[DnD 4e PbP] Game On!

illgottengainsillgottengains Registered User regular
edited November 2009 in Critical Failures
So I have decided that one cannot play too much DnD.

I'm going to run a second game of Casino Royal as a PbP for those who may be interested but cannot sit for 4-5 hours on saturday evening. Those of you who who have applied for the maptools version may still apply here although I'm going to limit you to one game or the other. To avoid spoiling the Maptools game this will start this sunday.

Characters are level 4 with standard point buy system. You get level 5,4,3 magic items (one of each :) ) and 680 gp to spend or save however you like. You may take general or Scales of War backgrounds. Looking for a party of 5. Recruitment ends sometime in the very early morning hours of sunday.

The game style is Action/Survival Horror with some chances for comedy. The setting is well.. maybe we can call it.. Surreal.. It feels like it's a traditional setting but it isn't. Inside the game you will meet some characters that have actually existed on earth, and some characters from earth's literature and video games.

I would like to get some players out here who aren't involved in any other games to spread the love. If you fit this description please make it known. Feel free of course to submit characters if you are in another game on CF in case we can't fill the ranks with newcomers.
A man with a funny W shaped mustache has hired you as guards for his airship. He pays very well and has even given you a 680 gold retainer. The man who calls himself Dali pays for your drinks and insists you gather what things you need and meet him at the town gates as soon as possible.

At the gate Dali has rented a wagon for you to ride to his ship while he takes to his horse and leads the way down the road. After about 20 minutes he halts, pays the rider and asks you to follow him through some light woods. After a while you see the woods opening up into the clearing. A massive zeppelin holds a dozen feet over the grass. A rope ladder descends.

illgottengains on


  • CheeselikerCheeseliker Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Putting up interest. I am also not currently involved in any other games.

    Cheeseliker on
  • dresdenphiledresdenphile Watch out for snakes!Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Very interested. I'm in no other games, and I will submit something later.

    dresdenphile on
  • WembleyWembley Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I am also interested, but I've never done a PbP before. Any issues with letting a "noob" join in?

    EDIT: I was going to make up an archer ranger. Need to wait until I get off work to actually do so, though.

    Wembley on
  • kuhlmeyekuhlmeye Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Awesome, I have a Vestige Pact warlock to submit. Just need to make up a background!

    kuhlmeye on
    PSN: the-K-flash
  • tzeentchlingtzeentchling Doctor of Rocks OaklandRegistered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Ooh, interest now that it's Pbp! I wasn't going to be able to do the other due to a)unfamiliarity with maptools and b)running an IRL campaign at the time you wanted to start.

    tzeentchling on
  • illgottengainsillgottengains Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Wembley wrote: »
    I am also interested, but I've never done a PbP before. Any issues with letting a "noob" join in?

    EDIT: I was going to make up an archer ranger. Need to wait until I get off work to actually do so, though.

    This thread is here for your kind.

    illgottengains on
  • XaiokXaiok Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I'd love to jump in this game. Making up a Bard right now, I'll edit this post with it when I'm all done.

    Kel Gran, Bard

    ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
    Bard, level 4
    Human, Bard
    Bardic Virtue: Virtue of Valor
    Background: Seducer

    Str 10, Con 12, Dex 17, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 19.

    Str 10, Con 12, Dex 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 16.

    AC: 20 Fort: 15 Reflex: 19 Will: 19
    HP: 39 Surges: 8 Surge Value: 10

    Athletics +6, Arcana +7, Streetwise +11, Insight +7, Diplomacy +11, Acrobatics +9, Bluff +11

    Dungeoneering +3, Endurance +3, Heal +3, History +3, Intimidate +7, Nature +3, Perception +3, Religion +3, Stealth +5, Thievery +5

    Bard: Ritual Caster
    Human: Weapon Focus (Heavy Blade)
    Level 1: Sly Dodge
    Level 2: Improved Initiative
    Level 4: Implement Expertise (Heavy Blade) or Focused Expertise (Longsword)

    Bard at-will 1: Misdirected Mark
    Bard at-will 1: Guiding Strike
    Bonus At-Will Power: Vicious Mockery
    Bard encounter 1: Inspiring Refrain
    Bard daily 1: Slayer's Song
    Bard utility 2: Song of Courage
    Bard encounter 3: Cunning Ferocity

    Ritual Book, Echoing Songblade Longsword +1, Serpentskin Hide Armor +1, Light Shield, Adventurer's Kit, Lute, Cape of the Mountebank +1, Belt of Vigor (heroic tier)
    Create Campsite, Traveler's Chant
    Can turn that into a myth-weavers page, just worked it out on the CB.

