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Handheld Tournament Guide

ScootsScoots HandHeld Lounge ManagerSeattleRegistered User regular
edited September 2009 in PAX Archive
For the first time since 2006, HandHeld will be holding tournaments! Are you excited? We're excited.

The Schedule:

Puzzle Quest DS 1-5pm
MarioKart DS 12-2am

Tetris DS 11am-3pm
FF:Dissidia psp 4-6pm
TWEWY DS (Tin Pin Slammer) 8-11pm
MarioKart DS 12-2am

Pokemon DS 11am-4pm

The Basics:

-Sign up for all tournaments will be day of.
-Each game will have a main and standby sheet. Standby works on a first come, first serve basis.
-Start times are as stated. Some tournaments may not finish on time, but this will not effect other tournament start times.
-Rounds will be monitored by Enforcers to make sure everything is copacetic.
-Players are expected to self monitor to some extent as well, in line with the PAX code of conduct and Wheaton's Law.

The Games:

MarioKart DS
64 slots
8 player Grand Prix races - top 4 players move on to the next round
1st round 50cc
2nd and 3rd round 100cc
4th and 5th round 150cc
random tracks
NO SNAKING - evidence of snaking will either result in replaying the round
or ejection from the tournament.

Tetris DS
64 slots
single elimination 2 player games
no items

64 slots
single elimination 2 player games
all slammers allowed
all mastered and stockpiled pins allowed

FF:Dissidia PSP
32 slots
offline multiplayer(2) vs
all items allowed
all moves allowed

Puzzle Quest DS
32 slots
single elimination 2 player games
no spells over level 10
no rune items
class spells only
no researched spells including mounts

Pokemon (diamond, pearl, platinum)
32 slots
level 50singles 6v6 matches
no duplicate pokemon - various evolutions allowed
no pokemon nicknamed with another pokemon name
no legendaries
Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, Mewtwo, Mew, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Celebi, Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latias, Latios, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf, Dialga, Palkia, Heatran, Regigigas, Giratina, Cresselia, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin and Arceus. Dragonite, Tyranitar, Salamence. Metagross and Garchomp. Wobbufet
no duplicate items
sleep clause (only one pokemon can be asleep on a team at a time)
self KO and 1 hit KO clause(fissure, sheer cold etc)
no evasion moves(double team, minimise, etc)
no hacks
This rule set may change very slightly as the page i was basing it off of is currently 404.

Scoots on


  • Uno Ill NinoUno Ill Nino Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    You guys should have had Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny in the mix too. It comes out Sept.1st and would be perfect for a tourny. Also, Powerstone 2 would have rocked. So would Lumines! And Wipeout! Next time you guys want to come up with good games for handheld tournies, call me! :)

    Uno Ill Nino on
    The Moofcast! - A videogame podcast for adults.
  • darren66darren66 Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Scoots wrote: »
    Puzzle Quest DS
    32 slots
    single elimination 2 player games
    level 10 and under spells only
    no rune items allowed
    class spells only (no researched spells etc)

    Any level limits for your character?
    Any level limits for mounts?

    darren66 on
    Wii U sucks, but my NNID is da66en. Steam is route66. 3DS is 2938-8099-8160.
    Neo Geo Big Red owners club.
    2009 PAX Puzzle Quest Champion
    I have beat Rygar on the NES and many of you have not.
  • SlickShughesSlickShughes Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    darren66 wrote: »
    Scoots wrote: »
    Puzzle Quest DS
    32 slots
    single elimination 2 player games
    level 10 and under spells only
    no rune items allowed
    class spells only (no researched spells etc)

    Any level limits for your character?
    Any level limits for mounts?

    Or do mounts count as "researched spells etc"

    SlickShughes on
  • chibidanichibidani Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Do you need to own the games to participate? I <3 Tetris, but I only got my DS a few weeks ago, and own a whole 2 games for it, neither of which are part of the tourney.

    chibidani on
    We are now gluten, dairy and corn free gamers!
  • Brex123Brex123 Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Dissidia is added, NICE!

