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Cookie Brigade: THANK YOU PAX PRIME 2011!!

LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
edited August 2011 in PAX Archive
A HUGE Thanks and shout out to everyone who made the Cookie Brigade such an incredible success this year. With the help of the attendees, the army of bakers, and the distributors who got out there and hoofed it for three days, the Brigade collected an unbelievable $14,276 for Child's Play this year!!! It's a new record for the Brigade.

A special shout out to the volunteers who gave up their entire PAX for all three days to make this happen.

You guys are just amazing [tiny tear].

Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
LexiconGrrl on


  • DrakmathusDrakmathus Registered User regular
    i get it now. not portillo cookies, but portal-Os.

  • FenrisknightFenrisknight Token Canadian CanadianRegistered User regular
    No thank you cookie brigade, so much hard work, and tireless dedication to the charity! We just bought noms, you brought heart!

  • ruforufo Registered User regular
    Many thanks to the kind cookie brigadiers who came by Serpent Theatre Friday morning when I hadn't enough time to grab breakfast. You're a huge reason why PAX is so awesome and we <3 you!

  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Just cuz it's fun (and because I'm avoiding work today), here's a partial list of cookies from this year:

    Burn-Your-Mouth-Down Portal CakeBombs
    Combustible Lemons
    Chocolate Filled Cupcakes in Companion Cube Boxes
    Jammy Dodgers (Dr. Who)
    Mario Themed Sugar Cookies
    Giant Metroids
    Star Wars Sugar Cookies
    Twitter Pops
    Lando Calrissian 'Never Forget' Spicy Chocolate Cookies

    Chocolate Chip
    Double Chocolate Chip
    Homemade Caramels
    Peanut Butter Chocolate
    Peanut Butter Chocolate Bacon
    Times are Tough Trail Mix
    Gamer Bites
    Oatmeal Cookies
    Spicy Mexican Chocolate Cookies
    Lime-Coconut Sugar Cookies
    Rice Krispie Treats
    Rice Krispie Treats with toppings (chocolate + bacon, nerds, candy, nuts, etc...)
    Bacon Wrapped Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Chip
    Bacon Wrapped Nutter Butter Stuffed Double Chocolate Chip
    Peanut Butter
    M&M Cookies
    Forgotten Cookies (meringues)
    No-Bran Muffins
    Chocolate Chip Biscotti
    Peanut Butter Cup-Cups
    No Bakes

    Thanks Bakers!!
    (Did I forget any?)

    LexiconGrrl on
    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • emimonsteremimonster Silicon ValleyRegistered User regular
    The butter and coco powder cookies my friend Yoshi made were not only Yoshi's cookies, they were actually "Yoshi's Cookie":'s_Cookie

    In that checkered square pattern from the game. inorite?

  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Shut the Front Door!! I totally missed that. Em, you two made Cookies of Purest Awesome.

    LexiconGrrl on
    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • Eticket109Eticket109 Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    Just cuz it's fun (and because I'm avoiding work today), here's a partial list of cookies from this year:
    Bacon Wrapped Nutter Butter Stuffed Double Chocolate Chip

    Ok... I totally missed out. I need to bring extra cash and hunt down the brigade members next year.

    Eticket109 on
  • spiritdragon101spiritdragon101 Registered User regular
    Thanks to whoever cooked those delicious cookies. Definitely a pick-me-up in the queue line =)

  • SvKSvK Registered User regular
    Thanks for the Combustible Lemons!

  • ReparadocsReparadocs Registered User regular
    The cookies were great, but I am quite sad all the brigadiers I met didn't have any of the awesome themed cookies. They just had the chocolate chip ones and brownies and bran muffins :(

  • BoomerjinksBoomerjinks Denver, ColoradoRegistered User regular
    Who were the cookie brigadiers I stood in in line for x-rays with at DIA?

    You tell 'em I'm postin'! And Hell's postin' with me!
    Check out Colorado Movie Cars! It's amazing!
  • teopehtteopeht Registered User regular
    Are you telling me I did not get to even see a Jammy Dodger? Sadface, next year someone should have the list before hand and I can meta-game finding all the different cookies.

