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Hotel Room Share Thread



  • iqubaliqubal Registered User regular
    1 room for Friday Night.
    Date Arriving: Friday August 26
    Date Leaving : Saturday August 27
    Spots Needed: 1
    My gender: 34 year old Male
    Your Gender: Doesn't matter
    Best Method of Contact: PM

    So as it turns out, my buddies bailed on me so I'm going to pax for 2 days (1 night). I'm really laid back and just need a place to crash friday night really close to the convention as I'm busing it there and back from Vancouver, BC. I have great hygiene and manners and expect the same. All I really need is a pillow and I can sleep anywhere lol.

    Can paypal you etc . If you can spare some room for 1 night, please let me know and thanks!

  • WarOfLibertyWarOfLiberty Registered User new member

    I am driving so all I really need is a place to stay for me and my brother.
    We initially had something lined up but it's fallen through and now we need
    another place to stay. We can both pay our way, but we'd rather not have to find a hotel in Renton and have to drive there every morning.

    We are staying all 3 days.
    We will need a night for the 26th, 27th, and POSSIBLY the 28th (depending on if my brother leaves that day or not).
    Please email me at
    Any replies are much appreciated.

  • kingmobkingmob Registered User regular
    edited August 2011

    Date Arriving: 25th Thursday
    Date Leaving: 27th Saturday (need a room for Thurs night and Fri night)
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: Email or phone. Email me if you'd like my phone number. majestykingmob at

    Additional Notes:
    I'm 19, moved to Bellevue a couple months ago and haven't explored much. I've lived in Montana, Colorado and Thailand. Pretty nerdy but most don't expect it from me.
    I'm not 21 obviously but don't mind a party group. Looking to potentially hang out while at PAX or before/after PAX since i'm going solo.
    Photo of me at a park after a gameworks session: (fake mustache, and yes, that is a kazoo)

    I play HoN, LoL, soon DotA2. I spent the majority of my childhood on Diablo 1+2 LOD and various n64/SNES games. I play FPS like CS 1.6, CS:S, and of course the COD games along with BFBC2 + Vietnam. Explored WoW pre-cataclysm, Rift beta. Halo 1,2,3. I almost forgot Starcraft 2!
    I'm sure there is a ton more but I think that covers the basics of my geeklist.
    I guess I can throw in that I'm an aspiring photo editor and it is my current job/career.

    No worries about $$.


    kingmob on
  • ThreeveThreeve Registered User regular
    edited August 2011

    Hotel: Sheraton Seattle
    Total Cost: $600 Split 3 ways $200 each or 4 ways $150
    Date Arriving: Thursday
    Date Leaving: Sunday
    Number of Spots Available:1-2
    My Gender Male
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: E-mail me NurdyC AT

    Additional Notes/Requests: I'm 31, an all around Nerd. I'm respectful of others and looking for the same. This is my 5th PAX. I love the panels and boardgames. I'm waiting for a friend of mine to confirm whether or not he is staying with me. I requested 2 beds, we can work something out for who takes the floor, or just trade off.

    Threeve on
  • GundlyGundly Registered User new member

    Hotel: Hyatt Regency Bellevue
    Total Cost: $368.60, splitting it evenly
    Date Arriving: 8/26
    Date Leaving: 8/28
    Number of Spots Available: We have 1 room with 2 double beds. And a nice floor.
    My Gender 2 Males (18, and 19)
    Your Gender: Don't care.
    Best Contact Method: Email -

    Additional Notes/Requests: We will have a car, so transportation wont be a problem. We are polite and friendly, easy to get along with. Email me for more info if you are interested.

  • Squiggles075Squiggles075 Registered User new member

    Date Arriving: 25th Thursday
    Date Leaving: 29th Monday
    Spots Needed: 2
    My Gender: Both Male
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: phone: 360-618-2138 (generally text messages)

    Additional Notes: we are both fairly broke, so we arnt looking to spend more then 150$ total for the weekend.
    we are more then OK with Floor space though, we are bringing sleeping bags expecting it.

  • Chibi-samaChibi-sama Registered User new member
    edited August 2011

    Date Arriving: Friday, 8/26
    Date Leaving: Sunday, 8/28
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Female (27)
    Your Gender: Don't care, as long as you (and your roommates) aren't creepy stalker types
    Best Contact Method:

    Additional Notes: I live south of Seattle, but don't wanna take the hour-long bus ride home at 2 in the morning after the concerts. I can sleep just about anywhere (bed, floor, couch, chair, closet).

