
The Forumer's Complete Guide To PAX

Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right NowDrives a BuickModerator mod
edited November 2007 in PAX Archive
This is the Complete Guide to PAX Thread. Currently under reconstruction. Stay tuned for updates regarding PAX changes relevant to downtown Seattle and the Washington State Convention and Trade Center.


Moe Fwacky on


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    Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator mod
    edited March 2007
    SECTION I - All Roads Lead to PAX
    1. Registering for PAX, to BYOC or not to BYOC?
    So you're going to PAX. It's a good start for sure, but now you don't know if you should bring your PC or not. Well, don't hesitate if you want to bring it along, because those slots fill up uber-fast. Jump on it as soon as it's available. Also consider your mode of travel in making your decision. Obviously, if you are flying, or sharing a long car-ride, it becomes difficult or impossible to bring your PC along. They BYOC room is like a haven from the insanity of the rest of PAX, and this year they are planning plenty of BYOC-only activities. Don't worry if you can't bring it, there's plenty of other stuff to do at PAX, and you won't miss it while you're gone. Bring your laptop if you just want to be able to hop online and make post while at PAX. It's easier to travel with, after all, that's what it was made for. Also, don't forget to enable your eligibility for the Omegathon. Yes, it eats up your whole weekend, but It's totally worth it and all Omeganauts are instantly VIP for the entire weekend.

    2. The Cross-Country Supertrip
    The obvious choice for all you PAX-goers who live to the east. Not just the far east, but basically anywhere east of Seattle. Join this long line of cars and you won't regret it. If you've got a car, live to the east, and have a group of friends (or a friend with an able car) who are hopping mad to go to PAX, this is definitely the trip for you.

    3. The Canadian Supertrip
    Live on the west coast of the frozen north? Jump on board with this group of crazy Canadians driving down to Seattle. The same concept as the above Cross-Country option, only they're driving south and it is shorter.

    4. The West Coast Train Trip (thread)
    If you live on the West Coast of this here United States, this would be the option for you. A hefty group of forumers will be rocking out on a couple of northbound trains from LA to Seattle. If you've ever wanted to party on a train full of geeks, this would be the option for you.

    5. Room-sharing (need-a-room, have-a-room)
    This is a time-honored PAX tradition. Meeting random PA-forumers and sharing a hotel room with them. Some people are somewhat wary of doing this, but it's a great way to meet people and lower the cost of lodging (which has gone up this year). Shoot over to the room-share threads to find somebody with or who needs a room. If you want to be the person with the room, you'd better get your hotel room booked now, before they're all gone (already happened once, and we don't know how many times Khoo can increase the hotel blocks).

    Moe Fwacky on

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    Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator mod
    edited March 2007
    SECTION II - So It's Thursday and You've Got Nothing To Do...
    1. Sightseeing
    You're in downtown Seattle. Go look at stuff. There's the Space Needle for $15. Also the Science Fiction Museum is a quick monorail ride away (that's right monorail). Not only can you ride the monorail there, but you can go with a bunch of people and sing the monorail song from the Simpsons (I know you remember it). It's a good way to get a little more familiar with the area, just in case you should be called upon to lead a charge of your brethren through the unknown to find food when the local Subway runs out as you walk up to order (see Fatburger Trek 2005).

    2. Watch the Supertrips arrive
    Ever watch a line of cars stuffed with sweaty, tired, road weary, excited ass motherfuckers storm its way into ur base honking horns and yelling with excitement? Then you gotta see this shit. Truly a sight to behold.

    3. The Pre-PAX Movie
    Who's up for a movie? Head on over to the nearby cinema and go MST3k on their asses. This year's movie has a poll open until July 1 and is looking to be about a 4pm showing (before the dinner, instead of after like last year).

    4. The Pre-PAX Dinner
    This is the ultimate "get familiar with your fellow forumer" dinner. No matter where you look, we're all there for PAX (or bringing you your food). Just walk up, sit down, start talking and grab you something to eat. P.F. Chang's China Bistro in Westlake Shopping Center Downtown Seattle (http://www.pfchangs.com/location/loc_code.jsp?state=wa)
    (http://www.pfchangs.com/cgi-bin/mqin...tles=1&level=9). Times, a) 5:00pm, b) 6:30pm, c) 8:00pm, d) 9:30pm.
    Astayonix wrote:
    Please note: We can only accomodate 50 people per seating wave. We'll have 4 tables specifically for Pre-PAX 2007 Dinner attendees with our own dedicated waitstaff. If we have more than 50 people in 1 wave, I'll talk to management about creating an additional wave for seating or other accommodations. I'm still working with them for a discount for our group, so I'll keep you all posted as to how that progresses. Unlike last year, this establishment likes both cash and cards, so take your pick as to how you want to pay (just know that cards will take a bit longer due to processing time).