    Does that sound like too much of an excuse for me to be a fatass stuffing his face with cookies? :D

    Ravenclaw fo lyfe.
  • ProprietyPropriety PAX Pokemon League Leader! Registered User regular
    teopeht wrote:
    Are you telling me I did not get to even see a Jammy Dodger? Sadface, next year someone should have the list before hand and I can meta-game finding all the different cookies.

    Does that sound like too much of an excuse for me to be a fatass stuffing his face with cookies? :D

    I'm telling you, Cookie Brigade Bingo would be a huge hit.

    That guy with the ridiculously long scarf at PAX. Say Hi!
    Love Pokemon? Going to PAX Prime/East/Aus/South? Challenge the PAX Pokemon League!!!
  • GeekyPrincessGeekyPrincess Registered User regular
    Reparadocs wrote:
    The cookies were great, but I am quite sad all the brigadiers I met didn't have any of the awesome themed cookies. They just had the chocolate chip ones and brownies and bran muffins :(

    The themed ones went pretty fast, at least they did for us. Sorry you didn't get to try any :-(

    Cookie Brigade Prime 2011 and 2012!
    Shipping cookies for Prime 2013
  • aerynkellyaerynkelly nothing to see here, move along Registered User regular
    *writes these ideas down for next year*

  • digitalwhodigitalwho Registered User regular
    Nono. Thank you Cookie Brigade for doing such an outstanding job with all those cookies. It should've been more, IMO, but without your effort none of that would've been raised :D

    And the themed ones were interesting. I think i had one that was fritos, chocolate, and jalapeño peppers. It was pretty tasty

    3DS Friend Code: 0688-5270-2794
  • SwordMageSwordMage Registered User regular
    Cookie Brigade Bingo. Sort of like PAX XP, but tastier.

    SwordMage, aka Willa
    twitter: SwordMage86
    XBL: SwordMagelet
  • vegeevegee Registered User regular
    Those cookies were damn delicious. Glad you were able to raise so much. :D

  • teopehtteopeht Registered User regular
    digitalwho wrote:
    Nono. Thank you Cookie Brigade for doing such an outstanding job with all those cookies. It should've been more, IMO, but without your effort none of that would've been raised :D

    And the themed ones were interesting. I think i had one that was fritos, chocolate, and jalapeño peppers. It was pretty tasty

    Agree, the brigade gives up enough work and effort. A list on the forums would have been sufficient for someone to create an epic Cookie Brigade Bingo Board

    Ravenclaw fo lyfe.
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    We honestly don't always know what we're going to get until we actually get to PAX. Some bakers list off what they've got ahead of time, but most of the time it's a surprise to the Brigade too. Unfortunately, most of the really fun, special cookies are in very short supply because they tend to be harder to make: like Jammy Dodgers.

    The bingo idea is great!! Some of the brigadiers have been talking about a Cookie Brigade game or puzzle for future PAX(es) and that would be sweet! (No really, they're cookies. It'd be sweet. Get it?). Maybe if the categories were a little more generic, like game themed instead of Portal-O's, it would be more manageable to play.

    As an aside, we had a TREMENDOUSLY fun time making all the 'wrong' krispies. There were only about 6 of each flavor - be glad you missed the ones that didn't pass taste testing as there were some real stinkbombs. That frito-chocolate-jalapeno surprised all of us with it's junk foodey goodness, as did the cinnamon-bacon-smoked almond-toffee.

    LexiconGrrl on
    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • AnnaThemaAnnaThema Registered User regular
    There was some sort of flourless chocolate chip peanut butter super crumbly magic cookie, and my god. There are really no words to describe the majesty of it. I'll let rage comics do the talking:

    Whoever made that needs to open up a bakery and deliver. To me. Daily.

  • administerlingadministerling Sterling SeattleRegistered User new member
    The Cookie Brigade, nourishing gamer's bellies and children's minds in one fell swoop!

