Man, that horse meat story. Some guy here in Sweden is outraged because he wasn't allowed to buy the food with horse meat... so he could give it to the poor.
"We don't know how this meat was produced and it might be shot full of steroids and horse medicine and shit that's harmful to humans. We can't sell it because of that. Let's feed it to the poor!"
The Food Standards Agency here had a bit of difficulty with that too. Soon after the story broke they went on record as saying it was safe to consume, until it was pointed out that given the provenance of the meat is entirely unknown, they might want to rethink that position somewhat.
Considering how many drugs cattle is jacked up on, I think the horse might actually be safer
Current working theory is that this has happened as a result of Romania suddenly severely restricting the use of horses on its roads.
So, a lot of working animals are suddenly surplus to requirements and it is probably those that are being fraudulently sold as beef carcasses.
UK beef is extremely traceable. Following the BSE thing you can generally trace farm, herd, and individual animal right up to point of sale, so it seems to be coming as a bit of a shock to the UK authorities that there is practically no traceability of beef originating from the wider EU.
I thought my middle school magic show went pretty well but I was disappointed by the lukewarm reaction to the disappearing water trick. Did I screw it up somehow? Because I thought that trick was pretty damn fantastic.
The crowd was suitably wowed by the disappearing stamp trick though.
I thought my middle school magic show went pretty well but I was disappointed by the lukewarm reaction to the disappearing water trick. Did I screw it up somehow? Because I thought that trick was pretty damn fantastic.
if i were you, i'd make the pencil disappear
Powerpuppiesdrinking coffee in themountain cabinRegistered Userregular
my fiancee showed me this article this morning and i thought it was nice to have substantial numbers behind a thing that every woman who plays video games has anecdotal experience with:
I am so excited to be stuck in the middle seat for six hours you guys.
Fatty on the right smothering you with her spare jelly rolls. Terminally airsick, chatty motherfucker on the left who has showered before the Berlin wall came down.
Homogeneous distribution of your varieties of amuse-gueule
I will ask my friends they have been there at lot. Also this place needs to get people who don't take awful pictures if they want a gallery on their website.
Current working theory is that this has happened as a result of Romania suddenly severely restricting the use of horses on its roads.
So, a lot of working animals are suddenly surplus to requirements and it is probably those that are being fraudulently sold as beef carcasses.
UK beef is extremely traceable. Following the BSE thing you can generally trace farm, herd, and individual animal right up to point of sale, so it seems to be coming as a bit of a shock to the UK authorities that there is practically no traceability of beef originating from the wider EU.
Hee Hee Hee
--LeVar Burton
i am the dreaded cupiru
I did get get a couple "he is good at magic" notes though
The crowd was suitably wowed by the disappearing stamp trick though.
Quiver: 5
You've fired: 78
You've been hit: 127
Votes cast: 65
Times Desired: 25
Highest priority: Sarksus (8)
Lowest priority: Deebaser (1)
Shooter breakdown (people who shot you):
radroadkill (17)
Powerpuppies (8)
BeNarwhal (8)
Gooey (6)
Silas Brown (5)
saint2e (4)
shalmelo (4)
Evil Multifarious (4)
Shazkar Shadowstorm (4)
Cinders (3)
Hakkekage (3)
Organichu (3)
Regina Fong (3)
PantsB (3)
MentalExercise (3)
Deebaser (3)
desc (3)
So It Goes (2)
Fuzzy Cumulonimbus Cloud (2)
Dunadan019 (2)
Thanatos (2)
Elldren (2)
OnTheLastCastle (2)
TTODewback (2)
Solomaxwell6 (2)
Donkey Kong (2)
tapeslinger (2)
Thomamelas (2)
TL DR (2)
Dark Raven X (1)
spool32 (1)
Vanguard (1)
Richy (1)
Ravenhpltc24 (1)
Tarranon (1)
syndalis (1)
Dread Pirate Arbuthnot (1)
Quid (1)
Honk (1)
RMS Oceanic (1)
wandering (1)
Couscous (1)
Casual Eddy (1)
Caveman Paws (1)
Frosteey (1)
DasUberEdward (1)
Pony (1)
Gosling (1)
I've heard of Rust/Rent and of course Elldren/Elendil, but I don't think I've ever seen someone confuse Echo and Elki
What does one wear salsa dancing? I was thinking this.
PM Geth with "extended statistics"
do you have something you want to tell quid
how's shit
Biz cas.
Nothing wrong with that!
I actually kind of feel weird about saying stuff like that. Because it is fun to joke about but also shouldn't be a thing people care about.
Are we talking East Coast business casual? Because in Denver that is jeans and maybe a polo shirt.
p ok
i start a new job in a couple weeks (tech support for an ISP)
my health's been kinda shit but what can you do
I'd love to stay and chat but I'm already running a bit late.
I gotta go be a bouncer! I'm gonna be just like you when I grow up!
Not sure it's what I want in wine.
EC. I'm sure there'll be plenty of jeans there, but salsa dancers tend to be dressier than average, depending on the venue.
i bought a bottle of bubbly red on a whim
horrible and sweeeeet
Yeah here is the place.
I will ask my friends they have been there at lot. Also this place needs to get people who don't take awful pictures if they want a gallery on their website.
chook is a really good bubbly red from Australia
Message Geth with "expanded statistics"