WET - yes, the name is silly and sexual but the demo is out on 360 right now and is damn fun.
It's pretty much a nutshit crazy, balls out insane, grindhouse'd version of Stranglehold.
Now, if your reason for playing Stranglehold was because you absolutely had to have a sequel to Hard Boiled, you may be dissapointed.
HOWEVER. If you played Stranglehold because it let you kill the dick out of tons of tiny Asian men with a pistol in each hand while diving about the place like a damn fool...this pretty much fits the bill.
Also, you can cut dudes. With a sword. And then run up a wall and shoot multiple other dudes. AT THE SAME TIME. It controlls almost exactly like Stranglehold. So, you know, the aiming feels a bit sluggish.
And then you jump from car to car while shooting dudes in their fucking faces. It's kinda cool. Get past the tutorial section to the arena and it's a damn solid shooty shooty, bang bang game. I was quite surprised at how fun it was.
here's the demo download link off of Xbox Live.
And the full damn thing is out Sept. 15.
Sorry, fucked up that link. Should work now.
This demo is getting Downloaded TONIGHT!!!
The fact Bethesda's developing this really threw me. I wish Fallout or Oblivion had animations this good.
Old PA forum lookalike style for the new forums | My ko-fi donation thing.
Is does look damn cool. Kind of like Wanted: Weapons of Fate mixed with The Wheelman and Devil May Cry. I downloaded it and will give it a go once I manage to tear myself away from Shadow Complex and Batman.
Switch - SW-3699-5063-5018
Yes I went there.
Is that effect in the actual game, and if so, is there an option to turn it off?
This shall be downloaded tonight.
I mean there are a couple of neat ideas - like the auto lock-on with one gun while you aim the other.
On the other hand, it really reminded me that the PS3 is lacking a custom soundtrack option.
It gets worse as your health drops (which I would be ok with) but yes, it is always there (not ok).
The effect was present in the demo, but to be honest I didn't try to see if there was a way to turn it off.
I enjoyed the demo but, and I know it's only a demo, the action didn't seem fast paced enough and not enough "special" skills... I guess I was expecting Stranglehold 2 with a sword.
PSN: Kylogue
I don't like Taratino films (with a few exceptions), but a game on the other hand? That could definitely work out.
I did, but couldn't find one. I did find a way to mute the music though, so it wasn't all bad.
Fun. Neat ideas, but had some issues with the controls. Liked the over-the-top aspect of it though.
Uninstalled it right after. Don't see myself picking it up, but it did seem enjoyable. Very much a 70s action movie vibe. Yes, it's very Kill Bill + Grindhouse.
Soundtrack sounds awesome though.
It's got some horribly obvious flaws and I'm worried the game proper will be far too easy, but Christ, that never hurt House of the Dead: Overkill. I played the demo six or seven times in a row and was giggling like a lunatic from start to finish. Dodgy graphics and lo-fi tech or not the on-rails section alone is the closest any videogame's ever come to the highway chase from the second Matrix film, for God's sake, to say nothing of sliding down a hallway in stark red and black riddling goons with bullets leaving the air thick with glittering mist to the tune of drunken rockabilly. Dunno if I'll go for full price, but this is a definite buy for me.
Read my book. (It has a robot in it.)
How does it feel to be so wrong?
I enjoyed the demo, but not enough for $60. It felt like Stranglehold, complete down to the somewhat awkward jumping... and while I enjoyed Stranglehold, I waited until it dropped to $20. I'll do the same for this.
Also to PS3 users. The gold membership might be slightly cheaper, though.
It's actually only being published by Bethesda. The developer is A2M (Artificial Mind and Movement), known mostly for making a lot of sub-par ports of things, and some kids games.
I played the demo on PS3 last week. I really like the latter two parts of the demo, but the earlier Strangleholdy parts didn't do too much for me. I don't like the fact that the slow-mo stuff only occurs during crazy moves, I felt like I was jumping around like a loony a little too much. I still might pick it up as I love this style of game.
PSN ID : Xander51 Steam ID : Xander51
XBL - Foreverender | 3DS FC - 1418 6696 1012 | Steam ID | LoL
Wait a day for the reviews to go up then.
And yea the PS3 demo was out last week for folks in the UK, and those US folks with UK sign-ons. The "Rubi" level was awesome, as was dying on the freeway chase and being turned into a smear on the road. Good times.
Wasn't this a Vivendi title that Bethesda picked up?
Read my book. (It has a robot in it.)
It was a good demo, great test of things to come for this game.
However I did not like the demo at all. Understand the difference. I was not hyped for this game nor did it look interesting (same vein of Stranglehold and Max Payne alike, now with Melee attacks).
I played the demo, while entertaining, not selling me. The Kill Bill music into a new vision mode was great, but awful on the eyes. This game will probably sell, but I'm not buying.
Pfffffffffffffffffftt hahahahahahahahaha
Also, to the person who mentioned it on the last page, this game isn't developed by Bethesda, it's published by Bethesda.
Nice music man.