    A friendly and bright man, Kel puts on an appearance to fit his dour, brooding music when he is in "gig" mode. Among friends, or without his makeup and costume for the stage, Kel is joking, happy and pleasant to be around, if a bit boasting and full of himself. Having no qualms with bragging about things he's done, or even things he pretends to have done, Kel has a story for any occasion, and sometimes earns the ire of people for one-upping stories that are told around a campfire.
    Background/Entrance to the story
    "Good bye." Kel said simply, voice rife with emotion as the last note of his song finished. Skin-tight black pantaloons sit low on his waist, and his torso covered by a simple fishnet tunic and black replica-batwing cloak. With a flourish he walked off stage, leaving the cheering crowd.

    Sitting backstage was a funny looking man, a mustache which somehow seems to be a fuzzy W perched on his lip, is waiting backstage. "Mr Gran." He says simply, "Time to start your charter. Meet me with your goods outside, my wagon is waiting." He finished and began leaving.

    Kel looked shocked, looking from the man to the gaggle of women waiting for him backstage. "But... but... but..." He stammers, looking again at the women. "Can't you give me 15 minutes or so?" He says pleadingly. Dali continues walking out the door, ignoring the complaints from the star. With a sigh, Kel waved his hand at the stage-hands. "Looks like I don't have time for them." He said, slamming the door to his change room.
    Stepping out the front door of the inn, Kel looks a completely new man. Deep green hide armor atop some simple brown traveling pants adorn the bard. Even the temporary black dye was washed out, leaving his dirty blond hair, shoulder length, tied back in a pony tail. Shield, sword, and lute hanging from various places on his body, a pack contained the rest of the goods he thought he might need for the job.

    "Quite the transformation, Kel." Dali said.

    Kel smiled easily, "Oh, you know, whatever it takes for the gig." He chuckled to himself as he climbed aboard. "Speaking of the gig, any way you can give me more information about this? Never been on an airship let alone guarded one. Anything I should know." Dali was silent, and so Kel rambled on, "I guess I'll find out when we get there, eh? No sense giving people the opportunity to overhear us." He looked around conspiratorially at the fans of his that were leaving the inn, none of them even recognizing the bard without his makeup and outfit.

    Edit: You said no DDI, so I assume Focused Expertise from Dragon Magazine 375 counts as that? (It's basically Weapon and Implement Expertise combined in one, but for a specific weapon (ex. Longsword) instead of weapon type (ex. Heavy Blade).

    Xaiok on
  • 3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I'm in a few other games, but am interested. I'll lurk for a few days and if there's a lot of people who aren't in other games, I won't apply xD

    3cl1ps3 on
  • CheeselikerCheeseliker Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Here is my character, built with the character builder.

    Grend, level 4
    Dwarf, Fighter
    Fighter Talents: One-handed Weapon Talent

    Str 18, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 10.

    Str 17, Con 13, Dex 10, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 10.

    AC: 23 Fort: 18 Reflex: 15 Will: 14
    HP: 49 Surges: 12 Surge Value: 12

    Streetwise +7, Intimidate +7, Endurance +10

    Acrobatics, Arcana +3, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Dungeoneering +7, Heal +4, History +4, Insight +4, Nature +4, Perception +4, Religion +3, Stealth, Thievery, Athletics +4

    Level 1: Dwarven Weapon Training
    Level 2: Shield Defense
    Level 4: Deep Gash

    Fighter at-will 1: Tide of Iron
    Fighter at-will 1: Brash Strike
    Fighter encounter 1: Shield Bash
    Fighter daily 1: Brute Strike
    Fighter utility 2: Unstoppable
    Fighter encounter 3: Crushing Blow

    Summoned Scale Armor +2, Lifedrinker Battleaxe +1, Heavy Shield, Giantkind Gloves (heroic tier)

    Still working on the background.

