top 10 things I did at pax



  • Combat WombatCombat Wombat Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    7. I inadvertently set off the alarm in the elevator of the Doubletree (again, see number 10)

    That was you? Ooooooo, I'm gonna... I don't know what I'm gonna do, but sweet jesus, that damn horn was annoying!

    I like how they had to reset their entire elevator system to get it to shut off. I don't know exactly what you managed to do, but damn, you sure did it!

    Combat Wombat on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited September 2005
    That was you? Ooooooo, I'm gonna... I don't know what I'm gonna do, but sweet jesus, that damn horn was annoying!

    I like how they had to reset their entire elevator system to get it to shut off. I don't know exactly what you managed to do, but damn, you sure did it!

    Yes, it was me. It was rather inadvertent that it happened, but I had a good time with it. I accidentally bumped the emergency alarm, so my friend and I hopped out of the elevator at the next possible moment and immediately got into the other one :) Some guy got in and said something about "I wish I knew which asshole did that" while shaking his fist. As soon as the elevator door closed, I crossed my arms and said "that asshole was me."

    I love making people uncomfortable. He stopped the elevator at the next floor and ran out :)

    Unknown User on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited September 2005
    Things I did? Here's 1-10:


    Go ahead. Prove me wrong.

    Unknown User on
  • eelektrikeelektrik Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited September 2005
    Things I did? Here's 1-10:


    Go ahead. Prove me wrong.

    She wouldve worked better as Daisy then Peach...

    eelektrik on
  • uc4lifeuc4life Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    Things I did? Here's 1-10:


    Go ahead. Prove me wrong.

    you are wrong

    uc4life on
  • Storm ShadowStorm Shadow Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    uc4life wrote:
    Things I did? Here's 1-10:


    Go ahead. Prove me wrong.

    you are wrong

    That's the naughtiest picture you have of an exhibitionist girl that you were supposedly with? I cry foul.

    Storm Shadow on
  • uc4lifeuc4life Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    uc4life wrote:
    Things I did? Here's 1-10:

    jail bait

    Go ahead. Prove me wrong.

    you are wrong

    That's the naughtiest picture you have of an exhibitionist girl that you were supposedly with? I cry foul.

    it also looks like you cut out her actual boyfriend from the pixture

    uc4life on
  • eelektrikeelektrik Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited September 2005
    uc4life wrote:
    uc4life wrote:
    Things I did? Here's 1-10:

    jail bait

    Go ahead. Prove me wrong.

    you are wrong

    That's the naughtiest picture you have of an exhibitionist girl that you were supposedly with? I cry foul.

    it also looks like you cut out her actual boyfriend from the pixture

    So, Peach is dating Spiderman? I wonder if Mario knows...

    eelektrik on
  • arithenaarithena Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    currently the best part of PAX for me:

    arithena on
  • uc4lifeuc4life Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    arithena wrote:
    currently the best part of PAX for me:
    Leviathan...Soul too dark for the abyss, aborted son oh hell's six hundred and sixty-six wombs

    Show off!

    its really cool

    uc4life on
  • uc4lifeuc4life Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    arithena wrote:
    currently the best part of PAX for me:
    Leviathan...Soul too dark for the abyss, aborted son oh hell's six hundred and sixty-six wombs

    Show off!

    its really cool

    uc4life on
  • uc4lifeuc4life Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    arithena wrote:
    Currently the best part of PAX for me:

    Show off!

    its really cool

    uc4life on
  • uc4lifeuc4life Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    arithena wrote:
    Currently the best part of PAX for me:
    Leviathan...Soul too dark for the abyss, aborted son oh hell's six hundred and sixty-six wombs

    Show off!

    its really cool

    uc4life on
  • uc4lifeuc4life Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    arithena wrote:
    Currently the best part of PAX for me:
    Leviathan...Soul too dark for the abyss, aborted son oh hell's six hundred and sixty-six wombs

    Show off!

    its really cool

    uc4life on
  • Raiden333Raiden333 Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    He's made of pure Hell!

    Raiden333 on
  • Storm ShadowStorm Shadow Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    OMG it made Doc post 5 times... RUN AWAY!!!

    Storm Shadow on
  • arithenaarithena Registered User regular
    edited September 2005

    Thank you! I talked to the RvB guys for a little while and when they asked me if I worked for a company. They were really impressed when I said I just do these things for fun. They thought Merch was done professionally :-D

    arithena on
  • BeatByAGrrlBeatByAGrrl Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    I love lists too...
    10. Dudes making BAWLZ jokes at me ("She wants my Bawlz" "She's got my bawlz in her mouth" etc.)

    9. Being in the Super Smash Brother Melee Tourney with 3 other Omeganauts, and then ditching it after the first round to go play DDR with Kevin Potter.

    8. Reading people's shirts.

    7. Meeting Doc in line on the first day and having him drive us back and forth from the hotel.

    6. Rooming with a stranger from the forums Thursday and Sunday night and drinking wheat beer at the bar Thursday night for dinner (John, you are awesome!!).