    I will be signing up for the Mario Kart, Tetris, Dissidia, and Tin Pin tourneys, and maybe the Puzzle Quest.

    Brex123 on
  • ScootsScoots HandHeld Lounge Manager SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Mounts count as a researched spell.

    iirc, with tetris you do not absolutely have to have a cart per player, but it does decrease lag. There should be a handful of copies to borrow from handheld free play.

    Scoots on
  • SlickShughesSlickShughes Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Scoots wrote: »
    Mounts count as a researched spell.

    iirc, with tetris you do not absolutely have to have a cart per player, but it does decrease lag. There should be a handful of copies to borrow from handheld free play.

    Can we still equip a mount for the stat boost, and just not use the spell under pain of DQ?

    SlickShughes on
  • Blackfox138Blackfox138 Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    no legendaries

    list please. I could proally find pokedex entries that call pokemon a legend. Do those count as well? Is this a scaled tourney, wifi or pbr, or is it ds local battles?

    Blackfox138 on
  • darren66darren66 Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Scoots wrote: »
    Mounts count as a researched spell.

    iirc, with tetris you do not absolutely have to have a cart per player, but it does decrease lag. There should be a handful of copies to borrow from handheld free play.

    Can we still equip a mount for the stat boost, and just not use the spell under pain of DQ?

    You also didn't specify if there is a level limit to your character. I am assuming you are inferring Level 10, but you are being vague (just like your position on Mounts).

    Just saying.

    darren66 on
    Wii U sucks, but my NNID is da66en. Steam is route66. 3DS is 2938-8099-8160.
    Neo Geo Big Red owners club.
    2009 PAX Puzzle Quest Champion
    I have beat Rygar on the NES and many of you have not.
  • GR_ZombieGR_Zombie Krillin It Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    In regards to Mario Kart, what is "snaking"?

    GR_Zombie on
  • Blackfox138Blackfox138 Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    GR_Zombie what is "snaking"?

    If you don't know what it is, chances are that you don't need to worry about it.

    Blackfox138 on
  • FerquinFerquin Snorlax Renton, WA, USARegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    No evasion moves for Pokémon? Booooo...

    Ferquin on
    Ferquin N.C. Root
  • Kenji-SanKenji-San Registered User new member
    edited August 2009
    This looks exciting! I can't wait to join in on the action!

    Kenji-San on
  • tehnakkitehnakki Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Can we get some clarification on the pokemon rules for those of us who've never battled other people before?

    A list of legendaries, please.
    What is a sleep clause?
    What is a self and 1 hit KO clause(fissure, sheer cold etc)?

    tehnakki on
    Hufflepuff for lief, muthafuckers!

    the 'teh' is silent: eljay ~ * ~ twitter ~ * ~ ravelry ~ * ~
  • Blackfox138Blackfox138 Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Sleep Clause
    Two or more Pokémon on a team cannot be asleep at the same time. Self-induce sleep via rest does not activate Sleep Clause.

    OHKO Clause
    One-Hit KO moves are not allowed.

    Self KO Clause
    If both players have only one Pokémon left, moves which KO both the user and the opponent are not allowed (e.g. Explosion, Destiny Bond). If recoil damage would cause a tie, Self KO Clause does not activate, and the player who last attacked is the winner.

    Blackfox138 on
  • ScootsScoots HandHeld Lounge Manager SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Thanks for clarifying the clauses blackfox. Silly me, I figured most of the people that wanted specific rules already knew what was what. This is a handheld tournament, the battles will be on the DS, not through PBR. Had we chosen to go with PBR it would have been stated so.

    There was no limit placed on PQ character level due to the limit placed on spell level. No mounts just to make everything streamlined and take away any chance of accidentally using it.

    Please take into consideration that if it wasn't mentioned, I didn't feel it necessary, not that I forgot or was trying to be vague. If you have any more questions, or would like to say something along the lines of "i'm excited" or "yay!", please do so here. Otherwise, take it to PM and I will address you personally.

    The OP will be updated to reflect clarifications.

