Random PAX-related stories

PotatoNinjaPotatoNinja Fake Gamer GoatRegistered User regular
edited September 2006 in PAX Archive
Insane coincidences, callings of destiny, incredible saving throws, fortunate 20's, lucky shots, strange guys in Sailor Moon outfits, or any other particularly worthwhile tale related to PAX or post-PAX activities.

Mine is pretty boring, but I'll start.

A hobo asked me about my "Hidden Sandwhich" shirt. He said it looked like a really awesome sandwhich (since he noted it could stop a bullet), so I gave him all my change (which was only a 1.10, but hey, its a hotdog).

He is officially the coolest hobo of all time, and I nominate him for king of hobotown.

Hopefully someone has a better story then that.

Two goats enter, one car leaves
PotatoNinja on


  • Stabbity StyleStabbity Style He/Him | Warning: Mothership Reporting Kennewick, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Playing with a guy playing an elf with a lisp who hated anything dirty or bloody. Hilarity ensued as our 2 fighters started eating some Horse Jerkey left on a bloody table by some kobolds.

    Stabbity Style on
  • PikaPuffPikaPuff Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    incredible saving throws, fortunate 20's
    Mentioned it elsewhere, but I was at the PNP RPG Technopress Booth, and cast an illusion spell on their $3 off RPG Book Coupon to make it into a $3 off T-Shirt Coupon. The Booth guy told me to roll a will check. I walked off with a nice deal on a t-shirt.
    strange guys in Sailor Moon outfits
    I know that guy.

    PikaPuff on
  • PotatoNinjaPotatoNinja Fake Gamer Goat Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    PikaPuff wrote:
    incredible saving throws, fortunate 20's
    Mentioned it elsewhere, but I was at the PNP RPG Technopress Booth, and cast an illusion spell on their $3 off RPG Book Coupon to make it into a $3 off T-Shirt Coupon. The Booth guy told me to roll a will check. I walked off with a nice deal on a t-shirt.

    That was a short but pretty awesome story.

    PotatoNinja on
    Two goats enter, one car leaves
  • TNTrooperTNTrooper Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    I found out from the lady who got second in the Lumines tourny there was people talking about how tough of a player I was. To bad I played and lost to her in the first round :cry:

    TNTrooper on
  • Stabbity StyleStabbity Style He/Him | Warning: Mothership Reporting Kennewick, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Lesse, there was an enforcer who had dinner with Gabe and Tycho and their families and didn't even know it. I'm faily sure everyone who was in the tabletop room knows the story.

    Stabbity Style on
  • MrPulsarMrPulsar Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    I did pretty good on YYZ in the Exhibition hall, getting 95% on my first time playing Expert, a lot of people congratulated me, it was cool.

    MrPulsar on
  • PikaPuffPikaPuff Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    MrPulsar wrote:
    I did pretty good on YYZ in the Exhibition hall, getting 95% on my first time playing Expert, a lot of people congratulated me, it was cool.
    I didn't even try to get into that crowd of people bunching up to play GHII. Glad you enjoyed it, though.

    PikaPuff on
  • OfficerOfficer Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    I'd have to say when I showed up and bought 5 bottles of Bawls from those special people working the Bawls counter wearing my full black suit with white tie and cane, and they took my picture and declared me "The Bawls Pimp". They said they would feature me on their website, I must investigate!

    Officer on
  • ItsatrapItsatrap Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Overheard in line: "It's just like GenCon, but with better hygiene."

    Itsatrap on
  • wenchkillawenchkilla Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    I told a guy I was talking to in line what I thought about my first PAX: "It's like high school, except everyone likes you."
    He thought it was hilarious and proceeded to write/type it somewhere.

    Oh, and then there was that time when I ran into the Fury announcers and beat the shit out of them in a dark alley. Wait, that was a dream :evil:

    wenchkilla on
    PSN/XBL: dragoniemx
  • LegacyLegacy Stuck Somewhere In Cyberspace The Grid(Seattle)Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2006
    Eh. The Fury announcers weren't that bad. They're showmen. They were the same ones they had at E3 and that's the same thing they were doing.

    Sucks they couldn't bring the girls they had from E3 with them though... D: But I kinda appreciate that.

    Legacy on
    Can we get the chemicals in. 'Cause anything's better than this.
  • PotatoNinjaPotatoNinja Fake Gamer Goat Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    I was hoping to get into a slang-off with the Fury announcer, but kept forgetting to head over to their spot in the hall.