    5. The Pre-PAX Nerdcore Show
    Thanks to petfish for this news (and writing this that I copied from her thread. From http://optimusrhyme.com/. There's going to be a pre-PAX show with most of the musical guests! If you're worried you might miss one of the concerts, need something to do the night before PAX, or just want some more nerdcore goodness, you might want to pencil this in!
    High Dive, 513 N. 36th, Seattle (about 3.3 miles from the WSTCT), 9:30 PM, 21+, $6adv/$8dos
    It's a pre-PAX nerdcore fiesta with the following AutoBeat Allies in attendance: MC Frontalot, The Goondox, Beefy and the first lady of nerdcore herself, miss MC Router!

    6. The PAX Area Map, find you a food store! (thread)
    This is a map of the immediate surrounding area in Seattle. On it are marked areas of interest for Pre-PAX activities and places to know. It's good to find a grocery store or something similar to stock up on drinks and non-perishable goodies. Also, those of you in the Sheraton can stock on fridgeables, since they have a mini-fridge in each room.

    Moe Fwacky on

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    Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator mod
    edited March 2007
    SECTION III - During PAX Pt. 1
    1. How to not stink up the place
    This is a serious concern at PAX. Their conservative estimates this year place attendance at 30,000. That's more than the populations of any of the UK's six least populous cities. Make sure you shower before you do anything else that day. Also, use anti-persperant, not just regular deodorant. It has to prevent you from sweating in the first place, because no amount of fragrances can even begin to cover the smell without mixing with it and making it worse. Don't just put it on your armpits, either, apply that shit anywhere you sweat, anywhere. You're going to start the day outside, in line, in the hot, August sun, then spend the rest of the day fairly close to a lot of people indoors. We're hoping the WSCTC's air conditioning system has the power of three nuclear generators behind it, or we may all be doomed.

    2. The Line, aka, the big morning party
    The wait to get into PAX is almost as much fun as PAX itself. Once again, you are standing around with a ton of other like-minded crazies just waiting for those doors to open and the fun to begin. Every so often somebody will come around tossing out t-shirts and the like. Pitting us against each other in gruel fights to the death for their own amusement.

    3. Handheld Gaming, why the DS is the superior choice
    Nobody is sure why, perhaps it's the superior multiplayer experience. Maybe it's Pictochat and the endless barrage of dongs. Or it could be PA forumers fulfilling their stereotype as Nintendo fanboys/girls. Whatever it is, the DS users outnumber the PSP users by at least 3 to 1. So if you don't already have one, go get one!

    4. Panels, how to catch 'em all!
    Catching all the panels you want to see is an art in itself. Check out the schedule when it's released and find the stuff you really, really, really want to see. Then make sure it doesn't conflict with anything else you want to do. Sometimes you will just have to choose between two things.

    5. Tournaments, learn how bad you suck
    Seriously, there are some bad-ass people here. Not that you shouldn't try you hand at it, hell, for all I know you are one of those bad-ass people. Whatever it is, get in there and either win some prizes, or get get your ass handed to you and wear it like a hat.

    Moe Fwacky on

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    Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator mod
    edited March 2007
    SECTION IV - During PAX Pt. 2
    1. Freeplay tips
    Thanks to Ezekiel Zelias Chaos for contributing this bit on console freeplay, Hopefully the new venue will bring freeplay back out into the open.
    The sheer amount of people who have joined PAX 06, compared to previous years, have built the line into 'wastes of time'. Last year the line was so long that the wait to play was probably just as long as the amount of time one would get to play. This goes back to Tournaments and Panels: When deciding to get your own game from the library, make sure you have enough time to stand in line and also play as much as you want to play without it interfering with other plans.

    Early on, console freeplay largely consisted of roamers who would walk from station to station looking to play games that others were already engaged in. This is easier if on a schedule, and generally a cool idea.
    Unfortunately, because of last year's lines, gamers were not so willing to share the games. This was not too cool, especially with Fighting games. Please, Please, Please, spread the love. There was a lot of cold blood from standing in line, and a lot of people did not get to free play unless they waited in line to play a game which was already out - a game that any friendly player could have stepped out one match for. Because of this, even more people had to wait in line.

    If selecting a four-player game, consider picking up extra controllers, even if you do not have anyone to play with. If selecting any game capable of System Link, don't be shy. Get down the line, find out how many players want to play the same game. This way, one can arrange to have the players sit at consoles in a LAN. Consider where you're at: You're not at home, alone, with a limit of competitors or controllers. There is bound to be a surprising number of members who want to do exactly what you want to do.[/quote]

    2. BYOC Dos and Don'ts with BigRed
    Well, I put out the call and BigRed answered. I'll warn you now, it's a long one. He does a good job of detailing what you'll need and what you should do. so pay attention! Now, without further stalling for time...