    Scoots on
  • Blackfox138Blackfox138 Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    np np, glad to help ^^

    Glad we have what looks to be a solid rule set now XD (Pokemon wise at least)

    Here's hoping everything works on site without a hitch! :D

    Quick question, when you say "No evasion moves" is that the standard evasion clause: moves that raise evasion are banned or moves/items that have ANYTHING to do with evasion are banned.

    Blackfox138 on
  • darren66darren66 Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Scoots wrote: »
    There was no limit placed on PQ character level due to the limit placed on spell level. No mounts just to make everything streamlined and take away any chance of accidentally using it.

    Ok, so for PQ I can use any level character as long as he only has level 10 spells? Are you sure you don't want to normalize to a specific level, because you still get other stats when you level up?

    darren66 on
    Wii U sucks, but my NNID is da66en. Steam is route66. 3DS is 2938-8099-8160.
    Neo Geo Big Red owners club.
    2009 PAX Puzzle Quest Champion
    I have beat Rygar on the NES and many of you have not.
  • GranasGranas Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    I was going to have to rebuild my team pokemon team anyways, good to know legends(even NU) won't be allowed.

    I just expect to see a lot of smeargles packing Darkrai's moveset, so bring your Lum berry.

    Granas on
  • MeiteronMeiteron Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Can I assume for the Dissidia tourney I'll want whoever I'm playing as at lv100?

    Also, is it only going to be NA version or both NA and JP? I picked up mine on the NA release but I know quite a few people were using the japanese version prior to this (can you even do vs between the two versions?).

    Meiteron on
  • ScootsScoots HandHeld Lounge Manager SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Meiteron wrote: »
    Can I assume for the Dissidia tourney I'll want whoever I'm playing as at lv100?

    Also, is it only going to be NA version or both NA and JP? I picked up mine on the NA release but I know quite a few people were using the japanese version prior to this (can you even do vs between the two versions?).

    We didn't come up with a more specific rule set for Dissidia because it's so new. I will double check to see if you can vs between versions. As far as level, just bring your A game, whatever it happens to be by PAX :)
    np np, glad to help ^^

    Glad we have what looks to be a solid rule set now XD (Pokemon wise at least)

    Here's hoping everything works on site without a hitch! :D

    Quick question, when you say "No evasion moves" is that the standard evasion clause: moves that raise evasion are banned or moves/items that have ANYTHING to do with evasion are banned.

    It's the standard evasion clause. A banned items list would have put me right over the edge.
    darren66 wrote: »
    Ok, so for PQ I can use any level character as long as he only has level 10 spells? Are you sure you don't want to normalize to a specific level, because you still get other stats when you level up?

    Yep! We'll just see how it all goes.

    Both Pokemon and PQ will put into perspective if we need two types of tournaments for heavy hitter games. Half with a "playground" rule set, or lack there of, and one defined tournament rule set.

    Scoots on
  • PsychoishPsychoish Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    My friend is interested in joining the Tetris tourney, but she lost her game, and it's almost impossible to find a copy of Tetris DS these days. Would she be able to borrow one if she ends up registering?

    Psychoish on
  • Mill Creek, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Is Mario Kart being held that late because of the lack of signal interference at that time? PAX'07 it was playable during the day... last year was impossible. on
    I play Indoors | PAX's Attended: 07 08 09 10 12 13
  • Blackfox138Blackfox138 Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Thanks for clarifying. I'm just trying to keep from dq-ing myself XD

    No legendaries nukes my favourite OU team, but meh. It was time to make a new one anyway.

    With all the clarifying that's going on, all tourneys better run super smooth..

    Blackfox138 on
  • ScootsScoots HandHeld Lounge Manager SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited August 2009
    -- We will have a couple tetris carts on hand for borrowing, but I can't guarantee too many. If all else fails, we'll see how it goes with sharing over wifi.

    -- Honestly? It was part "ooooh fewer people using wifis at this time" and part "ooooh it's fun to say mario kart midnight dash". It was also easier to have more than one mario kart tourney this way which is great since it always filled up in 20 minutes.

