
MOBA: I feel the need. The need to feed.



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    TheySlashThemTheySlashThem Registered User regular

    all gods free to everyone this weekend

    at this point I think they're just trying different weekend promotions and seeing how people respond

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    Sir Headless VIISir Headless VII Registered User regular
    That Alliance vs SK game was awful. It won me a bunch of fantasy points but after 20 minutes both teams just did nothing until they wandered into a situation where someone was out of position.

    Steam - Backpack - Bnet: SirHeadless #1154
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    DranythDranyth Surf ColoradoRegistered User regular
    Or to just get people hooked on the god pack.

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    MarthMarth Registered User regular
    Maybe I'll Smite this weekend. Maybe.


    Steam PSN LoL: SadSchaub Battle.net: SadSchaub#1357
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    FlatEricFlatEric Leaves from the vine, Falling so slow Like fragile, tiny shells, Drifting in the foamRegistered User regular
    Anyone else feel like Janus would work better with his kit rebalanced as a support? The main draw of his character is portals, but his ability to put them down at all is limited to one every 15 seconds. The portal aspect on his ult is novel, but it has this absurd amount of damage tacked on. It places it in this strange spot of forcing the player to decide if they want to burn it for the utility, or instead try to hit an opponent (made difficult by the crazy windup). It feels like HiRez decided he was going to be a mage, and gave his skills damage to bring him to that level.

    What if instead, though, he were restructured as support?
    • Cut his portal CD in half, otherwise unchanged
    • Remove all damage from his ult
    • Make ult portals truly bi-directional, allowing anyone to travel back and forth through any pair once
    Not sure what to do about his 2, perhaps cut the damage. It just seems like he could be a really fun team-based utility support rather than a mage with some difficult-to-hit damaging spells

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    NikolaiNikolai SSSSSSSSSSS Registered User regular
    I just made a yasuo rage quit 6 minutes in after picking up 3 kills on him with top morde.

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    NikolaiNikolai SSSSSSSSSSS Registered User regular
    it was more like ten but the last kill was a double when olaf tried to gank when I had my ult up.

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    NikolaiNikolai SSSSSSSSSSS Registered User regular
    I've been hankering to play some Hades recenetly.

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    Sir Headless VIISir Headless VII Registered User regular
    All taric is the dumbest most outrageous thing.

    Steam - Backpack - Bnet: SirHeadless #1154
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    eddizhereeddizhere Scrubber Than A Sponge Scrubtown, USARegistered User regular
    it's truly truly truly truly truly outrageous

    League of Legends: Plutoniumwombat
    Smite: Plutoniumwombat
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    DranythDranyth Surf ColoradoRegistered User regular
    Well, this Smite patch definitely shook up the meta... Semi final match of The Game Changers vs. Dignitas had a first pick Sobek while Hercules was still on the board.

    And even beyond that, the teams are, TGC - Sobek (support), Hercules (solo), Artemis (hunter), Bakasura (jungle) and Zhong Kui (mid); Dig - Agni (mid), Ullr (hunter), Geb (support), He Bo (solo) and Bastet (jungle). Should be interesting...

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    DranythDranyth Surf ColoradoRegistered User regular
    edited May 2014
    Cog just lost to 5 Angry Men in one half of the semi-finals. Dig was very close to losing to The Game Changers, it looks like they might've gotten it back under control, but their mid player just DC'd and they're using all of their pause time to try to wait for him... looking at a 10 minute pause right now.

    First time in a long time that the NA grand final hasn't been a combination of Dig, Cog and Snipe, I believe. And if Dig isn't able to finish this, it'll be the first time ever I think that none of Dig, Cog or Snipe has made it into the grand finals during the qualifiers.

    Edit: Dig's mid laner was able to reconnect, the 5v5 continues.

    Dranyth on
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    TheySlashThemTheySlashThem Registered User regular
    connection issues are unfortunate, but I'm glad to hear about pro scene shakeups

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    DranythDranyth Surf ColoradoRegistered User regular
    And Dig finishes despite a valiant base defense by TGC... they lost all phoenixes and while they were holding Dig off, fire minions got the Titan down below half, then Dig rushed in and finished it. So, grand final is now set between Dig and 5 Angry Men, which should be interesting as 5AM have a slight roster shake-up they lost their usual support and gained DJPernicus formerly of Down 2 Frag. It seems to be a pretty good combination since 5AM took out both Snipe and Cog. I'd say they might have a chance against Dig.

    Seeing some picks that haven't come out in a while this week as well, like Mercury. Hercules, despite being seen as extremely good since the nerf to Warriors in general, has a 0% win rate today. Zhong Kui also hadn't been seen much for weeks, has seen a resurgence. Bastet doesn't seem too affected by the CC nerf, though she hasn't been 100% picked/banned. Hun Batz still seems strong, he might be at about 100% picked/banned today, I'd have to check all the other matches. Scylla seems to be banned constantly, which isn't terribly surprising after last week. I don't think she was nerfed at all, and Warriors are less tanky in general against her, so... yeah.

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    DranythDranyth Surf ColoradoRegistered User regular
    edited May 2014
    What even is this? 5AM - Kumbhakarna (support), Freya (hunter), Vamana (solo), Nemesis (jungle) and Zhong Kui (mid); Dig - Agni (mid), Ullr (hunter), Loki (jungle), He Bo (solo) and Athena (support).

