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PAX: Should I stay or should I go?

solowcxsolowcx Registered User regular
edited August 2009 in PAX Archive
Alright, total forum n00b, but looking for some quick advice. A couple weeks ago I bought a 3-day pass to PAX despite being a little unsure whether I wanted to go or not. I have never been to PAX before and I wasn't sure how much I was going to get out of it. With the threats of selling out however I figured I better make my decision then, so I bought it.

Now that most all the tickets are sold out and I have had a chance to review the schedule I am left with 2 options. Go to PAX or sell my ticket to someone who needs it.

Here are the details of situation.
1.) Have never been to PAX or any other large convention and am interested in seeing what it is like.
2.) It is my birthday that Saturday and friends are non-gamers.
3.) Don't have a lot of money to spend on extra stuff at the show.
4.) Might be what you would call a casual gamer (but an overall geek) and am not sure if there will be enough stuff to tide me over all 3 (or 2) days.
5.) Am highly interested in checking out the concerts, geek movies and some of the presentations/exhibitors (Penny Arcade panel obviously).
5.) Would be going alone, but I don't think that is that big of a deal. Was thinking about the pre-PAX dinner, but costs more money.
6.) Live in Seattle so transportation is not an issue, can also park my car at my office in Belltown for free.
7.) Am not crazy about lines, but imagine that is part of the experience.

So those are the facts. I know I need to make my own decision, but just looking for some opinions to push me in one direction or another. Should I go? Or should I make my ticket available to someone else?

solowcx on


  • RavengerRavenger Trolololo Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    If you do not go. You will regret it for the rest of your life.

    Ravenger on
    <@heels&gt; Ravenger: i do not talk to anyone
    <+Ravenger> you are talking to me
    <@heels&gt; oh god, what am i doing
  • s7arbucks7arbuck Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    first. do you have a nintendo ds, ds lite, or dsi?
    fun at pax? it is near impossible not to do so!
    most of my friends were non gamers and i was kinda the geekest dude in my circle o friends. but really it like you are surrounded with a bunch of people who have the same passion as you do for 72 hours. you wait in like for 45 minutes for rock band by yourself. and have nothing to do, alone and nervous, you notice the guy next to you is wearing an xbox 360 shirt. you think "shit, i KNOW these people" you start talking about how your 360 has broken 6 times. and BAM you met a pax buddy, if only for those 45 minutes. it will be awesome!

    as isha says: "its pax! if you are not having fun, you are doing it wrong!"

    just my thoughts

    s7arbuck on
  • solowcxsolowcx Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    s7arbuck wrote: »
    first. do you have a nintendo ds, ds lite, or dsi?

    No DS. Have an iPhone, but that probably doesn't work as well for multiplayer gaming.

    solowcx on
  • Cerrato0426Cerrato0426 Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    If you live in Seattle and have a ticket, why don't you go Friday and Sunday, leaving Saturday to hang out with your friends on your birthday? Casual gamer or not, PAX should be quite an experience. At the very least hang out for a few hours each day.

    Oh, and to reiterate what Ravenger said: if you do not go, you will die... or something like that.

    Cerrato0426 on
  • PikaPuffPikaPuff Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    uh what the hell. you live at/near the location. worst case scenario is you get bored and don't attend the rest of it, so a loss of $40ish for the ticket + gas money?

    go. if you're unimpressed, leave. You have very little to lose here. I highly suggest getting into the DS world record and attend either a PA specific panel (gabe and tycho Q&A or draw a comic or whatever) and/or a concert before ditching the whole thing. and the expo hall, but that doesn't need to be said since it' highly accessible

    oh if you don't have a ds you don't have to go to the ds world record then. but check out the expo hall, a random panel or two, and a concert (unless you're really THAT unimpressed, then on't wait around for the concert since it's late night). and visit every floor and every room. as a "casual gamer" i'm sure you'll be impressed/shocked at the many gamer cultures like the tabletop/ccg room, the console room, and pc room. all of which are very different environments. kind of like how you'd be impressed at the weird shit you find in a museum or zoo.

    PikaPuff on
  • SandDogsSandDogs Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    I say you should totally go it is really awesome... That being said if you don't Ill buy your pass off you ;p

    Or if you go out for your birthday I'll trade you for my Sunday pass (they sold out of Saturday passes already)...