    Scoots on
  • teedubteedub Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Any chance you could up the Tetris matches to best of 5 or 3 at the very least? Most 1v1 matches don't last all that long.

    teedub on
  • darren66darren66 Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    PQ - can we just simplify the rules and say "Level 10 character, no mounts, no inventory". ???

    Otherwise I am bringing my Lvl50 char, stripping rune weapons and post-level 10 spells. Doesn't seem to create a fair playing field.

    darren66 on
    Wii U sucks, but my NNID is da66en. Steam is route66. 3DS is 2938-8099-8160.
    Neo Geo Big Red owners club.
    2009 PAX Puzzle Quest Champion
    I have beat Rygar on the NES and many of you have not.
  • SlickShughesSlickShughes Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    darren66 wrote: »
    PQ - can we just simplify the rules and say "Level 10 character, no mounts, no inventory". ???

    Otherwise I am bringing my Lvl50 char, stripping rune weapons and post-level 10 spells. Doesn't seem to create a fair playing field.

    I'll be doing the same. Seems a little off, but it is what it is.

    SlickShughes on
  • cocowoushicocowoushi Registered User regular
    edited August 2009
    Surprised to see Wobbafet (sp) isn't on the banned list for Pokemon. I know he's not a Legendary, but it's usually banned in just about ant tourney.

    cocowoushi on
  • reediculousreediculous Registered User new member
    edited August 2009
    Oh god, way too excited for the Pokemon one. My main team has 5/6 OUs and they aren't legendaries either. I'll see if I can switch that up with some good UUs, but that'll take some preparation. Hmm.

    if I can't, I suppose I'm stuck with my five OUs and one UU. Harhar. :v

    reediculous on
    just gonna be focusing on pokemanz kbye
  • Kenji-SanKenji-San Registered User new member
    edited September 2009
    cocowoushi wrote: »
    Surprised to see Wobbafet (sp) isn't on the banned list for Pokemon. I know he's not a Legendary, but it's usually banned in just about ant tourney.
    Oh god, yes. Can we PLEASE implement a ban on Wobbuffet? Honestly, he is so overpowered, that he needs to be banned.

    Kenji-San on
  • Blackfox138Blackfox138 Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    If Wobb gets banned then same should be said about Garchomp as well. That was the only reason I hadn't said anything about it before, I figured, hey, at least we get Garchomp back.

    You all can either whine moar, or use this rule to your advantage. I for one am working on a Wobb and Garchomp right now.

    Make your team around the rules, don't make the rules around your team.

    Blackfox138 on
  • reediculousreediculous Registered User new member
    edited September 2009
    Yeah, Wobbufet/Garchomp should really be banned. It's basically considered Uber.

    Also, question. Will we need to make sure the pokemon are level 50 beforehand? or will we battle others where we set it to level 50 (e.g. battle tower, where we could set the limit to level 50, and we'd go in with say, a Level 80 Caterpie with stats and level changed to a level 50 caterpie for the match only)?

    reediculous on
    just gonna be focusing on pokemanz kbye
  • Blackfox138Blackfox138 Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    IIRC we need to make them 50 ourselves. DS doesn't do it for us unless we go into wifi, and who really wants to do that with con wifi... lag ftl

    This actually means pogey's that evolve past 50 or learn moves past 50 (and aren't bred to get them earlier) will not be allowed either. Example: T-Tar or non TRU Dragonite, or Tri-Attack on Porygon-Z.

    PLEASE tell me if Plat implemented some way to scale levels outside of wifi (or if I remember something wrong), might make me finish the game... >.> currently SRing for Shiny Giratina with no luck... >.>

    But I want to use them... I never get to normally... >.>
    *again, I will go with w/e rules turn into*

    Blackfox138 on
  • reediculousreediculous Registered User new member
    edited September 2009
    Ughhhh really? God. That knocks off half my team already! >:C

    reediculous on
    just gonna be focusing on pokemanz kbye
  • Blackfox138Blackfox138 Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    PBR and wifi are the only way to level scale as far as I know. It has been stated before that this will be a DS-DS tourney. I've tried wifi at the convention centre before and it failed. Badly.