    "Yo my main man homie G 'sup what be yo name yo?"


    Probably would've been a bit rude too :wink:

    Heard the game was alot of fun though.

    Also, a minor miscommunication through cellphones had a very confused friend from the Exhibition hall asking "Where is the Nintendo Wii and why can't I find it? WHERE IS IT?!?!"

    PotatoNinja on
    Two goats enter, one car leaves
  • jieunjieun Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Getting hit on by old guys (I'm sorry if you're reading this, but it really creeped me out. XD)

    Some 30-something year old guy starts talking to me and gives me his business card, I thought he was just being nice and talking to people. Until he asks me out to dinner.

    "Umm..... ....by the way, I'm 16."
    "OH. Okay. Thanks for letting me know."

    Later, walking over to the Saturday concert line, some guy is telling me about an afterparty, and asks how old I am.

    "Oh. Never mind."

    jieun on
  • ariocksayssqueeariocksayssquee Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Playing Animal Crossing:Wild World with a friend and having someone unexpectedly join in.

    Being glad days later that I didn't hit on her.

    ariocksayssquee on
  • PotatoNinjaPotatoNinja Fake Gamer Goat Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Playing Animal Crossing:Wild World with a friend and having someone unexpectedly join in.

    Being glad days later that I didn't hit on her.


    PotatoNinja on
    Two goats enter, one car leaves
  • jieunjieun Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Playing Animal Crossing:Wild World with a friend and having someone unexpectedly join in.

    Being glad days later that I didn't hit on her.

    Let's play again soon! :D I'll post my friend code on my sig in a moment.

    jieun on
  • leafleaf Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    I could tell stories, but then I'm reminded of something one in our group had said.

    "What happens in seattle, stays in seattle." We had quite an awsome and interesting time, I can't wait for next year. I did find the talks of male washroom etiquette very funny however.

    leaf on
  • Raiden333Raiden333 Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    leaf wrote:
    I could tell stories, but then I'm reminded of something one in our group had said.

    "What happens in seattle, stays in seattle." We had quite an awsome and interesting time, I can't wait for next year. I did find the talks of male washroom etiquette very funny however.

    During the Saturday night concert, I distinctly heard a shout in the middle of a packed bathroom: "Every time you piss and shit on the seats, God creates a furry."

    Everybody was stoic for like 5 seconds, then there was much laughter.

    Raiden333 on
  • OfficerOfficer Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    leaf wrote:
    I could tell stories, but then I'm reminded of something one in our group had said.

    "What happens in seattle, stays in seattle." We had quite an awsome and interesting time, I can't wait for next year. I did find the talks of male washroom etiquette very funny however.

    Yes! That was awesome! Not to mention, I think we all learned a bit.

    For those of you out there who don't know. One rule in particular about washroom etiquette is as follows:
    If you catch another man gazing at your junk, you must fight. (Exception to the rule: Unless his eyes open wide in amazement, then you just have to look smug ang wink at him.)

    Officer on
  • PSXerPSXer Registered User new member
    edited August 2006
    One time I was in Pictochat and nobody drew a wang for five full minutes. It was the most amazing thing ever.

    PSXer on
  • Zombies Tossed My Salad!Zombies Tossed My Salad! Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    I was standing in line for the mic at the second Q&A panel and Pork Fry was talking to this kind behind me. I think they knew eachother, maby.

    Kid: "I'm so gonna ask that question!"

    Pork Fry: "Don't you fucking steal my thunder!"
    *pulls out a lock blade knife and flips it open*
    "You fucking do it and I'll fucking cut you!"

    Zombies Tossed My Salad! on
  • BinkleyBinkley Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Watching Alicia of PMS win her first match with a 2(?) day old Kilik in the SC3 tourney was the highlight of my tourney watching. (I missed Mario Kart where apparently some young kids won due to Super Snaking?!)

    Meeting the lead designer behind UFS (the system the PA CCG is a part of) was pretty awesome.

    I also enjoyed getting pwn3d at Tetris DS by just about everyone with a pulse. :lol:

    Of course, hanging/semi-helping Zig (and I GUESS BL) was awesome too.

    Binkley on
    A video blog about random jank:
    The KB Life
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited August 2006
    He is officially the coolest hobo of all time, and I nominate him for king of hobotown.

    Wait, a hobo in Bellevue? I didn't know such a thing existed!

