Looper is the best movie this year, and you need to go see it.



  • Drew-BDrew-B Registered User regular
    Aw jeez, I'm watching spirited away for the first time since it came out. I forgot how fantastic it is.

  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    Piper Perabo is gorgeous and having her do a nude scene just makes it a better film

    Also, this was fantastic

    I'm not quite sure if it's my favorite film of the year, but it would have been a lot easier to declare it so if
    they followed the Moonrise Kingdom rule and found a child actor that wasn't terrible

    Sure, you could make the argument that this kid is younger than those kids, but then there's no reason the kid has to be five, right?

  • godmodegodmode Southeast JapanRegistered User regular
    Where is JGL's nude scene though??

  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    I keep seeing his films for a reason

  • YaYaYaYa Decent. Registered User regular
    Piper Perabo is gorgeous and having her do a nude scene just makes it a better film

    Also, this was fantastic

    I'm not quite sure if it's my favorite film of the year, but it would have been a lot easier to declare it so if
    they followed the Moonrise Kingdom rule and found a child actor that wasn't terrible

    Sure, you could make the argument that this kid is younger than those kids, but then there's no reason the kid has to be five, right?

    oh whatever the kid was fine

  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    YaYa wrote: »
    Piper Perabo is gorgeous and having her do a nude scene just makes it a better film

    Also, this was fantastic

    I'm not quite sure if it's my favorite film of the year, but it would have been a lot easier to declare it so if
    they followed the Moonrise Kingdom rule and found a child actor that wasn't terrible

    Sure, you could make the argument that this kid is younger than those kids, but then there's no reason the kid has to be five, right?

    oh whatever the kid was fine
    A movie with time travel (which I expected) and telekinesis (which I did not expect) and yet the thing that took me out of it was this kid

    He was pretty bad

  • StraightziStraightzi Here we may reign secure, and in my choice, To reign is worth ambition though in HellRegistered User regular
    Not Looper

    But still JGL

    I saw Premium Rush tonight

    It was pretty good!

    Didn't manage to sneak any dick peeks through bike shorts though

  • KalTorakKalTorak One way or another, they all end up in the Undercity.Registered User regular
    The kid actor was fine, but confusing.
    I'm really bad with kid ages, and it sounded like his voice and lines were way older/more mature than how old the kid looked (which in my mind was like 3 or 4). I kept trying to figure out if they had dubbed him over or something.

    Then the Gat-man asked Sarah about her kid and she says he's ten years old and I was like whaaaaat no way that kid is ten.

    Maybe they made him look younger and talk smarter on purpose, it would make sense with his mind powers and everything.

  • NeoTomaNeoToma Registered User regular
    YaYa wrote: »
    Piper Perabo is gorgeous and having her do a nude scene just makes it a better film

    Also, this was fantastic

    I'm not quite sure if it's my favorite film of the year, but it would have been a lot easier to declare it so if
    they followed the Moonrise Kingdom rule and found a child actor that wasn't terrible

    Sure, you could make the argument that this kid is younger than those kids, but then there's no reason the kid has to be five, right?

    oh whatever the kid was fine
    A movie with time travel (which I expected) and telekinesis (which I did not expect) and yet the thing that took me out of it was this kid

    He was pretty bad

    That kid seriously creeped me the fuck out
    Which i think was the point?
    To make you kind of get on board with the whole "This kid is monster that clearly needs to be taken down" train

  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    Straightzi wrote: »
    Not Looper

    But still JGL

    I saw Premium Rush tonight

    It was pretty good!

    Didn't manage to sneak any dick peeks through bike shorts though

    Yesss Premium Rush is great, shame on all of you for not seeing it and somehow letting that anti-Obama documentary beat it on its premiere week

  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    KalTorak wrote: »
    The kid actor was fine, but confusing.
    I'm really bad with kid ages, and it sounded like his voice and lines were way older/more mature than how old the kid looked (which in my mind was like 3 or 4). I kept trying to figure out if they had dubbed him over or something.

    Then the Gat-man asked Sarah about her kid and she says he's ten years old and I was like whaaaaat no way that kid is ten.