    ...But really you should go, you definitely won't regret it although be prepared for massive lines and crowds, especially this year seeing as how they actually sold out the entire Seattle Convention Centre!! ;p

    SandDogs on
  • ArcoArco Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Go. You will like it. Seriously.

    Arco on
    Like this, not like the gas station.
    Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
    Satellite Theater for life!
  • NovastormMegatonNovastormMegaton Registered User new member
    edited August 2009
    I had the great pleasure of attending PAX last year and let me tell you this; I sold my PS3 to attend again this year. I can say with some certainty that PAX was 3 of the funnest if not THE funnest days I have ever spent. I used to play a lot of video games, I now play much less and am just mostly into "Social" gaming. In the 3 days I was not able to attend any of the workshops or the games room and was still their from 10:00am till 3:00 am. Regardless of your inclination, there is always something to do, the people are nice and being in the Seattle area you should go for sure.

    I am coming in from Calgary with $200 USD in my pocket. This expense is going to leave me with $0 dollars in my pocket until I can find a job again, but I am assured in my decision because I know I'm gaining experiences that poverty is more then a fair trade for.

    NovastormMegaton on
  • AlazullAlazull Your body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    If you do decide to give up your ticket, PM me and I will pay handsomely for your pass.

    That being said, you should go.

    Alazull on
    User name Alazull on Steam, PSN, Nintenders, Epic, etc.
  • draklandraklan Chocobo in time the Frosty North... mmm FrostingRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Definitely go. Last year was the first for both me and my wife. I'm a hardcore gamer who owns all the current consoles and most of the old and very old ones as well. She's a little more than a casual gamer but by no streatch a hardcore gamer and we went the whole while i worried that she wouldn't like it. After 3 days at PAX last year and a 5 hour flight home to Toronto, Canada she told me we had to go back this year. How awesome is that? Pax is more than the games, the concerts and the presentations it's a sense of community a group of friendly people who understand your interests and most of all a place better than any other I've been.

    So just go already

    Just saying.

    draklan on
  • InterjectionInterjection Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    I would say go especially if your friends aren't is quite an enlightening experience to have a visual representation of just how many people enjoy the same things that you do.

    And hey, if you are bored and haven't found anyone to hang out with on Friday send me a text, me and 2 buddies will be going, one who hasn't bought a new game in a year, and all he plays is Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and the other has been at see for like the past 8 months. When he got back he seriously asked me what twitter is. I am 100% sure both of them will have the times of their lives. And dammit if on Friday you aren't too, then let me know and you can be our d'Artagnan.

    Interjection on
    aka kcMasterpiece
  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Just to weigh in with the 'PAX is teh aw3s0m3' love in here, you may want to consider how many people are travelling from foreign lands to get to it. Oh and no I'm not just talking about Canada here. I'm including UK, Ireland, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia to name but a few. I know this for I am one of the many who are travelling on the same plane from London Heathrow on Thursday afternoon. This vehicle has been named the 'UK PAX Plane', for it is the primary flight from the UK to Seattle on Thursday 3rd September.

    We people from afar are spending an inordinate amount of time and cash to get to PAX, a 3 day event that celebrates not only games but the people who play them. So if you're in any way inclined to play games, of any kind, or indeed understand what it means to be a 'geek', then you should go. Especially considering the fact that it is on your doorstep!

    kropotkin on

  • JonnyNeroJonnyNero Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Here's my little guide to PAX

    Last year I was in the same situation. Never been to a convention of any type, figured this would be fun and decided to go. I left with a ton of new friends, and couldn't wait to go again.

    Basically, what I discovered is that, unless you are going purely for the expo hall, PAX is not a convention. It is a gigantic party. If you go and talk to people, attend the panels, go to some of the community events, etc/. this will be the most fun you will ever have. You just have to forget the idea that PAX is "the next E3" or a "gaming convention." As soon as you will do that you will realize that "PAX is 70,000 friends you never knew you had" (via HotSake and adjusted for potential attendance this year.) and that it is generally an 18-wheeler of bad ass armed with an awesome stick poised to run you over, and, like a certain type of train out there, IT HAS NO BRAKES!!!

