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A little disappointed of 'media' standards

Harlequin ShadowlandsHarlequin Shadowlands Registered User regular
edited February 2011 in PAX Archive
Seems unless you are a commercial site getting a media pass is next to nil. From all the independent sites from blogs to news/community sites like mine that is sad they won't recognize you unless your in it for the money. Seems doing it for the love of the game is DOA sadly.

None the less I paid for my passes but I the narrow view of media/press has left a bitter taste in my mouth.

Admin of World of Darkness News
News, Community site for the WoD MMORPG
Harlequin Shadowlands on


  • It's not a tumorIt's not a tumor Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    The requirements don't exactly seem unreasonable. Otherwise anyone could whip up a site and claim to be a journalist in order to get a free pass.

    It's not a tumor on
  • Harlequin ShadowlandsHarlequin Shadowlands Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    The requirements don't exactly seem unreasonable. Otherwise anyone could whip up a site and claim to be a journalist in order to get a free pass.

    I am not asking there be NO qualifications. As you imply then it would be out of control. But if you have had a site up and running as a news or/and community site for say more then 12 months and have x amount of articles written by you or/and mentioned/linked by larger orgs like bluesnews for example then I think its safe to say you are not a fly by night site just for a free pass.

    My 2 coppers

    Harlequin Shadowlands on
    Admin of World of Darkness News
    News, Community site for the WoD MMORPG
  • It's not a tumorIt's not a tumor Registered User regular
    edited February 2011

    I am not asking there be NO qualifications. As you imply then it would be out of control. But if you have had a site up and running as a news or/and community site for say more then 12 months and have x amount of articles written by you or/and mentioned/linked by larger orgs like bluesnews for example then I think its safe to say you are not a fly by night site just for a free pass.

    My 2 coppers

    Did you even submit an application? Or did you just skim the criteria and assume you wouldn't be accepted?
    Step Two: Submit, along with a copy of your Government ID, three (3) of the following either by mail or fax:

    * Business License for Media Outlet
    * Letter on Company Letterhead from Editor
    * A photocopy of your business card
    * Photocopies or links of two (2) articles written by you in the past 6 months.

    "Commercial" organization doesn't really have anything to do with size after all.

    It's not a tumor on
  • WingedillidanWingedillidan Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    I've taken a look at your site.. it seems kinda bleak on content.. it also looks premade and lacks in the thing it's trying to be, news!

    I think media badges must have some sort of credit from some semi-moderate company or has a somewhater large, solid, active, and (somewhat) dedicated fanbase. And remember, it's Penny Arcade's convention, and it's Penny Arcade's decision... and they bring the final hammer on anything application-wise.

    Wingedillidan on
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  • HeleorHeleor SeattleRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Those requirements actually look pretty lax, in my opinion. Company letterhead and a business card are incredibly easy to make, and the article quality is the only real control.

    Heleor on
  • Harlequin ShadowlandsHarlequin Shadowlands Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    I am not a 'business' in the technical sense thus I wouldn't have a lic for it.

    Letterhead? Really..? This isn't the 80's. I do all my dealings for the site via email or skype as I think MOST folks who run news blogs and sites like mine do.

    Business cards pointless (again email and online contact means) but easy to do and articles I can do however.

    Yes I suppose I can make up and print my own letterhead but I think I would be defeating the principal of what they are looking for. They seem to want a IGN or G4 level place, a real commercial entity not a home run entity.

    Yes I can send a mock up letterhead and business card but again, I think I would be side stepping the rules.

    Harlequin Shadowlands on
    Admin of World of Darkness News
    News, Community site for the WoD MMORPG
  • WingedillidanWingedillidan Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    You didnt even submit the right materials? Well that's a major kick in the face to you, even if it seems rediculous to you, you still gotta submit the REQUIRED materials to be considered for anything.

    Wingedillidan on
    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  • It's not a tumorIt's not a tumor Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    I am not a 'business' in the technical sense thus I wouldn't have a lic for it.

    Letterhead? Really..? This isn't the 80's. I do all my dealings for the site via email or skype as I think MOST folks who run news blogs and sites like mine do.

    Business cards pointless (again email and online contact means) but easy to do and articles I can do however.

    Yes I suppose I can make up and print my own letterhead but I think I would be defeating the principal of what they are looking for. They seem to want a IGN or G4 level place, a real commercial entity not a home run entity.

    Yes I can send a mock up letterhead and business card but again, I think I would be side stepping the rules.

    So . . . instead of asking someone official whether or not you'd qualify or submitting an application you just assumed you wouldn't be accepted?

    It's not a tumor on
  • Harlequin ShadowlandsHarlequin Shadowlands Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    You didnt even submit the right materials? Well that's a major kick in the face to you, even if it seems rediculous to you, you still gotta submit the REQUIRED materials to be considered for anything.

    You can't submit something you don't have is my point.

    And making up a mock one just does not seem to be in the spirit of the policy. I rather not try to be 'sneaky'.

