miaAusaGOD Gamer Of DatersValhallaRegistered Userregular
I love gabe's live streams he's been streaming this game latley fun to watch tycho was in it tonight too, gotta love the pay to win refercence in the final panel made me laugh
Warframe. A f2p game on Steam and PS4. It is not really pay to win but spending money can bypass a lot of the grind for materials used in constructing frames (your in game avatars with varying abilities) and weapons. Here Tycho is still in one of the free starter frames while Gabe has upgraded to a high end model by spending a little cash.
Reminds me of the strip for that XBLA ARPG that came out a few years ago. Crimson Alliance, I think?
In Gabe's defense, you pretty much have to spend real monies if you want anything other than the stuff you start with in Warframe =/
You really don't, but it will take some time to get the materials you need to get better stuff. If you have the patience, the only thing you have to spend real monies on are inventory slots.
Garry: I know you gentlemen have been through a lot, but when you find the time I'd rather not spend the rest of the winter TIED TO THIS FUCKING COUCH!
The default head for that frame looks like a Chicken's crest. It also sets things on fire alot.
I like to pretend I'm the angry spirit of a KFC chicken getting revenge.
I don't recognise the warframe. But it can't be Ember (Miss KFC), because her warframe looks nothing like that.
"The western world sips from a poisonous cocktail: Polarisation, populism, protectionism and post-truth"
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
I tried Warframe on my PS4, and I wasn't impressed. People said it was like the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, which I guess it kind of is. But it was way less intense, and after only a few matches, I could see that the amount of grinding required was going to be insane. It didn't immediately grip me, and their scale was definitely skewed in the direction of forcing you to pay money to get the good stuff.
Yep. The beautiful thing about Warframes monetizing is that it strikes that balance where you can say "It's completely not necessary to spend this cash" and "But it would be nice if I did".
You get something like 50 platinum for free when you start. That's enough for another warframe slot and a few more weapon slots. And really that's all you need.
Especially these days when you can trade away mods and stuff in exchange for the platinum that other (more spendthrift players) bought and use that to get more warframe slots or even a few potatoes (the nickname used for Orokin Reactors and Orokin Catalysts. Items used to supercharge warframe and weaponry. They are available even if you don't spend any money, but you don't get nearly enough of them. At least not nearly enough catalysts).
"The western world sips from a poisonous cocktail: Polarisation, populism, protectionism and post-truth"
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
I tried Warframe on my PS4, and I wasn't impressed. People said it was like the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, which I guess it kind of is. But it was way less intense, and after only a few matches, I could see that the amount of grinding required was going to be insane. It didn't immediately grip me, and their scale was definitely skewed in the direction of forcing you to pay money to get the good stuff.
You don't have to pay monies to see the crazier frames and weapons, but the game itself really isnt that interesting for the amount of grinding you have to do otherwise.
Everyone has a price. Throw enough gold around and someone will risk disintegration.
I tried Warframe on my PS4, and I wasn't impressed. People said it was like the Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, which I guess it kind of is. But it was way less intense, and after only a few matches, I could see that the amount of grinding required was going to be insane. It didn't immediately grip me, and their scale was definitely skewed in the direction of forcing you to pay money to get the good stuff.
You don't have to pay monies to see the crazier frames and weapons, but the game itself really isnt that interesting for the amount of grinding you have to do otherwise.
The other issue is the game is pure cake, i.e no challenge whatsoever, so, you grind against easy shit, get all your awesome stuff, then the "end game" content is all so abysmally easy its just no fun.
Props for accurately illustrating the Traditional Tenno Entry Technique. My friends are of the opinion that they actually bring a vent cover along to drop on the deck, in case there isn't one.
We've also decided that there's another member of the clan, back at the dojo, whose sole job is to provide percussion over the comms during missions. (His name is Timpani, and his ways are mysterious.)
I never played a Mass Effect 3 mp match that wasn't full of some heart-pumping moments of challenge with a few dudes also engaged in the fun.