    So go, it shouldn't be any question as to don't. Trust me, you'll have fun

    JonnyNero on
  • vr5angelvr5angel Registered User new member
    edited August 2009
    I really think you should go, considering that you're already in the area, so like PikaPuff said before there isn't much to lose.

    This is my first time going to PAX or anything like it for that matter. But my boyfriend and I are huge gamers, and where we live we have had a bit of a hard time finding people with our interests. Which is why we are really excited to go to PAX this year. We don't know anyone else going, but I figured that it's a good place to meet good people that share you're interests, especially while standing in line. I can't speak for the money situation, as I have never been before, so I don't know how much you really "need" to spend.

    If you find yourself having a hard time finding people to talk to, feel free to PM me and my boyfriend and I would be happy to hang out with you at PAX.

    vr5angel on
  • cocowoushicocowoushi Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Even if your friends aren't gamers, you have a chance to make new friends who are with this event.

    cocowoushi on
  • Bob JackassBob Jackass Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Everyone's pretty much hit the nail on the head. I can tell you that several years ago, my friend wanted me to go with him to PAX '05. I was skeptical, like you, but decided I hadn't had a vacation in a while, so why not? It was a good excuse to get away from the wife and do "guy stuff" for a while, too. After the 3 days, I had the worst feeling in the world: realizing it would be another year before the next one! It was a crapton better than I thought it would be. Subsequently, we attended PAX'06, PAX'07, and we're going this year. The previous three years we went just to the convention, but this year we're participating in many of the community events, like the CCST, pre and post pax dinners, triwizard drinking tournament, etc. I've even convinced my wife to help me build a Big Daddy costume for next year (she makes costumes for a living, so it's gonna rock!).

    Anyway, my point is, before I first attended, I wasn't sure what to expect, and the furthest thing from my mind was making this an annual thing, with the exception of last year. Now it's practically a ritual for me and my friends, and not solely because of all the games, but also the community. If you can form coherent sentences, you will find cool people to hang out with.

    Bob Jackass on
    Check out my actual, real life rock band!

    Xbox Live - Bob Jackass || Playstation - Cosby__Sweater || Steam - Bob Jackass

  • solowcxsolowcx Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Thanks for the feedback guys. Can definitely say I am probably more inclined to go now (NovastormMegaton - Selling your PS3 to go seems like a pretty big recommendation :)), but am still a little concerned about costs. How much do people usually end up spending outside of tickets and travel? Do they gouge you on food and drinks?

    solowcx on
  • ptriz21_teamkillptriz21_teamkill Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    I too am a casual gamer. When I went for the first time last year we only went Saturday and I couldn't imagine spending 3 days there. This year I'm going Saturday/Sunday only because of work on Friday. Its a lot of fun.

    I would say its also fun to go to a new city and feel like you and everyone there owns the place, but since you live there I guess the feeling won't be the same.

    You won't regret going even if its just for a day. Unless you don't like people.

    ptriz21_teamkill on
    3DS: 3325-2059-2105
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    solowcx wrote: »
    Thanks for the feedback guys. Can definitely say I am probably more inclined to go now (NovastormMegaton - Selling your PS3 to go seems like a pretty big recommendation :)), but am still a little concerned about costs. How much do people usually end up spending outside of tickets and travel? Do they gouge you on food and drinks?

    Theres cheap places to eat.

    Within the convention center is a taco del mar, a subway, and a little hidden place called Juice-It (good sandwiches and smoothies).

    Theres other cheap food within walking distance (mainly at westlake mall a few blocks away)

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • PikaPuffPikaPuff Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    if you eat inside it's like movie theater pricing for food.Last year I left to go eat, usually at the crepe place right ouside.

    oh about your birthday, it's easy to tell your friends "i'm celebratin it next worrk" o heck even "i'm going to celebrate it on labor day monday"

    PikaPuff on
  • Bob JackassBob Jackass Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    solowcx wrote: »
    Thanks for the feedback guys. Can definitely say I am probably more inclined to go now (NovastormMegaton - Selling your PS3 to go seems like a pretty big recommendation :)), but am still a little concerned about costs. How much do people usually end up spending outside of tickets and travel? Do they gouge you on food and drinks?