    5. Playing Diceland, and getting 5 free sets of dice from Toivo; NOT getting eliminated the first round of the Omegathon.

    4. Being an Omeganaut and getting special treatment (cutting in lines, getting into the concerts, even getting my friends in with me, hanging out in the PC Freeplay room for 3 sessions straight).

    3. Having my name spelled wrong on my Omeganaut badge, Tycho getting me a replacement, and I gave the mispelled one to my brother so he could get VIP priviledges too.

    2. I was the only Omeganaut completely omitted from the Omegathon section in the PAX booklet, so Tycho wrote my information in mine, and Gabe drew a little picture of me and autographed it. Also, having in the OmegaTech Enforcers bring them over to me, through crowds of people trying to stop them and talk to them and get their autographs.
    1. Getting it all on tape so I can make a bootleg PAX DVD (see my post on the PAX Picture thread)

    A totally great experience for my first year at PAX! I'll totally do it again next year!

    BeatByAGrrl on
    when you punish a person for dreaming his dream, don't expect him to thank or forgive you. the best ever death metal band out of denton will in time both outpace and outlive you. hail satan!
  • t3h_sp00nt3h_sp00n Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    10. Discovering Diceland.
    9. The 2 and a half cases of Bawls I drank by myself on Saturday and Sunday.
    8. Suggest to Tycho and Gabe that we lynch the kids in PvP shirts.
    7. Getting dehydrated playing DDR.
    6. Hanging out with some family who I hadn't seen since '98.
    5. Meeting some awesome Canadian people thinking that a combination of 'awesome' and 'Canadian' would be an oxymoron.
    4. The Nerf War.
    3. The 9 hour D&D game on Saturday in Tabletop.
    2. Getting people to shame themselves for a free bottle of Bawls on Sunday.
    1. Drinking with MC Chris in 648.

    t3h_sp00n on

    sp00n loves you
  • eelektrikeelektrik Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited September 2005
    t3h_sp00n wrote:
    8. Suggest to Tycho and Gabe that we lynch the kids in PvP shirts..

    Thats not cool! Though, I did find the look on Gabes face funny when I casually mentioned to him I was in Panda Attack after thanking him for all the awesome times on Dark Iron. He threatened to keep the PAX guide he had just signed of mine though, but he was cool about it.

    eelektrik on
  • uc4lifeuc4life Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    t3h_sp00n wrote:
    9. The 2 and a half cases of Bawls I drank by myself on Saturday and Sunday.

    7. Getting dehydrated playing DDR.

    uc4life on
  • t3h_sp00nt3h_sp00n Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    uc4life wrote:
    t3h_sp00n wrote:
    9. The 2 and a half cases of Bawls I drank by myself on Saturday and Sunday.

    7. Getting dehydrated playing DDR.

    I swear I almost had a caffiene overdose. I felt like i was gonna jitter into another plane of existance.

    t3h_sp00n on

    sp00n loves you
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited September 2005
    uc4life wrote:
    Things I did? Here's 1-10:


    Go ahead. Prove me wrong.

    you are wrong

    That's the naughtiest picture you have of an exhibitionist girl that you were supposedly with? I cry foul.

    Not the naughtiest, but certainly the best-looking. No offense to the rest of the exhibitionists but damn.

    Unknown User on
  • TrillianTrillian Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    Top Ten Things I did at PAX

    1 Meeting tons of cool people, nerdcore celebs and the like
    2 The Epic Nerf Battle in Room 649
    3 The Concerts!
    4 Talking with Tycho while walking to the Azteka
    5 Room 512 and Ironman RPS
    6 Chillin' with the NESkimos
    7 Getting hit on fifty-zillion times and laughing about it with other girls
    8 Getting everyone and their Nintendog to sign my Gameboy
    9 Meeting Shade ;)
    10 Planning next PAX before we left Seattle

    Top Ten Things I did as a result of PAX

    (1-9) Shade
    10 Planning spending Thanksgiving with SmallLady

    Trillian on

    They cast a shadow like a sundial in the morning light. It was half past 10.
  • uc4lifeuc4life Registered User regular
    edited September 2005
    uc4life wrote:
    Things I did? Here's 1-10:


    Go ahead. Prove me wrong.

    you are wrong

    That's the naughtiest picture you have of an exhibitionist girl that you were supposedly with? I cry foul.