    Just wanted to send out a big e-hug to you guys! Your selflessness, perseverance and success is inspiring. Good work! :)

  • hml151hml151 Registered User regular
    LexiconGrrl I'm sorry that the Jammy Dodgers where so few, I will do better next year. Got very busy and a little nuts but I will try to produce more Jammy Dodgers next time. I was very sad also because by the time it was time for the Child's Play Meet and Greet I was too sick. Maybe next year. I will probably be sending cookies again to PAX East and I will be back for Prime. Thanks for everyone's contributions and making it a great year!

    Max sig size: 500x80px OR 4 lines of text
    School Girl Goodness...Watch for us at future PAX Prime events. If want some of my geek chic collection, click on the etsy link.

  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    hml151 wrote:
    LexiconGrrl I'm sorry that the Jammy Dodgers where so few, I will do better next year. Got very busy and a little nuts but I will try to produce more Jammy Dodgers next time. I was very sad also because by the time it was time for the Child's Play Meet and Greet I was too sick. Maybe next year. I will probably be sending cookies again to PAX East and I will be back for Prime. Thanks for everyone's contributions and making it a great year!

    No, don't be sorry, they were great!! Jaz and I have NO SHAME in separating attendees from their money in the name of Child's Play. For any super rare, very cool cookies, I'd hawk them as 'special limited edition' cookies that you could only get for a minimum donation of [mumble]. So it all worked out!

    But they were DEFINITELY popular and went like... BAM! Gone! I'm guessing that Gallifrey-themed treats are a sure thing for future PAXes...

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • teopehtteopeht Registered User regular
    Ok, it's a Jammy Dodger but I WAS PROMISED TEA!

    Ravenclaw fo lyfe.
  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    Indeed, thank you everyone for being incredibly awesome and generous to Child's Play! We all appreciate it deeply! You guys are fantastic!!

    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • LTAcostaLTAcosta Boston, MARegistered User regular
    This was an extremely fun year for me. I had tons of fun baking and helping out in BYOC, and its still shocking how much money we earned. I cant wait till East so we can try to beat it!

  • InfidelInfidel Heretic Registered User regular
    Thank you whoever made the rice krispies bar with Hot Tamales. :^:

    It is nice having brigade folks coming through the tabletop freeplay, fueling us through longer games.

  • jonxpjonxp [E] PC Security Registered User regular
    Infidel wrote:
    Thank you whoever made the rice krispies bar with Hot Tamales. :^:

    It is nice having brigade folks coming through the tabletop freeplay, fueling us through longer games.

    All of the "gourmet" rice krispy treats were AMAZING. Made enforcing BYOC an extremely tasty adventure.

    Every time you write parallel fifths, Bach kills a kitten.
    3DS Friend Code: 2707-1614-5576
    PAX Prime 2014 Buttoneering!
  • WuShockWuShock Lawful Good South BrownbackistanRegistered User regular
    Mary mother of cow the Mini-Oreo Rice Krispy Treats .... I will spend all year trying to recreate those.

    Twixxo wrote:
    WuShock is the best
    He is the very bestest
    I wish I was him


  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    Have you guys at the cookie brigade thought of collecting all the recipes of cookies everybody makes and compiling them into a cookbook and sell it for Child's Play?


  • VThornheartVThornheart Registered User regular
    Aye, indeed! I believe Eep is in charge of that special project: we're hoping to get one compiled one of these days to at least put up for the Child's Play auction.

    I've got to check with Eep, and see if she's going to have time this year: I know last year she was swamped. =( LexiconGrrl also really wants to do something like this if I recall correctly, so perhaps if Eep doesn't have time Lexi can jump in on it.

    3DS Friend Code: 1950-8938-9095
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    Moe Fwacky wrote:
    Have you guys at the cookie brigade thought of collecting all the recipes of cookies everybody makes and compiling them into a cookbook and sell it for Child's Play?