    The food and drinks aren't so bad. They have a couple places in the center itself (which will be OVERRUN!). They have some places outside, as well, and if you're up for a walk, there's a cool little fried fish 'n chips place down on the bay. If you're not interested in memorabilia, food will be your only concern and you can come and go as your stomach demands.

    Bob Jackass on
    Check out my actual, real life rock band!

    Xbox Live - Bob Jackass || Playstation - Cosby__Sweater || Steam - Bob Jackass

  • ptriz21_teamkillptriz21_teamkill Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Went to a sandwich place (other than subway) down the block and they were out of a lot of stuff in the afternoon. You either have to time your meals right or get away from the convention center to avoid lines.

    ptriz21_teamkill on
    3DS: 3325-2059-2105
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Or just walk up to the QFC a few blocks up the hill on pike and buy some sandwich fixings if you really want to eat on the cheap :P

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • WormdundeeWormdundee Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    For the love of god go. This is my first year but I've gotten quite involved with the IRC community and such. I'm from the Vancouver, BC area, but already the PAX community has gotten me to drive down to Federal Way for a totally awesome party with people I had never met before.

    I bought my ticket way back in March, and just hanging out with the peoples in IRC every day has really gotten me psyched for it. I have a feeling my brain is going to explode when I actually get to PAX.

    Wormdundee on
  • ptriz21_teamkillptriz21_teamkill Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Just based on your casual gamer description and overall out look on PAX, this is what I see happening if you go. In this case, only for one day.

    You will get in line. You'll think. "Hmm. Nerds. Lots of them. I'm cooler than these guys. This is going to be a long day. and WTF is that guy supposed to be? Maybe the DS really IS cool."

    You make it in. Its bigger than you expected. There are more people than you expected. You'll make your way to Bungie's booth, since most "casual gamers" enjoy Halo very much. Roosterteeth will be next to them (at least they were last year). You will play what they have to offer, more than once throughout the day.

    You will walk around, seeing if you have any clue about other games and nerd culture out there. "Oh I've seen hello kitty before. That is definitely a woman, clad in armor....with big gargolye-ish wings and a massive sword, i'm intimidated."

    Anyways you will be over whelmed with sights and sounds, occasionally, if not often, feeling like you don't belong. You'll leave exhausted, not quite sure what you just witnessed. You think you like it but you can't help thinking "was that worth my time?" But a couple days later, when you are at work or school, you will be thinking about PAX non-stop and you can't believe you have to wait 363 days until it comes back!

    ptriz21_teamkill on
    3DS: 3325-2059-2105
  • Bob JackassBob Jackass Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    But a couple days later, when you are at work or school, you will be thinking about PAX non-stop and you can't believe you have to wait 363 days until it comes back!

    Post-PAX Stress Disorder I believe it's called?

    Bob Jackass on
    Check out my actual, real life rock band!

    Xbox Live - Bob Jackass || Playstation - Cosby__Sweater || Steam - Bob Jackass

  • AlazullAlazull Your body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    BigRed wrote: »
    Or just walk up to the QFC a few blocks up the hill on pike and buy some sandwich fixings if you really want to eat on the cheap :P


    Personally, whenever I have gone to Sakura-Con I always pack a sandwich, some chips and a water bottle every single day as it is a great way to both ensure that you eat every day, and also to save yourself some money.

    Protip: put the sandwich in the freezer the night before and by the time you want it (around 12:00-1:00ish) it'll be nice and fresh.

    Alazull on
    User name Alazull on Steam, PSN, Nintenders, Epic, etc.
  • OrosoOroso Enforcer PortlandRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    You'll make your way to Bungie's booth, since most "casual gamers" enjoy Halo very much. Roosterteeth will be next to them (at least they were last year).

    Bungie doesn't have their own booth this year. But the rest of that post is almost exactly how I felt last year. To the OP, I can't recommend going enough, even if just for one day.

    Oroso on
  • ptriz21_teamkillptriz21_teamkill Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Oroso wrote: »
    You'll make your way to Bungie's booth, since most "casual gamers" enjoy Halo very much. Roosterteeth will be next to them (at least they were last year).

