
Picture and Video Index



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    Slipstream0Slipstream0 Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    e-mailed to ya.

    Slipstream0 on
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    JynxJynx Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Hi, I'm a first-time poster... PAX09 was my first visit to the convention as well. I thought I'd share the photos I took with everyone here.


    Great shots! Thanks for sharing the one of me in my Jessie costume.

    Jynx on
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    tastethehappytastethehappy Registered User new member
    edited September 2009
    Jynx wrote: »
    [Great shots! Thanks for sharing the one of me in my Jessie costume.

    Thanks. And your costume was great!

    tastethehappy on
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    ASimPersonASimPerson Cold... and hard.Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    GPIA7R wrote: »
    ASimPerson wrote: »
    Shaddz wrote: »
    Wait. Did you catch the video of later when Mike was huffing the card like paint fumes?


    Does anyone have either of Tycho's performances of "Are You Really a Woman?", just out of curiosity?

    I believe I have that, as well. I'll look through it tonight. I have the solo version when he's at the front of the stage doing it on the mic, not the full-band one

    Edit: Did my two videos above ever process fully? Last night I tried checking on iPhone but they weren't available.

    They worked fine for me! Also, the solo version is fine... that was actually me who asked about it.

    ASimPerson on
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    GPIA7RGPIA7R Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    ASimPerson wrote: »
    GPIA7R wrote: »
    ASimPerson wrote: »
    Shaddz wrote: »
    Wait. Did you catch the video of later when Mike was huffing the card like paint fumes?


    Does anyone have either of Tycho's performances of "Are You Really a Woman?", just out of curiosity?

    I believe I have that, as well. I'll look through it tonight. I have the solo version when he's at the front of the stage doing it on the mic, not the full-band one

    Edit: Did my two videos above ever process fully? Last night I tried checking on iPhone but they weren't available.

    They worked fine for me! Also, the solo version is fine... that was actually me who asked about it.

    Uploading the solo "Are you really a woman" by Jerry at the 2nd PA Q&A panel. Awesome quality from the front of the stage. Should be about another 15 minutes.

    GPIA7R on
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    GPIA7RGPIA7R Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    And here it is:


    As always, give it time to go into HQ mode if you're into that sort of thing.

    Also added a link in my signature to my PAX2009 YouTube Playlist

    GPIA7R on
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    ASimPersonASimPerson Cold... and hard.Registered User regular
    edited September 2009

    Thanks dude!

    ASimPerson on
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    RedwingedblackbirdRedwingedblackbird Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I noticed the pic on IGN... I think they're insulting me though, lol.

    Redwingedblackbird on
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    RedwingedblackbirdRedwingedblackbird Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Chaxie wrote: »
    I have a couple from when you were dancing..
    All I gotta say.. nice package spiderman, next time wear a cup :X

    I tried it with a cup before... but it was worse. The cup made a bulge several times bigger that protrudes several inches out from the costume, no matter what position I was in. It looked like Spider-Man was stuffing a rolled up sock down his pants, lol. So I chose the lesser of two evils...

    Redwingedblackbird on
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    GPIA7RGPIA7R Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Next two:


    Bills Bills Bills



    Birdhouse in your Soul

    If it says unavailable, it's almost done switching to HQ

    GPIA7R on
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    spiderz13spiderz13 Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Chaxie wrote: »
    I have a couple from when you were dancing..
    All I gotta say.. nice package spiderman, next time wear a cup :X

    I tried it with a cup before... but it was worse. The cup made a bulge several times bigger that protrudes several inches out from the costume, no matter what position I was in. It looked like Spider-Man was stuffing a rolled up sock down his pants, lol. So I chose the lesser of two evils...

    I got alot more respect for you for that comment and i will send you a photo i took by RvB booth and Mega 64

    spiderz13 on
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    Royale Wih CheeseRoyale Wih Cheese Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Hey, amazing Spider Man! I was the Penguin . . . I have two pretty good pics to email you once I get them uploaded, probably this weekend :-)

    Royale Wih Cheese on
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    ValwrynValwryn Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Hi Everyone,

    For those who were lucky enough to make it through the agonizingly long Dragon Age line, do you know where they posted the images of people becoming Grey Wardens?

    Valwryn on
    Alpha Omeganaut 2009
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    ValwrynValwryn Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Valwryn on
    Alpha Omeganaut 2009
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    apotheosapotheos Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited September 2009
    Grey Warden

    apotheos on

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    ValwrynValwryn Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Haha, you caught that before I was able to put the edit in. Yeah, too much WH40k on the brain.

    Valwryn on
    Alpha Omeganaut 2009
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    nervenerve Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    apotheos wrote: »
    Grey Warden

    sorry, off topic.....

    ...does your sig say "monkeys also fall from trees" ?

    nerve on
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    HounHoun Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Houn on
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    SnoowySnoowy Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I noticed the pic on IGN... I think they're insulting me though, lol.

    They are just jealous.

    Here's the pic I got of you.

    Snoowy on
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    millislimmillislim Black Sheep Sacramento, CARegistered User regular
    edited September 2009

    playing rock band in costume...these are also the guys I play tf2 with. We all met up at pax to see what we all look like hince the goofy names in the beginning...TF2 handles...singing "Still Alive"

    millislim on
    [X] Pax tix
    [X] Train tix
    [_] Finish Vivi costume
    [X] Anxiously wait
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    JonnyNeroJonnyNero Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Anyone get footage of the Boo's at the 2nd Q&A?

    JonnyNero on
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    chuggchugg Registered User new member
    edited September 2009
    Although I wasn't taking pictures for Ars Technica- I sent my pics to a friend of mine Ben Kuchera who is one of the game writers over there.


