondevon on
"The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
"Dude, I think he's a zombie."
"No he's not, he's dead."
"But he's still walking around."
"Which makes him one of the walking dead."
"So, he's dead."
"No, that makes him a zombie."
"You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
i also wouldnt recomend a backpack anyway the idea of having to constantly take it off to put stuff in and take it off when you want something out doesnt sound like a great idea at a place like PAX
Oh backpacks can still work great. just throw it over one shoulder instead of putting it fully on.
CougRon on
CaptainTapoleAwesome in the Possum - Yee-Haw!Northern CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
i also wouldnt recomend a backpack anyway the idea of having to constantly take it off to put stuff in and take it off when you want something out doesnt sound like a great idea at a place like PAX
Oh backpacks can still work great. just throw it over one shoulder instead of putting it fully on.
Or where it like you're pregnant...
CaptainTapole on
The Girl Who Gave Everyone the Shortest Jenga Game Ever.
i also wouldnt recomend a backpack anyway the idea of having to constantly take it off to put stuff in and take it off when you want something out doesnt sound like a great idea at a place like PAX
Oh backpacks can still work great. just throw it over one shoulder instead of putting it fully on.
Or where it like you're pregnant...
Yes, plenty of people do this. Please keep in mind that 50,000+ (up to 62,000 last I checked) people is a METRIC FUCKTON OF A CROWD. So swinging your bag around like Tarzan is not recommended. :P Also, one shoulder = bag pulling open when weighted down with stuff.
Person who has "music = life" bag from HotTopic: Not big enough. I have that bag, and while great for lunch, it's fail for PAX (uncomfortable strap, poorly balanced when full, flap doesn't attach closed).
Personally I find a messenger bag worn diagonally to be the best compromise of safety, security & function.
KaitouAyashi on
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: i will nom all of your boxes
[15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~
I'm a big fan of the two bag approach. Bring a small backpack for your valuables (DS, PSP, laptop, camera, etc) that will stay close to you at all times and won't get knocked around. Then, bring a second collapsible bag that is just for schwag. E3 veterans will atest to this method.
I'm a bit of a satchelist. My preferred bag is an old Incase Slim. It has plenty of room for vital electronics, extremely comfortable straps, and is low profile so I don't bludgeon small children when quickly turning left or right to watch Felicia Day walk by.
Yah, I don't really want to carry around a backpack. I'll probably just bring my purse for small electronics and get some sort of cloth bag for other things.
I bought this bag, but in black, for PAX last year and found it to be of great use.
It fits an amazing amount of stuff, collapses down with straps when empty, carries over one shoulder, and has a quick release so I can take it off easily in tight spaces. It also has a pocket for a sidearm, which I just discovered today. Always wondered what was supposed to go there.
im going to get a messenger bag. but i looked on walmart and theres is this really cool kind of hydration backpack that holds cool water for you to drink and you dont have to take it is the link:
Dragondevon on
"The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
"Dude, I think he's a zombie."
"No he's not, he's dead."
"But he's still walking around."
"Which makes him one of the walking dead."
"So, he's dead."
"No, that makes him a zombie."
"You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
im going to get a messenger bag. but i looked on walmart and theres is this really cool kind of hydration backpack that holds cool water for you to drink and you dont have to take it is the link:
If you're going to combine that hydration pack with a messenger bag, you'd be in good shape. Although honestly, you might just be better off with a water bottle of some sort.
This is the messenger bag I'm bringing with me to PAX:
It's big enough to fit just about anything, the shoulder strap is wide, padded, and comfy, and it comes in a nice Master Chief green. And yes, those are my DTS buttons from last year.
Protip: do not put aluminum cans of anything in your bag. They will find whatever they can that is sharp inside and ram themselves against it, causing a suicidal explosion of liquid that will destroy the contents of your bag like a sticky, syrupy grenade.
Arco on
Like this, not like the gas station.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
i suppose i could bring a water bottle...BUT the pack is so cool looking and conveniant and i dont have to waste time and energy haveing to pull out the bottle water unscrewing it taking a drink then re screwing the cap back on then haveing to put it back in the
Dragondevon on
"The times are duanting, its perilous to walk out your front door anymore. The enemy is everywhere, hidden in technology, smiling faces, and laziness. Though, we are not given the luxury to give up. We are the last bastion of hope for our species. We are HUMANS!!!!RAAAAAR"-Devon
"Dude, I think he's a zombie."