I never played a Warframe match that was anything but an unchallenging slog through enemies with three other players, two of which were afk or so far back as to be uninvolved.
plus it seemed like the matchmaker kept giving me groups with high level people who just wanted to farm. Which is fine and all, except that they seemed to want to either run past all the mobs or killed them before I saw them
hold your head high soldier, it ain't over yet
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
I'm having a blast in Warframe. It's not nearly as challenging as most of the games I usually get involved in (Monster Hunter, Dark Souls, platformers, etc.), but that's okay. It definitely scratches that "craft awesome things, then do awesome things with the things you crafted" itch. Along with the trading card collecting itch. Along with the Pokemon Snap "take pictures of everything" itch. It's just a fun game to dig into, but only if you can get past the first couple of planets. I've started a new character on a different account to see what it was like, and Mercury/Venus took a bit of time to get through (a few hours). Venus is where you can craft your new Warframe other than your starter frame, and that's a long time before you can see the light at the end of the newbie/tutorial tunnel.
It also depends on who you are grouping with. While grouping with friends is always fun, grouping with randoms in the game will sometimes pair you with an overgeared trailblazer or an undergeared leech who sits afk.
I never played a Mass Effect 3 mp match that wasn't full of some heart-pumping moments of challenge with a few dudes also engaged in the fun.
I never played a Warframe match that was anything but an unchallenging slog through enemies with three other players, two of which were afk or so far back as to be uninvolved.
That was the amazing thing about ME. You might win Geth/White/Gold 95% of the time, but it always felt like things were at various stages of going wrong until you sprinted to the extraction point (at which point some idiot died and things actually did go wrong).
The closest Warframe comes to ME3 multi is in survival missions, IMO. In most of the others, you're looking for a specific target and there simply aren't that many enemies to make it challenging unless you have shitty gear.
I also think the level sizes work against Warframe. Many are too big, with multiple vertical levels to scale as well as moving from point A to point B. Level length makes sense in some of the boss levels, and maybe in the void where you're literally going through the remnants of a dead society, but it feels a bit too much with most everything else. That run back through the level to get to the extraction point is kind of annoying.
Still, it's a fun game for me. Given how sparse the PS4 lineup is at the moment, I don't mind a grindy title, and robotic ninja exosuits are pretty cool no matter how you slice it. Even if the Excalibur looks like he's growing a penis out of his face with the default helmet.
Still, it's a fun game for me. Given how sparse the PS4 lineup is at the moment, I don't mind a grindy title, and robotic ninja exosuits are pretty cool no matter how you slice it. Especially if the Excalibur looks like he's growing a penis out of his face with the default helmet.
The thing that a lot of people seem to be missing is the fact that they are slowly introducing PvP, which I personally can't wait to see more of. Remember, this is Digital Extremes - They worked on Unreal up to the multiplayer for Halo 4. I expect big things to happen with this game, and could easily see it tripling (or more) its membership once it rolls out larger scale PvP.
Caulk Bite 6One of the multitude of Dans infesting this placeRegistered Userregular
Warframe. A f2p game on Steam and PS4. It is not really pay to win but spending money can bypass a lot of the grind for materials used in constructing frames (your in game avatars with varying abilities) and weapons. Here Tycho is still in one of the free starter frames while Gabe has upgraded to a high end model by spending a little cash.
I'd love for you to post in every comic thread, explaining the joke.
Warframe. A f2p game on Steam and PS4. It is not really pay to win but spending money can bypass a lot of the grind for materials used in constructing frames (your in game avatars with varying abilities) and weapons. Here Tycho is still in one of the free starter frames while Gabe has upgraded to a high end model by spending a little cash.
I'd love for you to post in every comic thread, explaining the joke.
Warframe. A f2p game on Steam and PS4. It is not really pay to win but spending money can bypass a lot of the grind for materials used in constructing frames (your in game avatars with varying abilities) and weapons. Here Tycho is still in one of the free starter frames while Gabe has upgraded to a high end model by spending a little cash.
I'd love for you to post in every comic thread, explaining the joke.
Edit edit: Wait, no, that's the tumblr that makes fun of the tumblr that explained xkcd by explaining the need to explain? Apparently the one I wanted to link is dead now, too.