    TRIPLE check before you leave your house with your computer. Most common forgotten things are Keyboard/mouse, wireless station for said kb/m (if you have one), you need to bring a network cabe, power cords, dvi-vga adapter, monitor cables, and laptop power bricks.
    We might have *some* use and return things .(mainly network cables, maybe a few power cords) for those who brainfart when they pack things up, but there are not enough for everyone.

    Follow the directions on the emails you will get about byoc after you register. it lists everything you need and any special instructions that will need to be followed. Keep on this because email updates will be sent out this year. There will also be a general BYOC info forum post done when registration goes live.

    It helps me if you bring your computer equipment first thing (because we try to get people in before doors open to drop their stuff off then go stand back in line so they don't have to stand in line with it).
    To go along with that if we do the same things as last year. If you see me (I should walk the line with a large sign this year) walking along the prereg line, I am looking for people with computers. My voice does carry pretty far and stands out so if you see or hear me first raise your hand or walk over to me and grope me or something. :-p

    DO NOT USE ANY SIDE EXITS TO THE ROOM. Always use the main entrance as your exit.
    If you use said exit I will see it and hunt you down and give a you a stern warning and talking to. Said exits may be alarmed this year.
    When you leave your computer to go do other things at pax, PLEASE don't leave any easily pocketable items lying around. Like watches, wallets, a small cd holder, music players, batteries, cameras, and even wireless mice. We keep track of large items like cases, monitors, laptops, and other large pieces you check in. It is your responsibility to make sure you don't leave small items like that lying around when you aren't at your computer.
    Putting things in a bag underneath the table at your feet is a quick solution. Leaving them in a car or hotel room is an optimal solution but you can’t really do that for some things.
    Also there are no worries about leaving things in the room after pax closing. The room will be locked.

    Any bags leaving the room will be inspected for tagged items.

    If you are using a laptop and have a laptop lock, please use it and lock the laptop to the table.

    Please stay within the 32" of the table that your seat is in. If you are one of the first people in the room and spread out amongst several seats (into someone elses space) it will be seen, reported, and I will tell you to move back within your space. We have had an issue with this previous years.
    We will have an at event seating chart this year so this will be enforced moreso than previous years. If anyone wants to move seats you have to let me know so it can be reflected on the seating chart.
    A BYOC checkin procedure (where to go and whatnot will be in a future BYOC email or thread when registration goes live).

    The stance on visitors is the same as previous years. None are allowed. Exceptions can be made on a case by case basis. If you want to bring in a visitor you *MUST* talk to Me first (or the person who I deem in charge when I’m away). You will easily be able to spot out who is in charge at the time. (They will either be wearing a badge, cape, special shirt, pimphat, or anything else that is different from everyone else there).

    All of the above may make it look like im an unreasonable jackass. Untrue. I am reasonable with anything asked nicely of me and/or brought to my attention beforehand. I don't like surprises. If you have a request or concerns feel free to ask me via PM beforehand, or at the event.
    If you have a question that you are unsure of (like if you can bring something special). Please ask me first.

    3. The Exhibition Hall, getting the most out of your swag
    The Exhibition Hall is the glamorous piece of the industry where companies showcase their newest and best stuff and hand out bags of goodies to the first handful of people inside. What does this mean for you? It means get your ass in line early. Now in 2006, they split the main PAX entrance line and the exhibition wait line in two before the doors opened. The exhibition hall did not open until one hour after the pre-registrants were allowed inside. This is, however, a worthy reason to miss an hour inside PAX (especially first thing in the morning when nothing much is happening yet anyway). I recommend getting some caffeine in your system after the party ends. If PAXing to your full potential, you will leave that party and go directly to the line, where you will spend a few hours half-asleep and half playing DS with people while people come outside and hand out free stuff.