    Cheeseliker on
  • MegazverMegazver Registered User regular
    edited September 2009

    The game style is Action/Survival Horror with some chances for comedy. The setting is well.. maybe we can call it.. Surreal.. It feels like it's a traditional setting but it isn't. Inside the game you will meet some characters that have actually existed on earth, and some characters from earth's literature and video games.

    It's going to be Final Fantasy and LOTR characters, isn't it?


    Megazver on
    Chief Tyrol. Academician Megazver of the Jol-Nar Universities
  • RainfallRainfall Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    What sources are you allowing for the game? PHB1/2 and the Power books? Are MM races allowed? Is DDI stuff allowed?

    Rainfall on
  • interrobanginterrobang kawaii as  hellRegistered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Megazver wrote: »

    The game style is Action/Survival Horror with some chances for comedy. The setting is well.. maybe we can call it.. Surreal.. It feels like it's a traditional setting but it isn't. Inside the game you will meet some characters that have actually existed on earth, and some characters from earth's literature and video games.

    It's going to be Final Fantasy and LOTR characters, isn't it?


    guest starring Nikola Tesla as a storm magic sorcerer

    interrobang on
  • kuhlmeyekuhlmeye Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Also, what "setting" is this in, as far as things like deities go?

    kuhlmeye on
    PSN: the-K-flash
  • 3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Megazver wrote: »

    The game style is Action/Survival Horror with some chances for comedy. The setting is well.. maybe we can call it.. Surreal.. It feels like it's a traditional setting but it isn't. Inside the game you will meet some characters that have actually existed on earth, and some characters from earth's literature and video games.

    It's going to be Final Fantasy and LOTR characters, isn't it?


    guest starring Nikola Tesla as a storm magic sorcerer


    3cl1ps3 on
  • Mr_RoseMr_Rose 83 Blue Ridge Protects the Holy Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Rainfall wrote: »
    What sources are you allowing for the game? PHB1/2 and the Power books? Are MM races allowed? Is DDI stuff allowed?

    Much interest here, despite being in another PbP already.

    What to play though?
    Hm, never actually played a Controller. How about a Wizard who is deathly afraid of heights and is only here because he misheard the guy with the moustache when he said airship?

    Mr_Rose on
    ...because dragons are AWESOME! That's why.
    Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
    DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
  • soxboxsoxbox Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Another pbp virgin here.

    I've got a wizard I'm working on - an illusionist who creates his imagery with the help of the with voices in his head. Currently having have the character nearly made up - just having a look through the magic items, should post later tonight.

    soxbox on
  • WembleyWembley Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    This took longer than I thought it would, but here it is. I'll edit in background when I have a chance, probably tomorrow morning.


    Wembley on
  • dresdenphiledresdenphile Watch out for snakes!Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    CB Summary for my Rogue:
    Rendar, level 4
    Half-Orc, Rogue
    Build: Cutthroat Rogue
    Rogue Tactics: Ruthless Ruffian

    Str 16, Con 10, Dex 20, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14.

    Str 13, Con 10, Dex 18, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 13.

    AC: 20 Fort: 15 Reflex: 19 Will: 14
    HP: 37 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 9

    Stealth +12, Thievery +12, Acrobatics +12, Intimidate +11, Insight +6, Bluff +9

    Arcana +2, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +1, Endurance +4, Heal +1, History +2, Nature +1, Perception +1, Religion +2, Streetwise +4, Athletics +5

    Level 1: Backstabber
    Level 2: Thirst for Battle
    Level 4: Ruthless Injury

    Rogue at-will 1: Clever Strike
    Rogue at-will 1: Disheartening Strike
    Rogue encounter 1: Termination Threat
    Rogue daily 1: Confounding Attack
    Rogue utility 2: Sneak in the Attack
    Rogue encounter 3: Enforced Threat

    Adventurer's Kit, Lullaby Mace +1, Magic Dagger +1, Addergrease Leather Armor +1, Couters of Second Chances (heroic tier)

    Background and such to come later.

    dresdenphile on
  • illgottengainsillgottengains Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Megazver wrote: »

    The game style is Action/Survival Horror with some chances for comedy. The setting is well.. maybe we can call it.. Surreal.. It feels like it's a traditional setting but it isn't. Inside the game you will meet some characters that have actually existed on earth, and some characters from earth's literature and video games.