    Maybe they made him look younger and talk smarter on purpose, it would make sense with his mind powers and everything.

    His birth year is 2039, Looper takes place in 2044, which makes him five at the oldest

  • SheriSheri Resident Fluffer My Living RoomRegistered User regular
  • KalTorakKalTorak One way or another, they all end up in the Undercity.Registered User regular
    I know Bruce Willis pretty much just plays himself these days, but he still acted the shit out of this.
    The part right after he kills the first kid really sold me, and had a huge burden to carry. When he's there pointing his gun at the kid I was thinking "they can't have him just shoot the kid, that makes Bruce's character practically unforgivable." Willis had to push the audience back over the line to, if not forgiving him, at least not giving up on or condemning his character after an act like that. Plus convey (maybe other people figured this out beforehand but I didn't get it until I saw this scene) that if the kid he killed had been the young Rainmaker, then he would have known his job was done; he would have either disappeared like Young Joe suggested or his memories would have changed.

    Not only does Old Joe have the strain and guilt of having just murdered a child, he knows immediately that he had needlessly killed the wrong child.

  • Vann DirasVann Diras Registered User regular
    KalTorak wrote: »
    I know Bruce Willis pretty much just plays himself these days, but he still acted the shit out of this.
    The part right after he kills the first kid really sold me, and had a huge burden to carry. When he's there pointing his gun at the kid I was thinking "they can't have him just shoot the kid, that makes Bruce's character practically unforgivable." Willis had to push the audience back over the line to, if not forgiving him, at least not giving up on or condemning his character after an act like that. Plus convey (maybe other people figured this out beforehand but I didn't get it until I saw this scene) that if the kid he killed had been the young Rainmaker, then he would have known his job was done; he would have either disappeared like Young Joe suggested or his memories would have changed.

    Not only does Old Joe have the strain and guilt of having just murdered a child, he knows immediately that he had needlessly killed the wrong child.


    i'm really happy bruce willis decided to be in really good movies again this year

  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    Don't worry

    GI Joe 2 is coming out early next year

  • AntimatterAntimatter Devo Was Right Gates of SteelRegistered User regular
    nearly came out this year as yet another of his good movies

  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    I think you mean

    It was sacrificed to make a year of good Bruce Willi-


    The Expendables 2 had Bruce Willis in it, didn't it


  • AntimatterAntimatter Devo Was Right Gates of SteelRegistered User regular
    what the hell are you saying

  • godmodegodmode Southeast JapanRegistered User regular
    lol, opinions

  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    Antimatter wrote: »
    what the hell are you saying

    That GI Joe 2 will likely be awful

    And that The Expendables 2, while I haven't seen it, is a sequel to an awful film

    So I feel comfortable saying it was "probably pretty bad too"

  • AntimatterAntimatter Devo Was Right Gates of SteelRegistered User regular
    expendables 2 was a superb and superior sequel to an already good movie

  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular

    You confuse me

    You claim to not want to see Looper for the silliest of reasons but then you like The Expendables, which featured dudes literally being blown in half by shotguns in the first five minutes

    What the hell

  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular

    Hotel Transylvania beat this for the #1 spot? Really?

  • AntimatterAntimatter Devo Was Right Gates of SteelRegistered User regular
    here's the difference

    one is a comedy and the violence is absurd and unbelievable

    the other has the violence taken seriously and has unnerving and unusual violence
    facial injuries, nose and eye removal/stabbings in particular unnerve me most of all

  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    How did you feel about that scene in The Avengers?

    I only ask because I watched it again tonight

  • ZayZay yes i am zay Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Movie was alright, but I seriously couldn't stand that kid. His character didn't seem believable, he just weirded the shit out of me. He was 5 but his mannerisms and such made him seem waaaay older, and I really hate that thing where with some kid it's like "We gotta protect the little angel!!" I don't like kids.

    Zay on
  • StraightziStraightzi Here we may reign secure, and in my choice, To reign is worth ambition though in HellRegistered User regular
    The best part about Premium Rush was how dang fun it is

    Like, it is a bike courier version of the Transporter. JGL rides a fixie. It is a silly fucking concept.