    I would look into whether or not Plat has a way to level scale, because I don't think Diamond/Pearl do... >.>

    Painful, I know. VGC09 had this rule as well, killed off a lot of strategies, but gave rise to a couple of new ones. I know there is only a week left, but you also have waiting in line time to train. Thankfully the tourney isn't until Sunday, so we have concert line Fri/Sat, panel lines, exhibition lines, and pre PAX line (however long you want to wait).

    Blackfox138 on
  • ScootsScoots HandHeld Lounge Manager SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited September 2009
    1) There's a reason the poke tourney has a 5 hour time slot.
    2) We'll be borrowing space from another department that isn't wifi saturated so all Pokemon will be auto-leveled.
    3) Dragonite, Tyranitar, Salamence. Metagross and Garchomp have been added to the banned list.
    4) Wobbufet will also be banned because someone actually bothered to explain in greater detail why it needs to be rather than whining.
    5) the Puzzle Quest rules were fairly simple and straight forward. No rune items, no spells over level 10, class spells only, no researched spells mounts included. If there are more than 2 people bitching and moaning about these rules at PAX maybe something will change.
    6) I hope people are entering these tournaments to have some fun and not just to kick butt swiftly for the hell of it, all to later complain about the prize(s).

    Scoots on
  • SlickShughesSlickShughes Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Scoots wrote: »
    If there are more than 2 people bitching and moaning about these rules at PAX maybe something will change.

    Not complaining, just making sure everything is clear - which I think it is after that last mount question was answered. This is swiftly becoming one of my most anticipated PAX events this year, really looking forward to it.

    SlickShughes on
  • Blackfox138Blackfox138 Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    2) We'll be borrowing space from another department that isn't wifi saturated so all Pokemon will be auto-leveled.
    3) Dragonite, Tyranitar, Salamence. Metagross and Garchomp have been added to the banned list.
    4) Wobbufet will also be banned because someone actually bothered to explain in greater detail why it needs to be rather than whining.

    Kk, could you explain Salamence and Metagross please? They both evolve at/before lvl 50. Dragonite has a lvl 50 version, Toy's 'R Us event just FYI. It was allowed in the VGC09 tournament, but only that version. Shweet, our own personal wifi space. Gives teams a few extra moves to play with. I could have alerted you to Wobb's status, but I assumed you already knew and decided to allow it anyway... my bad.
    6) I hope people are entering these tournaments to have some fun and not just to kick butt swiftly for the hell of it.

    ... >.> not me... really. Just following the rules that were/are posted. I love having fun, just if certain rules are overlooked then chaos ensues. Example, if Wobb and Garchomp are allowed, they will be the reigning centre of the winning teams. Why not use them myself.
    1) There's a reason the poke tourney has a 5 hour time slot.

    Mind telling us the reason? If all goes well I don't see how 31 matches could take five hours when a lot of them are going on simultaneously.

    I REALLY hope this doesn't look argumentative. I am not trying to be whatsoever. I am asking for clarifications on the rules you have set. Once you make rules, I try not to interject my own personal views on the game. I believe that was what the previous topic was for.

    I really hope all this ironing out of rule sets makes the tourney as fun and unproblematic as possible, I really do.

    Blackfox138 on
  • FerquinFerquin Snorlax Renton, WA, USARegistered User regular
    edited September 2009
    WTF? All the good dragons are gone? And no Metagross? What the hell is this crap? Christ, this is why I hate this BS with selectively banning certain Pokémon. I can understand legendaries, but this? I wanted to use my favorites (and that includes Metagross and Salamence), but this just takes the fun out it. And I was going to enter for fun. Now I gotta scrap a third of my team and whatever strategies I had. Can't even use PBR to let others watch for fun either... It's gonna be a huge pain in the ass registering each other's friend codes just to auto level in Wi-Fi. It'll be less of a hassle if we did just use local wireless with manual Lv. 50s.

    I'm seriously reconsidering doing this now...

    Ferquin on
    Ferquin N.C. Root
This discussion has been closed.