    Room x1 obtained! ^^

    Chibi-sama on
  • SkyboxWriterSkyboxWriter Registered User new member
    edited August 2011
    EDIT: thanks for the offers, gang!

    SkyboxWriter on
  • FreddyDFreddyD Registered User regular
    edited August 2011

    Hotel: Fairmont Olympic Luxury Hotel
    Total Cost: $100
    Date Arriving: Friday, August 26th
    Date Leaving: Sunday, August 28th
    Number of Spots Available: 3/3
    My Gender: Male
    Best Contact Method: PM, or email (

    Additional Notes/Requests: There should be a couch and I put in a request for twin beds, but that's always a gamble. Floor sleepers get a discount. I'll eat the cost if the slots don't fill up.

    FreddyD on
  • CurtDoggCurtDogg Registered User regular
    edited August 2011

    Date Arriving: Thursday, 8/25
    Date Leaving: Monday, 8/29
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: By level of importance, by cell/text (510)304-5697, Twitter (@CurtisBonds), or e-mail (

    I have about $100-$125 spare to spend towards a hotel. Please contact me ASAP.

    CurtDogg on
  • toitletoitle Registered User regular
    So, let's try this again...


    Hotel: Sheraton
    Total Cost: 169 total per night, so 84.50 per person if 1 person (plus splitting cost of rollaway if we can get one, so really 194 and 97), i'm not sure if this includes tax, i can look up the entire number if you email me, but it's really early in the morning right now and i'm tired
    Date Arriving: thursday 8/25
    Date Leaving: monday 8/29
    Number of Spots Available: 1-2
    My Gender: female
    Your Gender: doesn't matter
    Best Contact Method: email -

    Additional Notes/Requests: so here's my crazy story: i planned this trip in may. i wasn't going to go to PAX because i am broke and my then-boyfriend didn't have a job and wanted me to pay for him. he then said he could pay his half, so i booked everything. he backed out a few weeks ago, leaving me in the lurch. i put up this note trying to find someone, found someone, and his girlfriend is now in the hospital, so he can't come to PAX. i would love to still share a room with someone(s) if anyone is still looking at this point. the hotel said they can't guarantee a rollaway but there's a giant bed in the room and i don't mind sleeping with a stranger as long as we put a giant Strait of Pillows between us. you can also always sleep on the floor - i am 32 and as much as i used to be able to crash on a floor and be bright and peppy the next day, i don't think i can do that anymore. i am a journalist, so i'll be running around a lot and probably using the wireless in the lobby, but i wouldn't mind sharing a room with someone who wants to eat meals together and/or go to stuff together, as i am a fairly social person. i am not a serial killer, i'm pretty clean (though i may just dump my stuff off in between appointments), i won't steal your stuff, and i don't snore. i am fairly quirky, may or may not sleep much, can't have caffeine and will probably try to smell your coffee if you make some (that is not a euphemism), and i love video games. oh, and my name is nicole.

  • Cultural Geek GirlCultural Geek Girl Registered User regular
    edited August 2011

    Hotel: Sheraton
    Total cost: Negotiable! (Room total is $220/night, will split evenly depending on guests, but if you're poor let me know and we might be able to make a deal)
    Check in: Aug 24
    Check out: Aug 26
    Spots available: 2 (or more, depending on how friendly/floor friendly you are)
    Room type: 2 Double beds
    Best contact method: PM here, or email culturalgeekgirl at

    Well, I'm dumb. A few months ago, I booked two nights stay for myself and a friend because we were arriving in town before the rest of our party. I ended up making different hotel arrangements, and I forgot to cancel the room. Apparently the deadline to cancel was a few days ago. Sigh. So if anyone else is getting in earlier and needs a room for the first couple nights, let me know. If you only need one of these nights, let me know. Basically I know this is last minute, so I'm going to be flexible.

    There are two double beds and right now just me in the room. I've done this share thing tons of times before with no ill effects. Don't smoke, have buttons and cookies, etc.

    Right now I have one other person staying Wednesday only. I'm going to be in transit from about 3pm to midnight tonight, so if I may not respond right away. Don't assume that means I'm full up, I'll update here if the space fills.

