As many of you will have realized, the Penny-Arcade forums were down for a number of hours today.
For those of you who care about the details, I've been told the exploit originated at another site on the cluster. I was concerned that there was an as-yet-unannounced phpBB exploit which is what prompted me to take the forums down despite the fact that the only thing missing was the index.php file.
Interestingly, it is due to penny-arcade still using the legacy .php3 (rather than .php) notation on it's front page that kept that from being overwritten as well.
There may be some quirks with the index page because it may be missing some recent changes. It looks "off" to me, but I'm not sure what about it looks wrong yet. I didn't do much to that file, though, so it shouldn't be anything terrible to fix.
The font is either too big, or bolded...something like that.
Agreed. I'm just glad to have it back.
edit: this is before the haxors or whatever own you thing
MineCraft: Menetherin
Steam: Vloeza_SE++
Or something like that. :?
Podcast 0207: Sinking to new depths
Preview: Is Uncharted: Golden Abyss the Vita’s killer launch title?
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 3: Macro-wreckonomics
But thanks for fixing all this up, if you have any more details as to exactly how they got in I'd be interested.
Well I'm off to my webserver
find / -name *.php -exec sed -e "s/php/php3/g" {} \> {}3
I think it was the stacked "last post" that was throwing it off the most.
Yeah. Looks exactly how it should now.
back to normal :^:
drinks are on the house
for anyone that is interested
Yep, now if someone's got a ladder we can get them down
Pssst... That's Portuguese, my bubbly friend.
How about we E-MAIL BOMB 'EM?! KEKEKEKEKE ^_^!
Assmuming phpBB takes the standard precautions, they couldn't have seen your password. The password is normally encrypted in such a way that you can check it is correct, but you can't get the origional password back.
no sir... the lack of ladders
password is md5d in the database. only way to break it is to brute force it against an md5 dictionary
It was you wasn't it?
"If you're going to play tiddly winks, play it with man hole covers."
- John McCallum
I've looked but I don't seem to have an old screencap of it anymore, but if what I'm saying is truly confusing I could easily PS one to explain better.
I'm an emblem of mediocrity, as long as I'm here nothing exciting will happen.
By the way, Ramius's Place is my favorite forum.
Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
That was 11:39 this morning, eastern. I still don't have it and I tried to re-send it three times.
I don't think TTB likes me.
Anyway, look at it this way. If nothing interesting like this happened, the day might get pretty dull. Nothing is quite as much fun without a quirk every now and then.
i have a screenshot of how they 'used to be'
i just got on so i haven't looked careefully at anything.
i can post if you want
While they were doing this a guy called CarderBR decided to put the smack down by hacking their site ( and it's still down.
Instant karma.
good 'ol 139 port.