    But you forget all that, because it is fun

    Shit is like a feel good action movie

  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    Straightzi wrote: »
    The best part about Premium Rush was how dang fun it is

    Like, it is a bike courier version of the Transporter. JGL rides a fixie. It is a silly fucking concept.

    But you forget all that, because it is fun

    Shit is like a feel good action movie

    It had a great pace to it as well, and the little possible scenarios that JGL plotted out in his head really reminded me of a weird American version of Run Lola Run

    Only without a throbbing techno soundtrack and shitty animated sequences

  • TossrockTossrock too weird to live too rare to dieRegistered User regular
    so like, they can control where the dudes appear in the past, they're sending them right to the corn field

    why not just send them directly into the furnace and save a lot of effort

    or like, a volcano

    or the bottom of the ocean

    also JGL could have just shot his gun hand off

    movie was good though

  • BusterKBusterK Negativity is Boring Cynicism is Cowardice Registered User regular
    Saw this tonight
    I was underwhelmed
    It started off very good but about halfway through I found myself trying to enjoy it more than I was just enjoying it
    Nothing about the Time-Travel stuff held up in anyway which would have been fine except I really didn't find any emotional resonance to push me through
    It didn't help that I started thinking "This is kind of like The Terminator", and then "Okay, this is a lot like the Terminator." and then, "When is this going to stop just being the plot to The Terminator?"
    There were some great parts but overall 12 Monkeys is a way better movie about similar ideas

    Visit http://www.cruzflores.com for all your Cruz Flores needs. Also listen to the podcast I do with Penguin Incarnate http://wgsgshow.podomatic.com
    Amazon Wishlist: http://www.amazon.com/BusterK/wishlist/3JPEKJGX9G54I/ref=cm_wl_search_bin_1
  • darunia106darunia106 J-bob in games Death MountainRegistered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Tossrock wrote: »
    so like, they can control where the dudes appear in the past, they're sending them right to the corn field

    why not just send them directly into the furnace and save a lot of effort

    or like, a volcano

    or the bottom of the ocean

    also JGL could have just shot his gun hand off

    movie was good though
    They never said they had control, I just assumed the warehouse where they took him was the spot where the cornfield was in the past.

    Then again it is quite a long trip from China back to the states and it didn't look like the hitmen travelled very far after they picked old Joe up...

    Also while he wanted his older self dead, I'm sure he didn't want to permanently disable himself to try and catch old Joe. They would both not have a gun hand.

    darunia106 on
  • UnbreakableVowUnbreakableVow Registered User regular
    Maybe it's just the unavoidable spot where they're thrown

    Kinda like how John Malkovich's brain drops you near the New Jersey turnpike

  • YaYaYaYa Decent. Registered User regular
    they have control
    when Seth was supposed to close his loop it was at a different spot than the cornfield

    maybe each time machine only goes to a specific spot?

  • Devlin_DragonusDevlin_Dragonus Gorgeous Dallas, TXRegistered User regular
    I'm confused how people didnt understand that
    aside from the TK, the kid had genius intellect. He tickers with his toys to make them better and created a wireless device to signal each other. If the mom wants to raise him in peace of course she is going to lie about his actual age. She was lying about everything else (having a husband, kid & husband are in town, ect)

    I got nothing for you now. Try again later.

  • NechriahNechriah Chookity!Registered User regular
    I just got home from seeing this, it was pretty interesting! Some thoughts:
    - At first I dismissed the telekinesis mutation as just something to establish "hey, it's the future" but then it turned out to be more important than that. Good job, film.

    - That body-horror sequence was profoundly unsettling.

    - Really liked the scene in the diner, JGL does a great young Bruce Willis

    - Christ on a bike that kid was creepy. I guess he was meant to be though?

    Overall I thought that Looper had a real elegant simplicity to it. As a film involving time travel, it had the potential to disappear up its own ass, but it never once came close to doing that.