    It's going to be Final Fantasy and LOTR characters, isn't it?


    lol, sephiroth will not be appearing. Sorry to spoil your day. Also no hobbits. If you want to keep guessing you'll need to go a few hundred years back.

    illgottengains on
  • illgottengainsillgottengains Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    kuhlmeye wrote: »
    Also, what "setting" is this in, as far as things like deities go?

    You can take any of the deities listed in the PHB's, the campaign setting source books, or the Divine Power stuff.

    illgottengains on
  • WembleyWembley Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Background has been edited into my myth-weaver sheet. Should we post any of the background in the thread?

    Wembley on
  • illgottengainsillgottengains Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Wembley wrote: »
    Background has been edited into my myth-weaver sheet. Should we post any of the background in the thread?

    Sure just put a spoiler tag on it.

    illgottengains on
  • illgottengainsillgottengains Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Wembley wrote: »
    This took longer than I thought it would, but here it is. I'll edit in background when I have a chance, probably tomorrow morning.


    I couldn't access the page. You need to set it to public please.

    illgottengains on
  • illgottengainsillgottengains Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Rainfall wrote: »
    What sources are you allowing for the game? PHB1/2 and the Power books? Are MM races allowed? Is DDI stuff allowed?

    phb 1 and 2, power books, no DDI please.

    illgottengains on
  • WembleyWembley Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Wembley wrote: »
    This took longer than I thought it would, but here it is. I'll edit in background when I have a chance, probably tomorrow morning.


    I couldn't access the page. You need to set it to public please.

    Whoops, sorry about that. Should be fixed now.

    Wembley on
  • soxboxsoxbox Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Kalis Eldim - Human Wizard

    Kalis is the sixth, and much overlooked son of a lord. Sent away to train with a master illusionist, Kalis became an extremely promising student, dedicating himself to his studies and thirsting for knowledge to the exclusion of all else.

    Kalis found himself awakening in his master's study, naked, clutching his master's orb. Everything around him was in ruins and dark voices whispering in his head. His fellow apprentice was slumped at the foot of the stairs, drooling mindlessly.

    The voices in his head built to a crescendo, screaming to him to run. He grabbed what he could and fled.

    Kalis had no memory of the last week before he left, and no idea what had happened other than occasional flashes of unintelligible dark text and a figure draped in shadow. Kalis has been on the run for a year now, the voices pushing him further on until fell in with his current companions.

    Kalis is constantly distracted, lost in his own internal conflicts. While he can be extremely charming, more often that not his charm is interrupted as he drops out of conversation to argue with his voices.

    It's a character that I was planning on putting through a longer RL campaign, but it'd be great to play with him in a shorter run to make sure that the mild insanity doesn't become tiresome.

    As I mentioned before - I'm a pbp virgin. I'm based in Australia (GMT+10), mostly posting during the day, and some evenings.

    soxbox on
  • Mr_RoseMr_Rose 83 Blue Ridge Protects the Holy Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    phb 1 and 2, power books, no DDI please.
    Wait, does that mean no artificer or what? Technically there's artificer stuff in arcane power... ;)

    Mr_Rose on
    ...because dragons are AWESOME! That's why.
    Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
    DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
  • illgottengainsillgottengains Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Mr_Rose wrote: »
    phb 1 and 2, power books, no DDI please.
    Wait, does that mean no artificer or what? Technically there's artificer stuff in arcane power... ;)

    Ah, alright go ahead and use DDI. I haven't got a subscription so you will need to copy your powers completely in mythweaver or orokos.

    illgottengains on
  • ZarcathZarcath Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I'll roll something up. I keep making characters and I never get picked, it's really disheartening.

