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Google Map: Where Are You Coming From?

MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
edited March 2011 in PAX Archive
Link to Google Map Collaboration

This is a map to let people tag where they're coming from, and to give some details about when/how they're getting to PAX East. There was one for Prime, and it was really helpful for meeting up with other people from my area.

To use, please tag your general location (not your specific house, for obvious reasons) with an Airplane placemark if you're flying, Car placemark if you're driving, etc etc. Also, add your forum screen name or other details if you'd like, just so that other PAXers can collaborate with you on various nefarious PAXy plans :)

See you all at East!

Edit: The link works now. Sorry about that.

MelesMeles on


  • ottoman673ottoman673 Registered User regular
    edited October 2010
    stupid question:
    how do you tag placemarks?

    ottoman673 on
    PAX East 2012 Checklist: [x] 3 Day Pass [x] Time off Work [x] Flight [x] Hotel
  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited October 2010
    No worries, should have said it up top.

    On the left hand side should be a button marked "edit". Once you hit that, you can tag a placemark just by clicking on the map (and dragging it around). Then just click on the placemark to edit it, change the icon, etc.

    MelesMeles on
  • shadowhaxorshadowhaxor Registered User regular
    edited October 2010
    Thx! Added!

    shadowhaxor on
  • It's not a tumorIt's not a tumor Registered User regular
    edited October 2010
    I'd recommend using the bus terminal or airport you're flying out of as your location to make picking a location simple without being too specific.

    It's not a tumor on
  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited October 2010
    I'd recommend using the bus terminal or airport you're flying out of as your location to make picking a location simple without being too specific.

    But I like to pretend that I live in the middle of a park :(

    MelesMeles on
  • itzerokewlitzerokewl Registered User regular
    edited October 2010
    Location placed, Virginia looks pretty empty :(

    itzerokewl on
  • Exodus1Exodus1 MarylandRegistered User regular
    edited October 2010
    Added, wonder if there'll be any more from md =D

    Exodus1 on
  • LimondLimond Registered User regular
    edited October 2010
    Exodus1 There will be. Ill be coming from MD as well.

    Limond on
    One clip, one kill.

    I am a monster truck that walks like a man.
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited October 2010
    Added, Rochester NY area
    MelesMeles wrote: »
    I'd recommend using the bus terminal or airport you're flying out of as your location to make picking a location simple without being too specific.

    But I like to pretend that I live in the middle of a park :(

    I just used the "dot" for the city on the map

    zerzhul on
  • WingedillidanWingedillidan Registered User regular
    edited October 2010
    +1 & friends to Rochester.

    Wingedillidan on
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  • MagneticImageMagneticImage Registered User regular
    edited October 2010
    Updated. I have a really short drive...

    MagneticImage on
  • tvethiopiatvethiopia Salem MARegistered User regular
    edited October 2010
    may i suggest a change to this map's title? i've also been editing the pax east point of interest map, and they both have the exact same title. i'm afraid my computer will be confused and the train station near my house will become a point of interest. perhaps 'pax east 2011 travel map'? just a suggestion.

    tvethiopia on
    <3 Daintier. Smarter. Better dressed. <3
  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited October 2010
    After several hours of arcane rituals and unholy chanting, the name of the map has been changed from

    "PAX East 2011"


    "PAX East 2011 Travel"

    Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

    MelesMeles on
  • spiderz13spiderz13 Registered User regular
    edited October 2010
    I added mine! I seem all alone in my town :( but I was able to convince a buddy to come this time.

    spiderz13 on
  • PeasantDavePeasantDave Jersey ShoreRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Another heading out from New Jersey!

    PeasantDave on
  • DurinthalDurinthal Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Added another point at Chicago Midway for general connections, since Southwest likes to reroute every trip I take through there.

    Durinthal on
  • arsonisfunarsonisfun Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    My entry isn't exciting

    arsonisfun on
    I am IRCs resident nerdbro and member of the PokeCrawl planning committee.

    Red B/Gold Professor

    [15:53] <+juju-work> ArsonIsFun is one of the best people I know.
  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    arsonisfun wrote: »
    My entry isn't exciting

    Anything related to PAX is exciting :)

    MelesMeles on
  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Just noticed...very surprised that there's nobody tagged from Canada. Is this coincidence, or actually representative?

    Edit: Apologies, one chap from Toronto. But other than that...

    MelesMeles on
  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Fun! Added mine.

    ishtra on
    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • Squill2k4Squill2k4 Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    itzerokewl wrote: »
    Location placed, Virginia looks pretty empty :(

    I helped fill in Virginia alittle bit for ya!

    Squill2k4 on
  • itzerokewlitzerokewl Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Squill2k4 wrote: »
    itzerokewl wrote: »
    Location placed, Virginia looks pretty empty :(

    I helped fill in Virginia alittle bit for ya!

