
Picture and Video Index



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    CatBoyCatBoy Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    thanks... you captured my back Asiina. ;D

    CatBoy on
    <+Djiem|HKO> Woah
    <+Djiem|HKO> Hello Kitty is brutal
    <+Djiem|HKO> A starfish just raped my ass
    <+Gilles> you deserved it
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    JynxJynx Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Hey, quick question.

    I trying to find out where one of the film crews who were in the Exhibition Hall on Saturday are from. Our TF2 cosplay group quickly introduce ourselves on camera and I would love to see it. We had to sign release forms and the woman on camera interviewing us had a funky style with black and blue hair.

    Sound familiar to anyone? Just thought I would check, thanks! =)

    Jynx on
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    ShaddzShaddz Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    GPIA7R wrote: »
    GPIA7R wrote: »
    Shaddz wrote: »
    Hey all, Im the "Guy who smells good" from the PA Q&A on Sunday...

    Did anyone get any video footage of that?

    Jut curious.


    I got it. I'll upload tomorrow :D

    (As well as the various subsequent footage of Mike sniffing your card)


    If you wait about 5-10 minutes, it'll have a Higher quality option if viewed within YouTube

    Edit: Also "Sweet Caroline", again, HQ will be working soon.


    Now uploading the 10 minute Fancy Pants performance.



    Love you.

    Shaddz on
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    GPIA7RGPIA7R Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Shaddz wrote:


    Love you.

    Haha, you're welcome :D

    Fancy Pants, being half a gig, is going to be another hour or so. It's great, though.
    I'll sort through and get the rest of the PA Q&A sometime this week. Uploading sucks :P

    GPIA7R on
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    ShaddzShaddz Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Wait. Did you catch the video of later when Mike was huffing the card like paint fumes?

    Shaddz on
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    GPIA7RGPIA7R Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Ahahahahah oh god I did. Watching it now, didn't realize. I'll ...


    ... I'll work on it next, it's hilarious.

    Edit: I'm in fucking tears. I'm so glad I got this video.

    GPIA7R on
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    extremeiconextremeicon Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I've posted a ton of pictures in this thread on MtGSalvation.com.

    extremeicon on
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    ShaddzShaddz Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    GPIA7R wrote: »
    Ahahahahah oh god I did. Watching it now, didn't realize. I'll ...


    ... I'll work on it next, it's hilarious.


    Shaddz on
    Max sig size: 500x80px or 4 lines of text
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    You can find my gaming news-related rants and reviews on:
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    GPIA7RGPIA7R Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Shaddz wrote: »
    GPIA7R wrote: »
    Ahahahahah oh god I did. Watching it now, didn't realize. I'll ...


    ... I'll work on it next, it's hilarious.


    It's the same segment where they show the Gabe/Tycho "fanart"


    No one touches my balls.

    GPIA7R on
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    ShaddzShaddz Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Fuck. Yes. That too was amazing.

    Um, since I read the roolz, and I know that you may only link NSFW content if it pertains to the topic AT HAND, can I link it in a spoiler box?

    Cuz I found after some digging the aforementioned "art".

    Shaddz on
    Max sig size: 500x80px or 4 lines of text
    You can find me on:
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    Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/y7lesjt

    You can find my gaming news-related rants and reviews on:
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    hml151hml151 Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    This the lead of the School Girl Goodness Group. I just posted our weekend photos, hope you enjoy.


    hml151 on
    Max sig size: 500x80px OR 4 lines of text
    School Girl Goodness...Watch for us at future PAX Prime events. If want some of my geek chic collection, click on the etsy link.


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    SoulsDescendSoulsDescend Registered User new member
    edited September 2009
    This is the best video I took, it's Bryan Fury, Steve Fox and Spider-man playing "Just Dance" on Sunday.


    SoulsDescend on
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    ShaddzShaddz Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    GPIA7R wrote: »
    Shaddz wrote: »
    GPIA7R wrote: »
    Ahahahahah oh god I did. Watching it now, didn't realize. I'll ...


    ... I'll work on it next, it's hilarious.


    It's the same segment where they show the Gabe/Tycho "fanart"


    No one touches my balls.

    What your camera view didnt show, was that when he yanked me to him, I actually kinda hugged his left leg.

    Lightly, I just wanted to spread my scen- OH GODDAMMIT IM GAY ARENT I?!?!