    Harlequin Shadowlands on
    Admin of World of Darkness News
    News, Community site for the WoD MMORPG
  • Harlequin ShadowlandsHarlequin Shadowlands Registered User regular
    edited February 2011

    So . . . instead of asking someone official whether or not you'd qualify or submitting an application you just assumed you wouldn't be accepted?

    I suppose I could ask yes, but the policy is pretty clear. You need 3 out of 4 of these. I got, at best, 2. Why would they side step their own policy? Granted yes it never hurts to ask however seemed futile considering the policy is pretty clear. The biggest concern however is I didn't want to go though a week or two of red tape, emails, wait and see, etc just to find out I don't qualify and then have all the tkts sold out. Then I am double screwed.

    I suppose my point isn't to rectify my issue at this event as I just cut right to the chase and bought tkts. So even if they gave me a pass now its a bit moot as I said above. What I am trying to do is hopefully they see this and re-think the policy and take into considering non-commercial news entities going forward.

    Harlequin Shadowlands on
    Admin of World of Darkness News
    News, Community site for the WoD MMORPG
  • It's not a tumorIt's not a tumor Registered User regular
    edited February 2011

    I suppose I could ask yes, but the policy is pretty clear. You need 3 out of 4 of these. I got, at best, 2. Why would they side step their own policy? Granted yes it never hurts to ask however seemed futile considering the policy is pretty clear. The biggest concern however is I didn't want to go though a week or two of red tape, emails, wait and see, etc just to find out I don't qualify and then have all the tkts sold out. Then I am double screwed.

    I suppose my point isn't to rectify my issue at this event as I just cut right to the chase and bought tkts. So even if they gave me a pass now its a bit moot as I said above. What I am trying to do is hopefully they see this and re-think the policy and take into considering non-commercial news entities going forward.

    Then I'm not really seeing the problems with their policy. They have certain standards and you simply didn't meet them, and frankly the standards on the site aren't exactly what I would consider strict.

    It's not a tumor on
  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Speaking as someone who has attended PAX as media since 2008 I'm puzzled by this thread. The requirements for media access are quite simple and understandable. If you are a legitimate outlet you must be a limited company. You must also be a 'going concern', hence the need for a letter head and a business card with the company logo on it. All of this is not 'retroactive' as the OP poster implies, but means by which the above requirements are satisfied.

    As for not having a business card, how do you share your contact details with people you meet at PAX booths? Share them from your smart phone? That really doesn't work so well...

    In essence, if you're not a legitimate business then you're not a media outlet, sorry.

    kropotkin on

  • chupamiubrechupamiubre Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Guys anyone who is even half heartedly professorial has business cards, meet some on you want to email what are they going to do write it down on a piece of paper? Yeah file 13 buddy.

    Secondly it's two articles written in the last 6 months come on really is that hard? Is it that hard to write a review or an editorial on current news in gaming? If so qq more and move on.

    Do i need to google for you how to create a letter head? How about how to write a letter as an editor?

    PAX is not for the media lets be very clear on this. You are not special for getting media in fact it's the opposite you get nothing extra aside from 1hr extra and 1 meet and greet. Other than that go wait in a line like everyone else.

    So if writing a letter getting a business card and writing 2 articles in 6 months is too hard and so above you then give up and go home.

    chupamiubre on
    <ZeroHourHero> I have a tiny penis
    <Qs23> I just need to get my dicks in a row
    <prox> i work for dicks
    #paforums_pax, all about the dicks.
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited February 2011
    I think the funniest part of the whole thing is how the website linked in his sig only has posts dating back to January 2011 and the first one is a complete re-post of a article.

    zerzhul on
  • RainbowTunnelRainbowTunnel Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Even if you can't get a media pass this year, it doesn't bar you from getting one next year! Maybe this is an indication to nurture your site and let it grow with quality content and fanbase. I'm not trying to suggest your articles aren't good quality already (I haven't read any), but there's always room to improve!

    Also, if you have any qualms with the standards for getting a media pass, you might want to take it up with someone who has a say in such things. That is, instead of pinning up a thread in the community forums, where really all we can do for you is give you unofficial advice.

    RainbowTunnel on
  • Atlus ParkerAtlus Parker Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    u mad bro

    Atlus Parker on
  • OnmitsuOnmitsu I'm just a birdie Ca-caw, ca-caw!Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Also, if you have any qualms with the standards for getting a media pass, you might want to take it up with someone who has a say in such things. That is, instead of pinning up a thread in the community forums, where really all we can do for you is give you unofficial advice.

    Or make fun of you, which seems much more likely. Honestly, last year at PAX East, I saw a lot of homegrown media and video game sites that really seemed smaller and independent. It was cool too, it's great to see the passion at that home-grown level. Try being there before you judge.

    Onmitsu on
    Man, even Dora the Explorer thinks you're slow.
  • DanUNGDanUNG Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    You should still be more than able to do all your coverage as an attendee.