    4. The Concerts, and the mechanics they operate under
    Attending the concerts is an art in patience, temperature tolerance and holding your breath. The concerts are another part of PAX that yields an insanely long line, despite the fact that you have to get a ticket before they run out. The tickets are free, of course, but limited. With the larger venue this year, there should be a larger capacity theater and therefore more people can attend said concerts. The patience comes not only with the line. but with the concert itself. To kick off Saturday night's show is usually an Omegathon round, last year it was Guitar Hero and in 2005 it was Karaoke Revolution. Usually the early acts are also the lighter acts, so if you're waiting for Optimus Rhyme to start kickin' it oldschool, you're going to have to wait a bit. Now, if you're like me and your favorite acts are the rockin' Nintendo renditions performed by the NESkimos and Minibosses, well those acts are typically the last of the evening, so you'd best get comfy. Speaking of comfy, those Sumo bags were hella nice. Hopefully the concerts, and the rest of PAx will be stocked with these again. After the concert gets close to it's midpoint, usually a number of people have already left and they Enforcers start allowing more people inside. This is your chance to get in without having to wait in line, and possibly sit through a few things you may not want to. When it comes to leaving the concert, it's a judgment call. Again, if you're like me and you are hosting a party (or two) and need to be there to assist, or you're just making your way to somebody else's party and want to beat the rush of people leaving the concert, a good point to leave is after a personal favorite song. That way you don't feel as if you've missed out on a sweet final song. Also, if you're looking for other forumers at the concert, look no further than Doc. He's the officiall forumer lighthouse as he's easy to see over any crowd. Forumers naturally gravitate his way anyhow, so chances are, if you're standing near him, so are about fifteen other people you probably know. (That's a normal-sized door in case you were wondering)

    5. Making Poast From PAX, don't be a douchebag
    This is perhaps one of the most important things to know about PAX. Everybody loves to post while at PAX. I'm not sure what the draw is, but I'm guilty of it myself. One thing you want to avoid is starting or posting in any thread that even slightly resembles "Poasting at PAX, hurr durr." If you've got something to say, post it in the appropriate forum. If it's about PAX, of course it should be in the PAX forum. If it's about playing a game at PAX, take it to G&T, if it's about cocks, dongs or other forms of penii, take it to SE++, I think you get the idea. All that said, if the post is about PAx, it should have more in it than the fact that you are at PAX and posting.

    Moe Fwacky on

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    Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator mod
    edited March 2007
    SECTION V - Afterhours
    Much of this section was contributed on by TomExMachina who is a PAX veteran and will be joining the Cross-Country Supertrip this year.

    1. The Official "One Free Drink" Party
    It is PAX tradition for one industry company or another to sponsor an official after-PAX party on Friday night. At this party, a voucher for a free drink is given to each person. Now, it seems great, right? A free drink an a huge party. The kicker, the line for that drink is usually insanely long. The result is that many people just hang out, and quite a few get their one free drink, and a lucky few people manage to accumulate enough voucher's to get a good buzz on for nothing. You could also pay for your drinks at the hotel bar, but it's much cheaper to have your own alcohol on hand for whatever parties you may be throwing and/or attending.

    2. The Sacred Art of Hotel Parties
    Hotel parties are indeed an art, between finding them and throwing them, there are things to know and tips of the trade if you want to end up someplace good.
    The best way to find a party is to simply follow a large group of moving people. It sounds kind of dumb, but you'll usually end up at a party. The quality of the party is, however, not under your control at this point. It's also a good idea to have something on you that will increase your chances of getting into a good party. It's always good form to bring something, alcohol, soda, snacks, games to play, anything. It will make you look cooler to the people who are there, and it will help make up for anything you consume, particularly if you were not invited. A good method of alcohol transport is within a backpack or duffel bag, look inconspicuous people. Another good way to find a sweet party is to watch for people handing out anything regarding a party. This sometimes includes fliers or small business cards with room numbers written on them.
    If you should choose to throw your own party, there are some things to know. Try to plan ahead. You should make it look like you have everything covered and under control. Have your entertainment ready to go, booze, foods, and games. Just ready to go. Also consider the desired size of your party. Parties at PAX can get very large very fast, so take care in how you advertise as this will directly effect the size of your party. If you want to keep it small, let people know ahead of time. Larger parties have the tendency to attract the attention of security and get shut down... several times. So make sure you maintain control. A nice tip is to have two adjacent rooms with a door between so you can move the majority of people out of sight before you answer the door (a suite could also work in this manner).

    3. The Alcohol Exchange Network
    This part refers to the exchange of alcoholic beverages from different locales. This includes micro-brews, Canadian beers (subject to duty taxing), and liquors, either duty free or just not bought in Washington (taxes, ftl) and anything else your hearts may desire.

    4. Classic Console Night
    Perhaps one of the gems of after-hours PAX. Many people bring their classic consoles and get together for some serious past blastification. Bring your own consoles, controllers or games, or just join in on the action. You can join up with any number of people or host your own, the choice is yours. Just make sure you keep a close eye on your equipment and take care of it (i.e. don't leave it out to get tripped over or stepped on). Most of all, enjoy the games of the past with the people who appreciate them the most.

