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Forged PAX Badges

FireshardFireshard Registered User regular
edited August 2011 in PAX Archive
Hey, so i was wondering what PAX is doing if someone is found to have a forged PAX badge. I know some people who forged passes last year, and despite me telling them they were stupid to do so, they decided to forge passes again this year. This really irritates me, because I paid my money for my passes, and it doesn't really strike me as fair if people with forged passes kinda get a get out of jail free card.


Fireshard on


  • akTheraakThera akjak Registered User regular
    I suggest they be brought before Wil Wheaton himself, in front of everyone, for breaking the Law.

    Serious dick move.

    Switch: SW-4133-1546-2720 (Thera)
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  • WillethWilleth Registered User regular
    If you want to report them to an Enforcer they'll be able to deal with them and ban them from the con. Whether you want to do that subtly or overtly is up to you.

    @vgreminders - Don't miss out on timed events in gaming!
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  • FireshardFireshard Registered User regular
    Yeah, but how do I go about doing that? "Hey, see that nerdy lookin guy over there? yeah he has a forged pax badge" suddenly 86% of the con is banned....

  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited August 2011
    Well they're not just going to take your word for it, they're going to actually go over and check his badge. If he runs or refuses, that will also be a dead giveaway. Report anybody you know who has a forged badge and they will be ejected.

    Also, if your friends get caught, they may be facing more than just ejection from the convention center.

    Moe Fwacky on

  • FireshardFireshard Registered User regular
    sweet, now i just have to find them at the con, get them to stand around while i find an enforcer...... go go gadget distracting line or something!

  • FireshardFireshard Registered User regular
    also, thanks a bunch for the info

  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    You could also just provide their pictures to the enforcers and they will put security on the watch for them.


  • FireWaterFireWater Registered User regular
    I hope that any forgers are caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

  • tsrblketsrblke Registered User regular
    FireWater wrote:
    I hope that any forgers are caught and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

    Which in most states is pretty harsh actually. If PAX is considered an "Event" (like an MLB game or concert) states tend to take pretty hard lines against those. (IANAL)

  • LigerLiger Registered User regular
    If you have their photos, or descriptions of what they look like (especially if they'll be cosplaying), PM them to Tango. Also me. I'll be seeing a LOT of attendees this year and I can keep my eyes peeled.

    Out of curiosity, how did they forge their passes? How convincing are they?

    5932306549_6b4d957b56.jpg CUSTOM LANYARDS FOR PAX
  • FireshardFireshard Registered User regular
    They actually didn't show them to me, I think because they know I'd prolly grab em and destroy em, but apparently they were convinceing enough last year to get one of the people into the League of Legends tournement.

  • EmptyAyEmptyAy Registered User regular

    If it's anything like MY forged badges, nobody will ever figure it out.

    But seriously, I remember reporting some guys last year who were throwing glowsticks from the back of Benaroya into the front seats, and Enforcers swept in and took care of it. Those guys are amazing, so I'd just give them a heads up and I'm sure they'll handle it.

  • pillarofdawnpillarofdawn Registered User regular
    EmptyAy wrote:

    If it's anything like MY forged badges, nobody will ever figure it out.

    But seriously, I remember reporting some guys last year who were throwing glowsticks from the back of Benaroya into the front seats, and Enforcers swept in and took care of it. Those guys are amazing, so I'd just give them a heads up and I'm sure they'll handle it.

    This made me lol pretty hard!

    but is this really an issue that you have ran into in the past? I've never heard of anyone having a counterfeit pass. It would be funny to see someone try and counterfeit a BYOC pass and try to get in lol.

    I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite thread on the forums.
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    I'd like to see someone try to counterfeit ANYTHING and get it past Big Red.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • LigerLiger Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    A few people were caught with counterfeit badges last year. It happens, and PA/[E] do their best to prevent that kind of silly gooseness.

    @Fireshard, thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. Fake passes directly violate Wheaton's Law as well as rules 2 and 4 of PAX and ya know, laws 'n stuff. When someone discovers a fake pass, they alert security. Security takes the fake pass and escorts the culprit from the building.

    If anyone sees a fake pass at the convention, I urge you to please go to the nearest Enforcer and let him/her know.

    Liger on
    5932306549_6b4d957b56.jpg CUSTOM LANYARDS FOR PAX
  • FatherFletchFatherFletch Registered User regular
    Liger wrote:
    A few people were caught with counterfeit badges last year. It happens, and PA/[E] do their best to prevent that kind of silly gooseness.

