... Or too much Old Spice. Or Aspen Cologne. Or Febreeze. Too much of anything will send your fellow PAXers gagging.
How much is enough?
Here's the formula: Spray, Delay, then Walk Away.
Let's break it down:
1) Instead of spraying it directly onto yourself, spray it up into the air in front of you. You'll see a cloud of droplets hanging in the air.
2) Close your eyes and hold your breath.
3) Walk
through the cloud of droplets-- and you're done!
You'll need one, maybe two pumps of the bottle,
Some men will think that they screwed up somehow because they can't smell their own cologne. This is because your brain is used to the smell of your own cologne. Everyone else can smell it just fine.
Cologne is never a substitute for a shower with soap and deodorant.
If I do indeed come across someone who smells like they bathed in cologne, I will surely retract this statement.
Also, there was already a thread similar to this (though it is now locked), and I'm sure many posts throughout other threads as well.
How dare you expect people to read threads before posting? :P
Theres individuals who smell sometimes, but very limited.
Its way better than it used to be.
Its a convention, deal with it. These threads dont help at all.
End of thread cut here
Seriously though, it should be common sense now, and BigRed is right, it's hardly even an issue anymore in the WSCTC.
Thank you for making me lose, you jackass. I'd been winning for quite some time.
If I see you at PAX I'm pushing you over.
You're lucky though, I'm constantly loosing, from just about everybody I work with, to fricken Coors Light commercials.
BigRed, I know you'll be wearing the traditional PAX enforcer black shirt this year, but they should really get a special lime one made just for you.