    5. Sleep, who needs it!
    Not I! Be careful though, not sleeping can end up in passing out at inopportune times. Keep your body replenished with nutrients and stay hydrated (Bawls doesn't count as hydrated). Make sure you eat, and don't just eat garbage all weekend. Go for some fruit smoothies, vitamin water, and Gatorade. Remember, both caffeine and alcohol dehydrate your system, and chances are you will have plenty of both running through your veins before Sunday rolls around. It is possible to get through the weekend on Bawls alone, but you will end up feeling like absolute shit. Take care of yourself, your body will thank you and you'll be more able to make the most out of your PAX experience.

    6. It's 8:30am and the party just ended...
    Oh how many times have I found myself in this situation. The choice between dear, sweet sleep and going into PAX. If you're of hearty stock, I would recommend downing some caffeine and making way for that line. You can always sleep in the afternoon. However, you must weigh your options, if there are things you want to do that happen in the afternoon, get your sleep now, because you probably won't make it past two in the afternoon before you start drifting back to your hotel room. If you're not of hearty stock, you are better off forgetting about the morning hours. Chances are, you've got enough caffeine in your blood and in your room that you can get away with a quick four hours and jump right back into PAX for the afternoon and evening. Know thyself and you shouldn't have any problems.

    Moe Fwacky on

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    Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator mod
    edited March 2007
    1. Dinners, Lunches, Brunches, Breakfasts and other final group gatherings
    Many people like to get together on Sunday night or Monday morning/afternoon to eat before we all go our separate ways. With the madness of PAX behind you, you're going to want to get some serious rest and a good meal inside you. What better way to eat than with friends. Unlike the Pre-PAX Dinner, these aren't massive takeovers organized ahead of time. Usually a few people will decide where and when to eat, and in most cases, all are welcome, so go hang out and share some PAX stories.

    2. Hotel Check Out, get it done and gtfo
    This can be a very different experience, depending on what day you depart. If you check out on Sunday and still plan on attending PAX that day as well, you have to get everything packed up and ready to go before noon, then load up your car (I'm assuming if you're checking out of the hotel and attending the end of PAX, you probably have a car to put your stuff in), and head to PAX for a last look at the Promised Land before returning to the real world. If you plan a Monday departure or a Sunday departure without the last day of PAX, it's just a matter of getting all of your stuff out of the hotel room. A good number of people manage to get/win/buy more swag than they can take home. In this case, it's good to know where a local UPS Store/FedEx Kinkos is so you can mail your stuff home. Trust me, posters are difficult to travel with, Spook learned the hard way with his giant Guild Wars poster and the trunk of my Buick.

    3. Wait, did you forget something? Okay, srsly gtfo.
    Double check everywhere! You never know where you put something. Also, for all the stuff you don't plan on taking with you, if you don't throw it away, at least consolidate it all into one area or in one of the swag bags. This makes it easier to differentiate things you don't want and things you may need (such as your keys) that are sitting underneath that pile of stuff you were too lazy to pick through. Also, check all the drawers. In 2005, Spook almost left half of his clothes in the hotel room, because he didn't check the drawers. In 2006, I found a half bottle of Jack Daniels in the sink drawer from the Party at Sealab the night before. You never know what you or somebody else might be forgetting, so keep looking until there's nothing left to look for.

    Note: Hitchhiking is NOT a viable or recommended means of transportation to or from PAX. Photo used for comedic properties only.

    Moe Fwacky on

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    Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator mod
    edited March 2007
    Okay, sections one through three are done, if anybody has anything to add, either something already mentioned or something I missed entirely, please speak up. I'm sure this guide could use a quick summary about being an enforcer too. Questions. comments, thoughts, etc?

    Moe Fwacky on

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    ArghetlamArghetlam Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Moe_Fwacky wrote: »
    SECTION I - All Roads Lead to PAX
    1. Registering for PAX, to BYOC or not to BYOC?
    So you're going to PAX. It's a good start for sure, but now you don't know if you should bring your PC or not. Well, don't hesitate if you want to bring it along, because those slots fill up uber-fast. Jump on it as soon as it's available. Also consider your mode of travel in making your decision. Obviously, if you are flying, or sharing a long car-ride, it becomes difficult or impossible to bring your PC along. Don't worry if you can't bring it, there's plenty of other stuff to do at PAX, and you won't miss it while you're gone. Bring your laptop if you just want to be able to hop online and make post while at PAX. It's easier to travel with, after all, that's what it was made for.

    Totally, totally not worth it. I brought my computer last year and used it maybe forty-five minutes the whole weekend.