    Shaddz on
    Max sig size: 500x80px or 4 lines of text
    You can find me on:
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    You can find my gaming news-related rants and reviews on:
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    GPIA7RGPIA7R Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Shaddz wrote: »
    GPIA7R wrote: »
    Shaddz wrote: »
    GPIA7R wrote: »
    Ahahahahah oh god I did. Watching it now, didn't realize. I'll ...


    ... I'll work on it next, it's hilarious.


    It's the same segment where they show the Gabe/Tycho "fanart"


    No one touches my balls.

    What your camera view didnt show, was that when he yanked me to him, I actually kinda hugged his left leg.

    Lightly, I just wanted to spread my scen- OH GODDAMMIT IM GAY ARENT I?!?!

    Camera didn't show balls touching, so you should be good.

    Uploading now, snipped it down to the good parts.

    GPIA7R on
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    RedwingedblackbirdRedwingedblackbird Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I was spider-man...

    Redwingedblackbird on
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    ShaddzShaddz Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Shaddz on
    Max sig size: 500x80px or 4 lines of text
    You can find me on:
    Twitter.com: @Shaddz
    Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/y7lesjt

    You can find my gaming news-related rants and reviews on:
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    GPIA7RGPIA7R Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Posting the links now because I won't be on to say when they're "completed"

    Here's the 2nd part of the fragrant guy:


    Here's Fancy Pants, a 10 minute-ish video of awesome:


    Both are processing at the time of posting this. Both will soon be viewable in low quality video while it continues to process. I would imagine Fancy Pants will take quite a while to "evolve" into allowing high-quality viewing.

    GPIA7R on
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    ShaddzShaddz Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Theyre like fine wines, they take time to mature...

    Shaddz on
    Max sig size: 500x80px or 4 lines of text
    You can find me on:
    Twitter.com: @Shaddz
    Facebook: http://tinyurl.com/y7lesjt

    You can find my gaming news-related rants and reviews on:
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    TheOrangemanTheOrangeman Registered User new member
    edited September 2009
    basser wrote: »
    I'd like to think that any pictures of me now circulating the interwebs will be of my truly awesome Zoey cosplay...

    however, thinking back on yesterday's Mechanical Horse Incident gives me a distinct feeling that looking though any of these galleries will now simply afford me a nice view of my own ass. I DIDN'T PACK A BELT OKAY.

    Hehe, but really, thanks for the thread! My boss made me promise to get as many embarrassing pictures of myself as possible to make up for my absence. Hopefully some of you (i.e. everyone watching the Darksider's booth) will have gotten some good ones for me. ;)

    I haven't seen any pictures of our Left 4 Dead cosplay or of Lisa's ass. I must say I am very disappointed in you forum-goers.

    TheOrangeman on
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    DuardoDuardo Registered User new member
    edited September 2009
    I've seen the bus, but does anyone have any pictures from the inside? It was awesome. Also the booth babe pics would be sweet too, haha.

    Tried searching for it, but nothing came up :-/

    Duardo on
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    hml151hml151 Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    hml151 wrote: »
    This the lead of the School Girl Goodness Group. I just posted our weekend photos, hope you enjoy.


    Checkout my School Girl Goodness Set on the Right of the page.

    hml151 on
    Max sig size: 500x80px OR 4 lines of text
    School Girl Goodness...Watch for us at future PAX Prime events. If want some of my geek chic collection, click on the etsy link.


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    RoyceSraphimRoyceSraphim Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I have a small amount from facebook I took, give me till the morning to get it on imageshack

    RoyceSraphim on
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    starlitestarlite Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    starlite on
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    ASimPersonASimPerson Cold... and hard.Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Shaddz wrote: »
    Wait. Did you catch the video of later when Mike was huffing the card like paint fumes?


    Does anyone have either of Tycho's performances of "Are You Really a Woman?", just out of curiosity?

    ASimPerson on
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    DMmagicDMmagic PAX East Enforcer Springfield, MO, USARegistered User regular
    edited September 2009
    This thread has exploded a bit while I've continued my vacation :-P Not sure when I'll next get a chance (I'm moving on from Portland to Denver tomorrow and won't actually head home until Sunday, when I'll spend a precious few hours with my wife before the return to class/work on Monday), but I'll update the OP as soon as I can.

