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Stuck shortly before pelican bay

Alpha268Alpha268 Registered User regular
edited March 2010 in Penny Arcade Games
I bought the giant gear from the vendor at pelican bay.

Now when I talk to Gabe or Tycho they tell me to take the gear to Anne-Claire. However when I talk to her the gear is not mentioned.


Alpha268 on


  • Some_tall_guySome_tall_guy Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    good first post

    Some_tall_guy on
  • Alpha268Alpha268 Registered User regular
    edited March 2010

    Seriously, I have no idea how to proceed. Also the "Urin-Hobo" wont talk to me (I know he is supposed to give me a quest to kill all hobos).

    Alpha268 on
  • PreciousBodilyFluidsPreciousBodilyFluids Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I take it you've already explored/killed all you can up to this point? If so, I really wouldn't know what the issue is. You may have stumbled upon a bug. There's no earlier save you can switch back to?

    It's been to long since I played this, but was there perhaps some sort of mission screen you could refer back to, telling you what you were supposed to do?

    PreciousBodilyFluids on
  • Alpha268Alpha268 Registered User regular
    edited March 2010
    I take it you've already explored/killed all you can up to this point? If so, I really wouldn't know what the issue is. You may have stumbled upon a bug. There's no earlier save you can switch back to?

    It's been to long since I played this, but was there perhaps some sort of mission screen you could refer back to, telling you what you were supposed to do?

    Yeah, evenutally I had to. It seems my "mistake" was that after accepting the "trash" and "meat" missions, I went straight to the Shithole hotel, instead of returning first to the quest givers and the pelican bay.

    Alpha268 on
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