    Arghetlam on
    "Music trancends time." - Dave Wakeley
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    Proud Wardriver from the Cross Country Super Trip '06!
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    BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Arghetlam wrote: »
    Moe_Fwacky wrote: »
    SECTION I - All Roads Lead to PAX
    1. Registering for PAX, to BYOC or not to BYOC?
    So you're going to PAX. It's a good start for sure, but now you don't know if you should bring your PC or not. Well, don't hesitate if you want to bring it along, because those slots fill up uber-fast. Jump on it as soon as it's available. Also consider your mode of travel in making your decision. Obviously, if you are flying, or sharing a long car-ride, it becomes difficult or impossible to bring your PC along. Don't worry if you can't bring it, there's plenty of other stuff to do at PAX, and you won't miss it while you're gone. Bring your laptop if you just want to be able to hop online and make post while at PAX. It's easier to travel with, after all, that's what it was made for.

    Totally, totally not worth it. I brought my computer last year and used it maybe forty-five minutes the whole weekend.

    Its worth it to some people (espically since the rooms sells out every time). Plus its somthing to do between things, gives you internet, and a place to escape the mad crowds for a while.

    Plus this year we are planing lots of byoc only things ;)

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
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    dyaballikldyaballikl PAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community Cartographer Gold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Moe, you are a saint. even though i've attended pax all 3 years now, i feel even more in the loop than ever thanks to your highly educated, in depth faq. sir, i thank you!!

    dyaballikl on
    a.k.a. dya
    "Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
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    Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator mod
    edited March 2007
    BigRed wrote: »
    Its worth it to some people (espically since the rooms sells out every time). Plus its somthing to do between things, gives you internet, and a place to escape the mad crowds for a while.

    Plus this year we are planing lots of byoc only things ;)

    Got any tips for the good people, red?

    Moe Fwacky on

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    BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Moe_Fwacky wrote: »
    BigRed wrote: »
    Its worth it to some people (espically since the rooms sells out every time). Plus its somthing to do between things, gives you internet, and a place to escape the mad crowds for a while.

    Plus this year we are planing lots of byoc only things ;)

    Got any tips for the good people, red?

    I sent you a massive list to your pm ;)

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
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    David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited March 2007
    PAX BYOC is totally completely off the hizzee worth it.

    Then again, I might be just a little bit biased. ;)

    For those of you trying to decide if it's worth doing, sometime before byoc passes go up for sale we should be able to talk more specifically about what you'd be getting yourself into.

    David Coffman on
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    Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator mod
    edited March 2007
    BigRed wrote: »
    Moe_Fwacky wrote: »
    BigRed wrote: »
    Its worth it to some people (espically since the rooms sells out every time). Plus its somthing to do between things, gives you internet, and a place to escape the mad crowds for a while.

    Plus this year we are planing lots of byoc only things ;)

    Got any tips for the good people, red?

    I sent you a massive list to your pm ;)

    Yes, yes you did, and it's been posted. I think that covers anything anybody should ever need to know about BYOC. Thus completes Section IV, now to move on to the after-hours stuff...

    Moe Fwacky on

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    dyaballikldyaballikl PAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community Cartographer Gold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited March 2007
    is anyone else's anticipation of pax building so much that they can't stand it, then they see the calendar and realize there's still 6 months to go, and then decide to pull a cartman and freeze their asses, but just wind up going sterile? just me? ok!

    dyaballikl on
    a.k.a. dya
    "Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
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    Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator mod
    edited March 2007
    dyaballikl wrote: »
    is anyone else's anticipation of pax building so much that they can't stand it, then they see the calendar and realize there's still 6 months to go, and then decide to pull a cartman and freeze their asses, but just wind up going sterile? just me? ok!

    Dude, I feel that way all the time. Why do you think I do the CCST, it extends PAX from a mere weekend to a full on week. Also, Section V is done. Thanks to TomExMachina for his assistance in that one. It's almost done here people, all we need now is that last section, and for somebody to beef out the poor Freeplay section. Still no takers on that one...

    Moe Fwacky on

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    ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword http://youtu.be/G_sBOsh-vyIRegistered User regular
    edited March 2007
    *note to self* get more time at the Gym before pax '07

    And moe, where did that pic of me in the blue shirt come from?

    Viscountalpha on
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    ctishmanctishman Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    That was the Meydenbauer ballroom, Classic Console Night '05, I think. Maybe '06. I don't remember for sure now.

    ctishman on
    Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
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    Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator mod
    edited March 2007
    Actually it was the Doubletree Ballroom, 2005. It was about 8:00 Friday evening.

    Moe Fwacky on

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    ctishmanctishman Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    erm yeah, that's what I meant. Doubletree. Gah.

    ctishman on
    Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
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    DruhimDruhim Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited March 2007
    One thing I'd suggest is that you avoid the Space Needle and save yourself $15. If you want a good view of the surrounding area, go to the Columbia Tower. It's much taller and because it's an office building and not just a tourist trap the ride to the observation floor is free.