Warframe is a co-op game, you're not competing against other players so there's no reason to be in a hurry. You get things just for playing that are better than what you can buy with platinum right off the bat, anyway. Get in a group, friends or maybe a clan, and launch the game every day if possible, for the sometimes awesome login rewards.
If you do decide to use some of your starting platinum, or buy some from the shop and use it, there are only even a few things worth buying. Warframe slots, 'potatoes' aka reactors and catalysts, sentinels (specifically Carrier), and the 75-platinum warframes since they come with a slot and a reactor included, which are 40p if bought on their own. Eventually maybe a couple weapon slots, but that's in the distant future when you've already leveled up to 30 and sold the merely acceptable and good weapons, and now have a couple truly special weapons deserving of a permanent place in your inventory.
Zoku Gojira on
"Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are." - Bertolt Brecht
Warframe. A f2p game on Steam and PS4. It is not really pay to win but spending money can bypass a lot of the grind for materials used in constructing frames (your in game avatars with varying abilities) and weapons. Here Tycho is still in one of the free starter frames while Gabe has upgraded to a high end model by spending a little cash.
I'd love for you to post in every comic thread, explaining the joke.
Edit edit: Wait, no, that's the tumblr that makes fun of the tumblr that explained xkcd by explaining the need to explain? Apparently the one I wanted to link is dead now, too.
This was way more complicated than I expected.
I am glad my little explanation brought you some joy and was the impetus for a humorous conversation itself. When I typed it up I was just trying to give some context but I suppose on review it does look like I was trying to explain the joke a bit.
There is a boss, the first boss you really see in the game, and more than once out of the times I’ve tried to grind him for components, he just… forgets to take damage. Or maybe he doesn’t feel like taking it, it’s not clear. Maybe he is tired of being ground for components. In any event, reasonable people would stop playing a game where bosses don’t take damage. I left that match, and then tried to play it again. It threw me back in the game I just left, with that chortling immortal still holding court.
Anyone want to tell Tycho that the first boss is invincible when he has that gold shield up?
The card game style inventory system looked really interesting to me. Third person shooter + collectible card game was an interesting mashup to me.
Cards have levels that are raised by investing other cards for a fee. Duplicate cards raise levels, but some cards are so rare that you generally are dumping in reactor cards.
The card game style inventory system looked really interesting to me. Third person shooter + collectible card game was an interesting mashup to me.
The cards are nice but ...
There was no system for easily equipping them. Once attached to 1 Frame, they have to be removed before being used on another.
In general, the UI for managing them is a pain. At least when I played (on the PC 6 months ago), maybe they have fixed those issues. Also, they don't have a lot of "cardness". Besides being card shaped in appearance, you don't play them, shuffle them, tap them, or group them into combos. They are just a way to use a pack buying metaphor. By the time I'd collected a few hundred of them, I really would have preferred a text list to pages of non-stacking cards.
Don't get me wrong, I played a lot of Warframe, I just didn't base my attraction to the game on liking CCGs.
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Strip Search Wastebasket of Broken Dreams App I made
In Gabe's defense, you pretty much have to spend real monies if you want anything other than the stuff you start with in Warframe =/
The default head for that frame looks like a Chicken's crest. It also sets things on fire alot.
I like to pretend I'm the angry spirit of a KFC chicken getting revenge.
You really don't, but it will take some time to get the materials you need to get better stuff. If you have the patience, the only thing you have to spend real monies on are inventory slots.
I don't recognise the warframe. But it can't be Ember (Miss KFC), because her warframe looks nothing like that.
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
Nah, you really don't. The Excalibur is a perfectly serviceable frame and Slash Dash abuse can carry you through the early stages quite easily.
Edit: Don't bother guessing what frame Gabe is using. It does not exist.
White FC: 0819 3350 1787
You get something like 50 platinum for free when you start. That's enough for another warframe slot and a few more weapon slots. And really that's all you need.
Especially these days when you can trade away mods and stuff in exchange for the platinum that other (more spendthrift players) bought and use that to get more warframe slots or even a few potatoes (the nickname used for Orokin Reactors and Orokin Catalysts. Items used to supercharge warframe and weaponry. They are available even if you don't spend any money, but you don't get nearly enough of them. At least not nearly enough catalysts).