    I am kinda disappointed in many of them, I hope to try and secure a press pass next year allowing me to get closer to much of the action.

    I left the speedlight in the truck so there was no fill flash when needed and shot most everything with the 18-200mm VR Nikkor, as it was much easier than packing around a bunch of lenses. As my first PAX, I hope to do a much better job next year.

    Also getting blasted at the Tap House did not help my ability to hold the camera still... :P

    About 40 more pics can be found here:

    Feel free to comment, link, etc.

    chugg on
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    TranceAddictFoXTranceAddictFoX Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Alright I found the one I had and emailed it your way. Thanks for dressing up man!

    TranceAddictFoX on
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    JeppyJeppy Maple Valley WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2009
    What is with the bloody tampon stain on every ones forehead in all of the pictures???

    Jeppy on
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    DTJAAAAMDTJAAAAM Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I just finished my blogs series on PAX 2009. There are quite a few pictures in them:

    PAX 2009 - Friday

    PAX 2009 - Saturday

    PAX 2009 - Sunday

    PAX 2009 - Swag, Cosplayers & Beyond

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    Alex_Digital_CowboyAlex_Digital_Cowboy Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I've been trying to describe to my wife the feeling of being at the concerts and words have simply failed me. So with the obvious answer being "Wait for the DVD's" is there any way I can show her a roughly approximate version of Paul & Storm followed by Jonathan Coulton on the Saturday?

    This could also be the thread to put your concert-only YouTube vids on.

    These shows were (for me at least) worth the price of admission, hotel and flight over from England!

    Alex_Digital_Cowboy on
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    GPIA7RGPIA7R Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    JonnyNero wrote: »
    Anyone get footage of the Boo's at the 2nd Q&A?

    I'm glad I have all the stuff being requested :D

    I'll upload the 2nd PA Q&A Boo Prank footage tonight

    GPIA7R on
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    GPIA7RGPIA7R Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    There's a thread full of videos (http://forums.penny-arcade.com/showthread.php?t=99804)

    I've also uploaded a number of Saturday night concert videos at my YouTube channel (in signature)

    I've got a few more to upload, including Paul and Storm.

    GPIA7R on
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    xibalbaxibalba Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Hahaha three of my roommates are on this flickr set, thanks for linking the set!! Cant wait to show them!

    xibalba on
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    xibalbaxibalba Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Hi, I'm a first-time poster... PAX09 was my first visit to the convention as well. I thought I'd share the photos I took with everyone here.


    Nice pics, and thanks for the good shot of the Wet banner, everytime i tried to get a pic (w/ my crappy iphone) the damn light was too bright.

    xibalba on
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    MetaverseNomadMetaverseNomad Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Duardo wrote: »
    I've seen the bus, but does anyone have any pictures from the inside? It was awesome. Also the booth babe pics would be sweet too, haha.

    Tried searching for it, but nothing came up :-/

    My brother demanded I get some photos for him, so here are mine: http://www.flickr.com/photos/wanderingbeyond/3905582803/in/set-72157622330121124/ To browse them, just browse to the left.

    Here's my whole Flickr set (not a lot this year...)

    MetaverseNomad on
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    FerquinFerquin Snorlax Renton, WA, USARegistered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Did anybody get the puppets during the final Omegathon round? I was the rogue Pikachu, by the way. I know there was at least one guy that got photos of us.

    Ferquin on
    Ferquin N.C. Root
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    ArcoArco Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Arco on
    Like this, not like the gas station.
    Organizer of the Post-PAX Party. You should come!
    Satellite Theater for life!
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    GPIA7RGPIA7R Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Uploaded Re: Your Brains. Give it time to go HQ


    GPIA7R on
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    PoisonRamunePoisonRamune Registered User regular
    edited September 2009

    Just another brick in the wall...
    I do have the high res version of each pic, though I'm not sure why anyone would want any of them.

    Fixed the 1st gallery... No more stupid broken "img srcs."

    PoisonRamune on
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    VonXWolfensteinVonXWolfenstein Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Hey everyone, I'll have my pics up sooner rather than later to share with all. I've seen a couple of me from in my Kamikirimusi cosplay and a few from the Freeze Pop concert.
    I am the one that got proposed to onstage by StierCo Ind during the Freeze Pop concert. We are looking for additional pics and video of the event as the footage our friend took got cut off! Thanks!

    VonXWolfenstein on
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    RoyceSraphimRoyceSraphim Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    WooT! pictures, someone look for a green backpack and an afro!

    RoyceSraphim on
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    RoyceSraphimRoyceSraphim Registered User regular
    edited September 2009

    My facebook album.

    That purse is fucking awesome, she built it herself and I think a lot of single men on these boards want her more than the boothbabes right now.

    RoyceSraphim on
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    KaitsKaits Registered User new member
    edited September 2009
    Hey all, First time posting. I'm looking for some photos of myself in costume. didn't get a chance to take any photos this year. :( I was Penny from Dr. Horrible on Saturday, and Cookin' Mama on Sunday. Did anybody happend to snag a shot? If you did, it would be awesome if you would email them to me at: striving@live.com :D

    Kaits on
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    KuroXanxusKuroXanxus Registered User new member
    edited September 2009
    Did anyone take photos of a girl in a pikachu outfit?? ^^
    To be more specific, the one with red cheeks drawn on and the spiked black and faded red hair XD
    Lots of people took photos of me but I haven't really seen much of the photos yet :P

    If you do have some, email them please <3:D


    KuroXanxus on
This discussion has been closed.