    DanUNG on
  • RainbowTunnelRainbowTunnel Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    DanUNG wrote: »
    You should still be more than able to do all your coverage as an attendee.

    True fact.

    RainbowTunnel on
  • luceklucek Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Dude I heard of people who are vloggers with their own site that got media passes. A minute amount of effort is required to become a legit media organization in the eyes of PAX. Shape up, don't be so disparaging on your own credentials, and actually apply and you'll more than likely get your press pass for the next one.

    lucek on
  • VisionOfClarityVisionOfClarity Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    Considering even the smallest nonprofit has what is required for a media pass anyone who doesn't meet the requirements is just being lazy. Especially since requirements 2, 3 and 4 would take not time and very little money to create and a real media outlet would have these any way.

    VisionOfClarity on
  • luceklucek Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    There was a story I once heard. A man went to a bar and the bouncer asked him for the $20 cover charge. The man asked, "What's in there that's worth $20?" The bouncer replied, "Nothing, but everyone in there had $20".

    lucek on
  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    edited February 2011
    I am not a 'business' in the technical sense thus I wouldn't have a lic for it.

    Letterhead? Really..? This isn't the 80's. I do all my dealings for the site via email or skype as I think MOST folks who run news blogs and sites like mine do.

    Business cards pointless (again email and online contact means) but easy to do and articles I can do however.

    Yes I suppose I can make up and print my own letterhead but I think I would be defeating the principal of what they are looking for. They seem to want a IGN or G4 level place, a real commercial entity not a home run entity.

    Yes I can send a mock up letterhead and business card but again, I think I would be side stepping the rules.

    The reasoning you are demonstrating for not having a basic business identity for your game blog is evidence enough against you that you shouldn't be treated as a legitimate 'media outlet'. Even a 1-person company that sells bracelets made out of paperclips over eBay has at least a few business cards made-up and a letterhead they use for contacting other businesses and clients.

    Saying that you don't need these extremely basic elements to be considered a business strikes me as somebody who really isn't interested in being considered a real business, which is why they have these very simple requirements to get a media pass. They're not exactly looking for a union card.

    What exactly were you planning to do when the companies you wanted to interview asked you for your business card for their contacts and you didn't have one? PAX East isn't held on the internet, it's held in real-life where physical copies of your business identity are customary.

    TankHammer on
  • Harlequin ShadowlandsHarlequin Shadowlands Registered User regular
    edited February 2011
    zerzhul wrote: »
    I think the funniest part of the whole thing is how the website linked in his sig only has posts dating back to January 2011 and the first one is a complete re-post of a article.

    For the love of the gods.. if you asked rather then jump to conclusions.. the sites been around for nearly 2 years. google (the original addy) to see posts & articles about the site on bluesnews and others as far back as dec 2008 when I first went online, and not the more recent addy which I have been using for the past year or so.

    The site was moved to a new provider a month ago, long story short for various technical and practical reasons I rebooted it and didn't migrate the data over from the old host. A quick whois would have showed you when the domains were registered. Personally from a admin standpoint it was the right decision. However the population of data is a bit low due to that but nothing that won't be rectified by the spring.

    That said, some of us run a news, community, blog, fan site, etc on our spare time. Does not mean we are any less dedicated or put enough hours in to quality as a part time or full time job. But my site is ad free as I do not believe in peppering my visitors with ads just so I can make a quick buck.

    Just like when I ran for 3.5 years, was ad free but I got several offers. For the record that site had on average 9 million page views and 20K unique ip hits a month. I am not some fly by night operation as some of you imply.

    Yes I have business cards not specifically directed to the site but my IT job.. you know the job the pays for this hobby so I can keep the site ad free. When I need to I hand that out as the contact info is the same. And I have NEVER had a reason to get letter head. Again you folks must think if you run a site I am leasing 10K sqr ft and have 50 employees. Not so much. Me and a few volunteer staff members and I pay the hosting out of my own pocket. Because we are small scale does not mean we are not popular, known or have nil traffic as I showed with the example of my previous site. And wodnews is growing at a excellent rate and have lines of communication with White Wolf/CCP. If I am on their radar I don't see a issue why I shouldn't be considered legit. Just like I was on the radar and got many exclusives from obsidian when I ran nwn2news

    None the less, either you agree or not. With that said I bow out as clearly some of you have all the answers without knowing the facts. Good day.

    Harlequin Shadowlands on
    Admin of World of Darkness News
    News, Community site for the WoD MMORPG
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited February 2011
    Don't blame everybody for not doing technical internet detective work to find out the history of your site and its movements.

    The fact is most of them are right. If you don't have a business license, the other three are fairly easy to put together. It's not considered sneaking behind the system to do so, either and in fact you should, at the very least, already have business cards.

    Regardless of the matter, this is the wrong place to ask for advice on this matter, and from your posts, I'm getting the impression you weren't looking for advice. You were looking for a public place to complain and maybe find people who would see things your way.

    So, with that, I'm locking this thread now.

    Good day.

    Moe Fwacky on

This discussion has been closed.