    Zarcath on
  • Mr_RoseMr_Rose 83 Blue Ridge Protects the Holy Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Mr_Rose wrote: »
    phb 1 and 2, power books, no DDI please.
    Wait, does that mean no artificer or what? Technically there's artificer stuff in arcane power... ;)
    Ah, alright go ahead and use DDI. I haven't got a subscription so you will need to copy your powers completely in mythweaver or orokos.
    I'm sorry! D: I wasn't talking about DDI-specific things, just non PH books like the Player's guides...but I suppose if you don't have those either....

    Mr_Rose on
    ...because dragons are AWESOME! That's why.
    Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
    DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
  • illgottengainsillgottengains Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Mr_Rose wrote: »
    Mr_Rose wrote: »
    phb 1 and 2, power books, no DDI please.
    Wait, does that mean no artificer or what? Technically there's artificer stuff in arcane power... ;)
    Ah, alright go ahead and use DDI. I haven't got a subscription so you will need to copy your powers completely in mythweaver or orokos.
    I'm sorry! D: I wasn't talking about DDI-specific things, just non PH books like the Player's guides...but I suppose if you don't have those either....

    I have the player's guides. I don't really mind you using stuff from other sources, I'll trust you to be honest with them. I just need the info printed up somewhere so I can check it if I need to.

    illgottengains on
  • kuhlmeyekuhlmeye Registered User regular
    edited September 2009

    Ethan Filborne, Half-Orc Tempest Fighter

    Ethan was not raised by his original parents. Adopted by the Filborne family in his early life, he was raised in the family's estate. Even Despite his lineage, Ethan was treated well by the human family, not receiving the normal discrimination on of his kind would. He was trained from a young age in the arts of swordplay, as many noble children are. Ethan excelled in his training, and was noticed by others around for his excellence with weapons.

    You wouldn't know Ethan enjoys battle unless you saw him participate. Out of battle he retains his noble upbringing. He is reserved, fairly quiet, but will speak his mind when it needs to be spoken. In battle, he becomes more like the orc half of his lineage. Ferocious, he jumps into battle, never afraid to meet an enemy head on.

    Notice: I took the Noble background.

    kuhlmeye on
    PSN: the-K-flash
  • AbbalahAbbalah Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Not currently involved in any other games, haven't been in a pbp before, although I've followed enough of them to have a rough idea of how the drill goes.

    Aduan Hullek, Human Fighter

    Hullek has always been a fighter, one way or the other. He grew up in a street gang, spent some time in the military, worked as a bandit, was part of a mercenary company, and now finds odd jobs as a bodyguard or sword for hire. He hasn't ever found himself in anything like a command-level position, always gravitating towards positions roughly equivalent to sergeant, and remaining there until he parted ways with whatever group he was part of at the time - some on better terms than others.

    He is a tactician at heart, and tends to place himself on the front lines, distracting and hampering his enemies so that his allies can pick them apart.

    Combat stuff:
    I intend to play him as a somewhat controller-y defender. His damage is a bit low, even for a fighter, but he has a reach weapon, as well as ample means of sliding enemies and knocking them prone, so he has a pretty good amount of battlefield control. Probably plays nicest with a rogue, since prone enemies grant CA, but should do well with whatever group composition.

    He currently has Whip Training, which is a feat from Dragon; I can swap it out for Weapon Proficiency (Whip) if you'd prefer; the difference is that Whip Training takes up my multiclass feat, but allows me to impose a -2 penalty to attacking one target of my choice for one round on anybody I hit with a whip. Everything else should be out of the books.

    Abbalah on
  • RaddueRaddue Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    I was in a short-lived PbP for a bit but it died very quickly when two of the other players disappeared, I am not currently in any games.

    Here's my submission:

    Nalas Whitesoul, Human Battle Cleric of Kord

    Character Sheet:
    Nalas Whitesoul, level 4
    Human, Cleric
    Build: Battle Cleric
    Background: Brother in Battle

    Str 19, Con 10, Dex 15, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 15.

    Str 16, Con 10, Dex 15, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 14.