    @Fireshard, thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. Fake passes directly violate Wheaton's Law as well as rules 2 and 4 of PAX and ya know, laws 'n stuff. When someone discovers a fake pass, they alert security. Security takes the fake pass and escorts the culprit from the building.

    If anyone sees a fake pass at the convention, I urge you to please go to the nearest Enforcer and let him/her know.

    +1 And to report someone just get a good description, take a picture if you can (be subtle, there are lots of legit reasons to take a picture), their current location, or where they were headed if you can overhear or figure out, then let the nearest Enforcer know, give them the details and we are happy to take it from there. You can also let convention security know, they are good, but often tied to one location in ways Enforcers aren't.

    Tabletop Manager
    Rolling Old School Dice since '04
  • mentok1982mentok1982 I could never leave you PAX baby. BaltimoreRegistered User regular
    Next year's badges should be like the key cards in Doom. You have to swipe them at the door to get in and they come in a variety of different colors.

    Penny Arcade TV makes my life complete!
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  • CaldvanCaldvan Registered User regular
    To echo Liger:

    Just flag your nearest Enforcer and we will handle it from there. Forged passes happen, but we do our best to catch them when alerted.

    On a similar note (that note being dicks at PAX), don't leave your badge unattended; it may be stolen. Also, try not to wear it on your hip; it's easier for it to be lost or stolen.

  • TeletheusTeletheus Registered User regular
    +1 And to report someone just get a good description, take a picture if you can (be subtle, there are lots of legit reasons to take a picture), their current location, or where they were headed if you can overhear or figure out, then let the nearest Enforcer know, give them the details and we are happy to take it from there.

    Also, if you have a camera on your phone, it's a relatively simple thing to pretend to text or check e-mail on your phone as your cover for taking the picture. (Just be sure to show some frustration at the way the cell towers are being slammed with signals and you'll be golden. :) )

    PSN/XBL/Steam/Twitter: Teletheus
  • groovegroove Enforcer SeattleRegistered User regular
    Just remember to be civil and polite when dealing with anyone with a potentially forged pass. Some of these might have bought them not knowing. To echo what others have said, let an enforcer know, and let us handle it. Last thing you need is to get yourself involved in a situation you don't want to be in.

  • LigerLiger Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    And remember: Don't Be A Dick. The bearer of the fake pass may in fact be innocent - someone who unknowingly bought a forgery from another shady person. Unlikely as that may be, it's better to treat everyone respectfully. PAX is not for making enemies.

    Edit: Damn you Groove.

    Liger on
    5932306549_6b4d957b56.jpg CUSTOM LANYARDS FOR PAX
  • TangoTango Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Not much further to add on what to do about forged badges. Tl;dr - report it.

    On the subject of badge theft, which unfortunately does sometimes happen: please, please, please secure your passes. Wearing them clipped onto a belt loop on your waist or etc. just makes it easier for someone to yank them, if they're of a mind. Be extra careful to secure your badge when in crowded areas, such as Expo, the theaters or, to be honest, much of PAX!

    Also, it's not a bad idea to avoid having your badge(s) on display when in public areas (Sheraton lobby, entrance of the WSCC, and so on), if you can. Be sure to have it on display before you try to enter any of the areas of PAX, though!

    Tango on
  • DreamwriterDreamwriter Registered User regular
    It's rather risky to forge PAX passes - as I understand it, legally that's considered counterfeiting, which is a federal offense.

  • OptimusbryOptimusbry Event Designer Long Beach CARegistered User regular
    May I just suggest zip tying your badge to your lanyard. I've had mine pop right off my lanyard clip before. Keeps you from losing it or someone nabbing it while you're in line

    Nintendo ID: Optimusbry :: Xbox Live: Optimus Bry :: PSN: Optimusbry :: Steam ID: Optimus Bry
  • MattauiMattaui Dallas, TXRegistered User regular
    Optimusbry wrote:
    May I just suggest zip tying your badge to your lanyard. I've had mine pop right off my lanyard clip before. Keeps you from losing it or someone nabbing it while you're in line

    Hey, that's a really good idea. I've had issues with badges and lanyards in the past. Time to pack some zip ties!

  • jaberwockynmtjaberwockynmt PAX Info Booth Manager Renton, WARegistered User regular
    Mattaui wrote:
    Optimusbry wrote:
    May I just suggest zip tying your badge to your lanyard. I've had mine pop right off my lanyard clip before. Keeps you from losing it or someone nabbing it while you're in line

    Hey, that's a really good idea. I've had issues with badges and lanyards in the past. Time to pack some zip ties!
    You don't need any zipties. you can just loop the other end of the lanyard through the hole and effectively have a really strong Cow Hitch knot ( holding your badge.