  • ZayZay yes i am zay Registered User regular
    darunia106 wrote: »
    Tossrock wrote: »
    so like, they can control where the dudes appear in the past, they're sending them right to the corn field

    why not just send them directly into the furnace and save a lot of effort

    or like, a volcano

    or the bottom of the ocean

    also JGL could have just shot his gun hand off

    movie was good though
    They never said they had control, I just assumed the warehouse where they took him was the spot where the cornfield was in the past.

    Then again it is quite a long trip from China back to the states and it didn't look like the hitmen travelled very far after they picked old Joe up...

    Also while he wanted his older self dead, I'm sure he didn't want to permanently disable himself to try and catch old Joe. They would both not have a gun hand.
    death is a permanent disability

  • NinjaSquirrelNinjaSquirrel Registered User regular
    edited October 2012
    Zay wrote: »
    darunia106 wrote: »
    Tossrock wrote: »
    so like, they can control where the dudes appear in the past, they're sending them right to the corn field

    why not just send them directly into the furnace and save a lot of effort

    or like, a volcano

    or the bottom of the ocean

    also JGL could have just shot his gun hand off

    movie was good though
    They never said they had control, I just assumed the warehouse where they took him was the spot where the cornfield was in the past.

    Then again it is quite a long trip from China back to the states and it didn't look like the hitmen travelled very far after they picked old Joe up...

    Also while he wanted his older self dead, I'm sure he didn't want to permanently disable himself to try and catch old Joe. They would both not have a gun hand.
    death is a permanent disability

    Some times when people have to make split second decisions they do not make the wisest of choices, doesn't really make it a plot hole or anything.

    NinjaSquirrel on
  • UnbrokenEvaUnbrokenEva HIGH ON THE WIRE BUT I WON'T TRIP ITRegistered User regular
    Blake T wrote: »
    Blake T wrote: »
    YaYa wrote: »
    Smart Hero wrote: »
    YaYa wrote: »
    this was really really really good

    one thing I'm wondering about
    so would Jeff Daniels and the rest of the gang be alive again at the end if Bruce-Joe never existed

    Also Bruce-Joe and Joe-Joe should be how we differentiate
    No because this is now the post-Bruce-Joe canonical timeline. Provided there's no future timey-wimey, those guys stay dead.

    Which is why I'm glad they didn't
    Somehow make the fuck-up Gat Man be a time traveler too. They kept things simple (as far as time travel goes) by only focusing on Joe's Journey

    wait but
    so Joe-Joe offed himself in 2047, wouldn't that mean he'd never be able to grow up to be Bruce-Joe in the first place and thus Bruce-Joe could never go back in time and kill Jeff Daniels et al?

    on that note I did like that there was a scene where Bruce-Joe basically said 'don't worry about crazy time-travel diagrams that's some bullshit'
    jgl can change the future but cannot change the his current past. Bruce willis is an anomaly who can have his past changed.

    I mean its generally implied as when jgl dies. As if Bruce willis was completely removed from the timeline, jgl wouldn't shoot himself at all.
    Jeff Daniels' character was pretty clear that killing Seth to stop his loop from running was a bad idea that would mess up the timeline, which I take as the explanation for why Joe-Joe killing himself didn't undo everything Bruce-Joe had done. He took the whole mess off the rails.

    Also, Bruce with floppy long hair during the timeline montage kinda felt like a 5th Element reference/looked like Zorg, but in hindsight not so much.

  • CaedereCaedere S'no regrets BIRDIESRegistered User regular
    Antimatter wrote: »
    here's the difference

    one is a comedy and the violence is absurd and unbelievable

    the other has the violence taken seriously and has unnerving and unusual violence
    facial injuries, nose and eye removal/stabbings in particular unnerve me most of all

    I will say this.

    I've seen a lot of "torture porn" flicks, from Hostel to Saw to the Guinea Pig Films
    Yet the shit that went down in this film is easily, EASILY, the most disturbing and unsettling body horror scene I've seen in a movie. And there's almost no gore in this scene.

  • AntimatterAntimatter Devo Was Right Gates of SteelRegistered User regular

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