    AC: 19 Fort: 17 Reflex: 15 Will: 17
    HP: 37 Surges: 7 Surge Value: 9

    Insight +7, Religion +6, Heal +7, Arcana +6, History +6, Endurance +10

    Acrobatics +3, Bluff +4, Diplomacy +4, Dungeoneering +2, Intimidate +4, Nature +2, Perception +2, Stealth +3, Streetwise +4, Thievery +3, Athletics +5

    Cleric: Ritual Caster
    Human: Action Surge
    Level 1: Weapon Proficiency (Fullblade)
    Level 2: Student of Battle
    Level 4: Weapon Expertise (Heavy Blade)

    Bonus At-Will Power: Righteous Brand
    Channel Divinity: Healer's Mercy
    Cleric at-will 1: Astral Seal
    Cleric at-will 1: Priest's Shield
    Cleric encounter 1: Healing Strike
    Cleric daily 1: Beacon of Hope
    Cleric utility 2: Divine Aid
    Cleric encounter 3: Split the Sky

    Ritual Book, Dwarven Chainmail +1, Symbol of Hope +1, Vengeful Fullblade +1, Adventurer's Kit, Bracers of Respite (heroic tier), Residuum (Any) (50), 10gp
    Gentle Repose, Make Whole, Tenser's Floating Disk

    Background and Personality:
    From a broken home and the child of an abusive father, Nalas ran away from home as soon as he was able. As a homeless waif he found joy in the competition of battle and often got into fist fights with other children his age. After years of aimless wondering and run ins with the law Nalas found him at a Temple of Kord, where he learned to focus his efforts into not only knocking his opponents silly but always helping his fellow comrades in battle.

    Loud and boisterous, Nalas is always making wise cracks and loves a good fight. He is quick to make jokes but quicker to help someone he calls friend. Because of his upbringing he is unable to let a child come to harm either by action or inaction.

    I have no problem throwing this into an online character sheet if you'd like. I traded a Level 3 item for a Level 2, I hope that's alright.

    Edit: Here's the link to the character sheet: http://4e.orokos.com/sheets/1143 I just want to make it very clear that being able to upload a .dnd4e file is AMAZING and makes uploading character sheets a cinch.

    Raddue on
  • Mr_RoseMr_Rose 83 Blue Ridge Protects the Holy Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Diesa Steelvoice, Dwarf Invoker of Moradin
    (since there's already a Wizard, I went for a different controller)

    Diesa was always one of the most strident voices in her clan, as strong of will as she was of opinion, even to the point of disagreeing with the mainstream view of Moradin. At a loss as to what to do with her, her parents eventually gave up their attempts at discipline, since these only seemed to encourage her anyway, hoping that Diesa would eventually 'grow out' of her disagreeable nature. Diesa, of course, took this to be a capitulation; secure in the knowledge that she was right, she went further with her theories regarding Moradin, delving deep into the hold's ancient libraries and finding secrets long forgotten even to the loremasters...

    Disagreeable at the best of times, Diesa sometimes seem to be contradictory for the sake of it, as though she enjoys arguing. There is in fact some truth in this; Diesa's perception of Moradin's commandments has led her to believe that the greatest strength comes from overcoming tests, so she seeks to aid her companions by testing them. Similarly, she believes that the most lasting friendships are forged in adversity, so she seeks adversity as much as possible, creating it if necessary.

    CB summary:
    ====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder ======
    Diesa, level 4
    Dwarf, Invoker
    Divine Covenant: Covenant of Malediction
    Background: Heretic (+2 to History)

    Str 10, Con 19, Dex 13, Int 10, Wis 19, Cha 9.

    Str 10, Con 16, Dex 13, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 9.