    My frineds and I met up with some random people and attempted to play Robo Rally at 4am, which is a game that was impossible to play or understand until someone who wasn't playing finally decided to read the rules and tell us what to do. Then some other random dude joined in and we played for awhile until the Canadian Guy who we met left, and I won the game. Its the only thing I won at PAX.

    Unknown User on
  • PotatoNinjaPotatoNinja Fake Gamer Goat Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    muuphish wrote:
    He is officially the coolest hobo of all time, and I nominate him for king of hobotown.

    Wait, a hobo in Bellevue? I didn't know such a thing existed!

    U-district, day after PAX.

    PotatoNinja on
    Two goats enter, one car leaves
  • Eyes5Eyes5 Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    I like to wear my I AM SAMUS shirt around because people will mistake me for Samus. Last year some people were like "Are you Samus?" I said "Yes, I am Samus." "Does Samus want some gin?" He hands me a shady Dairy Queen paper cup. I say "...Samus doesn't drink gin." He says "I thought Samus was taller."

    Me and my two friends were being shown to our seats in Red Robins and I saw a lonely soul sitting at a table playing with his DS. I say "What game you got?" He says "Tetris and NSMB." I say "Set up a Tetris game." So we were playing until the food arrived. And then, as he was about to leave, I motioned for him to come sit at our table (the waitress thought he ran away). It's awesome to meet new people like this.

    Er, my best story is about my fight with the Enforcer. But I'm not sure if I should tell this story. I feel sorta mean. Basically, it started with me lying on the floor of the tourney room because I was tired, and this Enforcer tried to step on me. And so it escalated from there, each of us trying to one-up the other with increasingly lethal weapons. He started with a cell phone, I threatened with "unsporting kicks", he brought out his lanyard, I had a coiled, phone-wire thingy which I could wield like a flail. But when he picked up a child and tried to throw him at me :shock:, I dived under the torney stage. Eventually, we hugged for peace, except I as holding a bottle of Bawls, and spilt some on the Enforcer's shoulder. (I swear it was an accident!) He wanted to buy me some drinks, but I don't drink, and he offered dinner, but I said I wanted to go home and sleep. The next day I ran into him and he asked me for my contact information. I didn't give it to him though.

    Another time I was hit on was during the late night Smash Bros party in the Hilton. Some guy walks in and says, "HOLY CRAP, an Asian chick!" I say "Yes, my name is Asian chick." He says. "Are you legal?" I say "Yes, I'm legal." He says "You wanna go for a drink?" And I say, "I don't drink." And that seemed to completely confuse him cuz he just stopped.

    Eyes5 on
  • PotatoNinjaPotatoNinja Fake Gamer Goat Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Eyes5 wrote:
    Another time I was hit on was during the late night Smash Bros party in the Hilton. Some guy walks in and says, "HOLY CRAP, an Asian chick!" I say "Yes, my name is Asian chick." He says. "Are you legal?" I say "Yes, I'm legal." He says "You wanna go for a drink?" And I say, "I don't drink." And that seemed to completely confuse him cuz he just stopped.

    Don Juan DeDorko.

    PotatoNinja on
    Two goats enter, one car leaves
  • SolarianWolfSolarianWolf Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    A woman with her friend sat beside my friends and I as we were playing Mario Kart Double Dash. She yelled: "Omg, I didn't know you could do that!" then to her friend: "We gotta try this when we get back" the moment that we did a short cut there.

    SolarianWolf on
    Reality is a binding fatality.
  • altmannaltmann Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    My random PAX story:


    altmann on
    Imperator of the Gigahorse Jockeys.

    "Oh what a day, what a LOVELY DAY!"

  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited August 2006
    OK weird stuff at PAX. My friends and I had scavenger hunt for all the Utillikilts (sp?) we saw. Unfortunately there were so many that we kind of lost track of who got points for which one.

    Watching my friends get frustrated trying to walk anywhere with me and getting stopped a ton for photos of my Nintendo themed sleeve.

    The guy who even though it was about a million degrees in the Smash Bros Melee tournament room refused to take off his skiing/ninja face mask. Man just looking at him made me feel like I was suffocating. I have never been so happy to lose in a tournament.

    Unknown User on
  • CrapfestivalCrapfestival Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    altmann wrote:
    My random PAX story:


    Primary Reaction: I don't get it.

    Secondary Reaction: Why are you posting this everywhere?

    Tertiary Reaction: DS Buddha.