-Antje Jackelén, Archbishop of the Church of Sweden
You don't have to pay monies to see the crazier frames and weapons, but the game itself really isnt that interesting for the amount of grinding you have to do otherwise.
We've also decided that there's another member of the clan, back at the dojo, whose sole job is to provide percussion over the comms during missions. (His name is Timpani, and his ways are mysterious.)
I was judging more from the colour scheme but you're probably right.
Also Warframe was the most disapointing game for me last year. I wanted so much more out of it than 'and now you play 3rd person shooter and grind'.
I never played a Warframe match that was anything but an unchallenging slog through enemies with three other players, two of which were afk or so far back as to be uninvolved.
plus it seemed like the matchmaker kept giving me groups with high level people who just wanted to farm. Which is fine and all, except that they seemed to want to either run past all the mobs or killed them before I saw them
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
And that's all I have to say about this comic.
It also depends on who you are grouping with. While grouping with friends is always fun, grouping with randoms in the game will sometimes pair you with an overgeared trailblazer or an undergeared leech who sits afk.
MHWilds ID: JF9LL8L3
MHWilds ID: JF9LL8L3
That was the amazing thing about ME. You might win Geth/White/Gold 95% of the time, but it always felt like things were at various stages of going wrong until you sprinted to the extraction point (at which point some idiot died and things actually did go wrong).
Warframe is chunk through guys till you don't. Then stop and step back to farm a bit.
I also think the level sizes work against Warframe. Many are too big, with multiple vertical levels to scale as well as moving from point A to point B. Level length makes sense in some of the boss levels, and maybe in the void where you're literally going through the remnants of a dead society, but it feels a bit too much with most everything else. That run back through the level to get to the extraction point is kind of annoying.
Still, it's a fun game for me. Given how sparse the PS4 lineup is at the moment, I don't mind a grindy title, and robotic ninja exosuits are pretty cool no matter how you slice it. Even if the Excalibur looks like he's growing a penis out of his face with the default helmet.
MHWilds ID: JF9LL8L3
I'd love for you to post in every comic thread, explaining the joke.
I've no idea why but it made me laugh.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
Reminds me a little bit of Marmaduke Explained.
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
Or xkcd explained?
Edit: Wait, that's the one that ACTUALLY explains it. I meant the tumblr that makes fun of the need for explaining it.
Edit edit: Wait, no, that's the tumblr that makes fun of the tumblr that explained xkcd by explaining the need to explain? Apparently the one I wanted to link is dead now, too.
This was way more complicated than I expected.
If you do decide to use some of your starting platinum, or buy some from the shop and use it, there are only even a few things worth buying. Warframe slots, 'potatoes' aka reactors and catalysts, sentinels (specifically Carrier), and the 75-platinum warframes since they come with a slot and a reactor included, which are 40p if bought on their own. Eventually maybe a couple weapon slots, but that's in the distant future when you've already leveled up to 30 and sold the merely acceptable and good weapons, and now have a couple truly special weapons deserving of a permanent place in your inventory.
I am glad my little explanation brought you some joy and was the impetus for a humorous conversation itself. When I typed it up I was just trying to give some context but I suppose on review it does look like I was trying to explain the joke a bit.
Anyone want to tell Tycho that the first boss is invincible when he has that gold shield up?
Cards have levels that are raised by investing other cards for a fee. Duplicate cards raise levels, but some cards are so rare that you generally are dumping in reactor cards.
There was no system for easily equipping them. Once attached to 1 Frame, they have to be removed before being used on another.
In general, the UI for managing them is a pain. At least when I played (on the PC 6 months ago), maybe they have fixed those issues. Also, they don't have a lot of "cardness". Besides being card shaped in appearance, you don't play them, shuffle them, tap them, or group them into combos. They are just a way to use a pack buying metaphor. By the time I'd collected a few hundred of them, I really would have preferred a text list to pages of non-stacking cards.
Don't get me wrong, I played a lot of Warframe, I just didn't base my attraction to the game on liking CCGs.