    --Jarrod "Jaberwocky" Lombardo, PAX Enforcer: Info Booth Manager.
    "We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
    PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.
  • spydeyspydey Registered User regular
    Optimusbry wrote:
    May I just suggest zip tying your badge to your lanyard. I've had mine pop right off my lanyard clip before. Keeps you from losing it or someone nabbing it while you're in line

    Good call. I always worry about that.

  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    spydey wrote:
    Optimusbry wrote:
    May I just suggest zip tying your badge to your lanyard. I've had mine pop right off my lanyard clip before. Keeps you from losing it or someone nabbing it while you're in line

    Good call. I always worry about that.

    Yeah, those lanyards are kinda butts. I hadn't even thought of the zip tie idea, good shit sir.

  • LigerLiger Registered User regular
    I still have some spare lanyards that haven't sold, if you really want durability. PM me for more info.

    5932306549_6b4d957b56.jpg CUSTOM LANYARDS FOR PAX
  • MagnifiedXMagnifiedX [E] PC Security Boston, MARegistered User regular
    Liger lanyards are always a good investment! Can't wait to pick up mine in a couple days.

  • OptimusbryOptimusbry Event Designer Long Beach CARegistered User regular
    I'll try to remember to bring a few packs of ties with me that we can pass down the queue line on Friday for anyone who wants one.

    Nintendo ID: Optimusbry :: Xbox Live: Optimus Bry :: PSN: Optimusbry :: Steam ID: Optimus Bry
  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    Mattaui wrote:
    Optimusbry wrote:
    May I just suggest zip tying your badge to your lanyard. I've had mine pop right off my lanyard clip before. Keeps you from losing it or someone nabbing it while you're in line

    Hey, that's a really good idea. I've had issues with badges and lanyards in the past. Time to pack some zip ties!
    You don't need any zipties. you can just loop the other end of the lanyard through the hole and effectively have a really strong Cow Hitch knot ( holding your badge.
    Pics of how to secure your badge to lanyard using cowhitch. Or come by Info booth and we'll help you with the fancy knot.

  • Eyes5Eyes5 Registered User regular
    I've seen people lose their badge because the top thin part of the badge breaks. Cuz of that, I tend to keep my badge both tied to me and in a pocket unless I have to display it.

  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    I've had my badge surgically implanted into my upper epidermis.

    Just to be safe.

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • WingedillidanWingedillidan Registered User regular
    I've had my badge surgically implanted into my upper epidermis.

    Just to be safe.

    Flip it over please...

    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
  • AprecheApreche Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    I have a custom d20-lanyard that I paid a artsy crafty friend to make for me. It's extra comfortable and extra nerdy. I suggest you go on etsy and also try to find nerdy lanyards that are better than the crummy ones provided by the convention. Also, it's worth it for me because I go to a lot of conventions.

    Apreche on
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    I've had my badge surgically implanted into my upper epidermis.

    Just to be safe.

    Flip it over please...

    What, my epidermis? Ewww!!!

    LexiconGrrl on
    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • jaberwockynmtjaberwockynmt PAX Info Booth Manager Renton, WARegistered User regular
    Eyes5 wrote:
    I've seen people lose their badge because the top thin part of the badge breaks. Cuz of that, I tend to keep my badge both tied to me and in a pocket unless I have to display it.
    If your badge does break in this way, come to the Info Booth and we can punch a new hole in your badge in a different location so it doesn't break again.

    --Jarrod "Jaberwocky" Lombardo, PAX Enforcer: Info Booth Manager.
    "We know that the moment we slip, it will be taken away... and so it is of the utmost importance to be worthy of it constantly."
    PAX will always be held on the best weekend for PAX. Sometimes that will be a bad weekend for you; I'm sorry.
  • mcmax3000mcmax3000 Registered User regular
    but is this really an issue that you have ran into in the past? I've never heard of anyone having a counterfeit pass. It would be funny to see someone try and counterfeit a BYOC pass and try to get in lol.

    I've never seen or heard of forged badges in the past but I have heard of people who have managed to get into the show with the previous year's badge since, from any kind of a distance, they look almost identical.

  • HypatiaHypatia Registered User regular
    There's nothing to be done about it after the fact, is there? One year during button trading after PAX on Sunday, a guy was standing in front of the convention center bragging about how his pass was fake and how no one had noticed all weekend.

This discussion has been closed.