    Not the naughtiest, but certainly the best-looking. No offense to the rest of the exhibitionists but damn.

    well show us some others that might make us beleive you more

    uc4life on
  • SkroggtarSkroggtar Registered User regular
    edited January 2006
    sphyx wrote:
    4. Denny's at 6am with my hotel room buddies and three guys I had just met in the unofficial hall party at the Doubletree.

    hey i remember you. im the guy who ended up sleeping on your hotel room floor.

    anyhoo, my list is as follows, in no particular order.
    1.meeting MC Frontalot, getting him to sign my cd and asking him why he's so phat.
    2.getting owned repeatedly during the comicmaking panel by a nice Asian lady who, from what i've heard, has owned everyone.
    3.the arkham horror: "a magic/monopoly/risk/life hybrid" bawls from friends and acquaintances
    5.nerf warfare in the second ballroom
    6.the man who knew more about movies and anime than the entire internet, who ever so graciously accepted me into the concert line
    7.the ensuing concert, especially how everyone got into the Karaoke Revolution that started it off.
    8. Drunky, the large amiable man, and his tales of NPC's conversing with him during UT binges.
    9.dissolving bawls mints in bawls the beverage and getting the uberjolt, shaking with utter glee as the day becomes better
    10.everything ive thus far neglected to mention.

    Skroggtar on
  • OMGmyFACEOMGmyFACE Registered User regular
    edited January 2006
    10. Finding out what MC Frontalot looked like finally.
    9. Staying awake for 40 hours.
    8. Fixing things in my hotel room when the staff refused to.
    7. Rocking the hell out at the Saturday concert.
    6. Indirectly hooking people up by simply daring dudes to ask girls out.
    5. Being "Pfil The Shill" and macking it to people wearing MC Chris' sign... Then becoming his errand boy, which was also cool.
    4. Poker party with the NESkimos.
    3. Had lunchs and dinners with many random groups of 6+ people I didn't know, including Tycho's mom and a boatload of enforcers.
    2. Random hotel room/party hopping where I met a good friend of mine.
    1. Got Tycho's mom's autograph AND she convinced me to move to the Northwest (August 4th: NYC --> Beaverton, OR!). God, Jerry's mom is the sh1t.

    OMGmyFACE on

  • graizurgraizur __BANNED USERS regular
    edited January 2006
    I so much wanted to move to the NW. Instead I flew in and lived Bob Dylans "Shelter in the Storm".

    It was safe and warm. For two weeks.

    I still want to live ina beautiful place where the air always smells like mint and some times you don't have to pay for the train.

    graizur on
  • NotASenatorNotASenator Registered User regular
    edited January 2006
    In no particular order:

    -Riding to dinner with about 30 people in the rented H2.
    -Drinks and good food with the Frag Dolls + crew (twice)
    -Hugging Nads
    -Sleeping in the Atlanta airport next to a guy who told me he had just gotten out of prison and was violating parole to go see his family.
    -dinner with RVB guys.
    -Winning a PSP and Lumines for playing a Ghost Recon 2 SS, which I had never played before.
    -Meeting my old friend Nic from Turbine again and being asked to write for the Vault network again.
    -Hugging Nads
    -Helping the guys break down shop the day after PAX and telling Khoo how hot he is.
    -Fixing the sculpture with the help of tons of people
    -Presenting the sculpture to Mike and Jerry after their Q&A.


    (Yeah, I'm showing off too)

    NotASenator on
  • graizurgraizur __BANNED USERS regular
    edited January 2006
    10: Showing up a week early in Portland Or to help with the GTA bus.
    9. Seeing a friend who I hadn't seen in a year like no time had passed.
    8. Being accepted into a house across country for the simple fact that I am a
    gamer and I came to help.
    7. Driving up with the WCST
    6. Hanging out with Small Lady, she is always pure awesome, imho.
    5. Getting pictures taken with Robert Khoo
    4. Seeing Twilight Princess in action.
    3. Helping the GTA guys host a double room party at the double tree.
    2. Seeing a much more DIVERSE group of gamers this year then last.
    1. Not getting kicked out on the last day for tresspassing like I did in 2004.

    graizur on
  • OMGmyFACEOMGmyFACE Registered User regular
    edited January 2006
    -Winning a PSP and Lumines for playing a Ghost Recon 2 SS, which I had never played before.

    Did someone in a mohawk try to buy your PSP with random free tshirts by any chance? Because if so, I so have a movie of you.

    OMGmyFACE on

  • AzioAzio Registered User regular
    edited January 2006
    In no particular order:

    - Staying up all night chatting to my groupies the night before leaving.
    - Arriving at the border 5 hours later than expected on account of Sean and Kyle's houses being on the complete opposite fucking side of the Lower Mainland.
    - Recognizing other PAX-goers while waiting in line at the border, simply by looking at them, and then confirming this by doing a Horn Test. Woot.
    - Inciting a full-on armwrestling match between Gabe and Tycho at PA Q&A Panel II.
    - Casually chatting with real live game developers.
    - The BF2 tournament. Intense, close matches, and just being in the PC room and hearing "Boom headshot!" every couple minutes was awesome. Third place, would have been second if we'd been pitted against one of the other teams in the third round, rather than the only pro team in the whole goddamn building.
    - Playing Katamari Damacy.
    - Holding a PSP (seriously, PAX was the first time I'd ever laid hands upon one since launch).
    - Bawls and everything related.
    - Destroying my vocal chords at the second concert.
    - Waiting in line for five minutes to play Zelda for twenty and laughing at my cousin who waited in line for 90 to play it for five at E3.

    Azio on
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