    Druhim on
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    David CoffmanDavid Coffman Registered User, PAX Staff regular
    edited March 2007
    Plus there's a great view of the Space Needle from there.


    David Coffman on
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    DruhimDruhim Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited March 2007
    Yeah. :)

    Really, the Needle has outlived it's usefulness.

    Druhim on
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    MegapuppyMegapuppy Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    The Space Needle is neither Space nor a Needle. Discuss.

    Megapuppy on
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    ViscountalphaViscountalpha The pen is mightier than the sword http://youtu.be/G_sBOsh-vyIRegistered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Druhim wrote: »
    Yeah. :)

    Really, the Needle has outlived it's usefulness.

    Usefullness? you mean the fact that it is a flying saucer in the first place?

    Viscountalpha on
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    dyaballikldyaballikl PAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community Cartographer Gold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Druhim wrote: »
    One thing I'd suggest is that you avoid the Space Needle and save yourself $15. If you want a good view of the surrounding area, go to the Columbia Tower. It's much taller and because it's an office building and not just a tourist trap the ride to the observation floor is free.
    speaking of the columbia tower, maybe you could all pray for me, as i'm racing up the 69 flight stairway sunday the 18th for the leukemia society.

    but, on topic, a few notes:
    first, i gotta stop coming to this thread, cuz every time i do, i can't sleep at night because of the excitement. second, you mentioned load up on gatorade. i worked in a warehouse loading trucks for 2 years and learned the hard way that hydrating purely on gatorade is a really bad idea. gatorade has a lot of sodium and drinking in large doses causes you to retain water badly, and makes it damn painful to stand for long periods, not to mention attend a saturday night concert. and finally, that one free drink is rediculous. last year, i got my voucher friday and saturday nights, and just wound up stading in line wasting like an hour, listening to stupid ass pirate songs, and never got my drinks. but collecting the vouchers from those leaving the line and sticking it out yourself is a good way to get REAL fucked up!

    last note, an addition to your list: you may want to recommend that people invest in chaser pills. these work for most people (some macho men say they don't need them, but after 15-20 drinks and no sleep, who wouldn't?), and are great ways to attend pax the morning after feeling energetic. and bawls is a great way to get rid of any residual hangover symptoms.

    dyaballikl on
    a.k.a. dya
    "Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
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    DruhimDruhim Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited March 2007
    Gatorade would be fine for the light level of activity that most will be engaging in over the weekend but I would agree that Gatorade really isn't that good as an electrolyte replacement drink.

    Druhim on
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    Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator mod
    edited March 2007
    Okay people, just so you all know, I haven't forgotten about Section VI or the areas that need touching up. People with ideas or input should send me a message for great justice.

    Moe Fwacky on

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    Ezekiel Zelias ChaosEzekiel Zelias Chaos Registered User regular
    edited March 2007
    Section IV: On the subject of Console Freeplay

    The sheer amount of people who have joined PAX 06, compared to previous years, have built the line into 'wastes of time'. Last year the line was so long that the wait to play was probably just as long as the amount of time one would get to play. This goes back to Tournaments and Panels: When deciding to get your own game from the library, make sure you have enough time to stand in line and also play as much as you want to play without it interfering with other plans.

    Early on, console freeplay largely consisted of roamers who would walk from station to station looking to play games that others were already engaged in. This is easier if on a schedule, and generally a cool idea.
    Unfortunately, because of last year's lines, gamers were not so willing to share the games. This was not too cool, especially with Fighting games. Please, Please, Please, spread the love. There was a lot of cold blood from standing in line, and a lot of people did not get to free play unless they waited in line to play a game which was already out - a game that any friendly player could have stepped out one match for. Because of this, even more people had to wait in line.

    If selecting a four-player game, consider picking up extra controllers, even if you do not have anyone to play with. If selecting any game capable of System Link, don't be shy. Get down the line, find out how many players want to play the same game. This way, one can arrange to have the players sit at consoles in a LAN. Consider where you're at: You're not at home, alone, with a limit of competitors or controllers. There is bound to be a surprising number of members who want to do exactly what you want to do.

    Ezekiel Zelias Chaos on
    heh heh heh
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    ElectricTurtleElectricTurtle Seeress WARegistered User regular
    edited March 2007
    DiscoDave wrote: »
    PAX BYOC is totally completely off the hizzee worth it.

    Then again, I might be just a little bit biased. ;)

    For those of you trying to decide if it's worth doing, sometime before byoc passes go up for sale we should be able to talk more specifically about what you'd be getting yourself into.