    Crapfestival on
  • altmannaltmann Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Why am I posting it? because i'm both shocked and awed by it. On the one hand, this dude fits in perfectly at PAX because, lets face it. We're all nerds here!

    On the other hand.


    That's it.


    altmann on
    Imperator of the Gigahorse Jockeys.

    "Oh what a day, what a LOVELY DAY!"

  • jenellejenelle Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    I beat 125 people at tetris.

    Then I ate a bad sammich from Safeway that made me feel sick for the rest of the weekend :(

    jenelle on
  • SolarianWolfSolarianWolf Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    That's what you get for beating 125 people at Tetris. Heh.

    SolarianWolf on
    Reality is a binding fatality.
  • Raiden333Raiden333 Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Only at PAX can the conversation at an afterparty shift from inventing new obscene sex acts with hilarious names to how awesome the old Power Rangers was.

    Raiden333 on
  • DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
    edited August 2006
    Raiden333 wrote:
    Only at PAX can the conversation at an afterparty shift from inventing new obscene sex acts with hilarious names to how awesome the old Power Rangers was.

    That is so true.

    Unknown User on
  • TomExMachinaTomExMachina Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Eyes5 wrote:
    Another time I was hit on was during the late night Smash Bros party in the Hilton. Some guy walks in and says, "HOLY CRAP, an Asian chick!" I say "Yes, my name is Asian chick." He says. "Are you legal?" I say "Yes, I'm legal." He says "You wanna go for a drink?" And I say, "I don't drink." And that seemed to completely confuse him cuz he just stopped.

    Holy shit!

    Sorry about that...

    TomExMachina on
  • DocDoc Registered User, ClubPA regular
    edited August 2006
    Eyes5 wrote:
    Another time I was hit on was during the late night Smash Bros party in the Hilton. Some guy walks in and says, "HOLY CRAP, an Asian chick!" I say "Yes, my name is Asian chick." He says. "Are you legal?" I say "Yes, I'm legal." He says "You wanna go for a drink?" And I say, "I don't drink." And that seemed to completely confuse him cuz he just stopped.

    I was there, too!

    I wasn't hitting on you, though.
    I hope you thought I was a gentleman.

    Doc on
  • TomExMachinaTomExMachina Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Doc wrote:
    Eyes5 wrote:
    Another time I was hit on was during the late night Smash Bros party in the Hilton. Some guy walks in and says, "HOLY CRAP, an Asian chick!" I say "Yes, my name is Asian chick." He says. "Are you legal?" I say "Yes, I'm legal." He says "You wanna go for a drink?" And I say, "I don't drink." And that seemed to completely confuse him cuz he just stopped.

    I was there, too!

    I wasn't hitting on you, though.
    I hope you thought I was a gentleman.

    To be fair, I wasn't hitting on her...

    I was just suprised an asian girl was there is all.

    I invited everyone for drinks.

    TomExMachina on
  • DewarDewar Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Doc wrote:
    Eyes5 wrote:
    Another time I was hit on was during the late night Smash Bros party in the Hilton. Some guy walks in and says, "HOLY CRAP, an Asian chick!" I say "Yes, my name is Asian chick." He says. "Are you legal?" I say "Yes, I'm legal." He says "You wanna go for a drink?" And I say, "I don't drink." And that seemed to completely confuse him cuz he just stopped.

    I was there, too!

    I wasn't hitting on you, though.
    I hope you thought I was a gentleman.

    To be fair, I wasn't hitting on her...

    I was just suprised an asian girl was there is all.

    I invited everyone for drinks.

    Damn, I must have missed you. I could have used more drinks.

    Though my bank account probably disagrees

    Dewar on
    ^This is like the ball pit at Chuck E Cheese's^
  • AccalonAccalon Registered User regular
    edited August 2006
    Raiden333 wrote:
    leaf wrote:
    I could tell stories, but then I'm reminded of something one in our group had said.

    "What happens in seattle, stays in seattle." We had quite an awsome and interesting time, I can't wait for next year. I did find the talks of male washroom etiquette very funny however.

    During the Saturday night concert, I distinctly heard a shout in the middle of a packed bathroom: "Every time you piss and shit on the seats, God creates a furry."

    Everybody was stoic for like 5 seconds, then there was much laughter.

    I WAS IN THAT BATHROOM! ... I just stared at the wall behind the urinal.. then muttered... "WTF?!?!"

    Accalon on
    PAX 2007 Omegathon Champeen

    *Proud member of the Photoshop Heroes*
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