    Cultural Geek Girl on
    Buttoneer, Brigadeer, and Keeper of the Book of Wil Wheaton.
    Triwizard Drinking Tournament - '09 !Hufflepuff unofficial conscript, '10 !Gryffindor
    Nerd blog at
  • kaliyamakaliyama Left to find less-moderated fora Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    SPACE STILL AVAILABLE. Hi. I still need to put someone in my room at the W. I have space from Thursday-Saturday night. $90/night.

    kaliyama on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    Please use the format everybody else is using for the ease of readability, thanks.


  • aliceandstuffaliceandstuff Registered User regular
    This is last minute but here we go.

    Hotel: Hilton Seattle
    Total Cost: $800, though I am open to offers
    Date Arriving: 8/25
    Date Leaving: 8/29
    Number of Spots Available: 1 room with single bed, open to sharing or floor
    My Gender: Female (though I am transgender, if that weirds you out)
    Your Gender: Prefer female or cool guys
    Best Contact Method: Email - or Twitter @aliceandstuff

  • beetardedbeetarded Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    No more space

    beetarded on
  • kawaiiryukokawaiiryuko New York, NYRegistered User regular
    edited August 2011

    Date Arriving: Friday, 8/26
    Date Leaving: Sunday, 8/28
    Spots Needed: 3 (all guys)
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: 646-657-9426 (cell),, @kawaiiryuko (twitter)

    Additional Notes: We are driving over from Portland on Friday and will be leaving Sunday night. Happy to entertain any offers and am more than willing to make any reasonable arrangements. We're very nice and flexible people!

    kawaiiryuko on
  • brando1125brando1125 Registered User new member
    edited August 2011
    Found a spot. Thanks

    brando1125 on
  • arkanenoaharkanenoah Registered User new member
    Need a Hotel:

    Date Arriving: Thursday 25 or Friday Aug 26
    Date Leaving: Sunday 28 or Monday 29
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Its All good
    Best Contact Method: Email

    I am thinking about a room share. I am either driving from Vancouver,BC on Thursday or Friday (I would consider a ride share as well) or taking the train and was going to head back on Sunday or Monday. I am a 32 year old male who loves gaming and especially the whole industry. I'm not a serial killer yet although I sometimes fantasize about starting this exciting hobby by starting with some of my coworkers. People who laugh at anything think I'm funny and this whole room share thing is pretty new to me but since none of my friends are into gaming i guess its time to find some new friends. I'm very easy to get along with and can scream very loudly if you do turn out to be a serial killer. Please email me if any of you all has room in a hotel, i would be willing to sleep on floor.


  • PinkRangerPinkRanger Registered User regular
    edited August 2011

    Hotel: Homewood Suites
    Total Cost: $200? depends on how many nights you stay I guess.
    Date Arriving: Wednesday, August 24th
    Date Leaving: Monday, August 29th
    Number of Spots Available: A couple floor spots
    My Gender: Female
    Best Contact Method: Cell (805) 835 6977

    Notes: The reason why I am posting this here is because I get in tomorrow, and I think I still have space in my room. I am not sure, and won't know until I get in. If you are reading this, and you need an emergency room call my cell or text me.

    This is mainly for people who need a room right away. Just text. I have floor space if you are interested. please let me know.

    ***** I still have floor space and would love for anyone who needs a room tonight or tomorrow night to stay. Please don't hesitate to text me.*****

    PinkRanger on
    Cosplayer and a gamer.

    Find me on twitter- @pink_4ssass1n
    and twitch-
  • hugemarginoferrhugemarginoferr Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    All good, thanks for playing!

    hugemarginoferr on
  • magemage Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Found a gooder, thanks!!!!

    mage on
  • fiyinfiyin Registered User new member
    edited August 2011

    Hotel: Paramount
    Total Cost: $414 ($207 each)
    Date Arriving: Friday, August 25th (~1130a)
    Date Leaving: Sunday, August 28th
    Number of Spots Available: 1 bed
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Don't care
    Best Contact Method: Twitter (@fiyin) or PM

    Additional Notes: Looking for non-smokers. My friends are in another hotel, so I'll probably just be in the room to drop off swag and sleep. You're welcome to hang out with us if you don't know anyone else at PAX!

    Edit: Sudden change of plans at work, so I'll be checking out VERY early Sun morning. Realistically the 2nd bed will be only available Fri night and Sat during the day.

    fiyin on
  • SuspiSuspi Registered User regular
    edited August 2011

    Apartment: AMLI 535 (535 Pontius Ave N)
    Total Cost: Free (or snacks or whatever you think is fair)
    Date Arriving: Anytime
    Date Leaving: Anytime
    Number of Spots Available: 4-6
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: email to

    Additional Notes/Requests:
    Just putting this up incase anybody direly needs some last second space. My apartment is a mile north of the con center/2 bus stops away. Open to cool non-sketchy people to crash overnight.