    AC: 19 Fort: 18 Reflex: 15 Will: 18
    HP: 41 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 10

    Religion +7, Endurance +12, History +9, Insight +11

    Acrobatics +2, Arcana +2, Bluff +1, Diplomacy +1, Dungeoneering +8, Heal +6, Intimidate +1, Nature +6, Perception +6, Stealth +2, Streetwise +1, Thievery +2, Athletics +3

    Invoker: Ritual Caster
    Level 1: Baleful Malediction
    Level 2: Power of Earth
    Level 4: Invoker Defense

    Invoker at-will 1: Sun Strike
    Invoker at-will 1: Visions of Blood
    Invoker encounter 1: Whispers of Defeat
    Invoker daily 1: Angelic Echelon
    Invoker utility 2: Endure Pain
    Invoker encounter 3: Knives of the Soul

    Ritual Book, Backpack (empty), Candle (10), Climber's Kit, Everburning Torch, Flint and Steel, Journeybreads (10), Oil (1 pint) (5), Pitons (10), Rope, Silk (50 ft.), Staff of the War Mage +1, Agile Chainmail +1, Cloak of the Walking Wounded +1, Hand Crossbow, Crossbow Bolts (20), Surprise Bullet +1 (5), Spider Bolt +1 (5)
    Hand of Fate, Comprehend Language, Iron Vigil
    ====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary Tab ======

    Non-PH powers:
    Endure Pain Endurance Utility 2
    You grin and bear it, shrugging off the pain of a new wound.
    Immediate Interrupt ✦ Personal
    You are hit by an attack
    Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain resistance to all
    damage equal to 5 + your Constitution modifier.

    (Total resistance is 9. Original source: PH3 Skill Powers preview in Dragon 379)

    Mr_Rose on
    ...because dragons are AWESOME! That's why.
    Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
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  • ZarcathZarcath Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Do you guys have DDI subscriptions or other nefarious methods?

    Zarcath on
  • Mr_RoseMr_Rose 83 Blue Ridge Protects the Holy Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Zarcath wrote: »
    Do you guys have DDI subscriptions or other nefarious methods?
    DDI sub, why?
    I mean, where else could we get this stuff? Or has someone/is someone published/publishing "cracked" CB updates every month?

    Mr_Rose on
    ...because dragons are AWESOME! That's why.
    Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
    DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
  • ZarcathZarcath Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Mr_Rose wrote: »
    Zarcath wrote: »
    Do you guys have DDI subscriptions or other nefarious methods?
    DDI sub, why?
    I mean, where else could we get this stuff? Or has someone/is someone published/publishing "cracked" CB updates every month?

    Asking because Orokos only accepts DDI sheets and doesn't let you edit it. I only have the free version so I just adjusted my feats and powers manually to reflect a level 4 character but my +1/2 level stats are off. I see everyone here uploaded a level 4 sheet to Orokos so wondering if they had a sub or just a hacked CB exe.

    Zarcath on
  • soxboxsoxbox Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    You can just sub for a single month to get the latest updates to the character builder. You can still use it without getting further updates after that.

    Of course, there's lots of things (such as orokos sheets) that link off to DDI for detail, so I imagine it can get a bit annoying if you're playing online heavily and/or don't have the source books.

    I've heard tales of the aug character builder update about, but $10 for a single month really isn't that much to grab a copy of the builder even if you're going to just dabble in d&d, and if you're playing more heavily the DDI subscription is worth it.

    soxbox on
  • Mr_RoseMr_Rose 83 Blue Ridge Protects the Holy Registered User regular
    edited September 2009
    Zarcath wrote: »
    Asking because Orokos only accepts DDI sheets and doesn't let you edit it. I only have the free version so I just adjusted my feats and powers manually to reflect a level 4 character but my +1/2 level stats are off. I see everyone here uploaded a level 4 sheet to Orokos so wondering if they had a sub or just a hacked CB exe.
    Actually, it would be kind of difficult to "crack" CB since you only get updates if your account details authenticate on the server end; it has nothing to do with the client, essentially. And each account is limited, again on the server end, to five downloads/month. So to get all the updates free, you'd have to have a friend with a sub who was prepared to let you copy their downloaded data and have a client altered to work with data authenticated on another machine (I believe there's a certain amount of hardware hashing going on in there) which would be a pain to do.

    Mr_Rose on
    ...because dragons are AWESOME! That's why.
    Nintendo Network ID: AzraelRose
    DropBox invite link - get 500MB extra free.
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