    Bungie doesn't have their own booth this year. But the rest of that post is almost exactly how I felt last year. To the OP, I can't recommend going enough, even if just for one day.

    i read that bungie was going to demo some gameplay of one of their new games. or at least some new maps? did they cancel? I know they have a panel on friday.

    ptriz21_teamkill on
    3DS: 3325-2059-2105
  • muttonheadmuttonhead Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Oroso wrote: »
    You'll make your way to Bungie's booth, since most "casual gamers" enjoy Halo very much. Roosterteeth will be next to them (at least they were last year).

    Bungie doesn't have their own booth this year. But the rest of that post is almost exactly how I felt last year. To the OP, I can't recommend going enough, even if just for one day.

    i read that bungie was going to demo some gameplay of one of their new games. or at least some new maps? did they cancel? I know they have a panel on friday.

    ODST would likely be found in microsofts booth for sure if Bungie doesnt have their own

    muttonhead on
    @muttonhead104|!Hufflepuff|Team !Bulbasaur!
  • SandDogsSandDogs Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Oroso wrote: »
    You'll make your way to Bungie's booth, since most "casual gamers" enjoy Halo very much. Roosterteeth will be next to them (at least they were last year).

    Bungie doesn't have their own booth this year. But the rest of that post is almost exactly how I felt last year. To the OP, I can't recommend going enough, even if just for one day.

    i read that bungie was going to demo some gameplay of one of their new games. or at least some new maps? did they cancel? I know they have a panel on friday.

    He probably just means that they'll be a part of the Microsoft booth and not their own "Bungie only" booth I'd assume..

    SandDogs on
  • starlitestarlite Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    But a couple days later, when you are at work or school, you will be thinking about PAX non-stop and you can't believe you have to wait 363 days until it comes back!

    Post-PAX Stress Disorder I believe it's called?

    This is totally a real disorder.

    starlite on
  • OrosoOroso Enforcer PortlandRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Sadly we won’t have our own booth but that doesn’t mean we won’t be representin’. There’s a very strong chance we’ll be hanging out in the Xbox booth and offering more hands-on ODST opportunities.

    Haven't heard anything further. Microsoft will definitely be showing off ODST Firefight, not sure about the new Halo 3 maps.

    Oroso on
  • ptriz21_teamkillptriz21_teamkill Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Oroso wrote: »
    Sadly we won’t have our own booth but that doesn’t mean we won’t be representin’. There’s a very strong chance we’ll be hanging out in the Xbox booth and offering more hands-on ODST opportunities.

    Haven't heard anything further. Microsoft will definitely be showing off ODST Firefight, not sure about the new Halo 3 maps.

    i skipped over the first sentence when i read that back in july.

    ptriz21_teamkill on
    3DS: 3325-2059-2105
  • Pat McRotchPat McRotch Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    solowcx wrote: »
    s7arbuck wrote: »
    first. do you have a nintendo ds, ds lite, or dsi?

    No DS. Have an iPhone, but that probably doesn't work as well for multiplayer gaming.

    Uno, iShoot and Tap Tap Revenge are all multiplayer and I keep them on my iPhone all the time.

    Pat McRotch on
  • SumiSumi Abbotsford, BCRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    I don't know what answer you were expecting when you decided to ask members of the Penny Arcade Expo forums whether or not you should attend.

    Clearly it is an overwhelming yes.

    Sumi on
    Standard Action, it's a webseries.
  • solowcxsolowcx Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Sumi wrote: »
    I don't know what answer you were expecting when you decided to ask members of the Penny Arcade Expo forums whether or not you should attend.

    Clearly it is an overwhelming yes.

    Pretty much. :lol:

    solowcx on
  • AlphonsisAlphonsis Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Last year was my first PAX and much like you, I was intrigued at the concept, but unsure if I would really enjoy myself.

    Suffice it to say, I had such a good time I threw myself in it this year. I got my 3 day pass, my BYOC pass, I've got a little cosplay lined up, and I'm bringing more gear/games/goodies than I thought could fit in my luggage.

    Oh, and get on twitter and follow the pax related ones. It'll give you a heads up as to what's going on.

    Alphonsis on
  • cooljammer00cooljammer00 Hey Small Christmas-Man!Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    solowcx wrote: »
    Sumi wrote: »
    I don't know what answer you were expecting when you decided to ask members of the Penny Arcade Expo forums whether or not you should attend.

    Clearly it is an overwhelming yes.

    Pretty much. :lol:

    cooljammer00 on

    3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
    Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
This discussion has been closed.