    Fellow cosplayers, photographers, LoL/TF2/WoW gamers get extra brownie points.

    Suspi on
  • SamyelSamyel Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    And poof, it's gone.

    Samyel on
    "It is inhumane, in my opinion, to force people who have a genuine medical need for coffee to wait in line behind people who apparently view it as some kind of recreational activity."
  • Settler42Settler42 Registered User new member
    edited August 2011

    Hotel:EXECUTIVE PACIFIC PLAZA , 400 Spring Street, Seattle, WA 98104
    Total Cost for Room: $171.66 / night
    Date Arriving: Friday, August 26, 4pm check in
    Date Leaving: Sunday August 28th, 11am check out
    Number of Spots Available:1-2
    My Gender: Male, 26 yo
    Your Gender: doesn't matter
    Best Contact Method:

    Additional Notes/Requests:

    driving down from Vancouver, looking for one or two people to split my "SINGLE QUEEN BEDDED NON-SMOKING ROOM" at the executive pacific plaza.

    $50 a night for floor space. gimme a shout if you need space!


    Settler42 on
  • kingmobkingmob Registered User regular
    Need space!
    Just for Thursday, Aug 25.
    I'm male, 19 years old. (and clean!)

    Looking for a close hotel/place to the convention.

  • mattereaterladmattereaterlad Registered User regular

    Date Arriving: Late night Thursday 25th (11PM-Midnight)
    Date Leaving: Evening Sunday 28th (probably packing up before the con, then leaving from there)
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: Any
    Best Contact Method: Email ( or text message (503-307-7453).

    Additional Notes: My previous plans changed -- and I became unemployed :( -- so what I'm ideally looking for is a place to crash for free/cheap. If this is you, I'll love you forever! In fact, I'll probably have to find something sweet at the con for you just to say thanks.

    I have my car I'll be driving up, so if you're a little outside of town, that's okay (plus we could carpool!). Into nerdy boardgames? I'm bringing a couple; if you've wanted to play Conquest of Nerath, for example, I'm planning on bringing that up. Like playing MTG? I'll probably be bringing my Commander deck, at least.

    Oh, Enforcer references also available upon request! Just so you can be sure I'm not a creeper or nuthin', if you're worried. ;)

  • BaumbuschBaumbusch Registered User new member
    edited August 2011
    Edit: Extra nice people have helped me out. All is well. Good luck to everyone else!

    Baumbusch on
  • remixdeusremixdeus Registered User new member
    edited August 2011
    Edit: I got space. Thanks for the offers!

    remixdeus on
  • chrisauelchrisauel Registered User new member

    Date Arriving: 8/26
    Date Leaving: 8/29
    Spots Needed: 1
    My Gender: Male
    Your Gender: No preference
    Best Contact Method:

    Additional Notes:
    My roommate canceled on me last minute. I can pay $250.

  • OmegaDMZOmegaDMZ Registered User regular
    Suspi I sent you an email.

  • strider_hiryustrider_hiryu Registered User new member
    edited August 2011

    Date Arriving 8/25
    Date Leaving 8/29(early AM)
    Best Contact Method: Text 636.675.2602

    I can probably host 1 or 2 people. I only have one bed in this room, so I'll have to request a cot or something for the other person.

    Cost: $200

    strider_hiryu on
  • DragonDragon Registered User regular
    If anyone is still looking for a room, girls only please, LET ME KNOW! I have space for you!!! Text me 775-342-5639

  • Cultural Geek GirlCultural Geek Girl Registered User regular
    If there's anyone around who may be staying 'til Tuesday, and who might have a spot to crash, please let me know. For now, my flight to JFK on Monday isn't canceled yet, but I'm concerned and trying to plan ahead.

    Buttoneer, Brigadeer, and Keeper of the Book of Wil Wheaton.
    Triwizard Drinking Tournament - '09 !Hufflepuff unofficial conscript, '10 !Gryffindor
    Nerd blog at
  • AvenroshAvenrosh Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    EDIT: Was able to sort this out.

    Avenrosh on
  • happytravelhappytravel Registered User new member
    edited October 2011

    happytravel on
This discussion has been closed.