Because I only just rediscovered this fantastic gem of a goddamn awesome cartoon and so should you.
The plot:
Men in Black. Seriously if I have to explain this to you get out. No, get on going. You don't belong here.
Why you should watch this?
Because it's an amazingly funny, witty and well-voiced series which delivers on the action and suspense in some episodes. Also animated Tommy Lee Jones (I guess for one season only before they changed his character design, but it's bloody worth it).
Plus it's just cool.
I mean c'mon, check out this slick opening:
Hell they even made the noisy cricket a badass gun, turning it from this:
into this
Hell two episodes revolve around super powers: The first involving them getting the powers from an intergalactic product that you'd find an alien Billy Mays to be peddling while the second episode has J become a human swiss army knife. This is reaon enough alone to sift through Youtube.
It even has
as series regulars.
Altogether it's a badass show about guys is suits catching aliens, having awesome car, supercar, hover bike, helicopter and space ship chases, laying down the law Earth-style, saving the planet, saving
Santa Claus, solving political disputes with baseball, cheerleaders and gun fights also fucking freeze rays. Did you hear me? Did I stutter? Freeze. Rays.
Find the episodes, watch the shit out of the entire series, go to the bathroom, contact loved ones, then watch the shit out of it again.
If you've just read all this but for some godawful reason have decided not to watch this series, well...
The one where Kay and that alien have the shootout but they knock each other out every time over and over is great.
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
I just remember it being great.
That kills the whole joke
The noisy cricket gun was the best gun
It was a fun show.
there were demons and other paranormal crap too
A great way to further explore the MIB universe, as opposed to the second movie
Men In Black II is awesome
After Will Smith sure
I would like to see the MIB 2 that you saw, because they are apparently completely different movies
yeah, every saturday night you'd be like "flush me, j! flush me!"
and i'd be like
It was one of the few movies where I could quite honestly say 'the funny parts were all in the trailer' and be completely accurate, at least from my viewpoint.
Holy shit crwth
Major fucking Glory
The second movie was lacking. It felt like there was a big gap where it left off from the first film.
It was like they tried to fill the gap with second rate cream and the said cream turned to crap.
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is the whole thing on DVD anywhere
if not, it should be
somebody make a thread about guns and scotch to balance it out
I think it's supposed to be a silencer that he's attached
Because all the episodes I've seen it's still the same old little comedy gun thing
Because after the first half hour it's the same movie.
I loved the cartoon. The animation is weird but not in a bad way, in my opinion.
god thank you
Oh, and also after Biz Markie
do you think this because the first movie did not have an alien that was a ballchinian?