    Agree. I have BYOC'ed every year of PAX. First year was the best though, 24 hour action with SURPRISE free bawls. My s/o was with me and was wearing headphones so she didn't hear the announcement, and she totally freaked out when I just got up and ran out of the room with several dozen other people for the free bawls at 2 or 3 am. She thought there was a fire or something. Hilarity. That doesn't happen anymore sadly. I sincerely hope that someday the 24 hourness returns.

    Anyway, the BYOC is the best place to get away from eveybody else for a while. It's really nice to know that regardless of how insanely crowded things get, there's always a chair and PC with your name on it (literally) in an access limited room. Not to mention even if you're not in there for hours and hours doesn't mean you can't set up lots of file transfers to run while you're not there. I probably leeched like 200 GB of stuff last year... mmmmm 500 GB HD NAS with gigabit LAN. Maybe this year I'll add another 500 GB HD to it via eSata... mmmm terabyte... Gah, now I want to go home and make out with my NAS...

    ElectricTurtle on
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    Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator mod
    edited March 2007
    Okay, at long last, I have finally completed Section VI. As always, if anybody has any further advice, I'm always willing to work it in somehow.

    Moe Fwacky on

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    dyaballikldyaballikl PAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community Cartographer Gold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited April 2007
    i think a sunday night dinner and drink across the street at gameworks might be a good idea. anybody else down for that?

    dyaballikl on
    a.k.a. dya
    "Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
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    TheSnowiestWhaleTheSnowiestWhale Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    dyaballikl wrote: »
    i think a sunday night dinner and drink across the street at gameworks might be a good idea. anybody else down for that?

    I'm totaly down, just let me know when.

    btw, Moe, your a saint for posting this. I've attended the past three years, and his as not only gotten me more pumped than ever, but given me some helpful tips!

    TheSnowiestWhale on
    Gay N00b Laggers
    Look for us in the pink at PAX '08!
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    dyaballikldyaballikl PAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community Cartographer Gold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited April 2007
    dyaballikl wrote: »
    Moe, you are a saint. even though i've attended pax all 3 years now, i feel even more in the loop than ever thanks to your highly educated, in depth faq. sir, i thank you!!
    dyaballikl wrote: »
    i think a sunday night dinner and drink across the street at gameworks might be a good idea. anybody else down for that?

    I'm totaly down, just let me know when.

    btw, Moe, your a saint for posting this. I've attended the past three years, and his as not only gotten me more pumped than ever, but given me some helpful tips!

    lmao, my sentiments exactly! my only problem with this is that every time i come to this thread my heart gets over 120bpm in excitement and i nearly have a heart attack waiting because of waiting too long for the show.

    dyaballikl on
    a.k.a. dya
    "Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
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    ctishmanctishman Registered User regular
    edited April 2007
    dyaballikl wrote: »
    i think a sunday night dinner and drink across the street at gameworks might be a good idea. anybody else down for that?

    I'm totaly down, just let me know when.

    btw, Moe, your a saint for posting this. I've attended the past three years, and his as not only gotten me more pumped than ever, but given me some helpful tips!

    I'm in, too, though I imagine the place will be packed with PAXgoers after the show closes anyhow.

    ctishman on
    Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
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    Robert KhooRobert Khoo Registered User, ClubPA staff
    edited April 2007
    I have decided this thread is rad. Thanks moe!

    Robert Khoo on
    Some guy.
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    Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator mod
    edited April 2007
    Awesome, praise from Khoo. Although it should be noted that several others helped me put this thing together. With that, even though it's complete doesn't mean that it's closed to additions. Should anybody have any ideas for additions to currently existing sections, or something they feel should be added on, go ahead and get your post on.

    Moe Fwacky on

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    Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator mod
    edited June 2007
    I have updated the Pre-PAX Section with what information is available for the Dinner and Movie. I also added in a section for the Pre-PAX Nerdcore show.

    Moe Fwacky on

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    yoshamanoyoshamano The fuck is this. The fuck was that. Marshall, Soviet MichiganRegistered User regular
    edited June 2007
    Just second'ing the coolness of the BYOC room. I spent a lot of time in there last year because they broadcast the video of all the main events on the projector screen, and all the audio on the offical Vent server. So I skipped all the lines and played WoW during a lot of the events. I know it's not quite the same as actually being in the room, but it was close enough (and far more comfortable) for me.

    yoshamano on
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    CleggerClegger Registered User regular
    edited June 2007
    whosever idea it was to have the pre pax dinner at PF Changs..... YOU ARE GOD

    That place is sooooooooooooooo damn good

    Clegger on
This discussion has been closed.