"No he's not, he's dead."
"But he's still walking around."
"Which makes him one of the walking dead."
"So, he's dead."
"No, that makes him a zombie."
"You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
CaptainTapoleAwesome in the Possum - Yee-Haw!Northern CaliforniaRegistered Userregular
edited August 2009
What bag(s) am I bringing? My Disney-Doki bag. It's a big bag that fits all I need for the day (Mobile, wallet, handheld gaming consoles, water bottle, and miscellaneous items) and I love it. Also! The return of my Frog Backpack...for those folks who remember it on me last year...will make his appearance all throughout the Expo.
CaptainTapole on
The Girl Who Gave Everyone the Shortest Jenga Game Ever.
"No he's not, he's dead."
"But he's still walking around."
"Which makes him one of the walking dead."
"So, he's dead."
"No, that makes him a zombie."
"You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
Make sure it is big enough though, to carry any picked up swag. I know I will be using the cloth-ish bag that you can buy from Hot Topic (Music = Life bag, my sister bought it for me a while back). It's big enough to carry my DS, PSP, two decks of cards (Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh (just found them, wanted to use them, DON'T JUDGE ME)), my DnD and Dark Heresy sheets and not even be a quarter full. It is also small enough to not knock people over when I pass. (will post pics and dimensions after, once I can).
Picture of bag
Can of Arizona Green Tea for size approximations
Two decks, a DS and a PSP all cover little more than to bottom
Can be compressed to .5 cm (1/8th of an inch) deep
"No he's not, he's dead."
"But he's still walking around."
"Which makes him one of the walking dead."
"So, he's dead."
"No, that makes him a zombie."
"You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
360Voice Blog
GamerDNA Profile
Playfire Profile Pwned Profile
Oh backpacks can still work great. just throw it over one shoulder instead of putting it fully on.
Or where it like you're pregnant...
Yes, plenty of people do this. Please keep in mind that 50,000+ (up to 62,000 last I checked) people is a METRIC FUCKTON OF A CROWD. So swinging your bag around like Tarzan is not recommended. :P Also, one shoulder = bag pulling open when weighted down with stuff.
Person who has "music = life" bag from HotTopic: Not big enough. I have that bag, and while great for lunch, it's fail for PAX (uncomfortable strap, poorly balanced when full, flap doesn't attach closed).
Personally I find a messenger bag worn diagonally to be the best compromise of safety, security & function.
[15:02] Tajah: I like you BR but I'm not letting you nom my box
[15:02] BigRed-Worky: Did I mention I hate you all? cause i do
PAX Twitter Shitter~*~ Retired Bar Liaison: 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Annual Triwizard Drinking Tournament~*~
I'm a bit of a satchelist. My preferred bag is an old Incase Slim. It has plenty of room for vital electronics, extremely comfortable straps, and is low profile so I don't bludgeon small children when quickly turning left or right to watch Felicia Day walk by.
Alas, no Felicia Day this year. I've got a new theory as to why: she didn't like Mike and Jerry making fun of Dollhouse. :P
I've only heard of Felicia Day in name, and have no clue who she is. Does this make me forbidden to come to PAX?
I don't think anything really "forbids" one to attend PAX (aside, perhaps, breaking Rule One), but you should consider getting educated.
No but seriously, watch the links. You won't be disappointed. Not that it matters this year, since apparently she's ditching us.
Roleplayer, Pirate, and 2009 Omeganaut
"No he's not, he's dead."
"But he's still walking around."
"Which makes him one of the walking dead."
"So, he's dead."
"No, that makes him a zombie."
"You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
This is the messenger bag I'm bringing with me to PAX:
Protip: do not put aluminum cans of anything in your bag. They will find whatever they can that is sharp inside and ram themselves against it, causing a suicidal explosion of liquid that will destroy the contents of your bag like a sticky, syrupy grenade.
Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
Satellite Theater for life!
"No he's not, he's dead."
"But he's still walking around."
"Which makes him one of the walking dead."
"So, he's dead."
"No, that makes him a zombie."
"You sound like WALL-E having sex with a Speak and Spell"
Well Actually, I'll be using my Scottevest, My Platypus and my Messenger bag I got for Preordering FireRed