    Actually, there was an effort started for that a while back. The idea had occurred to revisit it, but it will probably be a little while before we can get that ball rolling. In the meantime, I'll be posting the recipes for the cookies that my team and I baked to an outside site shortly, so that they're available to anyone.

    I'm also collecting recipes from other brigadiers to include so if you had a Cookie of Purest Awesome that you'd like included, shoot me a PM!

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • hml151hml151 Registered User regular
    I made brownies, chocolate chip cookies, no bakes, Metroid sugar cookies and the Jammy Dodges and probably have those recipes typed up and sent to you all beginning of next week. I will try to more limited edition cookies to squeeze some fun money for this event. PAX East!

    Max sig size: 500x80px OR 4 lines of text
    School Girl Goodness...Watch for us at future PAX Prime events. If want some of my geek chic collection, click on the etsy link.

  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    Moe Fwacky wrote:
    Have you guys at the cookie brigade thought of collecting all the recipes of cookies everybody makes and compiling them into a cookbook and sell it for Child's Play?

    Actually, there was an effort started for that a while back. The idea had occurred to revisit it, but it will probably be a little while before we can get that ball rolling. In the meantime, I'll be posting the recipes for the cookies that my team and I baked to an outside site shortly, so that they're available to anyone.

    I'm also collecting recipes from other brigadiers to include so if you had a Cookie of Purest Awesome that you'd like included, shoot me a PM!

    Well, definitely get a donation link for that website then.


  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    edited August 2011
    hml151 wrote:
    I made brownies, chocolate chip cookies, no bakes, Metroid sugar cookies and the Jammy Dodges and probably have those recipes typed up and sent to you all beginning of next week. I will try to more limited edition cookies to squeeze some fun money for this event. PAX East!

    Definitely include a photo of the Metroid cookie cutter that you got too. So cool.

    Moe Fwacky wrote:
    Moe Fwacky wrote:
    Have you guys at the cookie brigade thought of collecting all the recipes of cookies everybody makes and compiling them into a cookbook and sell it for Child's Play?

    Actually, there was an effort started for that a while back. The idea had occurred to revisit it, but it will probably be a little while before we can get that ball rolling. In the meantime, I'll be posting the recipes for the cookies that my team and I baked to an outside site shortly, so that they're available to anyone.

    I'm also collecting recipes from other brigadiers to include so if you had a Cookie of Purest Awesome that you'd like included, shoot me a PM!

    Well, definitely get a donation link for that website then.

    Good Call, Mr. Buick Deriver.

    LexiconGrrl on
    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • NotoriusBENNotoriusBEN Registered User regular
    To the person or persons that made the peanut butter chocolate bacon cookies... they were AWESOME! I must have bought like 30bucks worth of those from all the different distributers running around.

    I know they sound weird people, but try a maple bar with bacon on it and it is not too much of a leap to these cookies.

    Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
  • GeekyPrincessGeekyPrincess Registered User regular
    To the person or persons that made the peanut butter chocolate bacon cookies... they were AWESOME! I must have bought like 30bucks worth of those from all the different distributers running around.

    I know they sound weird people, but try a maple bar with bacon on it and it is not too much of a leap to these cookies.

    I gave one of them to an enforcer in line for the Saturday night concert, he didn't look to sure about it but seemed to enjoy it and shared with another enforcer. The last of my stash went pretty fast after that! I kind of regret not trying one now!

    Cookie Brigade Prime 2011 and 2012!
    Shipping cookies for Prime 2013
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    edited September 2011
    Okay, a cookie recipe page has been started on my food blog:

    This is a work in progress page, so check back every few weeks for new recipes, photos or details. It also includes a link to donate to Child's Play.

    For Brigadiers, check out the link below with directions on how to submit a recipe to the Brigade Recipe Page:

    LexiconGrrl on
    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
  • LexiconGrrlLexiconGrrl Registered User regular
    Does anybody know who made the Portal-O's? I'd like to get their name to post on the cookie recipe page.

    Hey Easties! Send me your not-top-secret cookie ideas/recipes for PAX East!

    Happily on Sabbatical. Don't bug me.
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