    Dig is basically just team squish. They have a lot of damage, but they can be taken out so fast... not to mention, Dig's Agni mid last game was shut the fuck down entirely, he had lowest farm on the team, as mid. This should be a very interesting game/series.

    Edit: team squish wins game 1 of the finals. Dig did 20k more damage than 5AM. 5AM had the game under control for a bit but it started getting out of hand.

    Dranyth on
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    DranythDranyth Surf ColoradoRegistered User regular
    Game 2... pick/bans seems like it got a little out of control. 5AM chose second pick since they lost, so Dig banned Zhong Kui, Freya and Agni out, 5AM banned out Loki, Aphrodite and He Bo. So... Dig got Scylla as first pick. Dig also got Hun Batz, Athena, Artemis and Bakasura. 5AM grabbed Apollo, Kumbahkarna, Ra, Vamana and Osiris.

    So, Artemis/Athena vs. Apollo/Kumba, Scylla vs. Ra for mid, Bakasura vs. Vamana in solo which leaves Hun Batz and Osiris as the junglers. Casters are certainly excited by Osiris jungle, but man, I feel like 5AM might've already lost this match up in pick/bans.

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    NikolaiNikolai SSSSSSSSSSS Registered User regular
    I just had a mid ori go ballistic becuase I "ks'd" him as the jungler.

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    DranythDranyth Surf ColoradoRegistered User regular
    And Dig takes game 2 to win the finals. 5AM had a very strong mid game after sort of losing early game, but then threw the hell out of late game and Dig took over. Pretty great series though.

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    XehalusXehalus Registered User regular
    I went back to team builder from ranked to farm an ADC

    and holy shit I am wrecking

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    NikolaiNikolai SSSSSSSSSSS Registered User regular
    You can't stop lulu


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    XehalusXehalus Registered User regular
    edited June 2014
    bought Vayne as my first ADC ever

    only my 2nd game and I can feel the power flowing within me

    Xehalus on
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    CoinageCoinage Heaviside LayerRegistered User regular
    Xehalus wrote: »
    bought Vayne as my first ADC ever

    only my 2nd game and I can feel the power flowing within me
    Just wait until the jungler camps your lane.

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    SCREECH OF THE FARGSCREECH OF THE FARG #1 PARROTHEAD margaritavilleRegistered User regular
    i went 20-0-3 my first time ever playing riki, he's fun i guess

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    SLyMSLyM Registered User regular
    Riki was the reason I mained slardar back when I played dota

    My friend is working on a roguelike game you can play if you want to. (It has free demo)
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    101101 Registered User regular
    Riki is like the most fun hero to play when the enemy team is bad

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    XehalusXehalus Registered User regular
    nooo not Silver V

    I didn't feed

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    XehalusXehalus Registered User regular
    edited June 2014
    solo queue is destroying my soul

    Xehalus on
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    NikolaiNikolai SSSSSSSSSSS Registered User regular
    Xehalus wrote: »
    solo queue is destroying my soul
    That's ok buddy. I sat down over the weekend and began the long crawl out of bronze. Never solo q your placements.

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    XehalusXehalus Registered User regular
    bought Xin and 26 assists and a win later I am feeling it

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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    I'm sorry dweebs...Wildstar has me in its clutches right now.

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    TheySlashThemTheySlashThem Registered User regular
    edited June 2014
    we weren't even trying to invite you to smite! we've been playing warframe!

    TheySlashThem on
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    UrielUriel Registered User regular
    What is this Pentakill thing?

    Are these power metal songs about league of legends items?

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    StericaSterica Yes Registered User, Moderator mod
    we weren't even trying to invite you to smite! we've been playing warframe!
    Well I wouldn't play that even if I wasn't hooked on Wildstar!

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    Kevin CristKevin Crist I make the devil hit his knees and say the 'our father'Registered User regular
    Uriel wrote: »
    What is this Pentakill thing?

    Are these power metal songs about league of legends items?

    Some LoL characters have heavy metal inspired skins and Riot made some lore about them making music together.

    Steam: YOU FACE JARAXXUS| Twitch.tv: CainLoveless
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    UrielUriel Registered User regular
    This music is somehow more ridiculous than Symphony X.

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    Mr FuzzbuttMr Fuzzbutt Registered User regular
    So I decided to try out Thresh in a normal after having fun with him in an OFA game.

    Then this happened:

    broken image link
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    ChincymcchillaChincymcchilla Registered User regular
    we weren't even trying to invite you to smite! we've been playing warframe!
    Well I wouldn't play that even if I wasn't hooked on Wildstar!

    Warframe is fun!

    I kinda burnt out on it when it was still in beta but its a fun game

    Wonder what they've added since I quit

    I have a podcast about Power Rangers:Teenagers With Attitude | TWA Facebook Group
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    GriswoldGriswold that's rough, buddyRegistered User regular
    edited June 2014
    I beat Drybear in a League Conquest match

    What do I win

    EDIT: they had an Arachne, so it doesn't really count

    Griswold on
    FFXIV: Brick Shizzhouse - Zalera (Crystal)
    Path of Exile: snowcrash7
    MTG Arena: Snow_Crash#34179
    Battle.net: Snowcrash#1873
This discussion has been closed.