    Awesome Squill...I see you're driving, any reason why? The JetBlue Flight out of Richmond is crazy cheap...just a thought.

    itzerokewl on
  • Squill2k4Squill2k4 Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    itzerokewl wrote: »
    Awesome Squill...I see you're driving, any reason why? The JetBlue Flight out of Richmond is crazy cheap...just a thought.

    It's just cheaper to get the 4 of us out there by driving. Plus I also have the convenience of having my vehicle with me (more storage space, I can drop stuff off at my vehicle during PAX, I can leave my lunch in there so I don't have to carry it around with me all day, etc). Plus it makes for an a fun little road trip! I'm going to be taking the long scenic route to avoid the NYC traffic.

    I'm just going to dread the drive home, 12 hours of driving after going to PAX on Sunday is going to be rough.

    Squill2k4 on
  • cadmiacadmia Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    It's great to see more people from Virginia filling in! Perhaps we could do a Richmond / DC / Baltimore get together arranged.

    cadmia on
  • Squill2k4Squill2k4 Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    cadmia wrote: »
    It's great to see more people from Virginia filling in! Perhaps we could do a Richmond / DC / Baltimore get together arranged.

    I'd be down!

    Squill2k4 on
  • f0cusf0cus Registered User regular
    edited November 2010

    f0cus on
    XBox - Angry Cremepuff
    PSN - AngryCremepuff
  • SoyfuSoyfu Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Added! Holy cow, what a drive.

    Soyfu on
  • LoonyEclipseLoonyEclipse WWHRD? Montreal, QCRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    MelesMeles wrote: »
    Just noticed...very surprised that there's nobody tagged from Canada. Is this coincidence, or actually representative?

    Edit: Apologies, one chap from Toronto. But other than that...

    Meles, I flew to Seattle for Prime. Did you REALLY think I wasn't going to show up to the one that's 5 hours' drive from my hometown? And I'm bringing 3 friends with me.

    Thus you folks shall NEVER be Canuck-less! BWAHAHA!

    LoonyEclipse on
    My pin lanyard
    PSN: L00nyEclip
    Steam: Loony Eclipse
    Twitter: @Loonyeclipse

  • ShadowWolf9ShadowWolf9 Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    +1 for Upstate NY, can't wait!

    ShadowWolf9 on
  • XenigmaXenigma Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Added; flying from Charleston, SC unless some people are crazy enough to do 18+ hours of train.

    Xenigma on
    Pins? Pins!
    PAX East Attendee since 2011
  • punziepunzie Cookie Pimp Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    I added myself to the map earlier this week. I'm taking the bus from NH to Boston. I'm not sure I used the right icon, but it looked bus-like.

    punzie on
  • antheremantherem Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Fixed my tag, buses are not trains!
    +1 for Upstate NY, can't wait!

    "Upstate?" o_O

    antherem on
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited November 2010
    antherem wrote: »
    Fixed my tag, buses are not trains!
    +1 for Upstate NY, can't wait!

    "Upstate?" o_O

    Haha, I thought that same thing when I looked at his tag... that's not upstate mang :)

    zerzhul on
  • MidnyghtChildeMidnyghtChilde NYRegistered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Posted mine! I and my husband are coming from Albany NY, so go Upstate ;)

    We're driving in Thursday and staying at the Westin.

    MidnyghtChilde on
  • KittehKitteh Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Very helpful, thank you! :D

    Nice to see I'm not alone in Ohio.

    Kitteh on
    :: Twitter :: Steam ::
  • DurinthalDurinthal Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    There's actually a number of Ohioans taking the train (thread here), but it might be a bit far for you to join because all the stops are up on the lake.

    Durinthal on
  • DocanDocan Registered User regular
    edited November 2010


    Not sure who Lauren is on the map, but seems we live in same small town.

    Docan on
  • MelesMelesMelesMeles Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Durinthal wrote: »
    There's actually a number of Ohioans taking the train (thread here), but it might be a bit far for you to join because all the stops are up on the lake.

    Could one of the Cleveland Ohioans do me a huge favour at eat a big meal at Mike Symon's B-Spot? *sigh* I miss those burgers...and ohmahgawd the bourbon-laced bacon and apple pie milkshake...

    MelesMeles on
  • Lindsay LohanLindsay Lohan Registered User regular
    edited November 2010
    Just added myself as well. Really neat to see where people are coming from. Maine is still underrepresented though!

    Lindsay Lohan on
  • [H]olyGeekboy[H]olyGeekboy PAX dad and PC builder ClevelandRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited November 2010
    MelesMeles wrote: »
    Durinthal wrote: »
    There's actually a number of Ohioans taking the train (thread here), but it might be a bit far for you to join because all the stops are up on the lake.

    Could one of the Cleveland Ohioans do me a huge favour at eat a big meal at Mike Symon's B-Spot? *sigh* I miss those burgers...and ohmahgawd the bourbon-laced bacon and apple pie milkshake...

    Done recently. Love that place!

    [H]olyGeekboy on
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