    DMmagic on
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    prelapsariaprelapsaria Registered User new member
    edited September 2009
    Man what a seriously awesome event. I made the ultimate fail of leaving my camera in the car for the first half of the day Friday, so I was bummed I didn't get pictures of my own with all the folks that were nice enough to want pics with me in costume!

    I was Mai Shiranui on Friday; if you got a pic with me I would SO LOVE TO SEE IT!! I really want to get a mini-compilation together to blog over. ;)

    prelapsaria on
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    GPIA7RGPIA7R Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    ASimPerson wrote: »
    Shaddz wrote: »
    Wait. Did you catch the video of later when Mike was huffing the card like paint fumes?


    Does anyone have either of Tycho's performances of "Are You Really a Woman?", just out of curiosity?

    I believe I have that, as well. I'll look through it tonight. I have the solo version when he's at the front of the stage doing it on the mic, not the full-band one

    Edit: Did my two videos above ever process fully? Last night I tried checking on iPhone but they weren't available.

    GPIA7R on
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    skarsolskarsol Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Jynx wrote: »
    Hey, quick question.

    I trying to find out where one of the film crews who were in the Exhibition Hall on Saturday are from. Our TF2 cosplay group quickly introduce ourselves on camera and I would love to see it. We had to sign release forms and the woman on camera interviewing us had a funky style with black and blue hair.

    Sound familiar to anyone? Just thought I would check, thanks! =)

    That should be "GirlZeus" on here. "The site is called vbs.tv, it's an extension of Vice Magazine. The special will also be syndicated on Dell Motherboard. It won't be out for a while, but keep your eyes peeled and tell your friends."

    skarsol on
    why are you smelling it?
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    DarthBeavisDarthBeavis Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    some video and pix: www.outoftheboxmods.com

    Awesome event! First but will not be my last

    DarthBeavis on
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    xibalbaxibalba Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Im pretty sure i have a picture of you ill email it to you when im home.

    xibalba on
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    beta_angelbeta_angel ColoradoRegistered User regular
    edited September 2009
    As I'm sure many of you saw on Saturday and Sunday, there was a Spider-Man at PAX... That was me, lol. So I'm hoping to get as many photos as I can, since I couldn't take too many of myself. If anyone took photos or knows where some are posted, please email them to me at enterprise_nx_01@hotmail.com.


    Heh. I tweeted a photo of you playing Mass Effect 2.

    beta_angel on
    UEAKCrash wrote:
    EvilBadman wrote:
    Beta_Angel is awesome. Never doubt this.
    TF2 Hatpack
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    SnoowySnoowy Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I have a bad angle shot! Jameson would probably call it crap.
    I'll email it when I get home.

    Snoowy on
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    skarsolskarsol Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    beta_angel wrote: »
    As I'm sure many of you saw on Saturday and Sunday, there was a Spider-Man at PAX... That was me, lol. So I'm hoping to get as many photos as I can, since I couldn't take too many of myself. If anyone took photos or knows where some are posted, please email them to me at enterprise_nx_01@hotmail.com.


    Heh. I tweeted a photo of you playing Mass Effect 2.

    Laugh, I have that exact same photo but from over the left shoulder. :P

    skarsol on
    why are you smelling it?
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    AzioAzio Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    This is no laughing matter. Either you hustle every day or you don't hustle at all.


    Azio on
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    PoisonRamunePoisonRamune Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I'll send you the few I took of you after I figure out where the other half of my head went (most likely after lunchtime PST).

    PoisonRamune on
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    CatBoyCatBoy Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    BEAT THIS!!!


    CatBoy on
    <+Djiem|HKO> Woah
    <+Djiem|HKO> Hello Kitty is brutal
    <+Djiem|HKO> A starfish just raped my ass
    <+Gilles> you deserved it
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    SnoowySnoowy Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    There's a pic of you (I'm assuming you) on IGN! If you didn't already know.


    Snoowy on
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    ChaxieChaxie Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I have a couple from when you were dancing..
    All I gotta say.. nice package spiderman, next time wear a cup :X

    Chaxie on
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    xehnxehn Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Got this one when I finally figured out how to use my camera.


    xehn on
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    tastethehappytastethehappy Registered User new member
    edited September 2009
    Hi, I'm a first-time poster... PAX09 was my first visit to the convention as well. I thought I'd share the photos I took with everyone here.



    tastethehappy on
This discussion has been closed.